The original orthography of the book has been preserved, even though some variants or systematic misspellings may be accidental. Among them, circumsance/circumstance, mein/mien (both rhyming with scene), bussines/business, the'. Contemporary texts have been consulted for parallel occurrences of dubious spellings like womens' room, anavoidable, which have been retained. Genitive 's affixed to italicized words have been left inconsistently italicized, as they were. The following errors have been corrected: - p. 30, l. 11: nor selfih guile ? nor selfish guile
- p. 37, l. 10: sits ghastly Death ? sits ghastly Death.
- p. 55, l. 24–25: eat-ten up by Tuesday morning ? eaten up by Tuesday morning
- p. 61, l. 14: that the method of, ? that the method of
- p. 62, l. -2: the practice was, To ? the practice was, to
- p. 70, l. 8: would have required too men ? would have required two men
- p. 70, l. 18: his corps was discovered ? his corpse was discovered
- p. 71, l. 18: no person to assist him— ? no person to assist him.—
- p. 72, l. -2: capricious and iracible ? capricious and irascible
- p. 73, l. 18: as throw down ? as to throw down