Frank Merriwell, Fardale From the Leaves of Frank Merriwell's Notebook. Trooper Stewart, Substitute BY H. E. Williamson Skates, Skis, and a Saphead BY William Wallace Cook The Basket-Ball Boss by Leslie W. Quirk Clem Frobisher's Man-sized Job By Allan Hawkwood The Shock By Grant Trask Reeves Cap'n Dan's Son BY Bernard Teevan Applause Edited by Burt L. Standish Edited by Burt L. Standish double-lined
double-lined Semi-monthly publication issued by STREET & SMITH, 79-89 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Ormond G. Smith and George C. Smith, Proprietors. Copyright, 1916, by Street & Smith, New York. Copyrighted, 1916, by Street & Smith, Great Britain. All Rights Reserved. Publishers everywhere are cautioned against using any of the contents of this Magazine either wholly or in part. Entered at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, as Second-class Matter, under an act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Canadian subscriptions, $2.72. Foreign, $3.44. WARNING—Do not subscribe through agents unknown to you. Complaints are daily made by persons thus victimized. IMPORTANT—Authors, agents and publishers are requested to note that this firm does not hold itself responsible for loss of unsolicited manuscripts while at this office or in transit, and that it cannot undertake to hold uncalled for manuscripts for a longer period than six months. If the return of manuscripts is expected, postage should be enclosed. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS |