
Australian (Ratzel) Frontispiece
1. Group of Greenland Eskimo. (Nansen.) 9
2. A Greenland Eskimo Fishing. (Nansen.) 11
3. Victorio—an Apache Warrior. (Lummis.) 14
4. Mexican Ox-cart. (From photograph.) 21
5. Mexican Water-carrier. (From photograph.) 22
6. Otomi Indian Girls, Mexico. (From photograph.) 24
7. Peruvian Antiquities. (Ratzel.) 27
8. Botocudo Indian with Lip-plug. (Tylor.) 31
9. Fish-girl of Scheveningen, Holland. (From photograph.) 35
10. Boats made from Shoes, Holland. (From drawing by HaitÉ.) 36
11. Italian Child. (Miln.) 39
12. Basque Cart. (Verneau.) 46
13. Finns Singing. (Verneau.) 51
14. A Group of Lapps. (Verneau.) 54
15. Laplander on Snow-runners. (Verneau.) 57
16. Caravan preparing to start: Asiatic Turks. (Verneau.) 62
17. Chinese Mandarin. (Ratzel.) 71
18. Chinese Boy choosing Toys. (Doolittle.) 73
19. Corean Hat. (Lowell.) 78
20. Tibetan Lamas blowing on Shells. (Verneau.) 84
21. Mongols choosing a Lama. (Huc.) 86
22. Japanese Girl with Baby. (Arnold.) 89
23. Boys’ Festival: Japan. (Bramhall.) 92
24. Ainu—a Hairy Specimen. (Batchelor.) 96
25. Ainu Women, showing Tattooing. (From a photograph.) 97
26. Hindu Dancing girls and Musicians. (Verneau.) 103
27. Hindu Snake Charmers. (Brehm.) 105
28. Group of Todas. (Verneau.) 111
29. Andaman Mincopies. (Tylor.) 116
30. Camel and Palanquin. (From a photograph.) 120
31. Group of Kabyles: Algeria. (From a photograph.) 125
32. Making Couscous in the Desert. (From a photograph.) 127
33. Negro Smiths at Work. (Ratzel.) 131

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