I. By Way of Introduction 9
II. The Beginning of the Trail 16
III. The Fellowship of the Steerage 30
IV. Land, Ho! 48
V. At the Gateway 64
VI. “The Man at the Gate” 78
VII. The German in America 94
VIII. The Scandinavian Immigrant 112
IX. The Jew in His Old World Home 126
X. The New Exodus 143
XI. In the Ghettos of New York 154
XII. The Slavs at Home 179
XIII. The Slavic Invasion 198
XIV. Drifting with the “Hunkies” 213
XV. The Bohemian Immigrant 225
XVI. Little Hungary 238
XVII. The Italian at Home 252
XVIII. The Italian in America 262
XIX. Where Greek Meets Greek 282
XX. The New American and the New Problem 292
XXI. The New American and Old Problems 309
XXII. Religion and Politics 321
XXIII. Birds of Passage 334
XXIV. In the Second Cabin 347
XXV. Au Revoir

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