
A Description of the Road to Liberty.

To all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the world.

2. Grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied unto you.

3. It hath seemed good unto me to promulgate this Epistle, and to make known thereby the genuine description of the road which leads to that liberty which is destitute of licentiousness.

4. To mention those things that will make you comfortable in this life, and conduct you in the way to everlasting felicity in the realms of immortal bliss and happiness.

5. I beseech you, therefore, to remember that atheism, superstition, idolatry, sedition, treason, rebellion, covetousness, theft, robbery, murder, intemperance, debauchery, bad language, gaming, idleness, and all kinds of vice, will carry you out of the road that leads to liberty, and involve you in destruction and misery.

6. Shun, therefore, all kinds of vice and immorality, and walk in the pleasant paths of piety and virtue, which will establish your freedom on a parmanent basis.

7. Let those who doubt the existence of a Supreme Being; and, those who worship the sun, moon, or stars;—the birds, beasts, or fishes;—or idols made by the hands of men, contemplate upon the works of the visible creation; which will naturally convince them of their error, and excite them to pay homage and adoration to Him, who created, upholds, and governs the universe, and is the only proper object of religious worship.

8. Avoid contentions, divisions and animosities, which too frequently terminate in bloodshed and devaluation.

9. Follow peace with all men; break not your oaths of allegiance, fulfil your obligations; fear God, honour the king, and those in authority, and be subordinate to the good and wholesome laws of the kingdom or state in which you reside.

10. Walk honestly; render to all their dues; pay your debts, and your proportion of the public taxes.

11. Be kind to the poor and needy, relieve the oppressed, visit the sick, bury the dead, feed the hungry, clothe the naked; and shew acts of kindness, charity, and humanity to strangers, captives, and prisoners.

12. Love yourselves, your families, and your neighbours; do good to your enemies; avenge not yourselves.

13. Be not high-minded in prosperity, but patient in adversity.

14. Cultivate and improve the liberal and mechanical arts and sciences, and promote every thing that may tend to make mankind happy.

15. Be careful of your credit, your time, and your money; shun bad company, use not bad language, be not idle, waste not your estate in superfluities, be temperate and exemplary in your lives and conversations.

16. Shun the pollutions that are in the world, suppress that which is evil; do as you would be done by, and continually follow that which is good: then will ye be in the road that leads to liberty.

17. Grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied unto you all, Amen.

This Epistle of the Author, was written from Anglia, to the inhabitants of the world.



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