
Botanical Garden, The, St. Pierre, 228, 235-236, 254, 257, 264-270.
Boulevard, The, St. Pierre, 233.
Cape Hatteras, 27, 29.
Capot, Martinique, 270.
Casa Blanca, San Juan, 144.
Castle, The, Charlotte Amalie, 179-185.
Cathedral, The, Santo Domingo, 90-105.
Ceiba-Tree, The, 288.
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, 164-196.
Castle, The, 179-185.
Columbus, Christopher, 97-105, 288.
Columbus, Diego, 98.
Coolies of Trinidad, 279-281, 292-297.
Coolie Village, The, Port of Spain, 292-297.
Fer de Lance, The, Martinique, 248, 252-253, 269-270.
Grand Hotel, The, St. Pierre, 237-238.
Grande Anse, La, Martinique, 270.
Gros Morne, Martinique, 270.
Gulf Stream, 29.
Hotel Casino Bellevue, Port au Prince, 66-79.
Leper House, The, Port of Spain, 298-307.
Marigot, Martinique, 270.
Martinique, Island of, 197-271.
Capot, 270.
Fer de Lance, 248, 252-253, 269-270.
Grande Anse, La, 270.
Gros Morne, 270.
Marigot, 270.
Morne Rouge, 236, 270.
Mount PelÉe, 236, 270, 274.
Natives, The, 205, 210-215, 254-263.
RiviÈre Roxelane, 266, 273.
Morne Rouge, Martinique, 236, 270.
Morro Castle, San Juan, 128, 153.
Mount PelÉe, Martinique, 236, 270, 274.
Natives, The, of Martinique, 205, 210-215, 254-263;
of St. Thomas, 193-196, 210;
of Trinidad, 275-276, 285-286.
Ozama River, 85, 86, 112, 118-122, 163, 288.
Plaza, The, San Juan, 140, 148-150.
Ponce de Leon, 154-156;
Square of, San Juan, 153-160.
Port au Prince, HaÏti, 35, 42-80, 84, 89.
Hotel Casino Bellevue, 66-79.
Port of Spain, Trinidad, 275-307.
Coolie Village, The, 292-297.
Leper House, The, 298-307.
Savannah, The, 287-291.
Quay, The, San Juan, 134-136.
RiviÈre Roxelane, Martinique, 266, 273.
St. Croix, Island of, 189.
St. John, Island of, 189, 190.
St. Pierre, 205, 216, 219, 220-245, 246, 273.
Botanical Garden, The, 228, 235-236, 254, 257, 264-270.
Boulevard, The, 233.
Grand Hotel, The, 237-238.
St. Thomas, Island of, 164, 186, 189, 190.
Natives of, 193-196, 210.
San Salvador, 33.
San Juan, Puerto Rico, 124-161, 163.
Casa Blanca, 144.
Morro Castle, 128, 153.
Plaza, The, 140, 148-150.
Quay, The, 134-136.
Square of Ponce de Leon, 153-160.
Santo Domingo, 84-123, 173.
Cathedral, The, 90-105.
Savannah, The, Port of Spain, 287-291.
Southern Cross, The, 219.
Square of Ponce de Leon, San Juan, 153-160.
Trinidad, Island of, 275-307.
Coolies, The, 279-281, 292-297.
Natives, The, 275-276, 285-286.
Windward Passage, 29, 35.

Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber:
her persisent whisper=> her persistent whisper {pg 235}
Hayti=> HaÏti {pg 310}


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