After the flood of light respecting the evils of the execrable system of chattel Slavery, thrown upon the minds of the community by eighteen years of Anti-Slavery preaching; it would seem almost a work of supererogation to attempt to cast any more light upon the subject; therefore in this work, nothing will be said in reference to this part of the subject; but every effort will be made to convince the reader of the efficacy of the remedy here proposed. It will be necessary to say at the commencement of this work, that the author is no politician, and does not write for party purposes; neither is he the agent, or the organ of any Anti-Slavery society, but writes on his own authority, and that of truth; being responsible to no man for what he shall assert. My object is to present to the public mind, what I deem to be the only true and effectual remedy for the terrible disease of Slavery. If in doing this, you are condemned, reader, judge not hastily that I am wrong; but give me a candid and impartial hearing. In the I am not a disunionist, from any wish to see anarchy casting its direful shade over our land; but from a sincere desire to prevent "confusion worse confounded" from reigning in our midst, as most assuredly will be the case if Slavery exists many years longer. Let us then "give the pull, the long pull, and the pull altogether," and drag this terrific monster from his hiding place between the walls of the sanctuary, and the halls of legislation, giving him no rest, until he flees from earth, back to perdition from whence he sprang. THE AUTHOR. |