1. There are three numbers; singular, dual, and plural. In late Greek the dual is less frequent and except the numeral d??, does not occur in the New Testament. Bt. 74; Gl. 57; Gn. 155; H.A. 123. 2. The five cases are the nominative, genitive (equals of, or a possessive), dative (equals to, for, with), accusative (equals English objective), vocative (as in direct address). Bt 74; Gl. 59; Gn. 160; H.A. 123. 3 The o– declension (stems end in —o—).
(1) Masculine nouns (and a few feminines) end in –?? in Nom. Sing.: Neuters end in –??. (2) The stem of an —o— noun may be found by dropping the case-ending and adding the stem vowel —o—. Bt. 76; Gl. 62; Gn. 192; H.A. 133. ExamplesDetermine stem in each of the following words and affix the above case-ending. Note changes in the accent and the reasons therefor. ??t??, st????, ?????, ????, ?????p??, ?e???; s?f??, s?f??; a?t??, ??t??. Translate and construe: 1. ???e? (says) a?t? ? F???pp??. 2. ?? t? t?? ?????? ?e??. 3. ?a?e?ta? (is called) ??t?? ? t?p?? ???. 4. pe?????? ?? (was), ?? a?t? ???? (having, = with) ?t????? pe??????? d??. 5. ??t?? ?? ????? p?st?? ?a? ????????. 4. The a– declension (stems end in —a—).
(1) Feminine nouns in the Nom. Sing. end in –?, –?, or –?; mas. nouns, in –a? or –??. (2) In the gen. sing., mas. nouns end in –??. (3) Except in the genitive, final –a in the sing. is short when not preceded by e, ?, or ?, otherwise long. (4) If in the mas. the –?? is preceded by e, ?, or ?, (note 3), the fem. sing. nom. ends in –?, otherwise in –?. Bt. 76; Gl. 66; Gn. 171; H.A. 132-3. Examples—as in 1??sa, ????a, ???a, t??; ?p??t??, ta?a?; a?t?, a?t?; ? ?d??. Translate and construe: 1. ?? ???? ?? ? ?????, ?a? ? ????? ?? p??? t?? ?e??. 2. ?a? a?t? ?st?? (is) ? a?t???a t?? ???????. 3. t? d? ???t??? t?? ?a??t?? ? a?t???a. 4. ? st?fa??? t?? ????. 5. ? p??? t?? p??t?? pe??????. 6. ???? ?st? d? ?? ???? t?f??, ???? ?a? ??f?. 7. ?????? ?a? ?????a. 5. The Consonant declension (stems end in a consonant). With these are grouped in the grammar (3rd declension) nouns with stems in ?, ?, or a diphthong.
(1) Necessary here is the table of mutes and their forms when combined with –s. (I, 3, 1.) (2) All three genders occur in this declension. (3) In gen. plural of monosyllabic nouns (as in —a— nouns) the accent is —??: in datives dual and plural of tones we have —a??, —???, —a??, and —???. Bt. 76; Gl. 98; Gn. 225; H.A. 132-3. Examples—as in 1??? (stem ?e?–), s?a (–t??), p??a? (–???), s??p??? (–????), ?a??a? (–p??), f??? (–??), ???? (t?????). Translate and construe: 1. ?? t? f?? t? ????????. 2. ? d??a?? t?? ?a?t?a? ? ???? ?st?? (is). 3. ?a? ? ????? s??? ????et? (become). 4. ?? p??a? ?p??s?e? t?? ?a??. 5. ? ?f??s??? t??? ?????p??? Sf??? ?st??. 6. ??t?? ?st?? ? ???stas?? t?? ?e????. 6. These case-endings hold for all (except indeclinables which undergo no changes) substantives, adjectives (including the definite article), pronouns, and participles (see verbs). E. g.:
The personal pronouns, as in other languages, are more irregular, the several parts being traceable to different stems.
Translate and construe: 1. ? p??f?t?? e? (art). 2. s? p?st?? ??e?? (hast) ?a? ??? ???a. 3. ??? f??? ???t?? (one crying) ?? t? ????. |