
The note at the end of the First Edition of this work referred to on the preceding page has brought the author many letters from professional men, who have kindly taken interest in the work by offering suggestions which are now incorporated as far as practical in this Edition, and for which thanks are tendered.

One important improvement of late years in the construction of surveying instruments is due to the greater perfection of modern machinery, and the adoption of special machines to shape out many parts of the work from the solid which were formerly screwed together in many pieces, which made the instruments heavier and also liable to become loose in parts by jars, so as to cause the necessity of frequent readjustments.

Another important improvement in modern surveying instruments is in their lightness, due to the discovery of permanent aluminium alloys, by which many parts of instruments that are shaped out in the solid may be reduced to one-third the weight of the gun-metal castings formerly used entirely for these parts.

In the present Edition, which represents forty-seven years of experience of the author's life devoted to the details of the subject, it is hoped that some permanent improvements in surveying instruments may be shown, and that many new designs now first described, founded upon this experience, may merit trial.

The author is pleased to acknowledge the zealous aid his working manager and at present co-director, Mr. H. T. Tallack, has given in perfecting this work to bring it to its present state.

W. F. S.

Great Turnstile, 1901.


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