
Statistical Tables

  • Table 1. Free-world trade with Soviet Bloc, 1948 through 1953.
  • Table 2. Exports of principal free-world countries to Soviet Bloc, 1951, 1952, and 1953.
  • Table 3. Imports of principal free world countries from the Soviet Bloc, 1951, 1952, and 1953.
  • Table 4. Free-world exports to the Soviet Bloc, monthly, 1952 and 1953.
  • Table 5. Free-world imports from the Soviet Bloc, monthly, 1952 and 1953.
  • Table 6. Free-world exports to Communist China, semiannual 1952 and 1953.
  • Table 7. Free-world imports from Communist China, semiannual 1952 and 1953.
  • Table 8. United States trade with the Soviet-Bloc countries, 1937, 1948, 1952 and 1953.

Table 1.Free-world trade with Soviet bloc, 1948 through 1953

[In millions of United States dollars]

1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953
Free-World exports to:
Entire bloc 1,969 1,680 1,545 1,685 1,422 1,350
U.S.S.R. 533 437 301 386 481 410
European satellites 902 919 792 853 672 660
China 534 324 452 446 268 280
Free-World imports from:
Entire bloc 2,005 1,788 1,727 1,879 1,608 11,580
U.S.S.R. 492 272 252 397 462 380
European satellites 1,026 1,090 940 960 780 766
China 487 426 535 522 366 425

1 Includes $9 million imported by United States from Outer Mongolia.

  • Note.—Figures unadjusted for price changes. China data since 1949 refer, so far as possible, to Mainland (Communist) China including Manchuria and Inner Mongolia.
  • Source: Official statistics of Free-World Countries, compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce.

Table 2.Exports of principal free-world countries to Soviet bloc, 1951, 1952, and 1953

[In millions of U. S. dollars]

Country Exports to world Exports to Soviet bloc
1951 1952 1953 as indicated 1951 1952 1953 as indicated
Anglo-Egyp. Sudan 183.5 122.6 Jan.-Dec. 127.5 0.8 0.7 Jan.-Dec. 0.1
Argentina 1,152.3 702.3 Jan.-Aug. 790.4 34.5 12.2 Jan.-Aug. 11.3
Australia 2,047.0 1,716.2 Jan.-Dec. 1,977.2 55.5 8.9 Jan.-Dec. 61.5
Austria 453.8 505.5 Jan.-Dec. 532.9 60.5 64.4 Jan.-Dec. 58.4
Belgium-Luxembourg 2,651.4 2,451.0 Jan.-Dec. 2,259.3 64.4 60.1 Jan.-Dec. 66.1
Brazil 1,757.4 1,408.8 Jan.-Nov. 1,363.7 7.9 6.5 Jan.-Nov. 10.7
Canada 3,608.0 4,396.4 Jan.-Dec. 4,184.8 .9 .6 Jan.-Dec. .5
Ceylon 399.9 315.5 Jan.-Dee. 329.3 8.5 28.9 Jan.-Dec. 51.5
Chile 376.8 461.8 Jan.-Aug. 229.2 (1) (1) Jan.-Aug. (—)
Denmark 838.8 849.1 Jan.-Dec. 893.9 40.0 33.9 Jan.-Dec. 44.3
Finland 2 866.5 717.3 Jan.-Dec. 572.0 148.4 183.5 Jan.-Dec. 179.3
France 4,240.6 4,046.9 Jan.-Dec. 4,019.4 40.5 42.1 Jan.-Dec. 63.3
French Morocco 251.9 273.8 Jan.-Dec. 268.1 3.1 1.5 Jan.-Dec. 1.9
Germany, Fed. Repub. 3,508.3 4,072.4 Jan.-Dec. 4,477.9 103.1 88.2 Jan.-Dec. 139.4
Gold Coast 255.5 241.6 Jan.-Sept. 192.4 9.6 12.0 Jan.-Sept. 8.1
Greece 101.8 119.9 Jan.-Dec. 132.0 .4 .4 Jan.-Dec. 8.3
Hong Kong 775.8 509.8 Jan.-Dec. 478.4 280.7 91.0 Jan.-Dec. 94.6
Iceland 44.6 39.3 Jan.-Dec. 43.4 3.5 2.8 Jan.-Dec. 8.6
India 1,645.8 1,299.3 Jan.-Nov. 1,001.5 30.9 12.7 Jan.-Nov. 9.2
Indonesia 1,230.7 911.1 Jan.-Dec. 819.5 2.3 9.8 Jan.-Dec. 4.5
Iran 590.6 152.4 Jan.-Dec. 125.7 22.6 25.6 Jan.-Dec. 16.6
Ireland 228.0 284.1 Jan.-Dec. 319.2 .1 (1) Jan.-Dec .4
Israel 44.8 34.2 Jan.-Oct. 47.7 2.1 32.1 Jan.-Oct. 1.2
Italy 1,629.3 1,382.8 Jan.-Dec. 1,488.1 65.7 58.7 Jan.-Dec. 62.7
Japan 1,354.5 1,272.9 Jan.-Dec. 1,273.6 5.8 .8 Jan.-Dec. 4.6
Malaya 1,957.1 1,239.7 Jan.-Dec. 951.1 92.9 30.3 Jan.-Dec. 35.5
Mexico 629.7 592.5 Jan.-Sept. 386.0 .6 .5 Jan.-Sept. .2
Netherlands 1,956.1 2,113.4 Jan.-Dec. 2,021.4 40.0 36.4 Jan.-Dec. 60.8
New Zealand 694.8 674.3 Jan.-Dec. 659.7 26.1 10.0 Jan.-Dec. 14.9
Norway 620.0 565.4 Jan.-Dec. 508.6 29.2 30.0 Jan.-Dec. 32.9
Pakistan 749.8 532.5 Jan.-Dec. 438.8 72.6 119.6 Jan.-Dec. 19.8
Portugal 262.9 237.2 Jan.-Dec. 218.8 4.8 7.1 Jan.-Dec. 5.7
Spain 477.7 403.5 Jan.-Oct. 383.9 .4 .3 Jan.-Oct. (1)
Sweden 1,178.5 1,561.1 Jan.-Dec. 1,477.0 126.7 119.0 Jan.-Dec. 69.7
Switzerland 1,082.0 1,100.1 Jan.-Dec. 1,204.3 86.0 60.4 Jan.-Dec. 60.8
Turkey 314.0 362.9 Jan.-Oct. 306.5 24.7 20.3 Jan.-Oct. 22.8
United Kingdom 7,578.3 7,541.5 Jan.-Dec. 7,524.7 119.6 155.7 Jan.-Dec. 92.7
United States 16,602.3 15,176.3 Jan.-Dec. 15,747.4 2.8 1.1 Jan.-Dec. 4.8
  • 1 Less than $50,000.
  • 2 Includes reparations deliveries to U.S.S.R. valued at $53,899,000 in 1951 and $35,719,000 in January-September 1952 when reparation deliveries were terminated. Also includes transfers of “former German assets” to the ceded territory of Janiskoski, valued at $15,000 in 1951.
  • 3 January-September only.
  • (—) None.

Note.—Soviet bloc countries are Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Soviet Zone of Germany, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, U.S.S.R., Outer Mongolia, and China (data as far as possible refer to Mainland China, including Manchuria and Inner Mongolia). Exports include reexports for the following countries: Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Australia, Ceylon, Gold Coast, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japan, Malaya, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, United Kingdom, and United States. All other countries exclude reexports.

Source: Official trade statistics of listed countries, compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce.

Table 3.— Imports of principal free-world countries from the Soviet bloc, 1951, 1952, and 1953

[In millions of U. S. dollars]

Country Imports from world Imports from Soviet bloc
1951 1952 1953 as indicated 1951 1952 1953 as indicated
Anglo-Egyp. Sudan 120.6 175.3 Jan.-Dec. 145.5 3.5 5.2 Jan.-Dec. 3.6
Argentina 1,360.8 1,178.3 Jan.-Aug. 483.2 38.6 17.1 Jan.-Aug. 9.3
Australia 2,112.5 1,733.8 Jan.-Dec. 1,298.5 37.8 14.7 Jan.-Dec. 10.8
Austria 652.7 653.6 Jan.-Dec. 541.2 72.0 73.6 Jan.-Dec. 60.4
Belgium-Luxembourg 2,544.0 2,460.5 Jan.-Dec. 2,422.6 57.8 37.4 Jan.-Dec. 47.4
Brazil 2,010.6 2,009.5 Jan.-Nov. 1,215.8 10.3 5.9 Jan.-Nov. 8.0
Canada 3,877.1 4,120.3 Jan.-Dec. 4,449.4 8.1 8.7 Jan.-Dec. 6.0
Ceylon 327.3 357.5 Jan.-Dec. 337.6 2.4 8.0 Jan.-Dec. 45.5
Chile 329.1 371.0 Jan.-Aug. 213.7 1.8 .8 Jan.-Aug. 1.2
Denmark 1,012.5 962.1 Jan.-Dec. 1,000.3 70.7 39.2 Jan.-Dec. 40.6
Finland 676.0 791.7 Jan.-Dec. 529.8 108.2 153.5 Jan.-Dec. 182.3
France 4,614.8 4,547.3 Jan.-Dec. 4,166.1 71.1 64.2 Jan.-Dec. 56.9
French Morocco 456.2 515.8 Jan.-Dec. 490.1 15.8 8.6 Jan.-Dec. 13.2
Germany, Federal Republic 3,532.2 3,873.3 Jan.-Dec. 3,877.4 131.8 94.0 Jan.-Dec. 168.0
Gold Coast 177.3 186.4 Jan.-Sept. 143.3 2.2 1.6 Jan.-Sept. 1.5
Greece 398.4 346.3 Jan.-Dec. 294.3 .6 .6 Jan.-Dec. 3.8
Hong Kong 852.3 661.4 Jan.-Dec. 677.7 155.1 146.6 Jan.-Dec. 150.0
Iceland 56.7 55.8 Jan.-Dec. 68.2 3.9 3.7 Jan.-Dec. 6.3
India 1,767.8 1,657.0 Jan.-Nov. 1,100.6 38.4 38.8 Jan.-Nov. 6.0
Indonesia 805.3 924.0 Jan.-Dec. 753.0 6.7 5.3 Jan.-Dec. 6.9
Iran 249.1 165.2 Jan.-Dec. 152.5 23.6 27.4 Jan.-Dec. 18.3
Ireland 572.6 482.2 Jan.-Dec. 513.6 7.8 2.3 Jan.-Dec. 2.7
Israel 343.3 1280.3 Jan.-Oct. 233.7 10.5 14.8 Jan.-Oct. 2.1
Italy 2,118.7 2,313.3 Jan.-Dec. 2,395.1 80.0 86.4 Jan.-Dec. 53.8
Japan 1,940.9 2,028.2 Jan.-Dec. 2,409.5 23.1 17.9 Jan.-Dec. 37.8
Malaya 1,542.1 1,256.9 Jan.-Dec. 1,054.4 46.7 42.5 Jan.-Dec. 40.3
Mexico 783.0 739.2 Jan.-Sept. 539.1 2.1 1.5 Jan.-Sept. .8
Netherlands 2,561.3 2,257.2 Jan.-Dec. 2,354.3 66.9 59.3 Jan.-Dec. 68.6
New Zealand 578.3 644.2 Jan.-Dec. 457.8 2.9 2.3 Jan.-Dec. 1.9
Norway 877.3 872.7 Jan.-Dec. 912.0 29.4 35.3 Jan.-Dec. 43.9
Pakistan 519.9 609.7 Jan.-Dec. 350.2 24.6 8.6 Jan.-Dec. 4.2
Portugal 329.4 346.6 Jan.-Dec. 330.6 1.8 .8 Jan.-Dec. .9
Spain 387.0 518.5 Jan.-Oct. 481.2 .4 .2 Jan.-Oct. (2)
Sweden 1,775.2 1,727.2 Jan.-Dec. 1,577.0 137.0 108.4 Jan.-Dec. 61.4
Switzerland 1,364.4 1,205.9 Jan.-Dec. 1,182.8 57.4 45.4 Jan.-Dec. 50.7
Taiwan 85.8 113.0 Jan.-Dec. 105.8 6.8 9.7 Jan.-Dec. 5.8
Turkey 402.0 555.9 Jan.-Oct. 428.8 20.0 20.6 Jan.-Oct. 22.8
United Kingdom 10,959.8 9,748.2 Jan.-Dec. 9,365.7 287.8 243.3 Jan.-Dec. 235.6
United States 10,967.4 10,716.8 Jan.-Dec. 10,873.7 110.3 67.3 Jan.-Dec. 45.6
  • 1 January-September only.
  • 2 Less than $50,000.

Note.—Soviet Bloc countries are Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Soviet Zone of Germany, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, U.S.S.R., Outer Mongolia, and China (data as far as possible refer to Mainland China including Manchuria and Inner Mongolia).

Source: Official trade statistics of listed countries, compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce.

Table 4.— Free-world exports to the Soviet bloc, monthly, 1952 and 1953

[In millions of U. S. dollars]

Month Total
Soviet bloc
U.S.S.R. China
January 107.8 58.7 39.1 10.0
February 121.4 51.3 48.9 21.2
March 129.2 67.8 53.4 8.0
April 114.8 53.1 40.7 21.0
May 139.4 52.4 52.5 34.5
June 109.4 56.1 30.7 22.6
July 118.0 53.5 39.2 25.3
August 125.4 53.2 39.3 32.9
September 89.5 45.6 23.9 20.0
October 104.6 50.4 34.6 19.6
November 120.4 55.7 40.1 24.6
December 139.3 72.5 38.0 28.8
January 119.3 54.9 25.9 38.5
February 97.1 48.6 23.5 25.0
March 123.9 61.2 33.3 29.4
April 110.9 53.2 26.8 30.9
May 88.4 43.4 25.8 19.2
June 100.9 51.9 27.2 21.8
July 104.4 55.2 30.7 18.5
August 113.2 56.1 37.8 19.3
September 90.3 47.7 30.0 12.6
October 118.4 50.7 46.8 20.9
November 140.3 67.0 50.6 22.5
December 144.4 68.7 53.2 22.2
  • Note. — Monthly data are preliminary and unrevised. Therefore, they will not add exactly to annual world totals. China data refer, wherever possible, to Mainland (Communist) China, including Manchuria and Inner Mongolia.
  • Source: Official trade statistics of the free world, compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce.

Table 5.— Free world imports from the Soviet bloc, monthly, 1952 and 1953

[In millions of U. S. dollars]

Month Total
Soviet bloc
U.S.S.R. China
January 153.8 76.0 43.7 34.1
February 145.2 66.0 45.6 33.6
March 138.5 68.0 44.5 26.0
April 148.3 63.0 53.5 31.8
May 133.4 60.6 47.3 25.5
June 114.0 58.7 35.0 20.3
July 125.0 66.9 28.7 29.4
August 122.1 62.7 30.0 29.4
September 120.6 56.7 31.9 32.0
October 124.0 59.7 35.6 28.7
November 135.3 65.2 35.7 34.4
December 145.7 74.8 30.5 40.4
January 135.4 67.8 30.9 36.1
February 103.2 51.3 16.8 34.3
March 115.8 59.6 19.5 36.2
April 139.9 74.3 24.2 40.2
May 127.6 61.6 25.0 40.5
June 132.0 63.3 29.3 39.2
July 124.6 62.2 29.5 32.6
August 135.3 58.4 44.9 30.5
September 141.3 65.2 37.5 38.1
October 147.2 71.5 40.8 33.7
November 129.7 67.6 34.9 26.8
December 146.2 63.7 44.3 37.3
  • Note. — Monthly data are preliminary and unrevised. Therefore, they will not add exactly to annual world totals. China data refer, wherever possible, to Mainland (Communist) China, including Manchuria and Inner Mongolia. In 1952 United States statistics included Outer Mongolia with China, where it is shown above. In 1953 United States trade with Outer Mongolia was separately available; it is therefore included in the total bloc column above, but not with China. United States monthly 1953 imports from Outer Mongolia were as follows in thousands of dollars: January, 647; February, 800; March, 517; April 1,185; May, 474; June, 228; July, 287; August, 1,492; September, 526; October, 1,243; November, 357; December, 902.
  • Source: Official trade statistics of the free world, compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce.

Table 6.— Free-world exports to Communist China, semiannual, 1952 and 1953

[In millions of U. S. dollars]

Country First
Major items in 1953
Freeworldexports,total 112.8 143.7 158.9 1111.1
Hong Kong 29.1 61.9 63.7 30.9 Medicine, dyestuffs, fertilizers, machinery.
Ceylon 12.5 13.5 25.0 25.9 Rubber, coconut oil.
West Germany .2 2.6 13.7 11.3 Iron and steel, scientific instruments, electrical machinery.
United Kingdom 1.9 10.9 8.7 8.8 Wool tops, mechanical handling equipment, sodium compounds, piece goods, ammonium sulphate, textile machinery.
Egypt 2.5 6.4 4.9 5.5 Cotton.
Switzerland 2.5 3.5 10.0 5.5 Watches, coal tar dyes, indigo.
Finland .1 6.5 1.0 4.4 Paper, cellulose, copper semi-manufactures.
Australia .2 .4 1.4 3.9 Greasy wool, wool tops.
Pakistan 54.5 29.4 3.6 3.7 Cotton.
France .9 2.4 9.7 2.7 Iron and steel, machine tools, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
Japan .3 .2 2.3 2.2 Textile machinery, seaweed, superphosphates, medicines.
Netherlands (4) (4) 2.6 1.3 Ammonium sulphate.
Italy 2.1 1.5 3.9 .8 Chemical fertilizer, artificial yarn, woolen blankets.
Sweden .2 .4 2.3 .4 Paper and paper manufactures.
India 5.2 1.3 2.2 2.2 Jute bags.
Belgium-Luxembourg .3 .3 1.3 .1 Ammonium sulphate and sulfonitrate.
Norway (4) 1.7 .9 (4) Paper.
Other .3 .8 1.7 (3)
  • 1 Estimate.
  • 2 July-November only.
  • 3 Not available.
  • 4 Less than $50,000.
  • Note. — Totals and Swiss data are adjusted to exclude those watches known to be destined for Hong Kong and Malaya. So far as possible, data refer to Mainland (Communist) China, including Manchuria and Inner Mongolia.
  • Source: Official trade statistics of free-world countries, compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce.

Table 7.— Free-world imports from Communist China, semiannual, 1952 and 1953

[In millions of U. S. dollars]

Country First
Major items in 1953
Freeworldimports,total 171.2 194.6 226.6 1198.4
Hong Kong 60.7 84.6 84.9 65.1 Fruits and vegetables, textiles, vegetable oils, pigs and poultry, eggs, plants and seeds.
Ceylon .3 6.6 22.1 21.8 Rice.
West Germany 8.2 9.4 14.8 18.5 Oilseeds, vegetable oils, eggs.
Japan 5.6 9.3 12.6 17.1 Oilseeds, cashmere, wool, raw silk, pulses.
United Kingdom 5.0 3.4 12.0 16.8 Eggs, hair, oilseeds.
Malaya 21.0 18.5 20.3 14.1 Fruits and vegetable, eggs, plants and seeds, paper and manufactures, animal feeding stuffs.
Switzerland 3.5 6.4 8.1 8.0 Oilseeds, raw silk, silk fabrics.
France 3.1 2.5 5.2 5.8 Textile yarn and fibers, grains, bristles, casings, essential oils.
Netherlands 2.8 2.1 11.8 3.4 Oilseeds.
Belgium-Luxembourg 2.5 2.2 4.2 3.1 Oilseeds, vegetable oils.
Italy .9 1.2 4.3 3.1 Fats and oils, oilseeds.
Taiwan 4.5 5.2 2.9 2.8 Pulses, medicinal substances, vegetables.
Norway 1.0 2.2 .8 2.8 Oilseeds, copra, tung oil.
French Morocco 4.0 1.5 4.7 2.5 Green tea.
Australia 2.3 1.2 1.9 2.4 Inedible animal products, oils, peanuts.
Pakistan 1.4 1.2 .8 2.2 Cotton twist and yarn.
Indonesia .9 1.0 .7 1.5 Vegetables, plants and seeds, resin.
United States 22.6 5.1 .2 .4 Feathers, bristles, furskins, art works and antiques.
Canada 1.1 .2 .7 .4 Walnuts and peanuts.
Philippines 1.4 1.8 1.3 2.4 Food, cotton and manufactures, coffee.
India 10.2 22.2 1.4 2.4 Rice.
Denmark (3) (3) 2.1 (none) Oilseeds, feedstuffs.
Indochina 3.3 4.0 43.4 (5) Not available.
Burma 2.2 .2 .2 (5) Garlic, raw silk and yarn, cotton yarn.
Other 2.7 2.6 5.2 (5)
  • 1 Estimate.
  • 2 Figures for the second half of 1953 are incomplete as follows: Philippines, July-November: India, July-November.
  • 3 Less than $50,000.
  • 4 January-May only.
  • 5 Not available.
  • Note.—So far as possible, data refer to Mainland Communist China, including Manchuria and Inner Mongolia.
  • Source: Official trade statistics of free world countries, compiled by U. S. Department of commerce.

Table 8.—United States trade with the Soviet-bloc countries, 1937, 1948, 1952, and 1953

[In thousands of dollars]

Country Exports, including reexports General imports
11937 1948 1952 1953 1937 1948 1952 1953
Total Soviet bloc 143,892 396,641 1,097 1,776 206,506 233,482 67,311 45,597
Bloc in Europe 94,189 123,241 1,097 1,776 102,884 113,138 39,586 36,325
Albania 147 344 1 2 137 ---- 52 65
Bulgaria 490 2,086 24 5 1,862 831 275 358
Czechoslovakia 13,233 21,563 75 40 37,183 22,125 1,477 2,262
East Germany n.s.s. n.s.s. 622 1,079 n.s.s. n.s.s. 7,118 6,465
Estonia 1,244 7 ------ ------ 937 (X) ------ ------
Hungary 693 8,029 69 2 5,512 1,613 2,913 1,717
Latvia 1,744 1 ------ ------ 767 6 ------ ------
Lithuania 511 115 ------ ------ 1,172 10 1 ------
Poland and Danzig 26,297 55,675 286 622 19,568 1,249 10,247 14,295
Rumania 6,938 7,542 ------ 7 4,978 480 683 372
U.S.S.R. 42,892 27,879 20 19 30,768 86,825 16,818 10,791
bloc in asia
China (including Manchuria) } 49,703 273,400 ------ ------ 103,622 120,343{ 224,605 3614
Outer Mongolia 4 3,120 8,658
North Korea n. s. s. n. s. s. ------ ------ n. s. s. n. s. s. ------ ------
  • 1 Data represent direct shipments only, which in prewar years greatly understated the trade with central European countries; for a total of direct and indirect imports of United States merchandise see foreign country statistics.
  • 2 Consisted chiefly of strategic materials specifically licensed for import.
  • 3 Consisted chiefly of strategic materials specifically licensed for import in 1952 but not actually imported until 1953, and Chinese material located in free countries before 1950 and purchased in those countries by Americans.
  • 4 United States does not consider Outer Mongolia as a part of Communist China; traditionally for statistical purposes Outer Mongolia has been included with China; separate figures for this area have been compiled by Census only since January 1953. The 1952 breakdown is estimated.
  • (X) Less than $500.
  • n.s.s. Not shown separately.
  • Source: U. S. Department of Commerce.
  • Rows of dashes: )----) mean nothing shipped.


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