Tutor. I shall now, agreeably to my promise, explain to you the cause of day and night, and then proceed with the vicissitudes of the seasons. Pupil. That is what I much wish to know; and had you not told me that the earth moved round the sun every year, I should have found no difficulty in accounting for the succession of day and night, since the sun appears to rise and set every day. Tutor. That is true; but I think I must have convinced you that so immense a body as the sun cannot revolve about the earth; as well may you suppose that in roasting a bird it is necessary that the fire should move round it. Tutor. You are certainly right, and if the earth revolve on its axis every twenty-four hours, will not the different parts of it be alternately turned to the sun, as the bird on the spit is to the fire? Pupil. I do not clearly comprehend what you mean by the axis of the earth; for, as it moves in open space and has no support, it can have nothing to resemble the spit on which it turns. Tutor. Certainly not. By the earth’s axis is meant an imaginary line passing through its center, on which it is supposed to turn; as your ball if rolled on the ground would revolve on an axis whilst it was moving forward. Pupil. I can now answer your question in the affirmative: and, as our year consists of 365 days, I imagine the earth must Tutor. Undoubtedly: and as only one half of a spherical body can at any time be enlightened by a luminous body, that part of the earth only which is turned to the sun, can receive the benefit of his enlivening rays, when it will be day; whilst the opposite part will be involved in darkness, and it will be night. Pupil. I perceive it must be so. But, if the earth move in the manner you describe, I cannot conceive how it is that we are not sensible of its motion. Tutor. If the motion of the earth were irregular it would be perceptible; but as it meets with no obstruction the motion must be so uniform as not to be perceived. Pupil. Had I recollected this, I need not have given you this trouble.—But I am continually meeting with fresh difficulties. Tutor. You have only to mention Pupil. I thank you, Sir; and shall be obliged to you to inform me, how the motion of the earth can cause the sun to appear to move? Tutor. When in a carriage which went smoothly on the road, or in a boat whose motion was scarcely perceptible on the water, did you never fix your attention on the objects you passed? Pupil. Yes, often, Sir. Tutor. And had you not known that you really moved, and that the trees, &c. were immoveable in the ground, what then would have been your opinion? Pupil. That the trees, &c. moved in a direction contrary to that in which I was moving. Tutor. Is not this sufficient to convince you that the apparent motion of the sun may be occasioned by the revolution of the earth on its axis? Pupil. It is:—But if so large a body Tutor. It does so; and the inhabitants of London by this motion are carried at the rate of 560 miles an hour Pupil. What an astonishing rapidity! Tutor. Now, the sun with the rest of the heavenly bodies must move round the earth, or the earth must revolve on its axis in 24 hours, to cause that appearance. Pupil. That is plain. Tutor. Well then, great as you may suppose the velocity of the earth on its axis to be, if the sun move round the earth his hourly motion will be nearly 25 millions of miles; and beyond conception would be that of the fixed stars. Which now do you think is most probable, that the sun and stars should move round the earth, or that they, by the simple motion of the earth, should appear to be in motion? Tutor. This objection to the motion of the earth has been made by those who were older and who thought themselves wiser too than yourself. They either did not know or did not consider, that the atmosphere which surrounds the earth is a part of itself, and gravitates towards it, and therefore partakes of the earth’s motion and carries the lark along with it. Besides, as the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter are known to revolve on their axes, we have reason to suppose that the other planets, together with the earth, must have the same motion Tutor. By the assistance of telescopes dark spots have been seen on the disc of the sun, by the motion of which it is found that he revolves on his axis in 25-1/4 days; Venus performs her diurnal revolution in about ho. min. / 23.21; Mars goes round his axis in ho. min. / 24.39; and Jupiter in ho. min. / 9.56; as to the rest, no spot or any fixed point has been discovered to ascertain the length of their day; Mercury being too near the sun, and Saturn and the Georgium Sidus too remote for our observations. Pupil. I can no longer doubt of the earth’s motion: and, if it will not be improper, a description of the atmosphere will give me pleasure. Tutor. That I can have no objection to. The atmosphere is a thin, invisible fluid, most dense or heavy near the earth, Pupil. How, pray? Tutor. If there were no atmosphere, the sun would yield no light but when our eyes were directed towards him; and the heavens would appear dark and as full of stars as on a dark winter’s night; but the atmosphere being strongly illuminated by the sun, reflects the light back upon us, and makes the whole heavens to shine so strongly, that the faint light of the stars is obscured, and they are rendered invisible. Pupil. I find then the atmosphere is Tutor. The atmosphere is about 45 miles above the surface of the earth, therefore the sun’s rays falling upon the higher parts of it before rising, by reflection causes a faint light, which increases till he appears above the horizon; and in the evening it decreases after he sets, till he is 18 degrees below the horizon, where the morning twilight begins, and the evening twilight ends. Pupil. By the horizon, I think you mean that distant boundary of our sight where the heavens and the earth seem to join all around us, as it appears from an eminence. Tutor. The very same. ’Tis that imaginary circle which intercepts from our view the sun, moon, and stars each night; and when, by the rotation of the earth, they appear to descend below it, we say they are set; as on the contrary, each morning, when they appear above it, we say they rise. “And where the earth’s high surface joins the skies, “Where stars first set, and first begin to shine, “There draw the fancy’d image of this line.” Pupil. A very pleasing description, indeed. Tutor. You will remember that this is called the rational horizon; but that which respects land and water is called the sensible horizon. The former divides the heavens into two equal parts, and is 90 degrees distant from a point directly over our heads, called the zenith, and the opposite point of the heavens directly under our feet, called the nadir.—But I must resume the subject of the atmosphere. Pupil. Had I not thought you had finished your description of the atmosphere, I should not have presumed to interrupt you. Tutor. What I have told you respecting the horizon is necessary for you to be acquainted with; therefore, the suspension is immaterial.—You must, I Pupil. I have, frequently, Sir. Tutor. And cannot you tell the reason of it? Pupil. No, Sir. Tutor. The reason is this: In viewing them, when near the horizon, you see them through a thicker medium than when they are higher, that is, you see them through a greater quantity of the atmosphere; and you not only see them larger, but really above the horizon whilst they are actually below it. Pupil. How do you account for this, Sir? Tutor. Light, like material bodies, if it meet with no obstruction, will move in right lines; now, the rays of the sun in coming to the earth must pass through a great quantity of the atmosphere, which being a fluid, refracts or bends the rays of Pupil. Pray, Sir, can you make this clearer by an experiment? Tutor. I have just thought of one. Take a bason filled with water, and a strait stick or piece of wire; put it perpendicularly into the water, that is, that it lean neither way, and there will be no refraction; incline it a little towards the edge of the bason and it will appear a little bent at the surface of the water; incline it still more, and the refraction will be greater. Pupil. I have often seen this appearance when I have put my stick into water, but did not before know the cause. Pupil. Because I have not the sun’s representative to try the experiment with. Tutor. Well, well, put a shilling into the bason and call it the moon, and it will answer the same purpose:—Walk backward till you just lose sight of it, then the right line from your eye continued over the edge of the bason must pass beyond the money at the bottom of it. Pupil. That is evident. Tutor. Keep your position, and desire some friend to pour the water gently into the bason so as not to remove the money, and you will clearly distinguish it. Now, if you call the edge of the bason the horizon, the water the atmosphere, and the shilling the moon, is it not clear that you will see it above the horizon, when it is really below it? Tutor. Well, try the experiment, and let me know the result when I next see you. 13.The hourly motion under the equator is 900 miles. 14.Dr. Herschell says that several of the fixed stars revolve on their axes. |