Some of them were where some others of them were. Some of them were where no others of them were. One of them was where not any other of them, of that kind of them, had been, and it was a thing that was important to any one to have seen that one, to have heard that one. It would have been discouraging to see more of them. It was disillusioning to go to the place where there were many of them. If there were many of them then there were more than one. If there were more than one then there were many of them and if there were many of them one could know any one of them and if one knew any one of them one knew all of them. And if one knew all of them then one would be beginning again, one would be beginning knowing them. One would be beginning knowing that kind of them. There are enough of them and most of them are where the others of them are. There are enough of them but certainly not too many of them, certainly not, too many of them. There are many of them and most of them are where the others of them are. They have a way of doing what they are doing, they have a way of not doing what they are not doing. They have a way of having some feeling about them that they are ones doing what they are doing in the way that is a thing satisfying the desire of having anybody do anything. They are ones that give to some feeling them a feeling of knowing that they will not do in a way that is satisfying anything they are doing. They are ones talking, they are ones doing something, they are ones waiting quickly waiting very quickly waiting for anything to be happening and easily going on with waiting, with waiting for anything to happen, to not happen again. They are ones talking There are not too many of them. They have something growing on them, some of them, a good many of them, and certainly very many others would not be wanting such things to be growing out of them that is to say growing on them. It makes them, those having such things, makes them elegant and charming, makes them ugly and disgusting, makes them clean looking and sleek and rich and dark, makes them dirty looking and fierce and annoying. They are not peculiar ones these, they are very many of them, they are a kind of them, they are natural ones for any one to be knowing, there are many kinds of this kind of them. They are talking, often talking and they are doing things with pieces of them while they are talking and they are then sounding like something, they are then certainly sounding in a way that is a way that is a natural way for them to be sounding, they are having noise come out of them in a natural way for them to have noise come out of them. There are very many of them, not at all too many of them. Very many hear them, quite enough hear them. There are not too many of them not at all too many of them, they are talking, they are moving their fingers and their arms and their hands then and they have noises coming out of them and some are hearing them, quite a number hear them and some like them, very many like them, very many tell about liking them, some do not like them, some tell about not liking them. There are very many of one kind of them and they are not all the same, certainly not all the same. They are in a way the same and yet not so much so that some of them are not altogether like some who are not at all of that kind of them. When there are very many of them together they are more like each other, they are and they seem to be and that is natural. They are, that is natural because they are together. They seem to be, and that is natural because what is in one is carried over to the other one by it being in the feeling of the one looking at the one and then at the other one. There are a good many of that kind of them and it is a good thing, certainly it is not a bad thing. Certainly not any one is really objecting to their being ones being existing. They are ones who are being living and then they go on being living and some of them are not then being living, and they like it being living and they can bear it to be not being living. It is not a sad thing that they are not being living those who are not being living. It is not a sad thing that they are being living those who are being living. It is a gentle thing. It is a lively enough thing. It is a pleasant enough thing. It is an important enough thing. There are very many of them who are not any longer being living. It is an accepted thing. It is a quiet thing. It is a pleasant thing. It is It is a kind of them who are existing who are ones very many are visiting. Very many always have been visiting them. Very many are going on visiting them and that is a natural thing. They will do something and they do do things and they will offer to do something and they will then not be surprised if they are not succeeding. They will expect something and they are surprised if they are not succeeding and some of them are surprised and are quick then and some of them are surprised and are slow then and they are surprised and really then being surprised is not existing in them, really not, they are not surprised that they have not been succeeding. Certainly some of them are surprised if they are not succeeding but certainly being alike all of them is in not being surprised that they are not succeeding. There are very many of them. And they are alike, all of them. Certainly they are not alike all of them. Certainly not. They are certainly not alike all of them. They are alike all of them. They are expecting something, they are doing some things, they are offering some things. They are not surprised that they are not succeeding. It is not a melancholy thing being one of them. It is not an interesting thing being one of them. It is not an exciting thing being one of them, it is not an important thing being all of them. It is an important enough thing being all of them. It is a pleasant thing being with them. It is not a pleasant thing expecting anything from them. It is not a disconcerting thing expecting anything from them. It is an agreeable thing knowing about them. They are certainly ones deciding something. They are certainly ones expecting anything. They are certainly ones not despairing in being ones being living. They are certainly ones not certain that they will be expecting anything. They are certainly ones deciding something. They are not ones deciding that they will be ones expecting something. They are not ones despairing. They are ones expecting something. They are ones deciding something. They are ones not deciding that they will be expecting something. They are ones not certain that they will be expecting something. It is a pleasant thing to be living among them. They are not interested in this thing. They are not at all interested in this thing. They are smiling. They are not interested in this thing. They are expecting something. They are interested in this thing. They are not certain they will be expecting something. They are feeling this thing. They are then deciding something. They like being living. They are not interested in this thing. They are quickly being existing. They are interested in this thing. They have been existing. They are not interested in this thing. They are going on being living. They are not interested in this thing. They are deciding something. They are not interested in that thing. They are doing something, they are going to be doing something. They are interested in that thing. They are going to be doing some other thing. They are interested in that thing. They are quicker than others who are There are a good many of them. They are certainly different one from the other of them, quite different one from the other one of them and this is quite a troublesome thing and quite not an interesting thing to some. There are quite enough of them. They are certainly each one of them quite different from the others of them. There are some of them like others of them. This is a pleasant thing to some. There are some who are like others of them and some of such of them are ones who are completely being that thing being a kind of one which is a kind of one that is one giving to some a feeling of being an arranged one that is in the whole of them a thing not exciting, not disconcerting, that is a thing that is a thing that is growing in a certain arrangement that is a solid, unexciting, definite, beautiful enough thing, that is a thing that is something that each one being that one is in some way knowing, that is a thing that some are admiring, that is a thing that is not intensely interesting any one, that is a thing that is a beautiful thing in being a beautiful kind of existing thing, that is a thing that is a very agreeable thing and one is liking and one is noticing that thing. If some of them were different, not so very different, they would not be so willing to go on being living. If some of them were different and not so very different they would be certain to be expecting something. If some of them were different, quite a little different they would be winning something. If some of them were different, not really different, they would be quite certain not to go on being living. If some of them were different, just a little different they would be doing something that would be making some other one decide something. If some of them were certain that they would go on being living, they would decide something. And really they are certain, in a way completely certain, all of them, that they are going on living, that not any one is going on living. They are all of them quite certain that every one who is not coming to be a dead one is going on being living. They are all of them quite certain of this thing. They are all of them in a way always saying such a thing. They are all of them in a way patient with this thing. They are all of them certain that not any one is going on being living. They are all of them quite patient with this thing. They are, very many of them, very lively in this thing. They are, very many of them quite quick in remembering, quite quick in not living in this thing. They When they are young they are quicker than when they are old. When they are quite young they are very much quicker than when they are old. When they are young they are quicker than when they are old but not really quicker, they are not slow when they are old. When they are very young they are very much quicker than when they are older. They are quicker when they are young, when they are very young, when they are old than it is ever natural for them, for any one to think them. And certainly this is a very natural thing, a very natural thing. They are quick and certainly they have very much time to be quick in, and they are using very much time for this thing. And certainly any one can know this thing that they are using very much time, a great deal of time. They certainly have been, they certainly are using very much time, any one can know this thing, any of them can know this thing. Every one knows this thing, knows they are using very much time, that they are all of them using up very much time. Every one is naturally certain of this thing, that any of them, that all of them are using very much time. They are then quick ones, quicker when they are very young than when they are older, a little quicker when they are young than when they are old. There are quite enough of them. They are different enough each one of them from the others of them. They are different enough each one of them from the others of them and it is easy enough to know this thing to know that each of them are different enough from the others There are enough of them. There are not too many of them. There are quite enough of them. Each of them is quite different enough from the others of them. They do each one of them easily enough show this thing, quite easily show this thing that they are different enough each one of them from the others of them. In a way they are completely simply showing this thing that each one of them is different from the others of them, from any of the others of them. They can very simply be showing this thing and certainly then it is a thing to be pleasing to any one to be knowing that each one of them is different enough from any of the others of them and is simply enough showing this thing. Certainly any one can be completely showing this thing, any one of them, that they are different enough from any others of them and they are, any one of them, completely simply showing this thing. So then it is a pleasing thing, this thing, and again and again and again it is a pleasing thing, and certainly each one of them is showing such a thing, showing they are different enough from any other one of them, simply enough showing this thing. So then it is a simple enough thing, being different enough from any other of them, this then is a simple enough thing. In a way then it is a pleasing thing, certainly this thing is a pleasing thing, it is a simple enough thing, it is a pleasing enough thing. This thing, completely this thing, this thing a completely simple thing, a completely pleasing thing is a thing existing and certainly Being different enough from any other one is a simple enough thing in all of these of them and certainly very many are being completely content with this thing, with these being completely expressing this thing, with these having been completely expressing this thing. Some then are knowing that certainly this is completely pleasing, this thing, this being different enough from any other of them, this being simply enough in all of them and certainly then every one has been certain that such a thing has been completely pleasing. Certainly all of them and there certainly are enough of them and not too many of them and very many of them are each one different enough from any other one of them, and are simply enough such a thing are simply enough different enough and certainly such a thing is pleasing and certainly it is completely enough existing to make them being ones being, having been completely pleasing, and certainly having been completely expressing such a thing, being different enough each one of them, being simply enough such a thing, having been completely enough expressing such a thing, being so simply that thing different enough each one of them, has made then ones certainly having been completely pleasing, having been completely expressing a thing being completely pleasing. Certainly it is not a complicated thing, being different enough from any other one, being simply enough different enough and certainly these then are expressing this thing, and certainly this has been completely expressed by them, and they are expressing this thing. Some are needing that not any one is one some are not wondering about and then again and again finding that they are knowing everything that that one is ever doing. Very many are needing this thing and these then are ones being living and these then being ones being living are ones sometimes singing and sometimes making Many of them, any of them are ones that are completely not needing going on being living when they are ones any one is hearing. Many of them, any of them are almost not at all needing going on being living if any one has been listening. And certainly very many are listening, mostly all of them are listening, any of them are listening and so not any of them are needing to be going on being living. Certainly any one of them, all of them are different from any other one of them. Certainly all of them, any one of them, if any one has been listening to them are not needing then to be ones going on being living. Very many of them, almost all of them are listening. Very many of them, all of them are having again and again some hearing them, and so many of them, all of them are not needing to be ones going on being living, they are then not at all needing this thing needing being one going on being living. There are very many of them, certainly enough of them, certainly not too many of them. They certainly are not completely needing going on being living. Certainly they are not needing this thing if any one has been listening to them and certainly they are, all of them, listening and certainly then all of them have been having some listening to them and so then not any of them are needing are ever needing being one going on being living. There are certainly very many of them. Any of them are ones having some listening. Any of them are ones listening. There are very many of them. They are, each one of them different from any other one of them and that is a very simple thing and all of them are ones Being different each one from any other one of them and this being a completely simple thing, being each one of them not needing being one going on being living if any one has been listening and being all of them listening, and all of them being living is something that gives any one of them gives all of them a way of being one doing anything any one of them are doing so that any one can be quite certain that it is a thing that is being existing and again and again every one can be looking and again and again can be certain that that thing is a thing completely to be existing. A thing completely to be existing as certainly there is not any reason that it is not a thing completely existing, a thing completely existing as certainly every one can be certain again and again that being completely existing is a thing that thing is certainly being, being completely existing as any one can be certain to be content that any such a thing is completely existing, being completely existing as each one being existing and expecting anything being completely existing is content to be finding, that is certainly being living in all of them and in everything any of them are doing and in any way any of them are living, and in all the place they are all living. There are then enough of them being living and doing something and living somewhere and dying and being dead there. Certainly any of them can be expressing completely feeling anything so that they are almost doing anything. Certainly any of them are completely expressing feeling anything strongly enough to be then doing anything. Certainly all of them, certainly any of them, certainly completely some of them are expressing feeling anything, They all of them and there are quite a number of them, quite a good many of them, enough of them, are expressing, can be expressing feeling everything, feeling everything enough to be ones doing anything, to be ones almost doing everything. All of them are ones completely expressing feeling everything. All of them are ones expressing feeling anything. All of them are ones completely expressing feeling everything and all of them are ones completely expressing feeling anything. They could any kind of them be quite different from any other kind of them. They could any kind of them be quite like any other kind of them. They could any kind of them be quite different from any other kind of them. Any one could know this thing that any kind of them could be completely different from any other kind of them. Any one did know that thing, that any kind of them could be like any other kind of them. They were ones then being quite different some kinds from other kinds of them. They were ones then being very different in concentrating this thing in being quite different one kind of them from any other kind of them. They were then some kinds of them concentrating on being that kind of them. They were then some completely concentrating on being one kind of them. Some were completely concentrating upon their being different kinds of them. Some were completely concentrating on going on having been a kind of them. Some of them had been concentrating. Some were going to be concentrating. Any of them had been one concentrating on their being, all kinds of them, one kind of them. Any of them could be concentratedly coming to this thing that all of them could be any kind of them. All of them could be concentratedly coming to this thing that any of them were one kind of them. Some kinds of them had been concentrating and other kinds of them had been concentrating on being that kind of them. They were, they are, all of them their kind of them. They are all of them different kinds from other kinds of them. They are, any of them, one kind of them. They could, any of them, be ones doing something, be ones doing anything and they were doing it as if they were doing that thing and they were doing that thing. They are all of them doing something and any of them are doing that thing, completely doing that thing as if they are completely doing that thing, and they are completely doing that thing. That is interesting that they are ones doing something, that any of them are ones doing something. Any of them are ones doing something and any of them are completely doing that thing, they are, any one of them, completely doing that thing, as if they are completely doing that thing they are completely doing that thing. This is quite interesting. They are many of them completely different from any other one of them. They are, any of them, completely different from any other one of them, and this is a thing that not any one is finding interesting. It is a very simple a very easy thing that this is in them that any one of them is completely different from any other one of them. Any one of them can easily completely be that thing can easily complete being completely different from any other one. Any one of them can easily complete that thing complete being a different one from any other one. Any of them can easily do anything in being one being completely different from any other one, any of them can easily do something. They are each one being one and they are, enough of them, they are each one of them being one and any one can see by looking can see that they are different from any other one of them, that it is an easy thing this thing that Any one can see that there are very different sizes among them. Some of them are taller, are very tall and some of them are smaller, are exceedingly small. Any one can see this in them, they are, all of them are where any one can see them. Not all of them are always where any one can see them. Certainly all among them that are men are always where any one can see them, and they, all of them, stay where they are long enough so that any one can see them a very long time, and they are, all of them, there very often so that any one can see them again and again. They are, all of them, that is all of them that any one can always be seeing, that is any of them that are men, they are all of them being ones doing all their living in being ones being where any one can see them. Any one can see all of them, all of them that any one can see, any one can see all of them a long time and again and again and again. They are all of them ones that any one can be certain are ones that will not ever be doing anything. They are all of them ones that are ones not going to be doing anything to make any one certain that they would be afraid again if they were going on doing that thing. They are all of them ones not coming to be doing anything to make any one afraid to be one going to be left alone with all of them, with any of them. They are all of them ones quite certainly being such a one and any of them might have been one not being such a different one and certainly not any of them is one being a different one. All of them are ones that any one can remember are ones not doing anything to make any one afraid of them again. Any of them are ones being such a one, one that any one can remember, are ones not any one will be afraid of again. Any of them are ones completely interesting, completely pleasant in this thing. Any one of them are ones, all of them are ones being entirely interesting, completely pleasing in being this thing. They are all of them then one of them who are ones being completely pleasing, being completely interesting and this is to them not completely exciting, it is to them stimulating, it is to others not completely stimulating, it is to others quite satisfying. It is completely satisfying to any one that some one is one completing doing anything again. It is completely satisfying to every one that there are some who are ones who are completely doing everything again. These then are such ones are ones doing anything completely doing anything again and these are then ones satisfying any one. These are not ones satisfying every one, some are not wanting that these are ones being those who are ones doing a thing completely again. Any one is finding it satisfying that there are ones doing anything completely again. Some are not wanting that these, these who are doing anything completely again are the ones who are doing everything completely again. These are ones completely doing anything again. These are ones doing completely doing anything again. These were not always doing that thing completely doing everything again. These were then completely satisfying, these were then ones not doing everything completely again. These were then more than completely satisfying, they were then completely being that thing completely being ones certainly going on being ones completely satisfying, entirely completely satisfying anything. These were then not ones completely doing anything again. These are ones completely doing anything again. Completely doing anything again is something to satisfy Some in doing anything are learning to do that thing, Some in doing anything are doing that thing. Some in doing anything are going on doing that thing. Some in doing anything are doing that thing again. Some in doing anything are beginning doing that thing. These being ones doing anything are ones doing that thing and are ones then not learning doing that thing, not beginning doing that thing, not going on doing that thing, not remembering doing that thing, not doing that thing again, they are ones completely fully doing that thing, they are completely fully doing that thing at any time that they are doing anything that is that thing, at any time they are doing anything. These then are ones completely fully doing something, are completely fully always completely fully having something being done by them. These then are ones being ones having anything completely fully being done by them, are ones always having something being completely fully done by them. Some are certainly not believing this thing, not believing any such thing, some certainly never have been believing any such thing, some who have been who are completely knowing, certainly are not believing that all of them are ones completely doing, are ones having been ones completely doing something, anything, everything. Some are certainly not believing any such thing. Some have been ones completely loving that these are being existing, some are ones who have been ones almost completely living in being one completely loving that these are ones who are being existing. These then those who were almost completely living in being ones loving that these are ones being existing come then to be ones not loving that these are ones being existing come to be ones not regretting that these are ones being existing but are ones being almost entirely annoyed by such a thing by Some know very well that these are being existing, some know entirely that these have been existing. Some of both these kinds of them are completely living in that thing, in these being existing, in these having been existing. Very many know that these have been existing. Very many know that these are existing. These, these being existing are ones who have been existing are ones who are existing. These are ones who could be ones completely living in the thing that they have been existing. These are ones living in having been existing, these are ones living in being existing. These are ones completely living in having been existing and they are then completely living in being existing. They are ones completely liking this thing completely liking having been existing and completely living in that thing and are completely living in being existing and completely liking this thing. These are ones that are completely exciting in having been ones being living, are completely excited in this thing and are completely excited, excitement is completely in them in their being one being existing. These are ones completely existing in having been existing and are completely existing in being existing. These then can be ones that any one can be certain are ones that are completely being having been and being and this is something that certainly can be quite disgusting to some completely not liking that thing, can be something completely displeasing to some completely not liking that thing. These are ones liking being living. These are ones quite liking being living. These are ones quite needing being living. These are ones quite needing this thing quite needing being living. These are ones liking being living. They are ones going on doing this thing going on liking being living. These are ones quite liking doing They are liking this thing, liking being living and they are doing this thing they are being living and they are then not doing anything to be liking the thing to be liking being living. They are, all of them, being living, they are doing enough of this thing so that any other one will be doing that thing, so that there will be enough of them quite enough of them doing this thing, being living. There are always enough of them doing this thing, being living. There are always enough of them doing this thing enough so that there will be enough of them doing this thing, doing being living. They are liking this thing liking being living so that they can any of them be ones being this thing being one liking being living. They are ones liking being living, they are ones being such ones, all of them being such ones any of them are being such ones, each of them are being such ones, any of them are doing that thing are liking being living. Any one is such a one and is warmly that thing, is completely warmly one being living, one liking that thing. These are ones warmly being that thing, quite warmly, entirely warmly being that thing and certainly any other thing is a thing that can be too exciting, too wearing, too destroying. These then are ones warmly liking, entirely warmly liking being living and are being living and doing enough to have it that there are enough of them certainly enough of them being living. These then are ones almost needing being ones being living. They certainly are ones completely doing anything, they certainly are ones completely bringing any teaching to any needing any teaching to be themselves doing quite enough living to be always going to be enough of them to be warmly liking being living. |