- Abiogenesis, note on hypothesis of, 126–132.
- Addison, his opinion about Instinct, 71;
- his description of the brood-hen, 72;
- his account of a hen with brood of ducks, 73;
- on the insensible gradations of species, 74.
- African desert, geological evidence of, 122.
- Anabas scandens, its climbing powers, 28;
- Dr. Day’s opinion thereon, 28, note.
- Androcles, story of, 82.
- Animal mounds, of Wisconsin, 105.
- Ants, slave-making, 29, 69;
- French philosopher’s account of, 73.
- Artificial selection, part of Natural selection, 16.
- Baboons, warfare of, 69.
- Bacon, Lord, his statement about dogs, 75.
- Barbarism, time required for development of, 57.
- Bees, progress of, in cell-making, 25;
- their accuracy overrated, 69, 86.
- Bennett, Mr. A.W., Mathematical test applied by, 168;
- Review by, 173.
- Birds’ nests, reasoning powers employed in construction of, 69, 86;
- compared with human dwellings, 70;
- use of human manufactures in, 71.
- British Association, exploration of Kent’s cavern by, 109.
- Britons, ancient, condition of, 111.
- Brookes, Henry, story of a lion quoted from, 76.
- Brutes, man’s treatment of, 11, 90;
- opinion that God is the soul of, 71;
- compared with men, 74;
- their moral qualities, 75, 88;
- their laws and constitutions, 77;
- their perceptions and emotions, 80;
- language of scripture about, 84;
- motives of pleasure and pain applied to, 88;
- children compared with, 89.
- Cannibalism, 57;
- of British tribes, 112.
- Caterpillars, resembling twigs, 170.
- Chalk, continuous formation of, 117.
- Civilization, its dependence on language and the art of writing, 88.
- Coal-measures, 119–121, 140.
- Columbus, his opinion of the earth’s spherical form condemned, 60, 148.
- Coquand’s Oysters of the Chalk, Professor Flower’s review of, 145, 165.
- Correlation, 17, 166, 176.
- Creation, sudden, not reconcila
@files@48987@48987-h@48987-h-9.htm.html#Page_106" class="pginternal">106.
- Marsupials, 46;
- fossi