PART I With the Outgoing Tide | I. | “They That Go Out in Ships” | 15 | II. | The Price They Pay | 34 | III. | A Murderer, Mary and an Honorary Degree | 46 | IV. | Reflex Influences | 62 | V. | Our Critics | 77 | VI. | The Doctor of the Kopanicze | 93 | VII. | “Moschele Amerikansky” | 102 | VIII. | “Noch ist Polen Nicht Verloren” | 112 | IX. | The Disciples in the Carpathians | 124 | X. | The Guslar of Ragusa | 138 | XI. | Where the Angel Dropped the Stones | 152 | XII. | “The Hole From Which Ye Were Digged” | 165 | PART II With the Incoming Tide | XIII. | Problems of the Tide | 185 | XIV. | The Slav in the Immigrant Problem | 203 | XV. | The Slav in Historic Christianity | 215 | XVI. | From Ephrata to Whiskey Hill | 227 | XVII. | From the Lovczin to Guinea Hill | 242 | XVIII. | The Jew and the Christian | 259 | XIX. | The Jew in the Immigrant Problem | 276 | XX. | From Fifth Avenue to the Ghetto | 290 | XXI. | From Lake Skutari to Lake Chautauqua | 300 | XXII. | The Protestant Church and the Immigrant | 311 |
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