

(Synonyms: NÆvus Vasculosus; NÆvus Sanguineus.)

Give a definition of angioma.

Angioma is a congenital hypertrophy of the vascular tissues of the corium and subcutaneous tissue. Exceptionally it makes its appearance a few weeks or a month after birth.

Into what two classes may angiomata be roughly grouped?

The flat (or non-elevated) and the prominent (or elevated).

Describe the flat, or non-elevated, variety of angioma.

The flat, or non-elevated, angioma (nÆvus flammeus, nÆvus simplex, angioma simplex, capillary nÆvus) may be pin-head- to bean-sized; or it may involve an area of several inches in diameter, and, exceptionally, a whole region. It is of a bright- or dark-red color, and is met with most frequently about the face. In some instances it extends after birth, reaches a certain size and then remains stationary; occasionally, when involving a small area, it undergoes involution and disappears.

The so-called port-wine mark is included in this group.

Describe the prominent, or elevated, variety of angioma.

The prominent variety (venous noevus, angioma cavernosum, noevus tuberosus) is variously-sized, often considerably elevated, clearly-defined, compressible, smooth or lobulated, and of a dark, purple color; it may, also, be erectile and pulsating. The growth is usually a single formation, and is met with upon all parts of the body.

What is the pathology of angioma?

It is a new growth, consisting of a variable hypertrophy of the cutaneous and subcutaneous arterial and venous bloodvessels, with or without an increase of the connective tissue.

Give the treatment of angioma.

In some instances, especially in infants, painting the parts repeatedly with collodion or liquor plumbi subacetatis will act favorably. For well-established, small, capillary nÆvi electrolysis or puncturing with a red-hot needle or with a needle charged with nitric acid may be employed; for “port-wine mark” frequent and closely contiguous electrolytic punctures are occasionally followed by a slight diminution in color. For the prominent growths, vaccination, the ligature, puncturing with the galvano-cautery, and excision are variously resorted to.

In recent years applications of liquid air and carbon dioxide have proved of service in some cases.


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