Of the Birth, Marriage, and Character of the King of France—Of the Birth and Character of the Queen.—An Account of the Dauphin, and of the Princess Royal.—Where the Royal Family may be seen. His most Christian Majesty, Lewis XVI. king of France and Navarre, was born August 23, 1753. He was married May 16, 1770; to Marie Antoinette, sister to the late Emperor of Germany. The king began to reign, May 10, 1774; and was crowned June 11, 1775. He is of a middling stature, something corpulent, and of a light complexion. His majesty is good humoured, very humane, kind, and affable; and as he is easy of access, and possesses the most amiable virtues, he is much beloved by his people. The queen was born November 2, 1755. She is very handsome, and of a civil, mild, complaisant, and obliging deportment. And although the public clamour was violent againt her for a time, on a supposition that she wished the king absolute; yet I was informed, that the spirit of discontent has subsided. Madame la princesse royal is about thirteen years of age. She is very handsome, and possesses excellent accomplishments. The dauphin is about seven years old: an active, beautiful child. The royal family may be seen at the royal chapel on Sundays, and also upon every other day in the week, at the same place, when they are at Paris. |