I. | The Herr Director Meets The American Spirit | 15 | II. | Our National Creed | 35 | III. | The Spirit Out-of-Doors | 58 | IV. | The Spirit at Lake Mohonk | 74 | V. | Lobster and Mince Pie | 92 | VI. | The Herr Director and The “Missoury” Spirit | 112 | VII. | The Herr Director and the College Spirit | 129 | VIII. | The Russian Soul and the American Spirit | 147 | IX. | Chicago | 166 | X. | Where the Spirit is Young | 184 | XI. | The American Spirit Among The Mormons | 199 | XII. | The California Confession Of Faith | 216 | XIII. | The Grinnell Spirit | 237 | XIV. | The Commencement and The End | 249 | XV. | The Challenge of the American Spirit | 262 |