SPECIALITIES IN MODERN AND IMPROVED FORMS OF TRANSIT THEODOLITES FOR SURVEYING—RAILWAY WORK—EXPLORING. 416.—The description given in the last chapter of a 6-inch transit theodolite gives all particulars of the original Old English form, which in a general way comprises the constructive principles of all others. When we consider modern instruments the details are found to vary greatly, but most particularly in the direction of uniting in solid castings many parts that may be shaped out by machinery in a manner impossible by hand-work, which avoids the instability of the work being screwed together in many pieces, and makes it at the same time lighter, more rigid, and less liable to jar out of adjustment. This direction of construction is also followed in the best modern work on the Continent and in America. It would extend this work beyond convenient limits to offer details of the wide variations employed in practice, but as the author has made this subject a life study, and has embraced, modified, and endeavoured to improve this class of work in all its details, freely adopting any improvement he has observed, his own instruments will represent largely his present ideas of the best forms, with the economy of having engravings for illustration to hand. Transit theodolites of portable form will be considered here, leaving larger stationary instruments to another chapter. Fig. 169.—Stanley's patent new model theodolite. Larger image 417.—New Model Transit Theodolite.—In this 418.—The Readers to the horizontal limb are jointed to turn up against the standards and adjust for reflection, as shown Fig. 131. In this manner the readers do not need detachment to place the instrument in its case. Fig. 170.—Section of standards of new model theodolite. Larger image 419.—The Central Axis and the standards are made in one casting in hard gun-metal. The standards are of light cylindrical and ribbed section. This construction, although of only about one-half the weight of the A-frame arrangement with its attachments, described in the last chapter, was found upon testing to have more than double the rigidity in resisting deflection, with perfect certainty of avoiding the accidental occurrence of imperfect fitting of parts, or of screws jarring loose, Fig. 170. The making of the vertical axis and the standards in one piece was in a certain sense an experiment. It has been found in practice of many years now to give much greater resistance to all ordinary strains and jars, and ensure the instrument keeping in order and adjustment when jolted by carrying over the shoulder, just as the same principle acts in the dumpy level; but at the same time, in cases of violent accident, such as the fall of the instrument from a height, it renders repairs somewhat more expensive, as this entire part 420.—The Compass-box in this instrument is attached under the limb. It is of the trough form shown Fig. 32, page 74. The magnetic north is set to zero. The tribrach is of the form described for levels, illustrated Figs. 72 and 73, p. 128. 421.—The weights of transit theodolites of this construction are about
This pattern embodies all the essential features of a thoroughly reliable and convenient instrument for all-round general surveying. It has no unnecessary elaborations and is a strong, light and compact instrument suitable for continuous hard wear. It has fewer pieces than any other design and is packed in its case complete in one piece ready to screw upon its stand upon being taken out of its case. Fig. 171.—Stanley's simple sliding stage for tribrach theodolite. Larger image 422.—The author has devised a special arrangement for displacement of axis for this theodolite, which does not interfere Fig. 172.—Stanley's 4-screw sliding stage. Larger image Fig. 173.—Stanley's solid round form tripod with sliding head. Fig. 174.—Stanley's telescopic tripod with sliding head. Larger image A somewhat similar arrangement is made for four-screw Fig. 175.—Stanley's framed stand with sliding head. Larger image 423.—Improved Transit with Adjustable Axis.—This instrument, Fig. 176, in general, resembles that last described, except that it has a larger telescope and it is mounted on a sliding stage with screw adjustments, which is particularly described below. It is frequently provided with a tacheometrical eye-piece for giving horizontal distances by subtense taken on the incline, which will be described in Chapter XII. Fig. 176.—Stanley's patent new model theodolite, with mechanical stage. Larger image 424.—The Mechanical Tribrach Stage.—This important addition to the theodolite above described permits exact adjustment over a station. The upper plate of the tribrach Fig. 177.—Stanley's patent tribrach mechanical stage. Larger image This movement being above the levelling screws, the adjustment of the instrument for level is not affected by its use, as in the case of all sliding arrangements below the levelling screws. Suitable means are provided for taking up any wear that might occur in the slides. 425.—The above stage is supported upon three foot screws, the female fittings being specially long to give plenty of bearing surface to prevent wear; they are sawn down on one side so that they spring lightly upon the screws, and are provided with cross capstan screws for tightening up when 426.—This theodolite with mechanical stage is generally fitted with illuminated axis for tunnel work, art. 383. The lamp is not shown in the illustration. The weights of this make of theodolite are about
427.—8-inch Transit Theodolite.—For ordinary surveying the smaller instruments are sufficient. For opening a survey in new countries the 8-inch instrument, Fig. 178, or a larger one, is generally used for the superior triangulation, particularly for observations at night of distant lights when greater light-grasping power is demanded of the telescope. The larger circle gives a more exact reading of the limb, which is generally divided to read clearly to ten seconds of arc, and by estimation sufficiently near to obtain five seconds reading very approximately with the verniers. When instruments exceed 8-inches, the reading is by means of microscopes, the application of which will be described further on. Fig. 178.—8-inch transit theodolite. Larger image 428.—The 8-inch transit illustrated is of the author's model. It is in general structure similar to the 6-inch just described, except in certain specialities. The instrument does not clamp upon the vertical circle, but a similar circle is provided upon the opposite side of the axis. This answers two purposes, it balances the pressure upon the pivots and obviates disturbance of the division by the clamp. The principal bubble is supported upon the vernier frame, as special exactness is not required for the instrument to be used as a level. The base support is upon the Everest tribrach system, which Fig. 179.—Stanley's quick-setting transit theodolite. Larger image 429.—The vertical axis of this instrument is sometimes pierced for a look-down telescope to sight its vertical position on the ground to the centre of a peg. This will be described with geodetic instruments in the next chapter. It is an expensive refinement, seldom necessary, as the axis with plummet may easily be brought within the tenth of an inch. Theodolites of eight inches and over are uniformly packed 430—Quick-setting Theodolites.—The demand for instruments with quick-setting arrangements has greatly increased of late years. They save a great deal of time in setting up, and also save wear of the levelling screws, as the instrument may be instantly set nearly level by its means, so that less than half a turn of the levelling screws will bring it to true level. An ordinary transit is shown Fig. 179, fitted with a similar arrangement to that described art. 240, p. 132. Fig. 180.—Railway theodolite. Larger image 431.—Railway Theodolite.—There are objections made to the transit theodolite by some civil engineers that it is a large and heavy instrument, only to be accepted for its perfect convenience over lighter forms. To meet this objection the author has made a special transit theodolite, Fig. 180, which is sufficient for railway work and general surveying upon moderately level country. The transit principle is conserved by balancing the telescope on its axis to permit it to transit over the eye-end only. The vertical arc is omitted as being unnecessary for railway work. The instrument is constructed especially low and of great rigidity and solidity, with light weight. The compass is of the trough kind. The limb is covered for protection. It is extremely portable. Weight of 4-inch, 7¼ lbs.; 5-inch, 9½ lbs.; 6-inch, 12¾ lbs. Being constructed for rough, hard wear and local use it is not made in aluminium. 432.—For tunnelling underground railways the mining theodolite described further on will be found the most valuable for railway engineers. 433.—Mountain Transit Theodolite.—This instrument, Fig. 181, is designed for geographical exploration, and making sketch surveys. It embraces the transit principle for the convenience of taking zenith stars. It is made in 3-inch and 4-inch sizes. It has two verniers to the horizontal limb reading to minutes, and a single vernier to the vertical circle. It has been made by the author in aluminium alloy only, the total weight being 2¼ lbs. for the 3-inch and 3½ lbs. for the 4-inch. The eye-piece reads direct or diagonally. It has clamp and tangent adjustment to both circles, and a trough compass. The tripod slides up to half length, each leg being adjustable to fix to any length within the range of the slide to accommodate it to the surface of inclined rocks. 434.—A Mountain Theodolite is a term applied to any very small or light theodolite. These are generally made to order, very frequently to a reduced model of a larger theodolite, Fig. 181.—Stanley's mountain transit theodolite. Larger image 435.—Improved Solar Attachment.—The reviser's improved solar attachment admits of a full vertical circle being employed; it also has a clamp and tangent to the hour circle and declination arc and quick acting clamp and fine adjustment to the solar arm. An instrument so fitted is shown on p. 260, Fig. 182. Fig. 182.—Stanley's solar attachment. Larger image 436.—Micrometer Reading Theodolites.—The favor with which the smaller micrometer reading theodolites have been received and the ever increasing demand for them owing to their much greater accuracy has induced the reviser to Fig. 183.—Stanley's micrometer transit theodolite. Larger image The 6-inch instrument reads to 5 seconds of arc on the horizontal and to 10 seconds of arc on the vertical circle, and the 5-inch instrument to 10 seconds of arc on the horizontal and to 20 seconds of arc on the vertical circle. A full micrometer reading instrument is shown at Fig. 184, Fig. 184.—Stanley's full micrometer transit theodolite. Larger image A specially light form of micrometer reading transit (Fig. 185) has recently been designed by the reviser which has met with much favour. It has a 4½-inch horizontal circle reading by micrometers to 20 seconds of arc which may be approximately read by mental subdivision to 5 seconds, Fig. 185.—Stanley's light micrometer transit. Larger image An example of a more refined micrometer transit is shown at Fig. 186. This instrument was designed by Dr. E. Deville, LL.D., Surveyor-General of Canada, and is arranged for latitude determination by Talcott's System, and general geodetic work. Fig. 186.—Dr. Deville's transit. Larger image It has a 6-inch horizontal circle reading by micrometers to 5 seconds of arc, and a 4-inch vertical circle reading by vernier to 1 minute, with zenith spirit level graduated to 2 seconds of arc, detachable and interchangeable with a small Fig. 187.—Stanley's patent universal transit theodolite. Larger image The universal transit designed by the reviser is shown at Fig. 187. This is an 8-inch instrument, reading by micrometers on both circles to 2 seconds of arc, and is fitted with all the necessary arrangements for universal work. A description of the larger geodetic instruments is given in a subsequent chapter. |