MINING SURVEY INSTRUMENTS—CIRCUMFERENTORS—PLAIN MINER'S DIAL—SIGHTS—TRIPOD STAND—ADJUSTMENTS—HENDERSON'S DIAL—LEAN'S DIAL—ADJUSTMENTS—HEDLEY'S DIAL—ADDITIONAL TELESCOPE—IMPROVED HEDLEY TRIBRACH AND BALL ADJUSTMENT—REFLECTORS—CONTINENTAL FORMS—THEODOLITE SOUTERRAIN—TRIPOD TABLES—STANLEY'S MINING THEODOLITE—PASTORELLI'S AND HOFFMANN'S ADJUSTABLE TRIPOD HEADS—MINING TRANSIT THEODOLITES—STANLEY'S PRISMATIC MINING COMPASS—HANGING DIAL—HANGING CLINOMETER—SEMI-CIRCUMFERENTOR—MINING LAMPS. 489.—Miner's Circumferentor.—In the original form of theodolite, as it was at first designed by Digges, open sights took the place of the telescope. The sights in this case were extended on arms. The compass-box, afterwards added, was placed over the axis and made as free from obstruction as possible, so that the needle, upon which general surveying formerly depended, could be read correctly by placing the eye vertically to the plane of the horizontal circle of division against which the needle read. After the introduction of the telescope to the theodolite this old form of instrument took the general designation of the circumferentor; and subsequently, being best adapted to underground surveying, 490.—Upon this original circumferentor improvements have been made in the various mining dials we possess, in all of which the large open compass is still preserved. This prominence of the compass does not indicate that the modern scientific mining engineer has any desire to depend upon it for taking horizontal angles, but that in close and tortuous workings it provides the nearest and often the only possible means of taking angles having regard to the extreme difficulties of observation of any kind. Where workings are open and fairly plane the telescope and circle with vernier reading can be used, so that at the present time the better instruments possess the means also of taking observations of angular direction by vernier reading. Several other very important factors specialize mining from ordinary surveying instruments, which may be stated as follows:—1. That there shall be means of shortening the tripod for work in strata of small depth. 2. That the instrument shall be low and compact in itself, that the head of the surveyor may be placed above it if possible, even in shallow workings. 3. That great extent of adjustment of the compass-box to horizontality shall be given in the fittings of the instrument, on account of the difficulty of extending the legs at all times for tripod adjustment and from the extreme inclination of the floor of the working in some cases. 4. That it is desirable in mining survey instruments that the telescope, if there is one, shall take sights at all angles upon the surface of the earth in the locality in which the instrument is used, as also about a vertical position, so as to be able to sight lines from the top to the bottom of the shaft, or vice versa, to set off angles in the same azimuth as those taken at the surface by direction of stretched wires or otherwise. This last contrivance will also give the means of sighting a perfectly vertical point beneath the centre of the instrument placed at the top of the shaft, to 491.—Plain Miner's Dial.—The original simple form of specialized miner's dial is shown in Fig. 201. It consists of a compass, divided to single degrees, read by a finely pointed edge-bar needle mounted on a jewelled cap. The needle has a sliding rider placed upon it, art. 130, so that it may be carefully balanced to horizontality in any locality in which it is used. The divided compass is raised on a step, and the upper surface of the needle is made to be quite level with the division when the compass is horizontal. In erecting the instrument with the needle correctly balanced, the compass may therefore be brought to horizontality by the coincidence of the upper surface of the needle with the plane of the divisions, without the necessity of having spirit levels. Fig. 201.—Mining dial. Fig. 202.—Cover to the same. Fig. 203.—Sight. Fig. 204.—Section of ball and socket joint. Larger image 492.—The compass-box is extended in one meridian, north to south, by strong arms that carry a pair of sights hinged to turn down to the surface of the cover for portability. The compass-box and arms together are termed the limb. The limb of the instrument is mounted upon a ball and socket joint to be described. The socket is slotted down on one side to permit the limb to be turned to a vertical position. In this position the level shown on the front of the instrument is used for levelling by means of the sights: this level is not, however, put on all plain dials. 493.—The cover of the compass-box, Fig. 202, is fixed on the box to a given position by a stud and slot. It has an arc divided upon its outer surface, which is centred from a small hole placed near the outer edge. A line from the centre of 494.—The instrument is mounted on a simple jointed tripod to be described. It will be seen by the above description that this instrument is cheaply made, and is not designed for very exact work. It is now giving way for more exact instruments, but it forms the groundwork on which mining survey instruments are most generally constructed. The height of this dial with sights erect is 11 inches; weight, 6 lbs. Some of the separate parts above enumerated, which are common to many other forms of mining instruments, will now be more particularly described. 495.—Sights, one of which is shown separately, Fig. 203, are common to mining instruments. They are constructed essentially in two parts, technically termed the slit and the window. The slit A is a narrow parallel cut made through the metal upon the inner surface of the sight, which is turned towards the centre of the instrument. The thickness of the metal is hollowed away on the outer side which comes next the eye, so as to present a thin edge only for the sighting slit, as shown in section at A'. In some instruments the slit is formed of two thin plates fixed to the sight by screws in slots, which render it adjustable both to width and position; this is the better way if machinery be not used for cutting the slit. The window B is an oblong opening, across which a hair wire or a thin plate placed edgewise is fixed in line with the slit. The hair or wire is laid in a deeply engraved line, so that it is in the same plane as the centre of the slit. The ends of the hair are held firmly by drawing them through small holes and fixing them therein by means of dry, conical, pinewood pins pressed tightly in the holes. When a thin plate is used edgewise, this is soft-soldered into the top and bottom of the window. In the pair of sights the window of one sight is placed at the lower 496.—In the use of the Sight the point or object to be observed from the slit should appear to be bisected by the hair in the window at the same time that it appears to the eye to stand in the centre of the slit. For this reason it is not necessary that the slit should be very narrow. It is generally more comfortable to take the sight with the eye at the distance of 10 to 12 inches in front of the slit to obtain clear vision of it. In this case if it be made too narrow it shuts out the field of view. 497.—It is not quite certain that the old slit and window is the best form. Many mining engineers prefer a pair of equal slits, one of which replaces a window. In this case, instead of the wire covering the object sighted in the use of the instrument, the object is made to appear in the centre of the forward sight slit. In this construction the sight apertures are made much narrower so that they do not cover too much of the field of view. Excellent work is done with this open form of sight, and its construction is much more solid than that of having loose hairs. 498.—Universal Sight, termed technically hole and cross sight, consists of a small hole C', Fig. 203, on the inner side of one sight that is hollowed away on the outer side which comes next the eye, so as to present a thin edge of the hole only. The fellow sight C has a hair cross placed centrally in a circular window. This is of occasional use for sighting angles approximately in altitude and horizon simultaneously; but the cross occupies so much of the sight space that observation with it cannot be depended upon. 499.—Ball and Socket Joint.—This is shown in elevation Fig. 201 at F, and in section Fig. 204 F, D. It is one of 500.—The Tripod Stand of an Ordinary Miner's Dial.—The upper part is shown in Fig. 205. This form of tripod is common to many dials. The legs are made about 1¼ inches in diameter. The heads of the legs are fitted directly without brasswork between the book-plates A, to which they are held by cross screws or bolts which form the joint on which the legs move for extension. Unless the head be worked out of the solid, the book-pieces are screwed to a plate that carries a male plug centre to which the dial is fixed by a milled-headed screw shown at Fig. 201 L. The plug is grooved at the position of the point of the screw so as to permit rotation of the instrument when the screw is slightly released. This tripod head remains permanently fixed to the legs. Each leg is jointed to part in its centre by unscrewing, to present when disjointed a metal point to hold the surface of the ground, to form a short stand. The usual height of the full tripod legs is 5 feet; the upper part only 2 feet 6 inches. The usual form of joint is shown in detail in section Fig. 205. C the male screw, which is fitted to the woodwork by a socket and cross pinned to it. This piece has a Fig. 205.—Jointed tripod legs of a miner's dial. Larger image 501.—Examination and Adjustment of the Plain Miner's Dial.—The tripod should be first set up to full length and each length separately twisted to right and left to see that its socket fittings are good and free from shakiness. The legs should each be separately pressed in and out at its centre to see that the screws clamp the parts firmly and are free from shakiness. The instrument should then be set up and its socket fitting be felt to see that it is free from shake, and also be turned round to see that it moves freely. The ball fitting should be clamped and its rigidity be tested by fair pressure on the two ends of the limb separately. The 502.—Henderson's Dial.—This is an improvement upon an old form of circumferentor, 503.—Lean's Dial.—The inventor of this instrument was Mr. Joel Lean, a Cornish mine manager, who was well known at the end of the 18th century for his important improvements in mining apparatus. This dial is still popular in Cornwall and other mineral districts. In general construction the sights and limb on which they are mounted are the same as in the plain dial just described, art. 491. The legs are also the same—other parts are additional or modified. In the engraving, Fig. 206, the sights and vertical arc with its telescope are shown mounted together on the limb. This is done to show the relative position of these parts: they could not in practice be used simultaneously upon the instrument. They are separately attached to the limb by the same pair of milled headed screws. As a general rule the telescopic arrangement, which will be described further on, is used above ground and the sight arrangement below. The details of construction are as follows:— Fig. 206.—Mining circumferentor or Lean's dial. Larger image 504.—The Tripod—of the mining circumferentor, in common with many other forms of dial, has the legs fitted directly Fig. 207.—Section of compass-box and axis of Lean's dial. Larger image 505.—Revolving Compass forms a part of Lean's dial and many other dials. It is shown in section Fig. 207. As the axis is constructed in this instrument, the socket-piece A is ground to fit the male axis S, and at the same time it is shouldered to fit the surface of the parallel plate T to prevent excess of friction on the axis fitting, so that it may move easily to set the needle to magnetic north of the compass-box if desired. The socket-piece is attached to the compass-box through a collar. The compass has a step D which is divided to degrees on its inner edge to read to the point of the needle, and similarly to degrees on its outer edge to read with a vernier scale, shown D to 3'. The vernier is set off on each side of the zero line in ten divisions, which are figured 30, 45, 0, 15, 30, art 322, p. 184. The upper surface of the needle 506.—The Vertical Arc is erected upon the limb as close as possible to the compass-box, so as to leave room for a level to be placed between the seatings of the arc and sights. The axis of this arc is a simple hinge joint, brought down nearly to the surface of the cover which protects the glass of the compass-box: this is done to keep the instrument as low down as possible. The telescope, which is of the same kind as that used for the theodolite, traverses the arc tangentially, permitting it to be adjusted for reading the arc by its vernier by means of a clamp and tangent motion at any position. The arc is divided on one side into degrees, and reads by the vernier to 3' in the same manner as the horizontal circle. On the opposite side it is divided with a percentage scale of difference of hypotenuse and base which reads to an index line. A spirit level is placed under the telescope, in line with its axis, to which it is adjustable by means of capstan-headed screws. The telescope when fixed is placed just sufficiently above the arc to permit it to be brought to a vertical position at 90°, or a degree or two over this, with the full aperture of the object-glass beyond the extreme edge of the horizontal circle. By this construction a bearing may be taken of any object upon the surface from the top of a shaft, and a line may be sighted to the bottom of the shaft in exact azimuth with this without changing the horizontal adjustment of the instrument. In the same manner, if the vertical axis be perfectly adjusted by the level on the vernier plate, the telescope at 90° + n will indicate a perfect vertical to the station of the instrument above, the + n being the allowance to be made for the eccentricity of the telescope, provided the collimation is perfect. If this is not perfect, the vertical may still be taken accurately by means of three observations taken from equal division of the entire horizontal circle, say at 360°, 120° and 240°. 507.—It will be noticed that the vernier to the compass circle comes directly under the vertical arc, therefore it can only be read obliquely when this arc is mounted: with open sights the vernier can be read directly. This is a defect in this instrument, as the vernier is mostly required for exact work when the telescope is used. 508.—Lean's dial possesses the qualities 1 and 4, pointed out in art. 490 as important to dials; in 4 the power of setting the telescope to the vertical with great facility being the most important. This quality has kept the dial a favourite with many mining engineers in mineral districts for many years. Otherwise for general work the compass is most inconveniently obstructed by the arc above it, and the instrument, although, of course, of less height than the theodolite, some of the functions of which it performs indifferently, is too high to be used in shallow workings. The height of a 5-inch Lean's dial to the central apex of the telescope is 9½ inches; to the top of the sights placed in a level position, 8 inches; weight of instrument only, 6½ lbs. The 6-inch instrument is about 1 inch higher, and weighs 1 lb. more. 509.—A number of variations have been made in Lean's dial; but none that the author is aware of has proved successful. In an instrument of this class, designed by Mr. J. Whitelaw, Messrs. Newton & Son have made the telescope to detach from the arc of Lean's dial to be placed directly upon the limb. In this way they claim for it that it combines a 510.—Examination of Lean's Dial.—As regards the stand, sights and parallel plates, particulars have been given upon the plain dial just described. The revolving compass should be turned round by the milled head P, Fig. 207, of the pinion wheel R to see that the compass-box revolves steadily at all points without disturbance of the needle. It may also be particularly observed that the needle does not oscillate at any part of the circle, to be sure that the compass-box is quite free from iron. The vernier should be examined at four opposite positions of the needle to see that the needle is truly centred and is in accord with the vernier. The lifter should be tried to see that it lowers the needle gently on the centre, and that it holds the needle firm off the centre. The telescope should be set up and directed to an object, and all parts of the instrument clamped and the needle observed. The telescope should then be detached and the sights set up, to see that they range fairly with the telescope. If they do not do so the difference should be noted and treated as a constant in any case of change from telescope to sights on the same survey. The difference ought to be very small, otherwise the instrument should be returned to the maker. 511.—The Adjustment of Lean's Dial is the same as that of the plain theodolite, so far as this can be carried out; but generally the adjustment is depended upon as it leaves the manufacturer. For the general use of this and other 512.—To set a line in Azimuth with one taken above Ground.—This is necessary where there is local attraction to the needle below, or there is a suspicion of this, so that the needle cannot be depended upon with certainty. The instrument is placed on staging over the pit and a vertical is taken to its centre either by the means briefly discussed art. 506 by the instrument, or by suspending a plummet, a ball, or a bullet from the centre of the instrument by a thread and burning the thread when the ball is free from vibration. The ball is allowed to fall upon a smooth horizontal surface formed of earth or otherwise, in which it makes a dent which will be vertical to the axis of the instrument if the ball has not been deflected by ventilation currents. Two lights, as distant as possible to be seen to range in line with the dent, are placed at the bottom of the pit. The lights, if thought desirable, may range north and south with the needle; but in whatever direction this may be set the correct azimuth of this may be taken by cutting them by the webs of the nearly vertical telescope of the dial; and this azimuth may be correctly set out on the surface by a pole or other station mark, or its true direction by a pair of these, one on each side of the pit's mouth, the second station mark being set out after a shift of the horizontal vernier exactly 180° on the circle. A straight-edged flooring board painted white may be made to cut the line from light to light, which is more definite for bearing than the lights themselves. 513.—Hedley's Dial, the invention of John Hedley, H.M. Inspector of Mines, in 1850, has now become the most popular form of miner's dial, modified, however, from its original form in various ways. The peculiar feature of this form of dial is that the sights move upon a framework centred upon a horizontal axis, so that they may by a rocking motion Fig. 208.—Hedley's dial. Larger image 514.—For consideration of the general features of Hedley's dial, the tripod and the ball and socket are the same as that described for the plain dial; but the socket is not cut down on one side to change the position of the axis, as the compass-box in this instrument is required to be kept uniformly level. The general appearance is shown Fig. 208. For districts in which the working strata are fairly level, parallel plates are put to this instrument in place of the ball and socket joint. The compass-box revolves, as that described for Lean's dial; but it is more general in this instrument to have a clamp and tangent motion, as in a theodolite, than the rack and pinion motion. Two levels for setting the compass horizontal are sunk into the plate of the compass-dial low enough to miss the edge-bar needle. The step of the compass is divided into degrees and the plate of the dial to 10°. The vernier, which is placed on the opposite side of the box to the vertical arc, reads to 3', as described for Lean's dial. 515.—The Rocking Centre forms the peculiar feature of Hedley's dial. From opposite points of the under side of the compass two pivots are projected. These are set perpendicular to the vertical axis, which is placed above the ball and socket. The pivots are placed central with the vernier and in line with E. to W. of the compass when this is set to zero (360°). The pivots form the axes of a stout ring—rocking ring—which surrounds the compass-box, with space sufficient to clear it when the ring is rocked about its axis. The ring has two extended arms which carry sights as shown. These turn down upon the compass-box when out of use. One of the pivots is prolonged for about ¾ inch beyond the outer circumference of the ring. The prolongation is made generally of triangular section. This forms a fitting to the vertical arc, which is attached by a milled-headed screw when required, the arc being an encumbrance when this dial is used for making horizontal plans only. 516.—The Vertical Arc, with its index arm, forms a separate piece. The arm is centred upon the arc with a ground fitting, which is retained in its position by a collar fixed with three screws. The arm-piece forms the axis, through the centre of which a triangular hole is made to fit the triangular prolongation of the pivot, so that the index arm remains fixed, and the arc moves with the rocking ring, to which it is held by a pair of dowels. The arc is divided into degrees on the outer edge of its surface, and a scale of difference of hypotenuse and base upon its inner edge. The graduations read to a single index line upon a fiducial edge carried down from an opening in the index arm. Hedley's dial can be locked by a pin, which is attached to the under side of the compass-box, so as to work by the compass only. The ring can also be locked level with the compass by a sling latch-piece so as to convert it into a plain dial. 517.—The great merit of Hedley's dial is that the rocking Fig. 209.—Hedley's dial with ball clamp. Larger image 518.—In the author's simple dial, Fig. 209, which is of a modern form, the ball is clamped by a capping-piece over it moved to clamp by two stout pins. This form gives a little less height and still holds the dial firmly. The horizontal axis moves rather stiffly, so that no clamp to the arc 519.—There have been many variations made and proposed for Hedley's dial. Mr. Casartelli, of Manchester, places the arc over the centre of the compass-box. 520.—Examination and Adjustment of Hedley's Dial.—The general examination of the stand and of such parts of the instrument as correspond with Lean's dial is the same as just given. The rocking ring should be lifted and pressed down at each end alternately to see that there is no loss of time on the axis. The arc should be examined in like manner. The dial should be set up in front of a plumbed line to see that its sights range properly when the instrument is set level by its bubbles. A point should be observed, say through the hole and cross webs at the top of the sight; and with this point kept in view the rocking ring should be moved upwards or downwards so that the point traverses the plumb-line to the extent of the rocking motion. If it does not do so, possibly the transverse level in the plate of the compass-box may be adjusted to make it do so; but in this adjustment it must be particularly observed that the balance of the needle remains so that it still reads the graduation with its upper edge, and that the sights traverse the same plumb-line when turned about, as it is possible to set the level right with one pair of sights and throw other parts out. There are no simple means of adjustment provided, so that if the instrument is not accurate it should be returned to the maker for correction. 521.—Improvement in Hedley's Dial, by Addition of Telescope.—Surface work being generally performed with Fig. 210.—Hedley's dial with telescope. Fig. 211.—Bracket sight. Larger image 522.—The Telescope is placed on Y's, and is of exactly Fig. 212.—Improved miner's dial. Larger image 523.—Improved Miner's Dial.—The illustration given, Fig. 212, is of the form of dial introduced by the author, a part of the arrangement only being of his own design. The telescope with Y supports is the same as that just described, and the sights, not shown, are cranked in the same manner as shown Fig. 211. The horizontal circle, instead of being in the interior of the box, is placed on the exterior rim, 524.—A plan of clamping designed by the author to meet the conditions of the tribrach system of adjustment of equal rigidity to that above described, is shown in elevation, Fig. 213 B. In this the upper half of the socket is screwed down outside the lower half socket by means of three projecting handle pins. This is a somewhat neater arrangement than that shown in Fig. 212. Either of the above-described ball arrangements elevate the instrument, and are better omitted for close working if there is a special adjustment in the tripod attached to the instrument, as that to be described presently, which will be found sufficient in most cases. The height of the instrument from the tripod is about 6½ inches; weight, 11 lbs. for both parallel plate and tribrach adjustments. 525.—Adjustable Tripod for Dials.—The author's improved form of tripod is adjustable to all heights between 30 inches and 57 inches, Figs. 213, 214. Each leg is formed of two stiff bars of mahogany, shown in detail, Fig. 214 G of Fig. 213.—The author's adjustable ball joint and socket tribrach stand. Fig. 214.—Adjustment to leg of tripod. Larger image 526.—Hedley's Dials, with Pastorelli's and Hoffmann's Ball Arrangements.—By either of these arrangements the ball and socket is brought down close into the parallel plate adjustment so that the dial is of less total height. Hoffmann's is now becoming the most popular system, as practice has shown it to be the most perfect for mining survey. By either of these arrangements the Fig. 215.—Pastorelli's ball and socket adjustment. Fig. 216.—Hoffmann's ball and socket adjustment. Larger image 527.—Some objections have been made to this class of arrangement, over the simpler one of clamping the ball independently and then adjusting by the screws, as being more complex. On the other hand this compound arrangement has the merit in underground instruments of being lower and more compact, which is very important. The author has somewhat modified the arrangements of Hoffmann's head, as shown in the engraving on next page, to render it still more compact for mining instruments. Fig. 217.—Improved Hedley's dial, mounted on Hoffmann's head. Larger image 528.—In Fig. 217 an improved Hedley's dial is mounted upon an improved form of Hoffmann's head. The whole arrangement is very compact, rigid, and rapid in action. Fig. 218.—Improved Hedley, with cradle ring. Larger image 529.—Hedley's Dial with Cranked Rocking Centre.—One defect of the Hedley's dial, which in certain cases makes Lean's preferred, is that with the rocking ring the sights cannot be brought vertical for looking up or down a shaft. The author has devised a means of getting over this difficulty by making the ring of cradle form, thus throwing the bearing surfaces to sufficient height to cause the ring, when the arc is raised to about 90°, to fall under the compass-box and its adjustments, Fig. 218. This dial presents possibly the greatest refinements of the Hedley principle at the time of its patent, No. 9134, 1898. Since this date the reviser has introduced a few further refinements as illustrated at Fig. 219. Fig. 219.—Stanley's improved dial. Larger image This instrument has tribrach levelling with quick-setting spherical lower plate, a sliding tribrach for centring over any 530.—Accessories Common to Hedley's Dials are a vertical reflector and a diaphragm illuminator. Reflecting Cap.—One of the disadvantages of Hedley's dials over Lean's was pointed out to be the impossibility of vertical sight where the two last described dials are not used. Some years ago the author devised a plan of obtaining this vertical sight by reflection by means of a reflecting cap, Fig. 220.—Reflecting cap to miner's dial. Larger image 531.—Illumination of the Diaphragm for observing the webs or a point, may be conveniently effected underground by employing a conical ring reflector in front of the object-glass. The aperture through the cone leaves the field of the object-glass nearly free, as it is only necessary that the cone should project in front of this for a very small distance. This reflector is placed over the object end of the telescope when it is required, just the same as the ray shade. The vertical Fig. 221.—Conical reflector to illuminate axis of telescope. Larger image 532.—Continental Forms of Miner's Dials.—On the Continent generally sights have been abandoned for miner's dials. The telescopes are usually of short form, with large object-glass and wide field of view. The telescope is generally placed eccentrically, which permits the instrument to be made of very low form. There is a certain amount of disadvantage in the eccentricity of the telescope, as angles cannot be taken direct from the centre of the instrument but this is compensated for in the plotting by making each station a small circle equal to the amount of the eccentricity of the instrument to scale, and setting off angles tangentially to this, which may be done with a little more trouble than that of plotting the angle from a point. 533.—French Miner's Compasses.—Fig. 222 shows the simpler form of this instrument. The needle is open and quite free from obstruction. The telescope is centred about Fig. 222.—French form of miner's dial. Larger image 534.—It will be seen by Fig. 222 that the instrument has no direct connection with its stand or tripod. This is general with all French and German instruments, even with theodolites and surveying levels, it being the rule that the top of the tripod should form a kind of table upon which the instrument is set up. The table is almost uniformly made of wood, and is somewhat bulky and clumsy in construction, therefore not very well adapted to mining surveying, particularly in wet mines. Neither is the tribrach system of adjustment, unless it is supplemented by some form of ball and socket arrangement, or with adjustable stand. This subject will be further discussed in the description of superior instruments presently. Fig. 223.—French miner's transit survey instrument. Larger image 535.—Miner's Transit Instrument.—This is the thÉodolite souterrain of the French, and is of a construction very general throughout the Continent—Fig. 223. The compass is placed clearly in view. The vertical axis has a clamp and tangent motion to bring the compass to exact bearing if desired, or to permit surveying with the compass only. The axis has also a clamp and tangent screw to the exterior divided circle, which reads with two verniers. The telescope is placed on the side of the instrument, and has clamp and tangent motions to read the vertical circle which the vernier traverses in transit. All the divisions are made strong to be read clearly by lamp-light, either to 1' or 3' by the vernier, as desired. A second level is generally placed on some part of this instrument at right angles to the one shown. The instrument is balanced by a counterpoise weight to keep its vertical axis in equilibrium. The height of an instrument with 5-inch needle is about 6¼ inches; the weight without the tripod table is about 14 lbs. The tripod table is constructed in various ways by different makers. 536.—The value of the transit principle applied to mining instruments, for taking back and fore sights for hanging lines in undulating strata, by simply turning the telescope over on 537.—The Tripod Table of a superior class of Continental instruments, whether this is used for surface or mining surveying, is usually made with some form of adjustment to bring the upper surface approximately level before setting up the instrument. In this case the table is made a combination of wood and metal; and the only difference between mine and surface tables is that in the former case there is a jointed arrangement for shortening the legs, but not in the latter. The table surface for superior work is generally adjusted to approximate level either by a ball and socket joint or by a pair of knee joints placed at right angles to each other, with clamps to hold it firmly when adjusted. Radial V-grooves are commonly made for the points of the tribrach, and a hole is sometimes made in the centre of the table for suspending a plummet from the axis of the instrument. There are many forms of tripod table in use, a modified form of one of which in metal will be described further on in the chapter on plane tables. There are certain merits in this table arrangement over connective stands, as the table is convenient to set up fairly level, and the instrument need not be exposed until the operation is complete. On the other hand there is more risk of upsetting and injuring the instrument by accident when loosely Fig. 224.—Stanley's improved mining survey transit. Fig. 225.—Stand for the same. Larger image 538.—Improved Mining Survey Transit.—The author has modified the form of instrument last illustrated, retaining the general principles. In Fig. 224 the compass is made larger and reads in the inside of the step as well as upon the surface, which is the only way in many cases that it can be read in a close working. The reading of the horizontal circle is placed nearly vertical, so that it may be seen clearly when the instrument is near the roof of the mine. The vertical circle is made smaller than the horizontal, as this circle, as a rule, is of less importance, and it can generally be read more exactly from its convenient position. The arrangement also permits greater freedom for the use of the tribrach. The telescope is made with a much larger object-glass than is Fig. 226.—Stanley's miner's dial sight. Larger image 539.—Two pairs of sights are placed upon the telescope, either for roughly sighting an object or station, or to be used in difficult positions. These are made on a new principle, shown Fig. 226. The sights are placed in two windows, each of which is formed of a needle point of platino-iridium. In sighting, the points are brought over each other, the distant lamp or object appearing between them. A sharp point gives much clearer definition than a hair, as it subtends of itself no angle to the axis of the eye. ab represent the pair of sights, c as they appear superimposed. This instrument is very conveniently fitted with subtense points in the telescope, by which distances may be taken with the author's staff, Fig. 105, p. 158, without actual measurement, for the particulars of which see next chapter. The subtense points are arranged to measure the staff either vertically or horizontally. As a rule it will be found with this instrument better to take rough positions first with the points, and afterwards by the telescope. The instrument cannot be recommended universally for underground surveying, but it is valuable under certain conditions in close strata. Its height is 6 inches and weight 13 lbs. Fig. 225 is an ordinary tripod, like that used with a level. This is preferred by many mining engineers as being firmer than any jointed arrangement, and is sufficient for working in a seam of fairly equal thickness. The legs vary from 9 inches to the full height, 5 feet 4 inches. An ordinary set of three Fig. 227.—Stanley's underground theodolite. Larger image 540.—Mining Theodolite.—This theodolite is of the most convenient form for underground railways, Fig. 227. The telescope transits on its axis to be brought to a vertical position. The vertical axis is pierced so that about 10° of angle may read below the vertical most conveniently by means of a diagonal eye-piece. The centre is supported upon a sliding fitting so that it may be displaced about 1¼ inches about the centre of the tripod and be clamped to its position. The horizontal axis is pierced to permit the diaphragm to be Fig. 228.—Stanley's prismatic mining compass. Larger image 541—Prismatic Mining Survey Compass.—This arrangement is designed by the author for very close workings. The entire depth of the instrument being only 4 inches, any reading may be taken from one point of view simultaneously with the observation. The 5-inch compass, Fig. 228, has a floating ring divided to half degrees, and the reading of this is reflected through a prism so that it appears directly under the fore sight, to be seen at the same time. The prism has a slight magnifying power, so that by estimation a bearing may be easily taken to ¼ degree or nearer. The principle of the compass is described art. 148, the prism art. 55; but in this case the prism is raised and has a second lens under it, so that it forms a kind of prismatic Ramsden eye-piece. This elevation of the prism permits sighting under a certain amount of downward inclination, regulated by the height of the prism and the length of the back sight, as well as the upward inclination which is common to the use of prismatic compasses. The most important feature in this compass is the mode of lighting, which is effected by means Fig. 229.—Section of prismatic mining compass. Larger image 542.—Hanging Compass.—A very general method of underground surveying in mineral districts upon the Continent is by means of the hanging compass; this instrument is therefore generally found in catalogues of surveying instruments in Fig. 230.—Stanley's hanging dial. Larger image 543.—Hanging Dial.—Fig. 230 represents a modification of the hanging compass designed by the author, by which inclination may be taken simultaneously with bearing, if the dial can be suspended near the centre of the line or chain where the catenary curve is parallel with its points of support. 544.—In the construction of the instrument a circle of brass about 6 inches diameter, ½ inch wide, and 1/8 inch thick, Fig. 231.—Hanging clinometer. Larger image 545.—A Light Hanging Clinometer, Fig. 231, shows the kind that is used in Germany, of 5 inches diameter, graduated to degrees, made of thin brass. It is packed in the case with the hanging compass, described art. 542. The ends of the semicircle are formed into hooks for hanging on the line. The plummet has a horse-hair line, which cuts the degrees. The clinometer may be used only when the hanging dial Fig. 230 cannot be suspended near the centre of the line, in which case this light semicircle will cause less deflection of the line, and give the inclination approximately. For further details of the use of the hanging compass the reader is referred to Mr. B. H. Brough's admirable work on Mine Surveying. Fig. 232.—French semi-circumferentor. Fig. 233.—Tripod head. Larger image 546.—Semi-circumferentor.—This simple instrument 547.—The tripod of this instrument is made of wood. The head is shown Fig. 233. The legs are simply extensions of the upper parts, which are shown attached with bolts. The point of each leg has a steel shoe to prevent it slipping in use. The head is turned to a cone, which fits into the socket-piece of the instrument and permits it to be rotated with moderate friction. The head is made of triangular section that the legs may be clamped firmly to it. When used for underground work a separate set of short legs is provided, which attach to the head by the same bolts. 548.—Lighting Underground.—The old underground station, formed of a lighted candle or lamp, is not now considered good in practice where surface land is exactly defined by boundaries held by legal clauses and rights. The system of underground surveying now very generally followed is that first recommended by Mr. Thomas Baker, C.E., and afterwards fully developed by Mr. H. Mackworth, 549.—Mining Survey Lamp.—The author constructed this lamp from an idea given to him by Mr. Geo. Kilgour, C.E., Fig. 234. It is somewhat different from the ordinary form. Its accuracy does not depend upon the regularity of Fig. 234.—Mining survey lamp. Larger image Electricity has been applied to lamps for surveying. This plan has been found successful where a secondary battery is used that can be charged by a dynamo upon or in the mine, or with some of the modern dry batteries. Fig. 235.—Stanley's complete mining outfit. Larger image 550.—Mining Targets.—The three tripod system has been much improved by the introduction of accurate targets made specially for the instrument used, and interchangeable The auxiliary telescope is the special form designed by Mr. Dunbar Scott, and it embraces all the advantages and eliminates all the disadvantages of all other types. The particular feature is its interchangeability with top or side positions, and the means provided to ensure perfect adjustment with the minimum of trouble, thus forming a mining transit which will perform with exactness all the complex functions in mine surveying and requiring no correction for eccentricity. The auxiliary telescope is provided with a centre that may be screwed to the threaded extension of either the transverse axis or the vertical pillars of the main telescope. In either position it is clamped firmly and ranged quickly into alignment with the main telescope by two opposing screws. The diaphragm of the auxiliary telescope has one web only, so placed that it is vertical when on the top and horizontal when at the side. Fig. 236.—Stanley's Dunbar Scott auxiliary. Larger image The observation of steep horizontal angles is made only with the auxiliary on top, and of precipitous vertical angles with the auxiliary on the side. A counterpoise is provided, which exactly balances the auxiliary, so that there is no strain upon the instrument. For vertical sighting it is also most useful and accurate, as The whole attachment adds very little to the weight, the greater part being of aluminium, and it is packed separately in the case so as not to interfere in any way with the instrument when not in use. In Fig. 235 the auxiliary telescope is shown at top; Fig. 236 shows it attached at the side. 551.—Pocket Instruments.—A very light pocket instrument has been designed by Mr. D. W. Brunton, which will be found useful; he terms it a pocket mine transit, but of course it has nothing to do with a transit. It is designed for roughly taking horizontal and vertical angles, and answers the purpose of a prismatic compass, clinometer and Abney level, and is very portable, made in aluminium, and weighing only 8 oz. It is shown at Fig. 237. Fig. 237.—Pocket mine transit. Larger image The cover is provided on its inside with a mirror, and this acts as a back sight; it is opened out to an angle which reflects the fore sight, and the object sighted and the reading of the needle is then taken. It is necessary to hold the instrument firmly against the body and see that it is level sideways by 552.—Dip Compass.—This consists of a magnetic needle suspended between centres so as to move readily in a vertical plane, and is shown at Fig. 238. When in use the ring is held in the hand and the compass-box by its own weight takes a vertical position; it must then be held in the plane of the meridian. In this position the needle when unaffected by the attraction of iron assumes a horizontal position. When brought over any mass of magnetic iron ore it dips, and thus detects the presence of such ore with certainty. Fig. 238.—Dip compass. Larger image If held in a horizontal position it serves as an ordinary pocket compass and thus indicates the magnetic meridian in the plane of which it should be held when used to ascertain dip. |