THE principal object of the preface in a volume of this nature is to acknowledge the assistance received from various persons; the title speaks for itself, and but little is necessary by way of introduction. The material for the account of the Naval Academy and the old Naval College has been obtained, with very little exception, from official documents. There is, unfortunately, a considerable period which is not covered by any papers to be found in the Record Office; possibly the records of this period are in existence somewhere, but I have not been able to discover them. I hope, however, that such information as I have succeeded in obtaining about this establishment, of which so little is generally known, may be of interest. In dealing with the Britannia, I have thought it necessary to include some account of the various modifications which have taken place from time to time in the examinations and general regulations affecting the entry of cadets, as illustrating the official ideas which have prevailed at different periods concerning the education of young naval officers. Personalities in a book of this kind are inevitable, but All the “yarns,” etc., which appear have been obtained from authentic sources, including my own reminiscences. To return to the chief object of the preface, my thanks are due for valuable assistance to the following:— The Admiralty, for special facilities for access to documents; Vice-Admiral Sir Robert H. Harris, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Vice-Admiral Noel S.F. Digby, Admiral W.H. Edye, Captain M.P. O’Callaghan, Captain C.H. Cross and the officers of the Britannia, Captain A.W. Warry, Captain G. Mainwaring, Captain G.S. MacIlwaine, Commander G.E. Bairnsfather, and other officers who so readily supplied information; Captain G.H. Inskip, for the loan of interesting papers and photographs; Professor J.K. Laughton; Mr. A.C. Johnson and Mr. J.L.D. Barton, former naval instructors on board the Britannia; Mr. Aston Webb, R.A., for the use of his original drawing of the College at Dartmouth; and Messrs. J. Gieve and Son, for the use of old prints. E.P. Statham. Arundel, |