Kind Reader, As I am obliged to spend the greatest part of my time in mathematical, philosophical, and physical studies, it was not my design to have written on this subject, although I was advised to do it more than twelve months ago; but on seeing the movements in France, on account of the Revolution, I altered my mind, kept a journal of many things which I saw and heard, and have accordingly written the following pages, which are presented for your perusal and consideration. I have endeavoured to avoid error, and to compile the narration as accurate as possible: if any thing of that kind shall be discovered, I hope it will be imputed to my being misinformed, and not to any intention of mine to impose upon the public. As it is the duty of every philosopher to promote the union, harmony, and felicity of mankind, I have mentioned many things which I hope may be productive of establishing the peace and happiness of the inhabitants of the world. But, alas! it is to be regretted, that some who have shone greatly in the philosophical profession, instead of promoting this laudable work, and for the sake of ingrossing the riches, honours, and profits of this perishing world to themselves, have, under a cloak of religion and liberty, sowed discord amongst brethren, excited insurrections, mobs, and riots, which have terminated in carnage and desolation, and proved destructive of the public tranquillity, and of the liberty and happiness of the people. But these abominable works are by no means the business of a true philosopher, who will attempt to do good instead of doing evil. How far the politicians of the present, or future ages, may agree with me in sentiment, time alone must determine. But if the things that are written in the subsequent sheets shall prove useful and profitable, it will rejoice the author. After wishing your health and prosperity, and the felicity of mankind through the world, I subscribe myself, London, Sept. 30, 1790. |