O friends of peace, dear brethren mine,
Me of your inner circle name,
Unless the peace which you design
With anarchy is one and same.
It is not war but government
When justice wields the avenging sword;
And force in name of justice spent
Is oil on troubled waters poured.
Where reason is let reason rule,
And law where men submit to laws;
But with the cutthroat ’tis a fool
Attempts to arbitrate his cause.
Nor ends responsibility
Within the nation’s narrow close;
The world is one community,
Each state to all allegiance owes.
And who hath power and doth neglect
To rescue from the oppressor’s hand
The wronged of any race or sect
In Christian or in pagan land—
Who hath the power and lends not aid
Doth sin against the primal right,
Which man not Turk nor Frank hath made
But citizen cosmopolite!


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