Note.—The letter m affixed to a page number signifies the middle third of the page; the letter b signifies the bottom third of the page; no letter being affixed, the top third of the page is referred to. - Æsthetic psychosis, 299, 329, 373m.
- Allen, Grant, 42, 301b, 303m.
- Altruism, 119b, 340b, 348m.
- Anger, 131, 369b.
- Apperception, 246m, 251.
- Arrogance, 279.
- Attention, 229.
- Awe, 123.
- Cause and effect in consciousness, 384.
- Chance, 386m.
- Change and consciousness, 23.
- Characteristic, emotion for, 334b.
- Christianity, 164b, 187.
- Comic, the, 371.
- Comte, 28.
- Conceit, 278, 279b.
- Consciousness, function of, 167.
- Continua, 73.
- Craving, 207b.
- Curiosity, 218b.
- Darwin, 301b, 341, 352b, 353m, 357, 366m.
- Desire, 196.
- Despair, 125.
- Desperation, 126b.
- Dewey, J., 357, note.
- Differentiation of consciousness, 151m.
- Dignity, 280.
- Disappointment, 169.
- Dismay, 127.
- Drama, 372m
- Dread, 119.
- Dream life and self consciousness, 269.
- Education and desire, 228.
- Ego, 234b.
- Embarrassment, 281m.
- Emotion, 78.
- rationale of, 81.
- analysis of, 82.
- retrospective, 180, 383m.
- classification of, 180.
- future of, 394m.
- Ennui, 216b.
- Ethical emotion, 337.
- Evil, problem of, 157.
- Evolution, antithetic mental, 271, 385.
- Exasperation, 162m.
- Excitement, 49.
- Expression, 303, 350.
- Familiarity, emotion of, 177.
- Fear, 91, 354, 369b.
- Fechner, 310b.
- Feeling, psychology of imperfect, 2.
- and subjective method, 7.
- and pleasure-pain, 48.
- definition of, 58, 76b.
- number of feelings, 392m.
- Fine Art, 363m, 373.
- Hate, 147m.
- Hedonalgic, 177, note.
- Hedonism, 41b, 204b.
- HÖffding, 29, 201m.
- Hope, 220m, 169b.
- Horror, 121b.
- Howells, W. D., quoted, 327.
- Hume, 262b.
- Humility, 283b.
- Imagination, 311.
- Imitation, 53, 368m.
- Impulse, 224b.
- Indignation, 162b.
- Induction, 210, 211, 286.
- Inhibition, 242b.
- Integration of consciousness, 79.
- Intellectual emotion, 295b.
- Intensity, 38m, 49, 231b, 387b.
- Interest, 224b, 247, 270b.
- Landor, W. S., quoted, 279m.
- LaokoÖn group, 374.
- Lotze, 42.
- Malice, 162b.
- Marshall, H. R., 28, 40b, 306m.
- Mason, F. A., 56.
- Mercier, 142.
- Method of psychology, 4, 133, 152, 362b, 376.
- Mill, J. S., 286b.
- Moral sense, 337.
- Novelty, feeling of, 170.
- Pain, knowledge of, 8.
- primitive mind, 13.
- and tension, 35.
- and sensation, 37.
- Panic, 122m.
- Perception, origin of, 70.
- Perez, 337.
- Pessimism, 193b.
- Play, 303b, 355m, 369m.
- Pleasure, evolution of, 14.
- function of, 44b.
- as bad term, 204.
- Pleasure-Pain and sensation, 62, 196.
- as quality, 38.
- physiological theory, 41b.
- Preyer, 17b.
- Pride, 273b.
- Psychology, imperfectness of, 1, 133, 152, 203b.
- and evolution, 59, 381b.
- experimental, 378.
- physiological, 380.
- Quantity in consciousness, 388.
- Recognition, 171b.
- Regret, 195.
- Remorse, 195.
- Representation, 278.
- Resignation, 195.
- Retrospective emotion, 180.
- Revenge, 183b.
- Self-feeling, 255.
- consciousness, 255.
- satisfaction, 280b.
- Senile psychology, 28.
- Sexual emotion, 299b.
- Shame, 282b.
- Shelley quoted, 320, 324.
- Sidgwick, H., 201b.
- Sorrow, 187.
- Spencer, Herbert, 303b, 314, 320m, 326, 329m, 337b, 345.
- Spinoza, 200, 201.
- Spontaneity, 381b.
- Stewart, D., 222b.
- Style, 314.
- Sub-consciousness, 32b.
- Surprise, 296b, 50, 167b.
- Teleologic emotion, 297b.
- Tentacular experience, 81.
- Titchener, E. B., 10.
- Variation, mental, 385.
- Volkmann, 200.
- Ward, James, 7, 22b, 73, 203, 232b, 246.
- Weber’s law, 389.
- Wonder, 296b.
- Wundt, 351, note.
Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works, Frome, and London.
Hyphenation is mostly consistent. The word ‘representation’ is frequently given as ‘re-presentation’, as a technical term. Where the hyphen occurs at a line break, it is retained or removed based on other instances of the word in the text. Errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s have been corrected, and are noted here. The references are to the page and line in the original. 3.29 | that feeling is a “strange[”] mysterious world | Removed. | 4.19 | through the [s]elf-observation of the human mind | Restored. | 9.5 | that it must[ ]be in consciousness | Inserted. | 40.34 | viz[.], of the neural basis | Added. | 225.19 | whether a pain[,] pleasure, perception | Inserted. | 349.25 | (Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, New York, 1886, p. 350[)]; | Removed. | 369.8 | The interp[r]etation of expression | Inserted. | |