Abortionists, The Police and, 147-149
Adams, Charles Francis, referred to, and quoted, 168, 205
Adams, J. C., quoted, 26
Albany Legislature, 171
“Alexander Woman,” 149
All Sorts and Conditions of Men, 135-143
American Commonwealth, see United States
Andrews, President, of Brown University, quoted, 38, 40
Angelo, Frank, 103
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science quoted, 166, 168
Applegate, Wm., Evidence of, 108-115
Appo, Evidence of, 115-116
“Arabian Nights Entertainments” referred to, 18
Area of Greater New York, 20
Atlantic Monthly quoted, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177
Augustus, Emperor, referred to, 166
Autocracy in Russia, see under Russia
Autocratic Government in Greater New York, see under New York
Ballot Reform Act of 1890, 152
Baltimore, Maryland, Population of, 19
Bartholdi’s Monument “Liberty,” 9-10
Belial on the Judgment Seat, 145-149
Birmingham Municipality referred to, 166
Blood, Mrs., 132
Blumenthal, 146
Boroughs of Greater New York, 20
Boston, Mass., Population of, 19
Bowery Plug Uglies, 35
Bradford, Gamaliel, quoted, 168
Bradley, Daniel, referred to, 54, 117, 147
The Charter of 1882 and Government by Tsar-Mayor, 166-167
Population and Area, 19-20
City merged in New York, 20, 26
Borough of Brooklyn, 20
Brooklyn Daily Eagle referred to, 173
Brown Borough, 20
Bryanism, 201, 207
Bryce, James, quoted, 166
Bunco-Steerers, see Green Goods Swindle
Bureaucracy of Greater New York, 176-177
Byrnes, Superintendent, 83
CÆsar, Julius, referred to, 165
Cantor, Jacob A., referred to, 54
Carnegie, Andrew, referred to, 159
Cass, Miss, referred to, 139
Century Magazine quoted, 58
Charlton, Detective, 113-114
Chicago, Illinois:
Population of, 19, 22
Chicago and New York, 18, 21, 22, 24, 190
Fire of 1871, 40
Children, Protection of, 92-93
Cincinnati, Ohio:
Population of, 19
Brooklyn System of Government, 168
Cisneros, Evangelina, and Cuba, 184
Citizens’ Union of New York, 192, 197, 207
Seth Low’s Candidature, 197-201
City Vigilance Society of New York, 52
Civic Centre of the City, 192
Civil Service Examinations: How They were conducted, 70-72
Cleveland, Ohio:
Population of, 19
Brooklyn System of Government, 168
Cochran, Bourke, referred to, 43
Coleman, 81
Colles, Mr., referred to, 205
Collins, John, Evidence of, 88, 147
Collis, C. H. P., Evidence of, 156-157
Columbian Order or Tammany Society, see Tammany, New York
Confidence Trick—Green Goods Swindle, 107-118
Connolly, Richard B., and the Tweed Ring, 37-40
Constantinople and New York compared, 9-10
Contemporary Review quoted, 179-180
Contents Table, 7
Costello, Augustine E., Evidence of, 95-102
County Council of London referred to, 171
Craig’s Book on the Fire Department, 98
Creedon, Capt., Evidence of, 73-77
Society for Prevention of Crime in New York, 49, 62
Police Corruption, see under Police
“The Great Criminals of New York,” 98
Croker, Richard, referred to, 33, 43-44, 67, 68, 98, 99, 121, 137, 139, 172, 173, 184, 187, 199, 201, 204, 205, 207, 212, 213
Cuba: Rescue of Evangelina Cisneros, 184
Daly, 84
Day’s Saloon, 113
Deas, Canute A., 156
Democratic Government: Despairing Democracy in New York, 159-163
Democratic Party:
Judge Van Wyck’s Candidature and Election, 197, 202-206, 211-216
Henry George, Independent Democratic Candidate, 201-205
Despairing Democracy in New York, 159-163
Devery, Capt., 153, 156
De Witt, C., quoted, 26, 169, 172
Disorderly Houses, The Police and, 81-85, 95, 117, 125-133
Dollar Gas, 206
Duffy, Judge, 100, 102
Edwards, E. J., quoted, 35, 36, 37
Elections in New York, see under New York
Ellis, Israel, Evidence of, 153-154
Emigrants to New York, see Immigration
Empire Club organised by Rynders, 35-36
Endacott, P. C., referred to, 139
Engel, Martin, 88
Essex Market Gang, 88, 93
Farmers-General of Houses of Ill-Fame, 125-133
Wealth of the Great Ten American Cities, 19
Wall Street and the Currency Question, 22
Financial Ascendency of New York, 22-24
Financial Strength of Tammany, 46-47
Bryanism, 201, 207
Fire at Chicago, 1871, 40
Fire Department, New York, 98
Flower, Governor Roswell P., and the Committee of Investigation, 52-53
Foreigners in New York, see Immigration
France: The Second Empire and the Government of Greater New York, 162-163, 176
Fream, Miss Rebecca, Evidence of, 146
Friend, Lawyer, 147-149
Frink, Policeman, 147
Galingo, 133
Gambling: The Police and the Pool-Rooms and Policy-Shops, 63-64, 82-84, 119-123
Gannon, Detective, 82, 83
Gas: Dollar Gas, 206
George, Henry, Independent Democratic Candidate, and His Programme, 201-205
Germans in New York, 22
Gilroy, Tammany Comptroller, 172
Glennon, Wardman, 211
Godkin, E. L., quoted, 18-19, 42, 58, 129, 169, 171
Godwin, Parke, of New York Evening Post, Rynders and, 35-36
Goff, John W., (Counsel), 54, 59, 61-62, 64, 69-70, 75, 76, 79, 93, 95, 104, 110, 117, 118, 136, 138, 148, 149, 152, 153
Grace, Ex-Mayor, quoted, 176
Granger, Gideon, Evidence of, 65, 73
Grant, Charley, 80
Green, F. V., quoted, 174
Green, Deputy-Comptroller, 40
Green Goods Swindle, 107-118
Gwinnen and the Shoeblack, 88
Haines, Walter, 111
Hale, Nathan, Statue of, in New York, 14-15
Hall, Mayor, 38
Hamstrung CÆsarism as a Remedy, 159
Hancock, John, referred to, 205
Hanley, Detective, 112, 114, 115
Harper’s Magazine quoted, 30, 31
Harrington, Thomas F., Evidence of, 157
Harriot, Lucy C., Evidence of, 117
Harrison, Carter, referred to, 187
Hastings’s (Georgiana) Disorderly Houses, 84-85
Hawkins, Saloon-Keeper, 113
Hearst, W. R., of the New York Journal, 180-187
Hermann, Matilda, Evidence of, 126-129
Hewitt, Mayor, referred to, 201
Hoch, Policeman, 130-131
Hochstein, Saloon-Keeper, 90, 92, 146
Hogan, Judge, 140-142
Hopkins’s (Matthew) “Satan’s Invisible World Displayed,” 27
Hudson River at Midnight, 11-14
Hummel, Mr., 102
Hussey, Detective, 90-92
Ill-Fame, Houses of, see Disorderly Houses
Illustrations (see also Portraits):
The City Hall, New York, 2
Liberty Enlightening the World, 8
A Misty Morning in New York, 12
Statue of Nathan Hale, 15
New York Post Office, Broadway, 16
Printing-House Square, 23
The Front Door of the New World, 25
Union Square, 29
First Tammany Hall, erected 1811, 32
Tammany Hall, opened 1860, 33
Tammany Hall of To-day, 187
The Children’s Playground, Central Park, 47
New York and Brooklyn Bridge, 66
Brooklyn Bridge, 86
Fourteenth Street, 97
American Tract Society DepÔt, 106
Delmonico’s, 118
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 124
Gansevoort Market, 134
Oyster Row, 141
Fifth Avenue, 144
Wall Street and Trinity Church, 150
Hotel Majestic, 155
A View in Broadway, 161
Riverside Drive and Grant’s Tomb, 185
The Overhead Railway, 195
The American Surety Company, 198
Cartoon: Greater New York: An Optimistic Prophecy, 210
St. Petersburg, 60
Immigrants and Foreigners in New York:
Population of New York, 18-20
The Police and the Immigrants, 35, 58, 87-93
Inquisition for New York, 189-195
Ireland and the United States, 10-11<
ublic@vhost@g@html@files@44476@44476-h@44476-h-9.htm.html#Page_191" class="pginternal">191-192
Investigation by Newspaper, 193-195
The Election of 1897; the Plebiscite for a CÆsar, 197-209
Seth Low’s Candidature, 197-201
Henry George’s Candidature, 201-205
The Tammany Platform; Candidature and Election of Judge Van Wyck, 202-206, 211-216
General Tracy’s Candidature, 206-209
New York Evening-Post quoted and referred to, 35, 41
New York Herald referred to, 96, 182
New York Journal and Its Editor, 180-187, 214
Quoted, 184-186
The Journal and the Election, 208-209
New York State Legislature, 171
New York Tribune referred to, 26
New York World referred to, 14, 180-183
Newspapers, see Journalism
Newstafel, Anna, Evidence of, 119-120
Nichols, Frank, 154-156
North American Review quoted, 18-19, 58, 129, 152
O’Connor, Edmund, referred to, 53, 61, 69-70, 80, 102, 129, 142
Pandemonium of Typewriting-Machines—Central New York, 17
Pantata Police, 119-123
Parker, 82
Parkhurst, Dr. C. H., and His Campaign against Tammany, 34, 48-52, 55, 84, 128
Patriotic League of New York, 192
Pennsylvania (see also Philadelphia): Tammany, Patron Saint, of Pennsylvania Troops, 30
Pequod Club, 80-81
Periodicals of New York, 24
Perot, Madame, 132
Petit Journal referred to, 180
Population of, 19
Brooklyn System of Government, 168
Platt, Thos. A., 199, 205, 207
Plebiscite for a CÆsar, 197-209
Police of New York:
Down with the Police! 49-55
The Bandits of New York, 57-60
Powers and Impotence of the Police, 61-65
Promotion by Pull and Promotion by Purchase, 67-77, 197, 202-206
Election of, 211-216
Voorhis, Commissioner, and the Promotion of Capt. Creedon, 74-76
Walsh, Mike, and Tammany, 35-36
Warren and Costello Treaty, 96
Walters, Flora, Evidence of, 145
Weigand, Sergeant, 74-75
Werner, Karl, Case of, 136
West’s (Mrs. Sadie) Disorderly House, 84
Westchester County, 20
Whitehead, Dr. Newman, Evidence of, 147-149
Whitney, Edgar A., Evidence of, 211
Whitty, Ex-Convict, 157
Williams, Inspector, 82, 83, 85, 99, 101
Witches’ Sabbat, 27
Women in the Streets, The Police and, 138-143
Wood, Fernando, Mayor of New York, 37
Worst Treason of All, 151-157
Zimmerman, Detective, 103, 128-129
[1] The following table of some of the rates enforced by the police may be found convenient for reference:—
Pool-rooms from £10 to £60 per month.
Policy shops from £4 per month.
Liquor dealers, 8s. per month.
Prostitutes, outside, from 4s. a week to 2s. per night.
Prostitutes, inside, 4s. per week.
Houses of ill-fame from £2 to £10 per month.
Ditto. Initiation fee on opening, from £100 to £400.
Price of Police appointment, £60.
"of a Sergeant’s post, £300.
"of Captaincy, £3,000.