- Abney's clinometer, 411
- Achromatism explained, 35
- Adjustable axis, of plane table, 479
- Adjustable tripod, 329
- Alidades for plane tables, 473
- Alloys used for surveying instruments, 7
- Altazimuth theodolite, 295
- Altitudes, measurements of, 550
- Aluminium alloys, 8
- Anallatic telescope, 364
- Anemometers, 596
- Aneroid barometers, Vidie's, 558
- Apomecometer, 469
- Arrows, for chain, 494
- Artificial horizons, 443
- Atmospheric pressure, measurements of, 550
- Axes, workmanship in, 11
- Bakewell's tangential index, 384
- Ball and socket adjustments: Hoffmann's, Pastorelli's, 330
- Bands, steel, for measuring land, 449
- Barker's clinometer, 415
- Barometer, aneroid, 558
- Base line apparatus, 517
- Beam compass measurements, 510
- Bellamy's road tracer, 420
- Bill-hook, 582
- Binoculars, prism, 584
- Black, optical, 14
- Boiling-point thermometer, hypsometer, 569
- Boning rods, 578
- Books, levelling, 173
- Boucher's calculator, 587
- Box sextant, 451
- with continuous arc, 461
- with supplementary arc, 458
- Bronzing instruments, 14
- Brunton mine transit, 353
- Bubble trier, 88
- Burel's reflecting level, 144
- Burnier's clinometer, 416
- Caink's rule for correcting inclines, 498
- Calculators: Barnard's, 594
- Camera, 243, 585
- Cases, for carrying maps, 597
- leather, for instruments, 23
- Cavalry sketching case, 488
- Cement tester, Mann's, 585
- Centesimal division, 185
- Chain scales, pocket sets, 596
- Chain vice, 496
- Chaining, 497
- Chains, land, various, 490
- Chains, sounding, 526
- Chronometer and chronograph, 598
- Circumferentor, 307
- Clamp and tangent motions, various, 202
- Classification of instruments, 5
- Clinometer compasses, 418
- Clinometers, various, 411
- Coast survey lines, 527
- Coincidence rods, 511
- Collimation, 55
- Collimator, 121
- Compass, surveying with, 80
- Compasses: magnetic, bar, 59
- Barker's, 84
- Burnier's, 80
- hanging, 344
- Hutchinson's, 79
- luminous, 84
- mariners', 73
- prismatic, 75
- pocket, 82
- ring, 72
- trough, 74, 83
- Compensated rods, 512
- Connecting link, to extend hand rods, 531
- Convex and concave lenses, 32
- Cooke's level, 138
- Co-ordinate slide rule, 594
- Cross-staff heads, 573
- Curvature, correction for, 170
- Cushing's level, 136
- De Lisle's reflecting clinometer, 413
- Declination of needles, 67
- Deville's theodolite, 263
- Diagonal eye-piece, 45
- Dials, mining, 309
- Diaphragm of telescope, 50, 114, 135
- Dip compass, 354
- Dip of needles, 66
- Dispersion of light, 35
- Dividing engine, 176
- Division of the circle, 175
- Double optical square, 467
- Drop arrow, 494
- Dumpy level, 110
- Dynameter, 43
- Edgeworth's stadiometer, 482
- Engineer's level, 133
- Engraving, note on, 16
- Everest's theodolite, 271
- Excise ink bottle, 174
- Eye-pieces: Ramsden, 41
- erecting, 44
- diagonal, 45
- reflecting, 46
- Field-books, 289, 374, 380
- Field-glasses, 582
- Finishing of surveying instruments, 14
- Formation of images in a telescope, 33
- French forms of miners' dials, 336
- Fuller's rule, 592
- Geological tools, 587
- George's artificial horizon, 446
- Girth straps, tapes, etc., 579
- Glass diaphragm, 53
- Glass, working, 16 refraction of, 25
- Gradient scale, 213
- Gradienter Screw, 386
- Gradiometer, 404
- Gradioplane, 409
- Graduation, 179
- Green, William, Subtense instruments, 355
- Hadley's quadrant, 423
- Hanging mining compass, 344
- Hedley's dial, 322
- Heliograph, 540
- Heliostat and heliotrope, 537
- Henderson's miners' dial, 315
- Hick's patent level, 96
- Historical sketch of surveying instruments, 1
- Hoffmann's ball and socket head, 330
- Horizontal scale of tangents, 213
- Hypotenuse and base, 212
- Hypsometer, 569
- Illumination of axis of telescope, 234
- Inclinometer: Lister's, 389
- Lacquering work, 15
- Lamp, magnesium, 545
- for levelling, 169
- mining, 348
- theodolite, 235
- Land chains, 490
- Lanterns, oil, 545
- Lean's miners' dial, 315
- Leather cases, 23
- Lenses, 33
- Level: for levelling staff, 163
- mechanics', 575
- with inclines, 576
- Levels: surveyors', 97
- Cooke's, 138
- Cushing's, 136
- dumpy, 110
- same improved, 123
- engineers', 133
- reflecting, 144
- pocket, 142
- simple construction of, 141
- supplementary parts to, 139
- water, 146
- Y-form, 98
- same improved, 107
- Level tubes, 86
- circular, 96, 576
- curvature of, 87
- divisions upon, 90
- readers for, 95
- Scott's, 93
- sensitiveness of, 89
- Strange's, 92
- with air cell, 93
- Level tube trier, 88
- Levelling: books, 172
- staves, telescopic, 148
- semicircular, 150
- mining, 158
- papering of, 159
- preservation
of, 161
- various patterns of, 151
- holder for, 163
- pads for, 161
- pegs for, 171
- practice of, 163
- Light for night observations, 169, 545
- Light, refraction of, 27
- Line, sounding, 527
- Lubrication of joints, etc., 20
- Luminous compass, 84
- Magnesium lamp, 546
- Magnetic compasses, 59
- correction of, 64
- declination of, 67
- inclination of, 66
- trough, 74
- variation of, 68
- various forms, 82
- Magnetic needles, 59
- Magnetic needles, various, 59
- Magnetism, 59
- Magnifying power of telescope, 43
- Measuring rods, 530
- Mechanics' levels, 575
- Mercurial barometer, 549
- Metals employed in surveying instruments, 7
- Micrometer microscopes: various, 192
- Micrometer theodolites, 259
- Military sketching board, 485
- Miners' circumferentor, 307
- Miners' compasses: French, 336
- hanging, 344
- Stanley's prismatic, 343
- Miners' dials: various, 309
- Mining, survey lamp, 348
- Morse signaling, 544
- Mountain barometer, 550
- Nautical sextant, 429
- Needles, magnetic, 59
- Night signalling stations, 545
- Octant or quadrant, 422
- Offset rods, 507
- Omnimeter, 374
- Opisometer, 587
- Optical black, 582
Tools used in manufacture of instruments, 11 Triangle for levelling staff, 162 Tribrach adjustments, 126 - Everest's, 272
- with mechanical stage, 251
Tripods, 114, 217, 322 Tripods, jointed, for mining instruments, 313 Trough compass, 74, 83, 236 - Vernier scale readings, 180
- Vicat needle, 586
- Vice for adjusting land chain, 496
- Water levels, 146
- Waterproof covers, 23
- Watkin's aneroid, 567
- Watkin's clinometer, 417
- Wealemefna, 587
- Webs, collecting and mounting, 51
- Whistles, 585
- Y-levels, 98
- improved construction, 107
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