
The innumerable readers of Merry’s Museum will here meet with many familiar faces, lighted up by pleasant smiles, and hear the same old jovial laughter that greeted them in the olden time.

Our motto is that of our noble State—“Excelsior!” Our readers will see that we have not buried the talents of our contributors in napkins—but seek to bring them out into the bright day: For Genius—like the lamp of Aladdin—needs constant polishing to bring out its lustre and full effect.

Our object has been to instruct by smiles—not frowns; to cheer the dear hearts of the young girlhood and boyhood; to strew flowers among the necessary thorns of existence. In a word, we try in these pages to make the sad happy—the happy still happier.

Hence, pure fun will be found as beautiful in these pages, as honey amid the flowers of Hybla.

Robert Merry.

Robert Merry to his friends

A kindly greeting sends,

With a general assortment of questions,

Conundrums, Charades,

Puzzles, Riddles of all shades,

And Rebuses, as aids

To intellectual and social digestion.

If the young Merry host

Acquaintance should boast,

Or kindred, or authorship pat,

With some of our jokes,

We confess—(’tis no hoax)—

To amuse other folks,

We have riddled the Museum “Chat.”

Now we beg you will show,

If you happen to know,

Why the Editor, painstaking soul?

Is like the cold storm

Which, in climates bright and warm,

Where gallinippers swarm,

Come shivering down from the pole?


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