
For those who may be interested in a few statistics of the trade is appended the following figures relating to the Spanish and American industry:

Spanish Industry, 1912

There were 892 factories throughout Spain in 1912, in 107 towns and cities, divided as follows:

Seville District 305 in 48 towns
Barcelona District 507 in 31
Other Districts 80 in 28

These factories employ approximately 40,000 people in the various branches of the industry at an average daily wage of 67 cents.

The raw material yield for 1912 is reported as: 7800 short tons, valued at $57.90 per ton to the grower, or $4,516,200.

It will also be of interest to show a few comparisons of values, for various years, in shipments to foreign parts, viz.:

Description Pounds Value
Cork in sheets 11,009,939 $405,366
Cork squares 1,180,489 265,610
Corks 11,960,760 4,870,948
Cork shavings 66,435,426 363,563
Other manufactured cork 864,820 40,656
————— —————
Total 91,451,434 $5,946,143
Description Pounds Value
Cork in sheets 16,798,492 $618,489
Cork squares 2,055,865 462,472
Corks 14,924,052 6,105,294
Cork shavings 64,367,448 526,642
Other manufactured cork 1,190,789 57,382
————— —————
Total 99,336,646 $7,770,279
Corrected figures showing totals as 109,336,646 $7,942,677
Description Pounds Value
Cork in sheets 21,564,347 $741,029
Cork squares 2,076,881 467,298
Corks 17,817,037 7,288,787
Cork waste 73,510,473 591,468
Cork, manufactured in other forms 1,828,030 89,723
————— —————
Total 116,796,768 $9,178,305
Description Pounds Value
Corkwood 17,928,000 $528,810
Cork squares 1,492,000 356,229
Corks mfrd.}
Cork waste
100,396,000 {7,864,299
Other mfrs. 1,166,000 49,783
————— —————
120,982,000 $9,553,969

The following is a comparison of the first six months of 1909, 1910 and 1911.

Articles Tons Value
Corkwood 1,686 $158,644
Cork squares 262 129,646
Corks 2,624 2,361,620
Cork waste and shavings 9,589 172,604
Cork, other manufactures 211 25,987
Articles Tons Value
Corkwood 3,157 $255,718
Cork squares 485 240,057
Corks 3,629 3,265,760
Cork waste and shavings 13,935 205,822
Cork, other manufactures 251 27,133
Articles Tons Value
Corkwood 5,129 $415,432
Cork squares 442 218,755
Corks 4,057 3,669,075
Cork waste and shavings 18,143 326,573
Cork, other manufactures 248 32,657

The statistics showing the shipments to various countries are for 1909:

Countries Cork-
Corks Cork
Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons
United States 2,065 158 7,594 280 10,097
Great Britain 842 1,094 4 7,539 38 9,518
Germany 5 18 715 4,555 5,293
France 1,256 276 2,044 189 56 3,821
Italy 6 79 435 11 532
Belgium 164 136 215 11 526
Russia 463 1 464
Aust-Hungary 30 346 376
Argentina 164 123 57 344
Other 40 7 426 95 9 575
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
Total 5,005 537 5,412 20,198 394 31,546

American Industry

In 1899, there were 62 factories in the United States of varying sizes and located in the following states: New York (Brooklyn), Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and Ohio. Employing 2340 wage earners. Importing a raw stock of $2,404,000, and making products valued at $4,392,000.

In 1904, the factories decreased to 50 in number, the wage earners increased to 2895, the imported raw material to $2,459,197 and the products to $4,490,952.

In 1909, the factories increasing again to 62 in number, the wage earners to 3142, the imported raw material to $3,435,000 and the products to $5,940,000: corks selling from 3 cents to 40 cents per pound.

This of course does not appear to be a very extensive business, but the nature of the commodity will readily convince that the money figures are not at all in comparison to the bulk of corkwood, for it would really seem that if the trade should increase to an amount sufficient to vie with other prominent ones, the ships would be at loss how to stow the other freight. The imports of corkwood into this country and the exports, for comparison, may be seen in the following tables:

January Seven Months ending January
1912 1913 1911 1912 1913
Corkwood, Free:
$450,082 $367,884 $2,265,373 $1,849,550 $1,707,164
Corks mfrd., Dutiable:
$181,252 130,580 1,380,109 1,137,504 1,180,816
January Seven Months ending January
1912 1913 1912 1913
Corkwood, Free: $1,518 $1,195 $19,795 $22,393
Corks mfrd., Dutiable: 209 1,086 3,078 2,170

And the periods ending December, 1913 will be of interest also.

December Twelve Months ending December
1912 1913 1911 1912 1913
Corkwood, Free:
$300,253 $468,937 $3,819,651 $3,182,131 $3,616,177
Corks mfrd., Dutiable:
$164,711 194,457 2,070,672 2,440,399 2,370,527
December Twelve Months ending December
1912 1913 1912 1913
Corkwood, Free: $2,960 $34,404 $25,091
Corks mfrd., Dutiable: $8,335 5,552 5,392


[1] Letter from Prof. Nelson G. McCrea of Columbia University, June 12, 1910, to writer.

[2] According to “Spanish Dictionary” of Lopes et Bensley; Cortex: “La Parte exterior del Arbol.” Arbol in botany meaning “a tree.”

[3] Consul Schenck’s Report.

[4] Armstrong Cork Co.’s pamphlet.

[5] There are large forests of cork on the French Colony of Algeria, particularly on an estate granted by the Emperor Napoleon III to M. le duc de Montebello.—H. G. Glasspoole.

[6] Chambers Journal.

[7] One hectare = 2.471 acres.

[8] Consul Schenck’s Report.

[9] Chambers Journal.

[10] Garden and Forest, Vol. VIII, 52.

[11] Consul Schenck’s Report.

[12] Meter = 3.28 feet.

[13] In a cork-wood of Montenegro (municipal district of Quart, Province of Gerona) the property of D. Romulo Bosch, and near the place called La Mina, we measured in August, 1877, a tree that was 4.95 meters in circumference, breast high, and the trunk of the tree five meters high, calculating its age between one hundred and fifty and two hundred years old. Consul Schenck’s Report, 1890.

[14] Centimeter = .3937 inch.

[15] Consul Schenck’s Report, 1890. Authority M. Fee.

[16] Scientific American, 1906.

[17] Armstrong Cork Co.’s pamphlet.

[18] Kilogram = 2.205 pounds.

[19] Mr. Lamey, the author of a study upon cork in Algeria, published some interesting tables in this work regarding the annual increase and the mean thickness of cork. According to him cork-bark should not be removed before it has attained a thickness of 2.032 cm., and the formation of new cork has been well explained by Mr. Mathieu in his “Forestry Flora.”

[20] Armstrong Cork Co.’s pamphlet.

[21] See “Etymology of Word” in preceding chapter.

[22] “New English Dictionary,” Murray.

[23] Showing a permanent set of 12.5 per cent.

[24] “Standard Dictionary.”

[25] “Watt’s Dictionary” (“M” signifying metal).

[26] “Century Dictionary.”

[27] Review of Reviews, September, 1906.

[28] In the making of insulation material, the carbonization of the cork is accomplished without destruction of fibre and stands a high flame test.

[29] Using ordinary glass (armoured) thermometer for ascertaining degrees.

[30] One thousand degrees Fahrenheit, causing no greater combustion than the lower degree, other than the increased burning of remaining substance after the flash, due to the higher temperature.

[31] Scientific American Supplement.

[32] I have subsequently learned that this proved a failure.

[33] See Lawrence Whitcomb’s article in Industrial Engineering, September, 1910.

[34] Chambers Journal.

[35] The metric quintal is used officially in Spain, which is equal to 220.36 pounds, the Catalon quintal equaling 91.71 pounds.

[36] Millimeter = .0394 inch.


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Transcriber’s Notes

  • Drop capitals at the beginning of the chapters do not appear in every chapter in the original work.
  • Footnotes have been renumbered and then moved from bottom of the relevant page to after the Appendix.
  • Contents: “Quercus Liber” appears in Contents as a chapter but is typeset in the original work (page 5) as a section. The original work formatting has been retained.
  • Contents: “The Tree and Growth” appears in Contents as a chapter but is typeset in the original work (page 12) as a section. The original work formatting has been retained.
  • Contents: “Substitutes” appears in Contents as a chapter but is typeset in the original work (page 53) as a section. The original work formatting has been retained.
  • Contents: “Waste utilization” appears in Contents as a section but is typeset in the original work (page 68) as a chapter. The original work formatting has been retained.
  • Page 5: VaniÇek may be misspelled.
  • Page 6: Grammatic may be misspelled.
  • Page 32, molecular structure diagram: The right-hand CH2 groups should be connected.
  • Footnote 21: “Etymology of Word” is not found in the original work. The chapter in Contents entitled “Quercus Liber (LinnÆus)” et seq. gives the etymology.
  • Unmatched quotation marks have been retained. The original work text is shown in curly brackets, {}, and italics for clarity.
    • Page 22: The closing quotation mark for {Again, “It is produced} was not found.
    • Page 41: The quotation mark at {July 1666” After} is apparently used to set off the date from the diary entry. The closing quotation mark for the diary entry is at {junts (old cable),” but}.
    • Page 43: The opening quotation mark for {the British Museum.”} was not found.
    • Page 43: The closing quotation mark for {“The various applications} is possibly at {blacks known in painting.”} on page 53. Otherwise, both quotation marks are likely unmatched.
    • Page 53: The closing quotation mark for {results. “A primitive material} was not found definitively but possibly could be located immediately after {the elements of cork.} on page 54.
  • This work has been preserved as in the original, including archaic and inconsistent spelling, punctuation and grammar, except as noted below.
  • Changes made to the main text:
    • Preface: (Linneus) changed to (LinnÆus).
    • Page 5: Etymologische Worterbuch changed to Etymologisches WÖrterbuch.
    • Page 8: korkeiche changed to Korkeiche.
    • Page 11: Farenheit changed to Fahrenheit.
    • Page 16: tree iself, which changed to tree itself, which.
    • Page 32: Cyclohaptanone changed to Cycloheptanone.
    • Page 36: 7/16 changed to 7/16.
    • Page 54: actetone changed to acetone.
    • Page 55: The cork manufacturing chart moved from within the paragraph to immediately below the paragraph.
    • Page 69: insultaing changed to insulating.
    • Footnote 25: “msignifying metal changed to “Msignifying metal.
    • Pages in the original work are numbered beginning with page 1. They are renumbered herein in the format A-x (page 1 is A-1) to avoid conflict with page numbers in the main ‘text.’
    • Page 4, Church's Laboratory Guide: ‘cloth,’ changed to ‘cloth.’
    • Page 10, Olsen: ‘cloth.,’ changed to ‘cloth.’


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