

437.—The plain theodolite is of nearly its original form as invented by Sisson. It still retains a limited popularity, which is principally due to its portability, being of less bulk and weight than the transit of equal diameter of circle. If we consider the railway theodolite described in the last chapter as a simple form of transit, this must be considered as an exception with regard to the bulk and weight, not being greater than that of the plain theodolite.

438.—The Plain Theodolite.—For the general description we may follow that given in Chapter VII. for the 6-inch transit for all parts of the instrument below the vernier plate, and for the compass-box above this plate. The construction of the instrument varies from the transit in having a half vertical circle only, with a single vernier, and in the differences in the arrangement of the fittings connected with the telescope. A single microscope is generally used on the horizontal circle, and this passes in a groove from one vernier to another, instead of having two microscopes on arms jointed upon the vertical axis, as in the better construction of transits before described.

The standards or A-frames in the ordinary plain theodolite are attached to the vernier plate, but not generally to the compass-box. The pivots of the transverse axis, which are made exactly equal in size, rest on coupled bearings on the tops of the standards, which are in construction made together, and therefore exactly alike. The transverse axis is not adjustable, as in the transit theodolite previously described; the standards have therefore to be adjusted to height in the manufacture by filing, with the application of a special striding level, until the transverse axis is brought permanently perpendicular to the vertical axis.

Fig. 188.—5-inch plain theodolite.

Larger image

439.—The vertical arc is fitted over the transverse axis; that is constructed with a turned flange to which the arc is firmly screwed. The arc is divided to 30' and reads with a vernier to minutes. The vernier is fixed directly to the vernier plate, and reads generally with a microscope jointed on the transverse axis, but sometimes with a loose magnifier for economy. Divisions for difference of hypotenuse and base are occasionally divided on the back of the arc. The vertical arc has a clamp and tangent placed at the back, therefore this cannot be shown in the engraving. Along the bar above the vertical arc a stout plate is attached by screws. From this a pair of Y's with clips and eye-pins, as described for the Y-level, art. 192, supports the telescope.

The telescope is of the same construction as that described for Y-levels, with turned collars. The diaphragm is cross-webbed. For economy a simple cap is generally put to the telescope instead of the better plan of a ray shade. The principal level is fixed to collars fitted round the telescope, to which are attached one slot-piece for lateral adjustment of the level, and one screw-piece for linear adjustment by means of two capstan nuts. The level is placed under the telescope for compactness.

440.—The parts of the plain theodolite below the standards are the same as those already described for the transit theodolite, except that the vernier plate carries one level only at right angles to that of the telescope. The telescope is therefore set to zero by the vertical arc, and the two levels are then used as the pair upon the vernier plate of the transit. The means provided for the adjustment are the same as those of the Y-level, but the Y's are adjusted firmly by the maker by fitting them down upon the Y-plate in the manufacture.

441.—The plain theodolite, except where price is the first consideration, appears to be going gradually out of use, being superseded by the transit. It has had a long day since its first conception by Sisson about 1730. For 4-inch and 5-inch instruments the makers still find a small demand. The 6-inch is rarely enquired for. The plain theodolite cannot compete with the transit for perfect utility, but it holds the merit of less weight and of greater portability. The weights of the three sizes in general use are as follows:—

Weights of Plain Theodolites.

Instrument. Case. Outer Case. Tripod.
4-inch 7 lbs. lbs. lbs. 8 lbs.
5-inch 11 " " 4 " 9 "
6-inch 17 " 10 " 5 " 11 "

Very light 3-inch and 4-inch plain theodolites of from 5 lbs. to 7 lbs. complete are made occasionally for travellers.

Fig. 189.—Stanley's new model plain theodolite.

Larger image

442.—The author has recently modified the plain theodolite, Fig. 189, for which there still remains a small demand in the Colonies, by making the construction much more solid by shaping the work out of single castings in gun-metal for parts formerly screwed together in many pieces, which formerly was necessarily arranged to permit facility of construction by hand-work. There are also in the new instrument some improvements made in detail. The limb dividing is covered for protection. The readers are joined through the vertical axis and are hinged to turn up. The compass has an aluminium ring with a microscope which permits it to be read at a convenient height and much more accurately. The tangent screws are covered to exclude dust, and some other improved details.

Fig. 190.—Everest's theodolite.

Larger image

443.—Everest's Theodolite, Fig. 190, designed by the late Sir George Everest, and used for details of the great trigonometrical survey of India, is built up very much upon a well-known common French model. In service in India it has proved an excellent instrument. The horizontal circle or limb of this instrument consists of a single plate, upon which the silver is inlaid flat upon the surface, upon the plan shown, Fig. 128. In place of the ordinary vernier plate three arms are extended from the central axis, which carry each a vernier at its end, reading to a fiducial edge, Fig. 127, p. 186. The verniers trisect the circle, and are marked A, B, and C. A fourth arm, proceeding from the same relative position of the centre as the arms of the vernier, carries a clamp and tangent which is similarly constructed to that of the ordinary theodolite described. The instrument has also an under clamp and tangent for setting the telescope to bearing, or for repeating, as in the ordinary theodolite.

444.—The horizontal axis carries the telescope in a cylindrical fitting as in the transit theodolite, terminating in two pivots which are set to permanent position as in the plain theodolite. The pivots rest in bearings upon short standards carried out from the centre upon a flat horizontal bar to which a spirit level is attached for adjustment of the pivots to horizontality. Vertical angles are read off upon two arcs which have a horizontal axis as their centre attached to the telescope, so as to move with it in the vertical plane, with clamp and tangent adjustment. An index, upon the same centre carries two verniers and has a spirit level attached to it. The verniers are read by a pair of microscopes. Upon the upper side of the telescope a trough needle is placed.

445.—This instrument has been used in military surveys by the Royal Engineers. The objections that civil engineers have made to Everest's theodolite are that the working parts are made very open, so that the wet and dust intrude; further it lacks the general convenience of the transit principle, which is necessary for astronomical observations. The tripod is sometimes made of the ordinary solid section, art. 216; but for India, where carrying labour is cheap, a heavy framed stand is used, which is special, as follows:—

Fig. 191.—Everest's locking plate tribrach.

Larger image

446.—Everest's Tribrach.—The upper part of the engraving, Fig. 191, shows this tribrach that supports the upper part of the instrument directly upon its vertical axis. The three arms of the tribrach carry each a milled-headed adjusting screw, the nut of which is formed in the arm. The arm is sawn up to admit of adjustment, that the milled head may turn softly but without any shake. The lower points of the milled-headed screws, technically feet, fall into V-grooves in the head of the tripod. The V's are not shown in the engraving. Above the upper surface of the tripod head, a thin, three-armed plate of metal, termed the locking plate, is centred upon the hollow axis of the head, so that it will move laterally. The locking plate has a hole and slot at the end of each of its arms, the holes of which admit the toes of the feet of the tribrach into the V-grooves formed in the head of the tripod. The locking plate when moved laterally locks all the toes in at once, so that the instrument is secured by this means to a certain degree from accident. This locking plate has commonly a milled-headed screw clamp which fixes it in its locked position. The head of this screw is under the tripod head, and consequently cannot be shown in the engraving. It is a defect of this locking plate that the screws, unless they fall perfectly in the V-grooves have a tendency to ride. To avoid this the author has for many years made the ball feet fall upon a plain surface, being at the same time held in their places by a slotted plate which fits over the neck of the balls. This plan, which is not shown in the engraving, is now adopted by other makers. The author uses also his patent tribrach sometimes on this instrument.

Fig. 192.—Stanley's Everest theodolite.

Larger image

447.—The Framed Tripod of Sir Geo. Everest's design is made of straight-grained mahogany, each leg being formed of two side-pieces, with one or two cross-pieces. The engraving, Fig. 191, shows the head of a tripod of this construction. The side-pieces are spliced together at the lower ends, where they form a rather obtuse point, which is shod with a gun-metal shoe. The upper ends of the side-pieces carry strap plates that receive a bolt which holds them firmly by means of winged nuts to the tripod head. The legs can be detached after use and the tripod head be placed in the case with the instrument in a packing provided for it. Some modification of this form of tripod is generally used for all large field instruments. The author's improved Everest theodolite is shown at Fig. 192.

Fig. 193.—Simple theodolite.

Larger image

448.—Simple Theodolite.—The plain theodolite being of the cheapest construction may be stripped of its superior functions, which are used for testing its adjustments, and be made into a simple angle measurer for laying out or plotting small parcels of ground, small estates in building ground, local sewage, gas and water works, and many other cases of small surveys, for which purpose it will be found sufficient, with a saving of about half the cost of a perfect theodolite. The instrument shown above, Fig. 193, was designed by the author to meet the above cases. In this instrument there is no vertical arc. The telescope has a socket axis carried upon a single standard. The axis cannot be seen in the figure from interference of the telescope placed in front of it. The telescope is arranged to be fixed in a level position by means of the loose pin being pressed in a pair of holes. It may then be used as a level by means of the spirit level shown on the vernier plate. The horizontal circle is divided to read with a single vernier to 3' of arc by means of a hand magnifier which is placed in the case with the instrument. There are internal and external axes, each provided with clamp and tangent motions to the horizontal circle, as with the plain theodolite. It is supported on a tribrach, the legs of which are upon the plan, art. 249.

If it be made with two verniers and divided upon silver it becomes a useful light instrument for filling in details of superior triangulation. Weight, about 4¾ lbs.

449.—Examination and Adjustment of the Theodolite.—The description given of a transit theodolite, arts. 369 to 389, will show that this instrument is provided with means of adjustment in every requisite direction. Larger transit instruments possess the same means of adjustment, but in some parts these have greater refinement. Plain theodolites have the like methods, except in the case of the transverse axis, which is adjusted once for all by the maker. It will be necessary, therefore, to limit our space to a discussion of the examination and adjustments of the transit theodolite only, of which we have given a full description, arts. 369 to 389, noting only where variations occur from partial differences between this and others.

450.—A theodolite as it comes from a respectable maker is usually carefully adjusted in all its parts. If it has travelled a long journey it is, however, well for an experienced surveyor to put it through its various adjustments. The corrections, if any are required, will be generally very small, and these in all probability will be of the same kind as will occur in the use of the instrument and in the accidental conditions to which it may be subjected during conveyance from place to place upon a survey; therefore it is well to be familiar with them.

When a new instrument is received from the maker, it is necessary to observe attentively the manner of its packing as it lies in its case. It is well at first to lift the parts a few times gently out of the case and replace them, so that this may be done at any future time with certainty and without any risk of strain upon the instrument, remembering always that an instrument in conveyance is much more liable to be thrown out of adjustment by carelessly replacing it in its case than from its ordinary use, art. 42.

451.—For examination or adjustment of the theodolite the tripod stand should be at first firmly fixed with legs extended to an angle of about 70° to the ground, which should be solid and hard. As the telescope has to be brought to the height of the observer's eye, it is well to mention his stature in ordering an instrument. The tripods that are made for tall men are often awkward and unsteady if the legs are extended to bring the telescope down to the height of a short person. They may always be cut down and refinished by the maker. When the tripod is set up the toes should be each separately pressed down, so that future slips are impossible. This being done the instrument is taken from its case and grasped firmly by the body part under the horizontal circle, and placed on the tripod at once, then screwed firmly but not too tightly down upon its bearing surface. With a 6-inch transit theodolite the upper part is sometimes detached and packed separately in its case. Where this is so, after the body part is fixed on the tripod, the cleats on the top of the standards must be opened out, and the upper part of the instrument, lifted by its telescope, be slowly lowered into its bearings, being particular at the same time that the clips under the telescope embrace their stay-piece on the standard. The cleats must then be closed over the pivots. The instrument being set up to position, all levels may be adjusted to the centres of their runs, and every part clamped sufficiently to make the instrument firm, but in no case using violence to produce a strain in any part. The clamps or other fittings are afterwards separately released as they are required for examination or adjustment of the parts to which they relate.

452.—Examination for Coincidence of Exterior and Interior Vertical Axes.—The theodolite being set up solidly, and all clamps fixed as above described, unclamp the lower or exterior axis clamp and set the vernier plate levels parallel with opposite pairs of parallel plate screws if the instrument adjusts on the parallel plate system, art. 193, or one level parallel with one pair of foot screws if it is made on the tribrach system, art. 234. Now adjust both levels. Turn the instrument half round (180°) and observe if the levels keep the centres of their runs. If they do so they are in adjustment to the exterior axis. If found imperfect, the adjustment by the capstan heads of the levels is set, by means of the tommy or pin which is provided in the instrument case, for half the error as it appears by the bubble, the other half being given by readjustment of the parallel plate or tribrach screws. In these adjustments it is necessary to be particular always to observe the bubbles after the hands have left the instrument, not during the adjustment, which produces strain upon the instrument. Now clamp the lower clamp and note if this clamping has disturbed the levels. If the levels are very sensitive it will do so in a slight degree, but the disturbance should be very small if the clamp is perfect. Now unclamp the vernier plate and note again if this clamp disturbs the levels: this should also affect them very little. Now observe the levels if they stand exactly as they did when the exterior axis was unclamped at their present position, and also at right angles to this. If they remain as before the axes are truly concentric. If they do not, there is no remedy except at the hands of the maker. The vertical axis to which the above examination applies is considered the most important part of the instrument, and the work should be thoroughly well done; nevertheless, if the levels are very sensitive, which they seldom are, such minute faults may be detected, that a small allowance may be made for imperfection of work, and the instrument still be considered a sound one. In the use of the instrument it is always well, after the circle is set either by the magnetic compass or by sighting a distant point for direction, to clamp the lower clamp and readjust the levels to the vernier plate. In this way the axis that will afterwards be used for triangulation will be vertical, and small errors due to want of coincidence of axes be eliminated.

453.—Examination of the Azimuthal Level.—This level, which is placed over the telescope, being made of superior sensitiveness to the vernier plate levels, is much more accurate for adjusting the vertical axis, but much slower in operation for testing. The verniers of the vertical circle should be accurately set to zero, in which position the run of the bubble should exactly agree with those on the vernier plate when placed parallel with them in any direction, but this level may also be considered by itself. Assuming the circle and verniers correct, or otherwise, it may be reversed over the axis by half turns in all positions over the parallel plate or tribrach screws, and adjusted by the capstan heads half the error, as before described, for the vernier plate levels.

454.—Examination of the Divisions and Centring.—The vernier plate being unclamped, the verniers, if two, should be brought approximately to 0° (360°) and 180°, and then the plate be lightly clamped. The microscopes or readers are then to be set truly radial with the zero reading of the verniers, and the tangent screw adjusted to make one of the readings, say the 360°, exact. The opposite reading, 180°, is then carefully examined, and the error discovered, if any, is due to the imperfection of centring, assuming the dividing perfect. At this point it is well to record the amount of difference. The same examination is then repeated with the 90° and 270°. In a properly centred and accurately divided 5-inch or 6-inch theodolite this difference will not amount to more than 1' error, in larger instruments proportionately less. Owing to the difficulties at all times of reading the circle correctly from difference of direction of light, and what is termed personal error, it is well to entirely repeat this examination, turning the instrument half round. It is also well to repeat the examination at what are termed the half points, 45°, 235°, and 135°, 315°. This will sometimes detect the error of centring, if there be any, in its true direction. The purpose of the two verniers is to discover this error. In practice the two readings are always taken, and the mean is considered as the true reading. Where there are a greater number of verniers exactly the same principle is followed, but the mean of three or more readings is taken, which of course assures great accuracy.

Examination of the telescope has been discussed arts. 107 to 115.

455.—Testing an Instrument for its Stability.—The stability of an instrument will depend principally upon the quality of the workmanship; but the same test will also indicate, at any time, whether the instrument has been submitted to sufficient wear to need the repair of the optician. For this examination the eye-piece of the telescope requires to be focussed against a piece of white paper held obliquely in front of the object-glass so as to throw a soft white light into the telescope. After the eye-piece is focussed, any distant point may be taken for a sighting object upon which to direct the telescope. This point should be focussed by the telescope so that its image falls centrally upon the intersection of the webs. The eye should then be shifted up and down or sideways within the range of clear vision of the webs in the eye-piece to ascertain that there is no parallax, that is, that the adjustments of the eye-piece and the telescope are in true focus upon the webs. This preliminary arrangement being made, which will serve in future examination for other adjustments, all parts of the instrument should be examined to see that the clamps are firmly clamped. The object to be used as an index or sighting point should be brought by the clamp and tangent motions exactly upon the intersection of the webs as they appear in the telescope, when the following examinations are to be made.

456.—Tripod Head Examination.—The telescope being sighted upon an index point, and all clamps screwed down and the tripod firmly fixed on the ground, take the tripod head of the theodolite in both hands and give it a twist of about a pound pull in one direction; then examine the telescope to see if the index point is displaced in the telescope. If it still stands correct give a like twist in the opposite direction and again examine the telescope. If it stands these opposite firm twists retaining its position the stand is good and in good order. If it does not, assuming good construction of stand, the remedy may be found in tightening up all its screws; but if its construction is bad it will not, even after this tightening, keep in order. There is no doubt that more inaccurate triangulation is caused by defective tripods than from any other cause whatever. A perfect instrument is useless on a bad tripod.

457.—General Examination of Fixed Parts.—The stand being found good by the above process, the general fittings of the instrument may be examined, after clamping all parts and directing the telescope to a distant point, by taking a quill pen by its root or pipe and pressing its feathered end upon one side of the eye-piece of the telescope sufficiently to bend the quill, and afterwards examining the telescope to see that the webs are not displaced from the index point. This may be done first to the right hand and then to the left. If the webs still cut the same object it is clear that the whole of the centres, fittings, clamps, and tangent screws of the horizontal circle are correct. If any displacement be discovered, the amount of difference between the right and left handed twists will be the total error due to imperfection of work or wear as the case may be. In exactly the same manner, but by pressing the eye-piece upwards and downwards, the transit axis and its fittings may be examined. If the instrument be not generally sound enough to bear the above tests, other critical adjustments become necessary. For the correction of faults that may be included in the above operations, the parts of the instrument must be separately examined.

458.—Examination of the Transit Axis.—The best means of adjusting this axis in a theodolite is by a striding level, art. 400. When this is not provided with the instrument, and it is often omitted for economy, the axis is generally better to be left as it is adjusted in this particular, by the maker. To adjust the transit axis the vernier plate bubbles are set exactly true by reversing angles of observation. The cleats are opened and the striding level is mounted above the instrument resting upon the pivots. The telescope is placed exactly over an opposite pair of parallel plate screws, or parallel with two screws if the base adjustment be on the tribrach principle. The striding level is then carefully observed and reversed on the pivots. If there be any difference in the run of the level bubble the transit axis is adjusted by raising or lowering the movable V on which one pivot rests by turning the capstan nuts until it is quite correct, if the instrument has this old-fashioned arrangement, or if not, by a few strokes of fine emery paper upon the V which is higher. This adjustment is almost superfluous, as the axis is generally set right at first, and is not subject to change, especially if solid without an adjustable V.

459.—For larger theodolites of 12 inches and over, the transit axis is much better adjusted by means of an artificial horizon, which will be described further on. By the use of this instrument in the northern hemisphere the pole star is first observed directly by the telescope, and then by its reflection from the horizontal surface of clean mercury placed on the ground at 12 feet or so from the instrument. If the star and its reflection cut the webs equally in directing the telescope by movement of its transit axis only from the one to the other, this axis must be truly horizontal. If the vernier plate be then turned a quarter of a revolution and the exterior axis a quarter of a revolution, the telescope transitted and observation be repeated, the verticality of the principal axis may be adjusted with perfect certainty. The principal axis should be moved one-eighth of a revolution all round and the bubble examined at every position to assure perfect adjustment. With the plain theodolite, Everest's and some others, the transverse axis is fixed to position by the maker, therefore cannot be adjusted.

460.—Examination and Adjustment of Webs, Lines on Glass, or Points.—The ordinary manner of webbing the diaphragm of a theodolite was shown Fig. 23. Horizontal angles are taken by the upper intersection of the diagonal webs or lines. A single web is placed horizontally for taking vertical angles: it is necessary that this should be nearly true. When the theodolite has its axis vertical, as shown by the vernier plate bubbles being in the centre of their runs, if one end of the horizontal web or line be set to cut a small distant object by sight in the telescope, the same object should keep on the web while the tangent screw of horizontal circle is moved a distance sufficient to traverse it, the hand being always taken from the screw while the observation is made. If it does not do so, the collimating screws should be lightly tapped with the back of a penknife in the direction to set it right. These screws have a slot in the body of the telescope, under the loose covering plate, sufficient to permit of this small adjustment.

461.—Adjustment of the Telescope to Vertical Collimation.—The eye-piece is first focussed as before against a piece of white paper held obliquely in front of the object-glass until the webs are sharply seen. The axis of the telescope is then examined for vertical collimation error. The method of doing this has been already described for a telescope placed in Y's, as it is in the Y-level, and the plain theodolite, art. 200. The only difference with the transit theodolite is that instead of turning the instrument in its Y's, the telescope is transitted, as it is termed, over on the transverse axis exactly half a revolution, or 180° as seen by the vernier reading; and the horizontal circle is moved also half a revolution, so that the telescope points again on the same distant point which is used for an object. If the webs or lines still cut the same point or small object, they are in vertical collimation, or truly in the optical axis of the telescope, as regards the vertical direction which this adjustment is intended to secure, presuming the circle has been correctly divided and centred and the verniers accurately set. If the webs or lines do not cut the same point, half the error is corrected by the top and bottom collimating screws near the eye-piece. This process is repeated until it is exact, being particular to observe, as before mentioned, that there is no parallax. This adjustment cannot be made with the plain theodolite; but the zero of altitude may be examined on both sides of the arc.

For the transit theodolite, adjustment by means of a collimator, art. 229, is much more convenient and exact, as lateral and vertical errors in the position of the webs can be detected in one operation. When a Y-level is at hand, this may be used as a collimator if it is first set to solar focus.

462.—Examination for Perpendicularity of Transit Axis and Telescope.—The whole of the lower part of the instrument retaining its position with all clamps firm, open the cleats upon the top of the standards so as to release the transit axis. Now release one of the clip screws and gently lift the upper part of the instrument out of its bearings. Turn the telescope the reverse way upwards, which will be in this case bubble downwards. Release the clamp and turn the clips to the reverse position of the telescope, and reverse the position of the pivots in their bearings. If the telescope be now directed to the same point as before, and the webs still fall upon it, the telescope adjustment is at right angles to the transit axis.

463.—Examination of the Magnetic Needle.—If the needle be placed in a circular box, as shown in the engraving, Fig. 30, it admits of no adjustment. If it is placed in a trough, Fig. 161, it admits of adjustment generally by lateral screws to a portion of its division. If the needle is used for a survey, it is set to the zero of the horizontal circle by clamping the vernier plate and bringing the northern vernier to zero, then releasing the exterior axis and bringing the needle by the motion of the lower tangent screw to the zero of its circle. The corrections of the needle for giving true north have been discussed, art. 132. It is difficult to read an ordinary edge-bar needle correctly, it is also difficult to mount it perfectly true. It may be read at both ends, and if the 0° and 180° points cut the line fairly it is considered correct; if not, the mean of the difference may be taken. In some instruments a microscope is mounted over the needle point that the needle may be adjusted to a web; but British surveyors seldom feel confident of surveys by the magnet, and for triangulation generally prefer to employ a certain number of distant fixed points, the bearings of which are at first as accurately ascertained as possible, for referring objects, rather than to refer frequently to the magnet. When the needle is out of use it should always remain lifted off its centre. When the instrument is put by for a long period it is better to place it in a vertical position and free the needle, so that it rests in the magnetic meridian, in order to preserve its magnetism as much as possible.

464—Use of the Theodolite.—In setting up a theodolite, place the tripod nearly over the position in which it is to be used. This is frequently the socket hole formed in the earth by the removal of a ranging pole or picket, to be described Chapter XVII. Then, after it is set up, suspend the plummet from the hook, which will be found inside the head of the tripod. If the ground be solid and level, then by shifting the toes of the tripod slightly, and firmly pressing them down one by one, the centre of the plummet may be brought easily within about ·25 of an inch of its true position. The theodolite is then placed on its tripod, observing that the telescope is in a position easy to be used. The centre of the picket-hole, when this is used for a station, is generally taken by guess-work, which is considered near enough. It may be taken with a little more refinement by placing, in the same hole, a short false picket of nine inches or so in length, but of the same diameter as the ordinary picket, the top of which is cut off smooth and polished, and has lines sawn across its centre inlaid with ebony, described in Chapter XVII. The false picket is carried about with the theodolite. With Everest's and many other forms of theodolites the hook is fixed under the axis of the instrument. In this case it is usual to set the theodolite before adjusting it to the station, as there is no separate hook to the tripod, which also occurs with all framed stands.

465.—Where there is no hook to the tripod an excellent plan is to have a false centre, which may be a piece of turned wood with a hole through it, to fix on the top of the tripod head. The plummet cord adjusts through the hole. This false centre is also convenient where the axis adjusts to position by a mechanical stage. Fig, 194 shows a false centre formed of a piece of ivory with two slots to permit the cord to loop over and yet hang centrally.

466.—It may be observed that if the tripod be set up out of level, which it must necessarily be in many cases, the hook, if attached to the stand and following its inclination, will not hold the cord at a truly vertical position to the axis. Surveyors commonly allow a little for this inclination. It is much more accurate to have the cord suspended directly from the axis of the instrument when it is constructed to admit this. Then if a false centre be used the plummet should be suspended a second time from the axis hook. With the kind of runner shown in the figure this need take little time, as it is instantly detached and replaced.

Fig. 194.—False centre for a tripod head.

Larger image

467.—After the tripod is fixed with the theodolite upon it, the readers are set to exact focus. The horizontal circle is then brought to zero by the vernier plate clamp and tangent, and the compass brought to magnetic north, if all angles are taken in reference to this as a check, by means of the lower clamp and tangent. The vernier plate clamp is then released. The eye-piece is correctly focussed upon the webs, lines or points against the northern sky, or upon a piece of white paper held obliquely if this is preferred. The telescope is then ready to be directed towards a picket or other station mark to be observed, and set correctly to focus this, after which the eye is moved to the right and left, to the extent of clear vision in the eye-piece, to see that the object appears to remain fixed upon the intersection of the upper V of the webs, or does not dance, as it is sometimes termed. The observation, if of a picket, should be taken as near the ground as possible, as it may not be set quite upright. If the telescope is directed to objects where the sun's rays would enter it, the ray shade should be pulled out sufficiently to quite shield the object-glass. The initial reading to be recorded is always taken on the face of the instrument, in which position the upper tangent screw is always on the right-hand side. When the observation is clear and satisfactory, it is recorded in the field-book. If the sight lines taken are to be measured by the chain, the amount of inclination is taken by the vertical circle reading to the top of the picket if this is the 6-feet ordinary length, or to a marked band if this is longer. The inclination may be taken exactly to angle by vernier, or roughly by scale of difference of hypotenuse and base if this is engraved on the vertical circle, or by both of these—the one as a check upon the other. It is common to take the upper inclination as a plus (+) and the lower as a minus (-). Inclination observation is recorded at the same time as the horizontal position. Other observations of the various positions or pickets are taken in a similar manner at the same time. When a stadia or tacheometrical diaphragm is used the angle is recorded and the stadia reads the distance. It is thought well when the theodolite is in position to take as many exact observations as possible in all directions of intended stations. It is also convenient to take a number of observations, which from the circumstances present may be inexact, such for instance as the angles subtended by trees, gates, rough buildings, or even sometimes the corners of fields, as from such observations these objects may be placed nearly enough for ordinary plotting by the angles they subtend from this and another station upon the plan. In any case they form a check to positions if taken with pickets afterwards more definitely. These may be marked in the field-book inx. for inexact.

468.—Field Book.—This book is generally made 8 inches by 4 inches, covered with red leather, with elastic closing band and sheath for pencil, as an ordinary pocket-book. It contains about 100 pages of good stout writing-paper. Two lines are ruled in red ink, ¾ inch apart, vertically down the centre of each page. The column between the lines is used for distances measured by the direct chain line at which hedges are crossed, stations, offsets, or other measurements are taken. In the right and left columns observations are made of objects desirable to be recorded or triangulated.

469.—For superior triangulation, definite and prominent fixed objects are taken at as great distances as possible, so as to include the details of measured triangles within a superior triangle. A church steeple, for instance, is a favourite sighting object. This cannot, however, generally be made, a station for future triangulation unless a scaffold is built up around it. Generally the most convenient method on fairly level ground, if the survey is large, is to have an ordinary scaffold pole, 20 feet or so in length, carefully straightened by a village carpenter with a stretched chalk line and then painted white. This may be squared at the end and fixed vertically in a socket formed of crossed boards to a depth of about 3 feet in the ground, with long crossing tail pieces rammed firmly with the soil to keep it steady. When this is used for a triangulating station, the pole is taken out of its socket and its exact position is centred for placing the theodolite. Flags are sometimes used to indicate stations: their defect is that the wind may blow them from or to the observer and thus render them invisible. Other methods will be found in practical works on surveying. This subject will also be reconsidered in Chapter XVII.

Fig. 195.—Diagram bisection of circle.

Larger image

470.—Elimination of Instrumental Errors during Triangulation—Changing Face.—It is generally advised to change face with the theodolite after angles are taken in the ordinary way, that is, to take first the initial angles reading from the face vernier with the tangent screw on the right hand, and then to take the same angles with the back vernier, the telescope being transitted. This, of course gives a reading on a different part of the circle and corrects the error of position of the vernier, or centring, in the following manner:—In Fig. 195 let a be zero (360°), the reading of the face vernier. Let the opposite reading (180°) be at a'. Suppose at 180° on the left-hand side of the instrument the 180° reads at b, then observe by the telescope an object that cuts this reading, or place a picket to do so. Change face; then the same arc will come to c, and the telescope must traverse cb to come to the first direction. The instrumental error is half bc, which bisected in a' gives 180° exactly. The same principle of repetition with changed face may be made an any part of the circle, and the mean will be the correct reading.

471.—Repeating Angles.—This is performed by taking all parts of the circle for reading a given angle, so that errors of division and centring of the instrument are eliminated. The process is as follows:—Take the angular positions of two objects in azimuth, commencing with the zero of the horizontal circle, say the two objects subtend from the centre of the instrument 36° 10'; then turning the telescope back from its advanced position at 36° 10' by releasing the lower or axis clamp, we may bring the first reading to the original zero position. Now clamp the lower clamp and release the vernier plate clamp and take again a forward reading. If this reads 36° 10' + 36° 10' = 72° 20', the circle and centring appear so far correct; but it will probably read 72° 21', and the corrected reading would be the mean 36° 10' 30. If we continue this system round in ten pairs of readings the whole circle will be embraced, then the mean of the sum of the minutes divided by the number of pairs of observations will give the true reading of the minutes. By taking the readings of two opposite verniers separately, the circle would be encompassed by five readings. This plan is followed in all important triangulations where the work is submitted to calculation. Such refinement is scarcely necessary for direct plotting with the protractor.

472.—It may be observed that if the horizontal circle is placed with its zero constantly to magnetic north—not necessarily for taking angles in reference to this—that the same part of the circle will always be used in the same direction; so that the sum of errors of the whole circle must necessarily tend to tie, even if the division is to a certain degree imperfect, provided also that the protractor used in plotting is also kept in one direction. This plan has otherwise no inconvenience, as any arc or angle may be taken by the difference of the circle reading in any position in which it may happen to fall. This does not mean that it is advisable to survey above ground by the needle—it is quite otherwise. It is best to have some distinct, sharply defined object to which all angles are referred, and therefore called a referring object, as the general index. The magnetic bearing need only be the initial position of the horizontal circle of the instrument.

473.—With larger, what are termed geodetic instruments, to be described in the next chapter, constructive errors are not permissible; but these instruments are observed under altogether different conditions, which are suitable to the precision demanded. A large theodolite is generally fixed upon solid rock, or masonry with good foundation, or upon a very firm solid framed stand, and is protected from wind, sun and rain. Where it is necessary on level ground to elevate the instrument for more extensive view, a proper structure is built, in which the theodolite is isolated from the outer walls or enclosure carrying the stage upon which the observer works, so that no vibration or deflection of this, caused by the wind or the weight of the body, affects the instrument. Under such conditions angles are read on various points of the circle by micrometer microscopes so as to obtain a sufficient number of means, that personal and instrumental errors may be reduced to a minimum.


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