
(Theodore.) I don't think it's my fault I don't think I could do it so unconsciously. I think she brings it in every morning.

(Nicholas.) I used to be hurried, now I imagine I will not be.

(Theodore.) It is not necessary to dance or sing. Let us sing that song. Let us call them their names Nicholas. Theodore we will. We are dishonored. We visit one another and say good-bye.

(Nicholas.) I do not like to be teased. It is so easy to kill mosquitoes but what is the use when we are discouraged by the war. We are so are the Japanese. We will never mention them.

(Theodore.) My principle idea is to eat my meals in peace.

They withdraw. Several people come in. With one of them there is a dog. His name is Polybe. They speak to each other.

100 dollars good-bye good-bye good-bye.

(Jane and Nicholas and Theodore and the lawyer and the children.)

(Jane.) I speak slowly. I do it intentionally.

(Henry.) We have fragments. We call out sometimes. When two bands are playing they play in the distance. Some play in people's houses. We say hush.

(Arthur.) Dishonored. Never believe in September. Never believe in September in the sense of visions.

(Henry.) I do know the chorus. Individual cases do not bring the war home to me. I suddenly remember and I rest in it. I am ashamed. I have patience and earnest feeling. I am liking the new boat. It is still painted white and is enormously disappointing. Some one has been willing. Oh I am disgusted. This is not the conversation.

(Helen.) The same. I am a settled character. I have visions of welcoming them. They do behave so well and eat so regularly and very well too. They grow almonds in their grounds and I like to eat them green or later. I like to eat them. They are willing. Do not disappoint me.

(Nicholas.) Don't cry.

(Nicholas.) I am looking for a candle. I have it. I am putting it in a Venetian box. Please leave it alone. Don't tease me. I have it. I can place it.

(Theodore.) We are altogether.

Silence and the lights are out. Everybody is laughing. They say (Leave it alone. We like to hear it.) They are very patient. (I cannot spare another handkerchief.)

Anybody can come in. We were surprised to see musicians. There were servants.

(Albert.) Do not repeat it. I tell you I won't have it. I will have a justice of the peace.

(He did.)

Jenny is sick.

(Jenny.) I am sick.

(The lawyer.) I went often to see you and every day I said I love you better I do love you better. That's it.

They were together and they said John are you going. He said something.

They were altogether.

I often think about it.

Genevieve was patient. She was angry because the water was another color.

She said. He is very good now.

A scene where there are two houses. One on either side and we are in the middle there is a great deal of talking in one of them. In the other they eat a late dinner.

(Nicholas.) Anthony. Henriette open the other door and tell mamma. I'll tell mamma.

Mamma coockcoo.

(Pirate.) What is a pirate not a man who kills and pursues boats but the one who has a family, he is the one who comes home today, he expects to be hated. We don't have that feeling.

A scene.

They all laugh.

Please rent a garden for chickens and a turkey.

I wonder if I like dancing.

I can mention a subject which is agreeable so agreeable and exciting and there are three names two of them are almost alike.

We are there.

The Scene

Conversation. I asked him did he like to hear the dog bark. He said he would shoot at him. I said did he like to hear it. We were ashamed of his servants. They talked together loudly. We hoped he would control them. He wrote it. So did they together. Please have peace. Say the date. Please have the Fangturm. Please have peace. Please don't fish so near the shore. Please do not be asked to buy it when it is living. It is not disgusting. All of us are not so pleased.

(Nicholas and Jane.)

They are old. They have taken the house for the month of September and we do hope that they will go away. We do hope that they will go away. The proprietor came and took the almonds. We said do not take the grapes, we will not give you the key.

Have we gotten as far as that.

Mallorcan singing.

They are all singing they sing the song about the chicken. Jenny Chicken does not sing a song about the chicken. She says she does not like them small.

I am so bothered.

I am angry.

I am angry at these sounds. They say.

This is Spain and I say. It is not.

(Nicholas.) I have a governess. She tells me to pray. I am not religious.

Servants can speak to each other. Two of them have long hair. They all wear it down their back.

Come in. We are not coming tonight. We hope to see the fire-works. There will also be a procession. Do you believe you will see the procession. We will see the fire-works from here.

(Paul.) Thunder. It will not rain yet. It usually does not at this season. I hope that a war will come. I would like to be interpreter.

(Antonio.) I believe in merrymaking. It has been possible for me to catch fish. I avoided cooking the lunch by leaving two young boys in charge. Their names were Clarence and Emanuel.

(Clarence.) I will see to everything.

(Emanuel.) I will help you.

(Pablo.) I will be of some assistance.

(Antonio.) I will come when called.

(Maggie.) I do not like hot weather.

The part of the house which has windows back and front is cooler.

Coming together.

We move.

I will tell you about Eugenia. She moved the table and hopes to be married. I do not think so because I do not think she is attractive. There is not a family in which some do not embroider. It is a great industry.

The wind.

There is wind every day.

I am so disappointed.

It is difficult to stop now because of annoyances. Now we will tell of the things that were sent together.

We were surprised they had not moved in. Open homes.

Go on. Go on.

Making people better.

The servants. They did say that they were Spanish. I said they weren't. I said Spaniards were polite.

(Nicholas.) I have seen the consul he is going to get me my passport.

(William.) But he can't he is only consular agent. He has to send to Barcelona.

(Nicholas.) I was not speaking of him. I was speaking of the ambassador.

(William.) Oh that's another matter.

Mr. and Mrs. Clement came in they said that they had lost a friend.


When they ask for money for the sailors who were drowned they make gay music.

When they say here is some one who refuses to give them something they are impertinent.

(Brothers.) How did we know they were brothers. We knew it because they have the same perplexity. He has lost money in boats and he has in steel cars.

(Officials.) Come together you can fly a kite if you like. We do not like. We like to see others do it. It is not much trouble. It depends entirely on the height of the house. Nicholas Jane and Anthony and the evening rain. It comes every morning about two and we have the habit of closing up.

Please me. I will.

Three months yes three months.

Piles of initials he made piles of initials. Would any one think that they embroidered the name in Mallorca.

(Stephen.) How much is it.

(Stephen.) Forty-five.

(Stephen.) We will change it to forty.

Older ones have gotten to see that it's dangerous to go to Marseilles.

(The colonel.) He owns this house and he wants the almond crop.

We said we did not know that.

He said it was in the lease. Mr. Clement said he had never heard of such a thing being done.

We met an old frenchman.

We met the people who are going around together and asking for money.

(Genevieve.) Widows should have it.

(Bobbie.) Do as you like.

We asked them not to come in.

The dealer his wife and the servant. Hush don't wake anybody. You must not call out to one another. Everybody does it. We do not ask you to control the others. We have decided not to say anything to you about them.

(The owner of the house.) I am assisting and I am further obliged to come tomorrow. Will you kindly give me the key.

(The servant.) Will you kindly give me some water. Will you show me the way to go.

(The wife.) I will not believe that they are settled. It is a great disappointment to me.

Plenty of time. Beginning tomorrow can we count a month before they return to the city.

Counting tomorrow can we count a month before they leave the country.

It is a disappointment to me that we have not been able to be rid of that which is bothering us. It is a great disappointment to me.

Two count, we count two.

The one came first.

He eats sweetbreads by preference and he has a wife and a child. I did not mean him.

The one came later and is really not very well pleased.

He does not care for the vegetables which are for sale here.

We know an old man that we like better. We like to see that he is met.

When did the owner of the house decide to write to us. He did not write. He came.

(The owner.) It was agreed that you take it by three months. It will disturb me to come up once a month for the money.

It was agreed that we take it by the month and we will send you your money by mail.

(The owner.) If it is lost it will be at your risk.

It will not be lost.

(The owner.) I am very anxious to have you pleased with the house.

We like the view.

(The owner.) Did the storm do much injury.

A little rain came in.

(The owner.) I meant to the trees.

I do not think so.

What is it.

We went together.

We did not feel too warm.

There is much talk of obligation. We never have butter.

We are not going to.

The rest of the day was there. He said that he would be pleased if we came again and asked for that which we were to get.

(The older woman.) Do not for one moment think of not receiving back that which is owing to you.

We said that we have made a mistake.

Excuse me. Come in some time tomorrow.

Tomorrow in a week.

A week is over on Sunday.

Come tomorrow.

This evening at four.

Tomorrow too.

Come tomorrow or early not before six.

We will have them to-morrow.

Yes tomorrow.

They had them. They were the kind that lit themselves. We were so careful. We said yes we like the kind that we have had.

By believing in everything we happen to be careful to ask what was paid.

It is necessary to know how the time is arranged.

(William.) Teeth, do not mention teeth. My front teeth are longer.

Is it surprising that every one is fond of mutton.

Is it.

I think it is.

(Monica.) I am careful about turns. I walk up hill.

She is enthusiastic she has gone in whenever there was kite flying.

(Anthony.) Whatever you do don't make a noise.

Please be careful of me.

Let us talk about fowls.

When we went hunting we had eleven dogs. They ran after rabbits. We went there. Ours is certainly not petted. He likes to be able to be told that it is true. Jenny, sister, Nicholas and Hermann.

Who did he call to.

He did not call me away.

He was hoping for other results. We bowed politely.

To be seventy five.

To be seventy five together.

To be able to see stitches.

To have decided not to stay here.

We will not see to count.

The End of May

The weather in June is like the weather in September. The end of May is cooler.

The bathman is disgusted that the Mallorcans don't bathe in September. The water is warm in September. It is warmer in July and August.

(The War.) Are there German submarines in Spanish waters.

(Signor Dato.) There are no german submarines in Spanish waters.

(Marquis of Ibyza.) I hate the English.

(The King.) Have you any daughters.

(Marquis of Ibyza.) I have.

(The King.) Then leave them all alone.

(The Cuban Boat.) It has sunk.

(The sailors.) They all came from Saint Katherine square.

The sailors were all drowned. A great deal of money was collected for their families.

In speaking of Mallorca we must remember that there is making acquaintance. They make acquaintance with each other.

(Jane.) I will not be old. I have four children. The two servants are man and wife.

(Iphegenia.) To work hard is commendable if one earns money. I do not wish to be married. I wish to be sure of marriage. I have selected my sisters. They do embroidery. I will not copy them. I am not so old. I have a younger brother and sister. I do not pay attention. We do not pay attention to one another. I am in a way disappointed. I do believe in fish. Everybody does in Mallorca.

(Minorca answering in french.) I know the name of Mary Rose.

What is a saint.

Stamp on a flag.

Believe in your country.

Singing at night.

(Paul.) I am going to see John.

(John.) Come when you like. How is your wife.

(Paul.) My wife is tired. We walked too far yesterday. It was beautiful moonlight.

(John.) Remember me to her.

(Paul.) How is your wife today.

(John.) Oh she is all right now.

(Paul.) And Bartholomew.

(John.) Bartholomew is not here just now. He has gone down stairs.

(Paul.) Yes I saw Bartholomew when I came in.

We do not know whether it has anything to do with the weather whether they will go away. It is said by every one that almost every one goes away by the middle of October. They came in July. We hear something.

Yes it's german. They give French music too and one English and one American. They are all there but they do not say it.

I dance.

Keep still.

Do keep still.

They keep our dog still.

We kept our dog still.

We can see signs that they are going away. I do not wish to say this in the manner of Monica.

When do car conductors work.

They work in the evening. Miss Alice Toklas wishes Roberts to kindly send her by registered mail—under separate cover—1 Ivory soap—and a good face soap that Roberts can recommend.

(Genevieve.) The melon is always warmer in the center when it has been in the sun.

Well then we will have the green.

That's the way our melons are cooled.

They are not going today.

We have decided that we will tell the consul that we were very glad to see him.

(Genevieve.) I am angry. I will not go to the workingman.

(Monica.) I am not angry I am going to lie down.

(Nicholas.) I believe in loud furnaces.

(William.) I am married.

Are you.

To whom.

If they go away they leave suddenly. This is not the way they came. They came unexpectedly. They will not go away suddenly.

Always sincerely yours.

Mabel Weeks.

He can do as he pleases with Mary Rose.

He can do as he pleases with Mary Rose.

Not finished yet. When can we come in and bring Mary Rose.

(Monica.) I like Polly. He is so handsome.

(Monica.) And we were right.

(Genevieve.) Why were we not right.

(Nicholas.) Because we felt that it was not true.

(Paul.) Why does the german boat give out oil.

(William.) Because it wishes to feed german submarines.

(The Marquis.) I will express my wishes.

(The landlord.) That is as you wish sir.

(Monica.) I like to feel that if any one falls I fall.

(Paul.) I am going to fix the string with a wire.

Thanks so much when will it be done.

(Paul.) I will do it tomorrow.

(Nicholas.) Saturday does not include Sunday.

Doesn't it.

(Nicholas.) Not in Palma in Mallorca.

You mean that they will all go away.

(Nicholas.) Not right away but they won't stay.

Very well. Good-bye.

(May Mary.) Yes I hear.

When the girl went away we said they had umbrellas. When the rest went away they said good-bye.

Let us wait and see.

We waited for them and they passed. They were all of them old. They had loud voices. We want to know in a neutral country have they servants.

Please be able to finish.

(Nicholas.) Mamma Coockcoo.

(Joseph.) Dolores Dolores.

(Jane.) Jenny give me the keys. Oh yes. I am waiting.

(Nicholas.) Follow me.

(The lawyer.) Stay to play.

The End.

Yes I have a brother.

Sitting at a cafe.


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