B. M. T. Burton's New Testament Moods and Tenses.
Bt. Babbit's Grammar of Attic and Ionic Greek.
G. Gildersleeve's Syntax of Classical Greek.
Gl. Goodell's School Grammar of Attic Greek.
G. M. T. Goodwin's Greek Moods and Tenses.
Gn. Goodwin's Greek Grammar.
H.A. Hadley and Allen's Greek Grammar.

Useful beginning books are:

Huddilston's Essentials of New Testament Greek (Macmillan, 65 cents).

The Gospel of John in Greek, issued by the Massachusetts Bible Society (10 cents a copy).

Moulton's Brief Dictionary of New Testament Greek (Hinds and Noble, $1.00); or Green's Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament (with supplement. Hastings, Boston, 75 cents).


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