2. 3. My first is (in sound) what my second often does; my whole is a turning-point. 4. My first is found in every country of the globe; my second is what we all should be; my whole is the same as my first. 5. The XLNt FX of a 100150500 pointing hand- H X500er 104i5lty R 1?ab50. 6. Entire, I am a period of time; behead me, I am an article of food; again behead me, and I am used for food. 7. Entire, I am an emblem of beauty; behead me, and I am a powerful liquid; curtail me, and I am a preposition; replace my head, and I am a useful article. 8. 9. Why was Noah saved without a Pope? 10. What is the only word in the English language that can be written without pen, pencil, chalk, or any other pigment? 11. I am composed of 9 letters. In me may be found: 1, a title; 2, a metal; 3, a weight; 4, a coin; 5, one of the Merry cousins; 6, part of a wheel; 7, neat; 8, an adverb; 9 and 10, two prepositions. My whole is a place in New York State. 12. Entire, I am a country; curtail me, and I am an inhabitant of the same; behead and transpose, and I am to prevent. 13. My first is seen in pillared halls, Where kings and princes dwell; ’Tis found in every woodland vale, In every sunny dell. Upon the yellow sandy beach, The ocean billows roar, My next—you’ll find it in the foam, Rippling upon the shore. Within the dark and gloomy cave, Hid from the sun’s bright glare, Precious jewels line the walls, And my third is always there. My fourth and last is found in France, But never seen in Spain; It has always been in England’s clime, In every monarch’s reign. My whole from Jupiter’s court on high, Descends to cheer the earth; Without his presence there would be Of happiness a dearth. 14. I am composed of 14 letters: My 1, 4, 3, 1, 9, 6 is a handsome kind of cloth. My 2, 5, 11 is a conjunction. My 8, 7, 5, 9 is a number. My 10, 3, 12, 13 is to kill. My whole is a celebrated day.
16. Entire, I am a sentence; behead me, and I am a fortress; curtailed, I am to strive violently; now transpose, and I am inexperienced. 17. Behead a slipping, and leave the slip. 18. 19. A fox, 90 rods due south of a greyhound, is pursued by the hound at the rate of 5 rods to 4 of the fox, the fox running a due east course. How far will the hound run to overtake the fox? 20. What kind of morals are most easily put on and off? 21. My first is a female, My second the same, My whole is much dreaded— Pray what is its name? 22. I am composed of four syllables, and am very popular just now; my first and second form a Latin verb; my third is a species of animal; my first, second, and third form a kind of rule; my fourth, reversed, is thin and narrow; and my third and fourth, without my final, is intellectual. 23. Why are unprotected hearth-fires like insolent beggars? 24. I am composed of 14 letters. My 13, 11, 7, 3, 1, 12 is a dream. My 8, 14, 10, 9 is a net. My 1, 6, 8, 4, 13, 14, 2, 5 is a balance. My whole is a celebrated man. 25. Entire, I am a noun; behead and transpose, and I am lean; replace my head, curtail me, and I am necessary to the accomplishment of any great object; curtail me again, transpose, and I am sometimes used as a seat. 26. 27. Why are most of the heroes and heroines in novels like the letter O? 28. What poet is like a sly piece of bacon? 29. I cheer the pilgrim’s lonely way, As toils he on from day to day; Curtail me, and I then am found What students do on college ground; Curtail once more, and by inspection You’ll find I am an interjection. 30. What kind of a diary is productive of mischief? 31. Entire, I am a murmur; curtail me, and I signify to produce; omit my first and last, and I am a disturbance; and without my first two I am a bird. 32. My first speeds proudly through our land; My next is what my first doth do; My whole is one of that noble band Who signed the freedom of our land, And struggled bravely through. 33. Transpose a wrong way of treating another’s regard into the most foolish manner of doing it. 34. My second, which, by the way, I hope you have took my first after using my whole at dinner. 35. Behead an animal, transpose, and find a flower. 36. 37. I am a word of five letters; in my normal condition I have a tendency to heal. Transposed, I still have a tendency to heel, and have been known to take to them when opportunity offered. Less one fifth, I bathe; again transposed, I am good to eat. Four fifths transposed, form an article much used as an ornament; the same again transposed, is to preserve. Three fifths, properly arranged, will intoxicate. Three fifths, in right order, make a prayer. 38. 39. When did Job call nicknames? 40. Did Jonah cry when the whale swallowed him? 41. Curtail a ruler; transpose, and leave a fastening. 42. Curtail a coin, and transpose it into a country. 43. When is roast beef most valuable? 44. Fair Bessy promised to bestow My first upon her lover, And much I hope that no dark clouds Around the pair may hover. Sweet Bessy’s age is just eighteen, Of gold she has my second; On bearing off the lovely prize How many beaus had reckon’d! And now my riddle I’ll conclude, And hope you’ll not me quiz, For what I say is very true— My whole fair Bessy is. 45. What is that which every one likes to have, and to get rid of as soon as possible after he gets it? 46. My first is found on a ship; my second is a vowel; my third is a title; my whole is the name of an animal. 47. Entire, I’m a man’s name; behead me, and I’m a Turkish coin; behead me again, and I’m too close; again, and I’m a prefix. 48. 49. My second is a useful appendage to my first, and my whole is to abridge. 50. I am composed of 21 letters. My 4, 9, 12 is a Greek preposition. My 7, 5, 8, 14 a vessel used in the Scotch sea. My 17, 13, 21 is entity. My 18, 19, 3, 10 is a bed formed by birds. My 1, 11, 15 is to dip. My 20, 6, 2, 16 is to tarnish. My whole is want of symmetry. 51. A squirrel, finding nine ears of corn in a box, took from it, daily, three ears; how many days was he in removing the corn from the box? 52. My first is found in an oyster; my second is possessed by the nobility; every house contains my third; my whole no one applies to himself. 53. What word is that, of three letters, which, read backward, indicates the quality of many who participate in it? 54. In my first, relations most generally find An interest of a peculiar kind; My second, an adverb of humble degree, Combined with my first names a beautiful tree. TOWNS IN NEW YORK.55. A color and a mineral. 56. An element and a game. 57. Part of a gun and a liquor. 58. An animal. 59. A color and part of a house. 60. A hole and a heap. 61. A vehicle, and where it takes you. 62. A traitor, and the place where he died. 63. To hurt, a nickname, and an engine of war. 64. Take a (1) life preserver; (2) decapitate it and show a mode of using it; (3) again transpose and show how it has been used; (4) transpose and show what is used with it; (5) transpose and give a Greek letter; (6) transpose the original word and make a famous rock; (7) transpose and make a locomotive power; (8) transpose and make it dull; (9) transpose and it will utter a war-cry to dogs; (10) transpose it now into a girl’s name; (11) curtail it and express a concurrence; (12) again curtail, and see what you may call yourself. 65. 66. ’Twas night—a stormy, tempestuous night, All wakeful and anxious the crew, As they watched my first in its wild, mad flight, While over the waves it flew. And now, in the midst of these wild alarms, My second is dashed on the shore, Till Ocean opens her treacherous arms, And gathers it home once more. Let us turn from these dreary scenes away, So solemn and filled with gloom, And in meadows or pleasant gardens stray, Where in beauty my whole doth bloom. 67. I am composed of 12 letters: My 1, 9, 11 is an animal. My 3, 9, 10, 11 is a grain. My 4, 5, 7 is part of a barn. My 12, 2, 6, 8 is a stone. My whole is a body politic. 68. Behead an article of apparel, and leave one who sometimes wears it. 69. 70. Not theory glides not towards rule of action twice too a Roman coin indefinite article original sinner revolves ideas use of the needle pronoun boy’s nickname theatrical performance. 71. If you should lose your nose, what kind of one would you get? 72. Find a word of six letters, something that many people laugh at; subtract one letter, and leave what many worship. 73. A preposition my first; My second’s a number; My third a brisk motion That drives away slumber; My whole is a service For which dearly we pay; At least, ’tis charged so In hotel bills they say. DUTCH PUZZLE.74. Add 2 strokes to " " " " and make nothing. 75. What bird most resembles a peddler? 76. 77. My 1st is in pie, but not in cake. My 2d is in hoe, but not in rake. My 3d is in house, but not in barn. My 4th is in wool, but not in yarn. My 5th is in take, but not in give. My 6th is in strainer, but not in sieve. My 7th is in rye, but not in wheat. And my whole is sometimes good to eat. 78. Why is a weathercock like ambition? 79. Why is a Turk like a violin belonging to an inn? 80. Why is a used up horse like a bad play? 81. Why is a sick Jew like a diamond ring? 82. Why is a printer like a postman? 83. Entire I am a bird; cut off my tail, and I shall be a surname; now transpose, and I shall be something singular. 84. Why are fowls the most economical things farmers keep? 85. Why is a cricket on the hearth like a soldier in battle? 86. Entire, I am of bloody mien, And spread destruction all around; Beheaded—cheerfully I’m seen Where pleasure’s votaries are found. 87. Why should a brigadier-general, with his troops, be able to cross any river? 88. Join a verb and conjunction, and make a noun. 89. Join a conjunction and a noun, and form an adverb. 90. Join a noun and adjective, and make a verb. 91. I am a word of three syllables; my first member is one of the family of fruits; my second component part is an article in very common use, at once a receptacle for the most valuable and the most useless things; my last member is an interjection. Entire, I am a substance employed in writing and drawing. 92. SCRIPTURAL ENIGMA.93. Who cowardly a prince did kill? 94. Who built a city on a hill? 95. Whose son profane his life did lose? 96. What Persian queen preserved the Jews? 97. What Jewish king a leper died? 98. Whose wicked mother “Treason” cried? 99. The initial letters, joined aright, A famous Jew will bring to light. “Now that’s too bad!” exclaimed little Bess, striking her pencil down quickly on the slate, which had for five minutes been shaded by her brown curls, as she bent earnestly over it. “I do say it’s too bad.” “What is too bad, Bess?” asked her oldest sister, Mary, who, apparently occupied with her history, had been stealing occasional glances at the animated face over the slate, and watching with pleasing interest the busy fingers putting down letters, and tripping back and forth among them with her pencil-point. “What is too bad, Bess? I thought something was pleasing you very much.” “Oh! did you? Well, I was just ready to have such a good one—these anagrams, you know. I surely thought I had extra axes, and just because of an r, it’s all spoiled!” “What were you going to make your extra axes out of?” asked Mary, with a curious smile. “Now, don’t make fun of me, please. Artaxerxes was my word.” “Well, I should think that would just make it,” said Mary, thoughtfully. “Are you sure it will not?” “Don’t you see that r?” asked Bess, holding up her slate and giving a bayonet thrust to the offending letter. “Yes; but what has that r, all alone by itself, to do with it?” “Why, it’s my proof. You see I write down my word, and rub out each letter of it as I use it in picking out my new words, so if none are left, my anagram is complete.” “So you found an extra r, instead of an extra axe, in your way? Well, that is rather trying; but then there are plenty of more words, and it isn’t much work to get them out. You have a capital way. Besides, that wouldn’t have been so very good a one. You know ‘Aunt Sue' says the word and the sentence should bear some relation to each other. Now, if Artaxerxes had been a famous wood-cutter instead of a Persian king, it might have been too bad.” “But wasn’t he a warrior, too and mightn’t they be battle-axes?” Mary admitted the force of this, with a smile, as she went on to say: “When we see such anagrams as ‘astronomers—no more stars,’ and ‘parishioners—I hire parsons,’ there is a certain sense of fitness that produces all the pleasure I can find in an anagram.” “I know they’re better; but, then, not half of them do mean anything. I never could make such ones.” “I should try, if I made them out at all, to have them just right. You must remember it takes some patience to get them, as well as to make them. You want the satisfaction of feeling paid when you’re through.” “Patience! I should think it did!” said Bess, laughing and repeating, “Oh, Sam, cut my pen!” in a very comical manner. “If that didn’t take the patience of Job! And what did it mean, after all? I’m sure Webster don’t know! I think they ought to be fair, at least!” “So do I,” said Mary, laughing at Bessie’s earnestness. “Now try the word homestead, Bess, and see what you can make of that.” “Why, is it one?” “I’m not quite sure; I was running it over in my mind to-day; but I had no slate to prove my canceling correct.” “What did you think it made?” “Do-eat-hams.” “Oh, so it will,” said Bess, hastily putting down the letters; “and you know they do eat hams at homesteads!” Then Bess began drawing the tip of her forefinger slowly through each letter, repeating slowly, “do e-a-t-h- —There, now, that’s worse than Artaxerxes! If that e was only an a!” Mary looked on the slate a moment, and then said, pleasantly, “But you see it isn’t!” “How easy you do take things, Mary! Now, that would be so good, and it comes so near!” “That’s the best way to take things, isn’t it, Bess?” said Mary, gently lifting Bessie’s face by the little fat chin, and looking into her large blue eyes lovingly. “Anagrams, you see, may teach us a lesson.” “Almost anagrams, you should say,” said Bess. “Well, let’s try something else. Shall we try ‘Aunt Sue?’” “Yes, put it down.” “I can get—let me see—yes, ‘use-a-nut;’ but that don’t mean anything like ‘Aunt Sue.’” “Oh, yes, that will do as well as your ‘battle-axes.’ You know, she keeps ‘nuts’ for the 20,000 to crack in her ‘drawer.’” “Oh, that’s it!—let me send it.” “Very well; and if I get time, we will try and have two or three more ready by the next number, and every one with a meaning.” When Bess gave Mary her good-night kiss, she said to herself, “I like to get out puzzles; but I’d rather have Mary’s patience than all the anagrams in the world. I wonder if I should try very hard, if I ever could be like her!” 100. Tom can pet lions. 101. Main race. 102. Amy’s purple net. 103. Lo! a slop. 104. O! hark! 105. I harm the Chat. 106. Hen, I am he. 107. Mid nice rains. 108. I sent one part. 109. Tore a limb. 110. Test Mars. 111. Ira, run, go get it. 112. Cid is a common toad. 113. Care on lip. 114. Sal I run. 115. A lion; capture it. 116. Bind sure. 117. Priest tied guitar. 118. Accord I try not. 119. Mend it in a tree. 120. O! if I can sit so. 121. Is it anger? no. 122. Fi rwods locdu fiatsys het rhtea, Eht threa gimth nidf sles earc; Utb oswrd eilk rumsem isbdr padret, Dan veale tub typem rai. A itleti dsai—nad yrtul isda— Nac peeder yoj tarpim, Naht shots fo dowrs chwih chear teh dahe Tbu venre chout het ahetr. the puzzle is, to get from the entrance, A, to the centre, B, without crossing any of the white lines. 123. 124. Transpose a Persian monarch into a part of the human frame. 125. Transpose an article of food into a verb signifying to abate. 126. To what port was Henry VIII. bound when he sought a divorce from his wife? 127. He was —— who came to ——. Express a truth taught in Scripture by the above, filling the two blanks with the same word taken first forward, and in the second blank backward. 128. Why would it be sure to be better? 129. My whole, I lightly swim The smooth lake’s sparkling brim, Or down the river skim. Transpose me, all around The wide world’s endless bound, In every clime I’m found. 130. My first, you hear its sullen roar When wandering by the ocean’s shore; My second in the gambler’s art Hath played no mean or paltry part, But, fired with sordid thirst to win, It often aids him in his sin. My whole is something that is found Upon the face of all around, Yet if you take from me my face, I am a title commonplace. 131. If the earth were annihilated, why would it be a pleasant pastime to make it again? 132. My first describes a person, add an adjective and show that person’s condition. 133. What is it you must keep after giving it to another? 134. How would you express in one word having met a doctor of medicine? 135. What is that which makes every person sick except the one who swallows it? 136. Why is a person who never lays a wager as bad as a regular gambler? 137. What is the difference between a sun-bonnet and a Sunday bonnet? 138. If I shoot at three pigeons on a tree, and kill one, how many will remain? 139. My first means more than one? my second means a solitary one; my third is highly popular now (with boys more than with their parents.—A. S.), and my whole you are to guess. 141. Transpose an animal into a bird. 142. Transpose part of our flag into spirits. 143. In a word of eight letters, the first three and the last three (transposed) name the same animal. The remaining two (transposed), with the last letter, name another animal. What is the word? 144. I am composed of 12 letters: My 11, 7, 2, 6, 1 is a place of trade. My 9, 12, 3 is a locality where a certain individual passed the night. My 5, 4, 10, 8 is a useful animal. My whole is a well-known personage. 145. What town in Asia is a fit residence for a wild beast? 146. When does the weather show a good disposition? 147. Behead a crime and leave common sense. FLOWERS.148. A raised floor and a letter of the alphabet. 149. An article made by farmers, and an article made by mechanics. 150. An animal, and what he possesses, unless he has been very unfortunate. 151. 152. My second will be better as my first, if careful and energetic as my whole. 153. Why is a drummer the greatest person of the times? 154. When is a sewing-machine a very great comfort? 155. My first is a preposition; my second an animal; my third, in Saxon, means a meadow; my whole we all should be. 156. Three men—A, B, and C—traveling with their wives, come to a river which they must cross. The only boat they can have will carry but two persons at once. How can they all get to the opposite side, no lady being left without her husband in company with the other gentlemen? 157. Straight as an arrow, swift as the lightning, and bright as a sunbeam, I take my flight to the uttermost parts of the earth. 158. My first is a color; my second an agreeable exercise; my third an article of clothing; and my whole a celebrated character. 159. What two female names express a chemist? 160. I’m pretty, I’m useful in various ways, But if often you kiss me, ’twill shorten your days; I part with one letter, and then I appear What young men are fond of all days in the year; I part with two letters, and then without doubt, I’m just what you are if you can’t find me out. (Fill the blanks in each with the same word, differently accented.) 161. The — to Fingal’s cave would — a stranger. 162. Men sometimes — travelers fainting in a —. 163. To select — often — a writer to annoyance. 164. As an excuse for illiberality, persons sometimes — to the —. 165. 166. Obstinacy and deceit. 167. A nickname, an epistle, and a laborer. 168. Swifter, a forest, and an affix. 169. A precious stone. 170. Past tense of a regular verb, and a security. 171. A prophetess and a color. 172. Find five letters capable of being transposed into five different words: two nouns, two adjectives, and a verb. 173. Three circles have their centers upon the same right line. The first has twice the area of the second, and is externally tangent to it. The third, of which the diameter is one foot, circumscribes the first and second. Required the radius of the greatest circle which can be inscribed within one of the two equal curvilinear triangles thus formed. 174. When does the weather resemble a lawyer? 175. My first, in sound, is a bird’s nickname; my second and third are pronouns; my fourth is three-quarters of what fashionable ladies like to do; my whole is an adjective that has been sadly perverted. 176. My first is a verb, my second a nickname or verb, and my whole is to circulate. 177. 178. Why is a passenger by the 12.50 train very likely to be too late? 179. Nine less ten, With fifty twice told, Is what many feel When they’are growing old. 180. What two letters give a word meaning to debate? 181. Behead an animal, transpose, and leave another animal. 182. What does the boy, in his first surprise, say to his water-wheel? 183. What is the political character of a water-wheel? 184. In what coin is its financial value estimated? 185. What is the water-wheel paradox? 186. I am a word of four letters: in me may be found, 1 a verb, 2 an animal, 3 a viscid liquid, 4 a science, 5 a conjunction, 6 a preposition. PLANTS, FLOWERS, ETC.187. Part of every animal and part of every vegetable. 188. A beast of burden and a poison. 189. A sweet substance and a cluster. 190. A weapon and part of the body. 191. A household article and what often forms part of it. 192. 193. Dear friends, your notice now I crave, For I’m a king, a queen, a slave; Each human being claims my name, And rightly, too, so where’s the blame? Although I’m never more than one, Just cross me once, you’ll find I’m some! Whate’er my state of toil or rest, I always love myself the best. I may be greater, never less, So now, young Merrys, please to guess. 194. My first is a kind of tippet, my second a Latin preposition, my third is exact, my fourth is a conjunction, and my whole is what my first was named after. 195. a My first (in sound), second, and whole are birds. 196. Both my first and second (in sound) are found in the scale. Entire, I am a term of praise. 197. Transpose a coin into some bonds of union. 198. Transpose a bird into an animal. 199. Transpose another animal into a bird. 200. Transpose what we often see on a creek into what we often see (on warm summer days) in a creek. 201. Transpose part of our flag into spirits. 202. Transpose an animal into a vegetable. 203. Transpose the inhabitants of a country into a covered vehicle. 204. Transpose a part of day into a stick. 205. 206. My second is the same as my first, and my whole is a shrub. 207. My first is a bird; my second an insect; my whole is "daddy-long-legs." 208. I am a beautiful tree; curtail and transpose me into another tree; transpose the latter into a useful article; replace the last letter, behead and transpose, and you have a boundary line. Curtail the entire word twice, and you have a picture; take the second and third letters away from the entire word, transpose the remainder, and you have another tree. 209. Behead a hod, and leave a kind of cloth. 210. Entire, I am something funny; beheaded, an entrance; beheaded again, I am a fragment. 211. E10100010001000UN1100ATXN. 212. Deep in the wood of spreading oaks, Beneath the tangled boughs, Where Nature dwells untouched by man, My first in luxury grows. My next in gorgeous robes arrayed, Is queen of all her kind, Where Nature’s touch is most displayed In beauty undefined: My whole a lovely garden treasure, Emblem of love, of joy, and pleasure. 213. Why is the hottest country the best? With the letters of the words in italics form the original words to fill the blanks: 214. I met a gunner —— his game. 215. Rob, I came not to apply the ——. 216. He was so —— that he did me an evil turn. 217. I mob seven cats owing to my ——. 218. A —— has often to mind his map. 219. My first is a body of water, my second a relative, my whole a time. 220. Which are the most entertaining of bats? 221. 222. Change my head several times, and make (1) a color, (2) a regard, (3) a nickname, (4) to harden, (5) to excite, (6) a mate, (7) an implement, (8) a fish, (9) to form in mass, (10) a part of a coil, (11) to catch. 223. I am composed of 8 letters: My 7, 4, 6 is a tumor. My 5, 3, 1, 8 is a fluid. My 2, 6 is a pronoun. My whole is sometimes worn by a lady or gentleman. 224. The red-lipped morn rose fresh; and everywhere The sunbeams welcome found, save one, Which fluttered through the close-barred windows where The gambling wretches, who the daylight shun, With red wine flushed, and eyes bloodshot and red, Wearied my first. Again, and yet again, They the uncertain tide of fortune fed With gold ill-gotten, other gold to gain. Oh, what a ruin here! of God’s most noble work, Of life’s great end, and of the deathless soul! My second here we see! Ah, dangers lurk Where passions rule—not principles control! In vain my third is raised; a warning voice! Their hearts are hardened, and they will not hear. Useless to give my whole, or point to joys Which but provoke the ribald jest or sneer! Let us be thankful that the sunlight glad Brings to our hearts but gladsomeness and praise! Ne’er be the daylight in our haunts forbade! Ne’er let us fear the noontide’s searching gaze! 225. My first is to strive violently; my second is to fasten; my whole is a wizard. 226. Why is it that miserly people have never quarreled? 227. Behead a beautiful product of nature and leave what it often falls into. 228. a. A European sea. b. A seaport of Russia. c. A celebrated mountain. d. A town in Tipperary, Ireland. The initials form an object of interest, and the finals its receptacle. 229. My first is a fluid, my second a solid, my whole a plant. 230. Change my head several times, and make (1) an amateur; (2) to hide; (3) to hang about; (4) a leader; (5) a pirate. 231. Curtail a man’s name and leave a girl’s name; behead, and transpose, and leave another man’s name. 232. 233. When eyes and limbs are wrapt in sleep, Within one’s comfortable bed, My first o’er both will nightly creep, With thirsty fangs and noiseless tread. My second prowls in every clime, Where echoes not the human tread, And thick the mountain forests twine Their sunless branches overhead. And when through groves of oak and birch, The backwoods men and maids pursue For blackberries their jovial search, How often have the startled crew Fled with my whole from sounds they reckoned Were like the hoarse voice of my second! 234. My first is a boy’s name, my second is a girl’s nickname, my whole is a science. 235. Transpose the inhabitants of a country into an animal. 236. O 0. (Good advice.) 237. My whole has two of my first, and is my second. 238. Express with five letters a sentence containing four words and twelve letters. 239. 1CE a horrid X took 2 bt his wife stoo500 a time bearing 1000an de provocation ed but she THEINSTE5IIOLN for he JUcouldRE her came she 500E1000O50ISHE500 t H i I m M e with a 100U500GE50. 240. X A 100. 241. Enigmatical List of Animals.—a. A weight. b. A whip. c. An ore. d. A machine used by housekeepers. e. A stamp. f. To intimidate. 242. The troop arranged for battle Without my first would fly; And whether good or bad, Without it you would die. Go seek the earth and ocean, For smallest things you guess; Yes, bring the atom from the air, And still my second’s less. The traitor, when condemn’d to die, May calm his cares and pray; Yet when the axe sounds "dust to dust," My whole he’s borne away. 243. Change my head eight different times, and make (1) a plant, (2) a necessity, (3) a reward, (4) to nourish, (5) an exploit, (6) to notice, (7) a pipe, (8) a produce. A RIVER ENIGMATICALLY EXPRESSED.244. Father plugs an abbreviation. 245. I am composed of letters five, The part of speech is adjective, From either way I spell the same; Pray tell me then what is my name. 246. Entire, I am capital; curtail me, I am still capital; behead and transpose, I am anything but capital. 247. A liquor, a word signifying father; another word for father, a coin, and a liquid measure. The initial and final letters are the same, and spell a title. 248. Take a syllable of two letters from a girl’s name and leave a musical instrument. 249. 250. When are politicians particularly sweet? 251. Why is my inkstand like the leaning tower of Pisa? 252. When does a temperance lecturer say a grammar lesson? (Fill the blanks with the same word reversed.) 253. By a machine many —— can be made from one ——. 254. Marks of an —— are often found in ——. 255. My first is an abbreviated name for a young lady; my second comes from the large end of a dog, runs up a tree, and floats on the sea; my whole is required of all persons in time of war, before they leave for a foreign land. 256. When is a fish a rod? 257. I am as black as black can be, Yet by a curious fantasy, See my tracings, when time has fled, You’ll find them black, though often red. 258. What is that which strikes itself frequently, and yet does itself no injury? 259. Why are different trees like different dogs? 260. What is the difference between a chemist and an alchemist? 261. Why is a tree like a French dancing-master? 262. Why is a mouse like grass? 263. Why are some kinds of pigeons like drinking-glasses? 264. If a bushel of potatoes comes to $1, what will a horse come to? 265. What is that which burns to keep a secret? 266. Why is a tallow-chandler one of the most sinful and unfortunate of men? 267. Why does a man in paving the streets correct the public morals? 268. Why is an obstinate man like a mastiff? 269. How does the wood-cutter invite the tree to fall? 270. “Up! Stir the rough logs to a ruddier glow! And spread forth the gladsome cheer! For the night hangs dark on the plain below, And the swift-winged storm is near!” (Full oft my first, When loud storms burst, Shelters some wanderer from their worst!) “Let the white sail flutter free and wide! How our smooth prow cuts the laughing foam! Faster, yet faster, oh, may we glide! For we’re going home, boys!—going home!” (May the good God’s hand Keep that gallant band From my second’s wrath, and guide to land!) “Let the song be heard, the dance, and mirth! Glad be each heart, each step be light! Away with care and the woes of earth! Gay be the festal hall to-night!” (So the revelers sang, And the goblets rang, While my third kept chime with a glimmering clang!) “To the strife! to the strife!—’tis the trumpet calls! The foeman comes! To arms, ye brave! On, soldiers, on! He wins, who falls, A lasting fame and a patriot’s grave!” (May God’s own might, In the hour of fight, Help those who strive for my whole and the right!) 271. Why do trees often change their places? 272. Can a leopard change his spots? 273. White as driven snow are we— Black as ink or ebony; Red and yellow, gray and blue, Golden, pink, and purple, too. Glittering like a spangled dress, Every color we possess; Few and many, large and small, Sometimes not beheld at all. Thick and thin, and high and low, Moving fast and moving slow; Fell destruction send we forth, East and west, and south and north. Fire and flame we fling around With a fearful mighty sound; Vegetation soon would fade Did we but withdraw our aid; Dearth and famine would prevail; Death would reign o’er hill and dale; Never two alike you’ll see— Puzzled reader, what are we? 274. Add a letter to an animal, and make a building. 275. Transpose a tree into a boy’s nickname. 276. Transpose an animal into a famous battle. 277. Transpose a tree into a verb. 278. Transpose an insect into part of a book. 279. Transpose a game of cards into a dress. 280. I am composed of 11 letters: My 1, 4, 5, 2, 8, 9 is a Scripture name with which we are all familiar. My 3, 7, 5, 6 is an article of food. My 8, 10, 11 is a nickname. My whole is a Scripture name. 281. Why is a man in snow shoes like a man barefooted? 282. How is it that a man with long legs can not travel faster than one with short legs? 283. I’m worn by many a lady fair, In ironing I need much care; Behead, and I’m a purling stream, Where many a poet loves to dream! Behead again, oh! mortal frail, And I will cause thy cheek to pale. CHARADE.284. If you a journey ever take, No matter when or where, My first you’ll always have to pay, Before you can get there. My second you will seldom see, If London through you go; But still ’tis what I hope you are; Few better things I know. I say my whole till next we meet, When well-known names I hope to greet. 285. I am composed of 9 letters: My 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 has done more damage than my 6, 7, 8, 9. My whole is, at present, deplorable. 286. To remove the shears from the ring—the end of the string being firmly fastened to a nail in the wall, or some other object, which can not be put through the handles of the shears. (Easily performed, when you know how.) 287. Entire, I am an insect; behead, and I am a reptile; curtail, and I am a conjunction; curtail again, and I am an article. 288. In northern regions cold and wild, My first you see, a mountain child, In grandeur rise from its bed of snow, And smile on the iron-bound coast below. My second is loved by the school-boy bright, With his rosy cheek and eye of light, And to gain it oft he will truant play, And leave master and lessons far away. In sunny lands, where the fire-flies glow, And fragrant breezes softly blow, My whole you may find so fresh and fair, And who would not wish in that treat to share? 289. Express with four letters a sentence containing four words and fourteen letters. 290. Transpose a dependent into a large party. 291. I’m found in every mountain, In every running vale, Though never in the breezes found, I’m found in every gale. You’ll find me in the dark, But never in the light; You’ll always find me in the day, But never in the night. About your form, dear little one, You’ll vainly look for me, And yet in head, and hand, and arm I’m always sure to be. I’m not in nose, or eye, or lips, Yet I’m in every feature, In boys and girls I’m never found, Yet I’m in every creature. I’m found in Merry’s Magazine— In Uncle Merry’s face; And everywhere Aunt Sue appears, I claim an honest place. 292. Behead a noun and leave a piece of furniture; behead again and transpose, and you will find a character spoken of in the Bible; curtail me and leave the nickname of a distinguished person. 293. Transpose some animals into part of an implement. 294. Transpose something bright into bulky. 295. Transpose a measure into a carriage. 296. Transpose a prop into a source of amusement. 297. Transpose a sudden roll into a clown. 298. Transpose what a bear might give a cat into what the cat would consider it. 299. My first gave us early support; My next a virtuous lass; To the fields, if at eve you resort, My whole you will probably pass. 300. Entire, I belong to the United States; remove one eye, and I belong to a horse; curtail me, and I belong to the human race; curtail again, and I am the child’s best friend; curtail again, and I am best known to the printer; curtail again, and I become invisible. 301. Though for years I had lived, I was unknown to fame, Till I rescued a slave, and I gave him my name. Though then Abolitionist—still I enthrall, And unless I imprison—of no use at all. ’Tis strange I should be both a boon and a blow, But when you discern me, this fact you will know. Doctors’ stuff I convey and small matters unfold, Yet rare gems I preserve and great nuggets of gold. In form I am round or three-cornered or square, And at once I am known as both common and rare. If you wish to be safe when you look at a show, You must pay for, and take me, and sit in a row. Clothed in crimson, and purple, and black I am seen, Yet in gardens in winter I’m constantly green. I am valued and dear, though ’tis equally clear, I am scorned and am hated when placed on the ear. Both of light goods and heavy I carry the trade, Yet in gold I’m oft clothed and in jewels arrayed. If bad passion disturb, or should ill-will excite, I become the forerunner of many a fight. Yet stranger than all these remarkable things, I’m a gift oft bestowed by princes and kings.
302. My first you are when over the ground You lightly trip to the river’s bank, Where my second may always be found; Beware my whole, ’tis cold and dank. And fatal, too, to many a one Who will not its danger carefully shun. 303. I am composed of 13 letters: My 9, 10, 7, 1 was a good man. My 4, 5, 13, 2, 8 is an unhappy wretch. My 11, 12, 3, 6 is an adjective. My whole is an extraordinary tale. CHARADE.304. My first in cities is well known And by me many live, Obtain their freedom in the town, And then a vote can give; My second we can never see, Whether on the land or sea; My whole the sailor often braves, When he plows the briny waves. 305. Why may muslin and flour be considered safe articles in market? 306. Of what trade are we when we walk in the snow? 307. Take away the bees from something we frequently eat, and make it read and speak. 308. An animal before a mountain, with the right kind of article, makes a tree. 309. Transpose some animals into a salutation. 310. Why strains my first his wearied sight, Across the silent main, And loiters on the lonely beach? He looks, alas! in vain. For the chilly hand of Death has passed My second’s stately side, And its gallant crew are sunk beneath The ocean’s briny tide. Though time may pass with silent step, And years go quickly by, Yet My whole shall feed the vital flame And its power shall never die. 311. Entire, I am a companion; beheaded, a verb; replace my head, curtail me, and I am found in nearly every house; curtail again, I am a nickname; reversed, a verb. 312. My first is “for;” my second and fourth are pronouns; my third is an article; my whole is a god. 313. I am composed of 15 letters: My 9, 7, 8 is what wicked children often do. My 14, 7, 3, 8 affords amusement to boys. My 7, 13 is a preposition. My 11, 2, 3, 4 is often pleasant in summer. My 5, 1, 6, 12 is a girl’s name. My 15, 12, 10 is often taken from trees. My whole is the name of one of our generals. ENIGMA.314. I am not found on any ground, But always in the air; Though charged each cloud with thunder loud, You can not find me there. Now, if from France you choose to dance Your way just into Spain, I there am seen, and near the queen, In hail, in mist, and rain. FRUITS, FLOWERS, AND PLANTS.315. A boy’s nickname and a fruit. 316. A bird and a branch. 317. Add what we all love to what we all have. 318. The nicknames of two popular persons. 319. To deplore. 320. Curtail one of the fair sex, and leave one of the unfair sex. 321. My first, in distant lands Full many a temple stands, Once builded by his hands; The marble from the mine, His hand hath caused to shine In beauty half divine; My next in tropic lands Grows where the roving bands Roam o’er the desert sands; My whole went forth—the world, From chaos rudely hurled, Along its orbit whirled. 322. Take a letter from a piece of kitchen furniture, and make something furious. 323. Divide a sensibility, and leave a reward and a fish. 324. Divide a measure, and leave something much worn and to desire. 325. Divide something enormous, and leave a plant and to rave. 326. Curtail an unenviable state of mind to be in, and leave a path. 327. Why is a hog just purchased like 120 pounds of steel? NAMES OF PLACES.328. The name of a race of men, a vowel, and a Greek word signifying a city. 329. A state of equality and a verb. 330. A letter on a title. 331. Behead part of a vessel, and leave a fish; curtail, and leave tranquility. 332. My first is a domestic animal. My second is a very useful article. My third in sound is a Hebrew measure of liquids. My whole is a list of names or things. 333. Resolve what made Jackson a President into a household article. 334. My first is a nickname; my second, in sound, asks a question; my third is an article; my fourth is an adverb, and my whole is a flower. 335. My first is a verb; my second is seen in a hat; my third is often used for a signal; my fourth is the same as my second, and my whole is the given name of the writer. 336. I am composed of 10 letters: My 7, 5, 10 is a medicine. My 6, 9, 1 is an adverb. My 4, 2, 8, 3 may always be seen on Broadway. My whole is a city. 337. Transpose a tree into a hollow vessel. 338. D written off for air, hinge learn a channel. 339. XA100T. Explain the sentences in italics in the following puzzle: 340. I knew a man, not many years gone by, Who had a block of timber in each eye, Without impairing, in the least, his sight, Or filling those who saw him with affright. And what was more amazing, free to roam, Fur-covered thousands made his head their home; Two heavy buildings also rested there, By them unnoticed, and no less his care. A curse upon his meals he often had, And saw with joy it made another glad. Strangest of all, for every house he let, A half a score of insects did beset. At length he did become a seasoned dish, To grace a throne, which suited well his wish; And all this while an arrow, mind, was in him, Which to the things he loved did firmly pin him. 341. My first’s a maiden’s Scripture name, My second’s less than me, My whole—ah! so unmerciful I hope I ne’er shall be. 342. Change my head several times, and make (1) the cause for some things, (2) to debate, (3) a foundation, (4) that which often covers it, (5 and 6) two different noises, and (7) part of the soil of America. 343. My first is half of what you do When you are wildly dreaming; My second our two horses drew One day when Jack was teaming. My whole the wolves eat when they can, ’Tis said they love me dearly; And when I’m stripped to cover man, I run about quite barely. 344. What beverage will surely change our pain? Fill the blanks with the words in italics, transposed. 345. Pray, Simon, that I may be cured of ——. 346. A certain —— used green soap. 347. Cleon paints not in ——. 348. Dire loss is often sustained by ——. 349. —— can stand carbon pretty well. 350. Prejudice runs even through ——. 351. Transpose a taker into a keeper. 352. Curtail a coin and leave a bird. 353. Entire, I am a mixture; transposed, I am false; behead me, I am a tree; replace my head, curtail and reverse me, I am a nickname; take out my third letter and reverse me, I am part of the body; replace the third letter, behead and transpose, I am a verb. 354. Why is a very large man always sober? 355. Transpose an army into what they use. 356. What flowers are always under a person’s nose? 357. Entire I am a dog; behead and transpose, and I am used in almost every house. 358. A planet and a plant. 359. Two girls’ names. 360. A certain man’s instrument of torture. 361. If you pull a rabbit’s ears, what will he say? 362. How does it appear that rabbit’s ears are just long enough. 363. Why is a rabbit like a tailor? 364. Why is a rabbit not required to take the temperance pledge? 365. Me! men? Tom or I? 366. I am composed of 12 letters: My 3, 6, 11, 2 is a puss-animalous noise. My 8, 1, 9, 5 can make one very comfortable at some seasons of the year. My 4, 10, 12, 7 is a pronoun. My whole is the name of a humorous writer. 367. I am composed of 19 letters: My 6, 7, 5 is an animal. My 8, 19, 2 is a boy’s nickname. My 13, 14, 5 is an eatable. My 18, 1, 4, 9 is government. My 15, 17, 11, 12 are very painful. My 16, 10, 1, 3, 17, 4, 9, 2, 11 is ferocious. My whole is what we all wish for. 368. I am composed of 14 letters: My 1, 5, 7, 14 is a companion. My 4, 8 is an interjection. My 10, 11, 13, 12, 2, 11, 3 is a scoundrel. My 6, 11, 9 is in very common use in the kitchen. My whole is a village on the Hudson. 369. My first is an article of clothing; my first and second combined form a trade; my third is a conjunction; my whole is the name of a cape. 370. What species of cat has more than one tail? 371. What species of cat is most to be avoided? 372. What kind of cat is most valued in Sunday-school? 373. Which of the cats does a young man show the most affection for? 374. With a hairy animal and an instrument for the hair, construct a burial-place. 375. I am composed of 19 letters: my 3, 7, 5—13, 8, 18, 12—15, 14, 10, 2—17, 11, 19, 5—1, 7, 17, 16, 7, 2—6, 2, 7, 18—4, 15, 11, 9, 18—and 4, 7, 8, 17, 18, 13 are birds; my whole is the name of a bird. 376. Entire, I am useful to the student; deprived of my first letter, I am behind time; transposed, a bird in the West; deprived of my first two letters, I am what you all have done; transposed, what you all do; again transposed, a beverage; my whole, deprived of the first three letters, is a Latin pronoun in the accusative case. This last reversed is a Latin conjunction. My whole, deprived of the first four letters, is a Latin preposition; my whole transposed is a crime; again transposed, I am very little; without my last letter, I am used in building houses; transposed, I am used in cooking; again transposed, I am used by shoemakers. As an enigma, I am composed of five letters: My 1, 5, 3 is a body of water. My 3, 2, 5 is a liquor. My 5, 3, 1, 4 is a point of the compass. My 1, 5, 3, 4 is a place to rest. My 3, 4 is a preposition. My 1, 3, 2, 5 occurs every day. 377. What stream of water contains, (1) a chart, (2) an animal, (3) a toy, (4) two kitchen utensils, (5) three nicknames, (6) an article of clothing, (7) two articles of furniture, (8) a river, (9) a bird, (10) a ditch, (11) a preposition, (12) to strike, (13) quick, (14) a resting-place for troops. 378. How near does a boy straddling a rail come to the President of the United States? 379. When is an Indian like a railroad engine? 380. When are children in danger of forming bad habits? 381. Why is a boy crying to be helped over a rail fence like a lawyer? 382. I am in the men, but not in the boys. I am in the playthings, but not in the toys. I am in the north, but not in the south. I am in the nose, but not in the mouth. I am in the minister, but not in his hat. I am in the kitten, but not in the cat. I am in the barn, but not in the floor. I am in the window, but not in the door. I am in the county, but not in the state. I am in the pencil, but not in the slate. 383. How far is the President of the United States from the first man that ever died? 384. If a tough beef-steak could speak, what poet’s name would it pronounce? 385. Why is a side-saddle like a four-quart measure? 386. What is that without which a wagon can not be made, and can not go, and yet is of no use to it? 387. What does a frigate weigh when ready for sea? 388. Why do pioneers march at the head of the regiment? 389. Why is "i" the happiest of the vowels? 390. Supposing two ships of war, the San Jacinto and Ironsides, to be 2,417 yards apart, at an unknown distance from a fort having a base of 666? yards. The angle from the San Jacinto to the nearest corner of the fort is 71½°, to the center of the fort 62½°; the angle from the Ironsides to the nearest corner of the fort is 56½°, to the center of the fort 49¼°. Required the distance from each ship to the corner and center of the fort—also the distance from a point equidistant between the ships and the center of the fort. 391. With what three letters can you express a sentence comprising ten letters? 392. My first, though originally an animal, now-a-days often goes by steam; though commonly used for eating, is now much used to punch holes with; though hitherto considered rather sheepish than otherwise, in these times goes to war. My second lies before you; waits to do your bidding; is both black and white at the same time; can draw tears or provoke laughter; carry messages and CHARADE.393. On this green grassy ball of a structure called earth, I have dwelt unregarded for innumerable years, And none more attached to the land of their birth, More deep in its pleasures, its grief and its fears; I sport ’mid the waves of the ocean and sea, Or rest on the bank of some flowery glade. Or join the fairies who dance on the lea, Or play in the checkers of sunshine and shade, But still I’m intent in my welfare I trust, And not to vain empty frivolity given. When I come to the end of all time, as I must, I’m safe in the hope of dwelling in heaven. 394. Add a letter to a pronoun, and make a preposition; another, and make a noun; add another at either end, and make a verb; another, and make another noun. 395. Add a letter to a man, and make a pearl. 396. Add a letter to a Scripture character, and make a flower. 397. A and B set out from the same place, in the same direction; A travels uniformly 18 miles per day, and, after 9 days, turns and goes as far as B has traveled during those 9 days; he then turns again, and, pursuing his journey, overtakes B 22½ days after the time they first set out. Required the rate at which B uniformly traveled. 398. To a word of consent join the first half of fright, Next subjoin what you never beheld in the night; Now, these rightly connected, we quickly obtain What numbers have seen, but will ne’er see again. 399. My first it is a curious thing, Of Nature’s own produce, And many who have lost a limb Have found it of great use. By my second’s wondrous power Ships are made with ease, To stem against both wind and tide Across the boundless seas. My whole is very often found Together with my first, And comes in very handy When you would quench your thirst. 400. Add a letter to a crime, and make meditation. 401. How is it that a hen knows no night? 402. Which class of democrats does a hen show most, regard for? 403. Why is a large fresh egg like a virtuous deed? 404. Add a letter to a heart, and make a number. 405. What is flatter than a flat? 406. I802500A. 407. Entire, I am a kind of rock; beheaded, I am considered very healthy; again beheaded, I am a beverage; then transposed, I am a meadow. 408. ’Tis found in our troubles, ’tis mixed with our pleasures, ’Tis laid up above with our heavenly treasures; “’Tis whispered in heaven, and ’tis muttered in hell,” And it findeth a place in each sybilline spell; In Paradise nestled, ’mid Eden’s fair flowers, It has sported with Eve in rose-perfumed bowers; ’Tis muttered in curses, yet breathed in our prayers; From the path of our duty it tempts us in snares. Deep, deep in our hearts you will find it engraved; Though in misery sunk, yet from sin it is saved. ’Tis found in the stream that flows on to the ocean; Though in bustle forever, ’tis ne’er in commotion. ’Tis wafted afar o’er the land in each breath; In the grave ’tis decaying—you’ll find it in death. It is floating away on the broad stream of time, Yet it findeth a place in eternity’s clime. In the legends of nations it holdeth a place; There’s no charm without it to the beautiful face. In thunder you’ll hear it, if closely you listen; In moonbeam and sunbeam forever ’twill glisten. In the dew-drop it sparkles; ’tis found in the forest; It whispers in peace when our need is the sorest. 409. My first is a drink; my second is feminine; my third is the cry of an animal; and my whole is a city in Scripture. 410. Behead something irritating, and leave something soothing. 411. My first is not so often doled To beggar sad and urchin bold, As when the full amount in gold Was paid for paper one might hold, My second is a rank extolled As beings of superior mold, With virtues rare and manifold, When they by toadies are cajoled— A rank not made through ballots polled By freemen legally enrolled. My whole, a fragrant plant, is sold In parcels small to grannies old, Who in their early life were told “’Twill check a fever—cure a cold.” 412. Take the first syllable (which is sometimes used as an interjection to express contempt) from a warlike instrument, then transpose the remainder, and leave some ends. 413. Entire, I am found in Brooklyn; with my first two letters changed, I am a very strong and pretty kind of crockery-ware; when entire, my first is a kind of mountain; my second is found all over the world. 414. My first is annoying, my second (under certain circumstances), alarming; my whole is something frightful. 415. My first is a nickname; my second, a pronoun; my third, a conjunction; and my whole, a fish. 416. Transpose a ruler into a river. 417. Why is silver currency like CÆsar’s army by the Rubicon? 418. What boat is found in every ocean? 419. 10050055N. 420. Behead an animal, transpose, and leave a coin. The puzzle is, to get from the Entrance to the Center Bower, by following the space between the lines without crossing the lines. 1. W hair over each eye (i) n gander or a bound will p over t and v ice beef hound. (Where overreaching and error abound, will poverty and vice be found.) 2. A little patients over a parent wr on g spree vents great miss under stand in-g-s between men. (A little patience over apparent wrongs, prevents great misunderstandings between men.) 3. Crisis. 4. Mankind. 5. The excellent effects of a mild and (hand less h) tender civility are unquestionable. 6. Trice, rice, ice. 7. Pink, ink, in, pin. 8. Think twice before you speak once. 9. He had no need of a Hierarch (higher ark). 10. “Written.” 11. Princeton, Prince, tin, ton, cent, Nip, tire, nice, not, in, to. 12. Araby. 13. Love. 14. Valentine’s Day. 15. Wise in one’s own conceit. 16. Award, ward, war, raw. 17. Elapse, lapse. 18. A chin well rounded is a charming feature. 19. 250 rods. 20. Bal-morals. 21. Malady. 22. Regimentals. 23. Because they are destitute of-fenders. 24. “A celebrated man.” 25. Plane, lean, plan, lap. 26. Fin e words r no t all wais t he m ark s of a k in d heart. (Fine words are not always the marks of a kind heart.) 27. They are always in love. 28. Cunningham. 29. Hope, hop, ho! 30. Incendiary. 31. Scowl, grow, row, owl. 32. Carroll. 33. Trifling, flirting. 34. Napkin. 35. Horse, rose. 36. T hay W hoe ark wick limb maid 2 DO ill S hood beak on T in ULE watch ED. (They who are quickly made to do ill, should be continually watched.) 37. Salve, slave, lave, veal, vase, save, ale, Ave. 38. Curtail in g x pence swill lad in Co me. (Curtailing expenses will add income.) 39. When he said "Bildad." 40. He thought he was going to blubber, but he didn’t. 41. Pasha, hasp. 42. Rupee, Peru. 43. When it is very rare. 44. Hand-some. 45. A good appetite. 46. Mastodon. 47. Casper, asper, sper, per. 48. When there is a will there is a way. 49. Curtail. 50. Disproportionableness. 51. Nine—he took his own ears and one ear of corn out each day. 52. YOU. 53. War, raw. 54. Willow. 55. Black Rock. 56. Waterloo. 57. Lockport. 58. Buffalo. 59. Whitehall. 60. Pitcairn. 61. Caraway. 62. Judas tree. 63. Marjoram. 64. Meat, eat, ate, tea, Eta, Etam, team, tame, at’em, meta, met, me. 65. Hew hop lace S C on F I dents in awl purse on swill short L y C on F I D E in no body. (He who places confidence in all persons will shortly confide in nobody.) 66. Snow-drop. 67. Commonwealth. 68. Brogue, rogue. 69. A people intent on being overruled by a king, need not complain if monarchs arrogate their ability to over-rule opinions. 70. Practice flows from principle, for as a man thinks, so he will act. 71. The first that turned up. 72. Monkey, money. 73. At-ten-dance. 74. N I X. 75. A hawk. 76. My son, hear the instruction of thy father. 77. P-o-u-l-t-r-y. 78. Because it is often vain (vane) to aspire (a spire). 79. He is an infidel (inn fiddle). 80. He is not likely to have a good run. 81. He is a Jew ill (Jewel). 82. He distributes letters. 83. Dodo. 84. They are sure to bring him full crops. 85. He faces the fire. 86. Slaughter, laughter. 87. Because there is a bridge in every brigade. 88. Donor. 89. Astray. 90. Impeach. 91. Plumbago. 92. Peace to be sure requires justice. 93. Joab—2 Samuel xviii. 14. 94. Omri—1 Kings xvi. 24. 95. Shelomith—Levit. xxiv. 11. 96. Hadaosoh—Esther viii. 7. 97. Uzziah—2 Chron. xxvi. 21. 98. Ahaziah’s mother—2 Chron. xxiii. 13. 99. Joshua. 100. Contemplation. 101. American. 102. Supplementary. 103. Apollos. 104. Korah. 105. Hiram Hatchet. 106. Nehemiah. 107. Incendiarism. 108. Presentation. 109. Baltimore. 110. Smartest. 111. Regurgitation. 112. Disaccommodation. 113. Porcelain. 114. Insular. 115. Recapitulation. 116. Burnside. 117. Prestidigitateur. 118. Contradictory. 119. Indeterminate. 120. Ossification. 121. Resignation. 122. If words could satisfy the heart, The heart might feel less care; But words, like summer birds, depart, And leave but empty air. A little said, and truly said, Can deeper joy impart, Than hosts of words which reach the head, But never touch the heart. 123. Watch over your heart to keep out all vice. 124. Darius, radius. 125. Sausage, assuage. 126. He was bound to Havanna (Have Anna). 127. He was reviled who came to deliver. 128. It would be reformed. 129. Canoe, ocean. 130. Surface. 131. It would be recreation. 132. Miserable. 133. Your word. 134. Met-a-physician. 135. Flattery. 136. He is no better. 137. A day’s difference. 138. Only the dead one; the others would fly away. 139. Conundrum. 140. A good intention, but undervalued and misunderstood. 141. Wolf, fowl. 142. Stripes, sprites. 143. Cataract. 144. “Honest Old Abe.” 145. Aden. 146. When It’s mild (it smiled.) 147. Treason, reason. 148. Daisy. 149. Buttercup. 150. Hound-tongue. 151. Mode sty i s one oft he chief or name nt sof youth. (Modesty is one of the chief ornaments of youth.) 152. Husbandman. 153. Because Time beats all men, and a drummer beats time. 154. When it is used to sow lace (solace). 155. Forbearing. 156. (1) Mr. and Mrs. A. cross the river together, Mr. A brings the boat back. (2) Mrs. B. and Mrs. C. cross, Mrs. A. returns. (3) Mr. B. and Mr. C. cross, Mr. and Mrs. B. return. (4) Mr. A. and Mr. B. cross, Mrs. C. returns. (5) Mrs. C. and Mr. B. go over, and Mr. A. returns for his wife. 157. Light. 158. Red-riding-hood. 159. Ann Eliza (analyzer). 160. Glass. 161. Entrance. 162. Desert. 163. Subjects. 164. Object. 165. Piece of mind being secured we maze mile at miss fortunes. (Peace of mind being secured, we may smile at misfortunes.) 166. Wilful lie (Wilforley). 167. Willie H. Coleman. 168. Fleta Forrester. 169. Jasper. 170. Had anchor (H. A. Danker). 171. Sibyl Grey. 172. Slate, tales, least, stale, steal. 173. The required radius, 0 feet 1.922257 inches. 174. When it is a raining (arraigning). 175. Political. 176. Issue. 177. Be not too wise nor over nice For if you be, you little see, How like an idiot you be. 178. It will be ten to one if he catches it. 179. Ill. 180. B and Y (bandy.) 181. Zebra, bear. 182. What a wheel! 183. Revolutionary. 184. In mills. 185. While it can not move without a head of water, it never gets ahead of the water, and yet is always moving. 186. Star, sat, rat, tar, art, as, at. 187. Blood-root. 188. Ox-bane. 189. Candy-tuft. 190. Arrow-head. 191. Bed-straw. 192. Patience and perseverance will perform wonders. 193. I, — crossed makes X etc. 194. Boa-constrictor. 195. a. Rock pigeon. b. Rose mallow. 196. Selah! 197. Stiver, rivets. 198. Kite, tike. 199. Wolf, fowl. 200. Scows, cows. 201. Stripes, sprites. 202. Ape, pea. 203. Danes, sedan. 204. Dawn, wand. 205. All is not gold that glitters. 206. Pawpaw. 207. Crane-fly. 208. Maple. 209. Trug, rug. 210. Sport. 211. Excommunication. 212. Moss-rose. 213. Because it bears the palm. 214. Enumerating. 215. Embrocation. 216. Virulent. 217. Combativeness. 218. Midshipman. 219. Season. 220. Acrobats. 221. First be sure you are right, then go ahead. 222. Lake, sake, Jake, bake, wake, make, rake, hake, cake, fake, take. 223. Amethyst. 224. Direction (die-wreck-shun). 225. Warlock. 226. They have always agreed. 227. Flake, lake. 228. Book-Case. Baltic, Odessa, Olympus, Killanaule. 229. Liquorice. 230. Lover, cover, hover, mover, rover. 231. Oliver, Olive, Levi. 232. Time and tide wait for no man. 233. Bug-bear. 234. Philosophy. 235. Turks, sturk. 236. Owe nothing. 237. Arm-chair. 238. R U A TT. (Are you a tease?) 239. Once upon a time a horrid, cross, overbearing man undertook to beat his wife upon a very small 240. Tennessee (10 A C). 241. Ounce, cat, pig, horse, seal, cow. 242. Head-less. 243. Weed, need, meed, feed, deed, heed, reed, seed. 244. Patapsco. 245. Level. 246. Fund. 247. Mum, Abba, Dad, Anna, Minim—Madam. 248. Rebecca, rebec. 249. C low shoe r heart against awl vice, butt open the door to wall t root h. (Close your heart against all vice, but open the door to all truth.) 250. When they are candidates (candied dates). 251. Because it is ink-lined (inclined). 252. When he declines a drink. 253. Loops, spool. 254. Animal, lamina. 255. Em-bark. 256. When it is a perch. 257. (Often read) ink. 258. A clock. 259. Each has his own bark. 260. One is an analyzer (Ann Eliza), the other a charlatan (Charlotte Ann). 261. It has many boughs (bows). 262. Because the cat ’ill eat it. 263. They are tumblers. 264. A bushel of corn. 265. Sealing-wax. 266. Because his works are wicked, and all his wicked works come to light. 267. He is a-mending the public ways. 268. Because he is dog-matical. 269. He axes it. 270. Independence. (Inn, deep, pendants.) 271. Because they leave every spring. 272. Yes, when he is tired of one place he can go to another. 273. Clouds. 274. Sable, stable. 275. Elm, Lem. 276. Lama, Alma. 277. Ash, has. 278. Flea, leaf. 279. Brag, garb. 280. Jehoshaphat. 281. Because he has no shoes on. 282. Long or short, he only gets ahead one foot at a time. 283. Frill, rill, ill. 284. Fare-well. 285. Rebellion. 286. To remove the shears.—Take the loop end of the string; put it through the right handle, and carry the loop around to a, as shown by the dotted line here given. Let the loop be carried still further toward b, until it has passed entirely around the whole shoars, and you can then remove them, as they will slip out through the handles. 287. Wasp. 288. Pine apple. 289. I O U 0 (I owe you nothing). 290. Eleve, levee. 291. The letter A. 292. Stable, table, Able, Abe. 293. Hares, share. 294. Glare, large. 295. Yard, dray. 296. Stake, skate. 297. Lurch, churl. 298. One hug enough. 299. Milk-maid. 300. Maine. 301. Box. 302. Quicksand. 303. Les Miserables. 304. Trade Winds. 305. One may be barred and the other bolted. 306. Printers. 307. Bread and butter—read and utter. 308. Catalpa. 309. Lamas, salam. 310. Friend-ship. 311. Mate, ate, mat, ma, am. 312. Prometheus. 313. Nathaniel P. Banks. 314. The letter I. 315. Bilberry. 316. Larkspur. 317. Heartsease. 318. Sumac. 319. Rue. 320. Lady, lad. 321. Mandate. 322. Range, rage. 323. Feeling. 324. Furlong. 325. Flagrant. 326. Apathy. 327. It is a pig-got. 328. Indianapolis. 329. Paris. 330. London. 331. Keel, eel, E E (ease). 332. Cat-a-logue. 333. Votes, stoves. 334. Polyanthus. 335. Isabella. 336. Washington. 337. Gum, mug. 338. Depend not on fortune, but conduct. 339. Tenacity. 340. Beam, hairs (hares), temples a cur sup on his meals, tenants, eggs salted (exalted), a narrow mind. 341. Ruthless. 342. Root, moot, foot, boot, hoot, toot, soot. 343. Mutton. 344. A little (t) will change pain into paint. 345. Parsimony. 346. Personage. 347. Constantinople. 348. Soldiers. 349. Contrabands. 350. Jurisprudence. 351. Drawer, warder. 352. Crown, crow. 353. March, sham, ash, Sam, has. 354. He is a man of great gravity. 355. Host, shot. 356. Tulips (two lips.) 357. Tyke, key. 358. Sun-flower. 359. Rosemary. 360. Aaron’s rod. 361. Nothing. 362. Ho does not want them made shorter. 363. He is fond of cabbage. 364. He never drinks. 365. Memento mori. 366. Orpheus C. Kerr. 367. Uncle Robert’s Picture. 368. Manhattanville. 369. Hatteras. 370. Cat-o-nine-tails. 371. Catastrophe. 372. Catechism. 373. Catechist, (cat he kissed). 374. Cat-a-comb. 375. Blackburnian Warbler. 376. Slate. 377. Potomac. 378. One is a rail-sitter, the other a rail-splitter. 379. When he travels on a trail (T rail). 380. When they linger round the bars. 381. He pleads at the bar. 382. The letter N. 383. A yard and a quarter. Abe—Abe-L. 384. Chaucer. 385. It holds a gal on. 386. Noise. 387. It weighs anchor. 388. To axe the way. 389. Because “i” is in the midst of bliss, “e” is in hell, and all the others in purgatory. 390. From San Jacinto to corner of the fort, 1,843 66-100 yards. From San Jacinto to center of the fort, 1,971 10-100 yards. From Ironsides to corner of the fort, 2,096 53-100 yards. From Ironsides to center of the fort, 2,304 75-100 yards. From point equidistant to center of the fort, 1,763 47-100 yards. 391. R U L. (Are you well?) 392. Rampage. 393. The letter E. 394. I, in, pin, spin or pine, spine. 395. Earl, pearl. 396. Iri, iris. 397. B travels ten miles a day. 398. Yesterday. 399. Corkscrew. 400. Peculation, speculation. 401. Her son never sets. 402. The hard shell. 403. It is a good egg sample. 404. Core, score. 405. A flatterer. 406. I ate nothing to-day. 407. Shale, hale, ale. 408. The letter E. 409. Beersheba. 410. Teasing, easing. 411. Penny-royal. 412. Balista, tails. 413. Ridgewood. 414. Bug-bear. 415. Halibut. 416. Bashaw, Wabash. 417. Because the die is cast before they pass it. 418. Canoe (transposed forms “ocean”). 419. CLOWN. 420. Deer, ree. [See |