CHAPTER III. A SHOCK FOR BART. CHAPTER IV. A DESPERATE ENEMY. CHAPTER VI. THE FIGHT WITH RAPIERS. CHAPTER VII. THE FALSE CONFESSION. CHAPTER VIII. FRANK FORCES THE TRUTH. CHAPTER IX. A PLOT AGAINST FRANK. CHAPTER X. THE GREETING AT THE STATION. CHAPTER XI. KING JIMMY THE FIRST. CHAPTER XIV. CUNNINGHAM MEETS HIS MASTER. CHAPTER XVI. HODGE AND DITSON. CHAPTER XVII. JIMMY ON THE TRAIL. CHAPTER XVIII. FACING CERTAIN DEFEAT. CHAPTER XIX. "THE MAN WHO WON THE GAME." CHAPTER XX. DEFARGE PLOTTING AGAIN. CHAPTER XXI. MERRIWELL'S RESERVE POWER. CHAPTER XXIII. A MAGNIFICENT ATHLETE. CHAPTER XXIV. PACKARD IS SATISFIED. CHAPTER XXV. MORGAN'S WARNING. CHAPTER XXVI. FRANK TURNS THE TABLES. CHAPTER XXVIII. HAWKINS CRIES "ENOUGH." CHAPTER XXIX. ON NEUTRAL GROUND. CHAPTER XXX. THE FRESHMAN COXSWAIN. CHAPTER XXXI. THE TEMPTER AND THE TRAITOR. CHAPTER XXXII. FRANK MAKES HIS TERMS. CHAPTER XXXIII. A NEW COMPACT. CHAPTER XXXIV. SNODGRASS SEEKS SATISFACTION. CHAPTER XXXV. ANOTHER COMPACT. CHAPTER XXXVI. BUSTER BILL SURPRISED. CHAPTER XXXVIII. BEFORE THE RACE. CHAPTER XXXIX. VICTORY OF THE STROKE. Minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Please see the transcriber’s note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling of any textual issues encountered during its preparation. Any corrections are indicated using an underline highlight. Placing the cursor over the correction will produce the original text in a small popup. Any corrections are indicated as hyperlinks, which will navigate the reader to the corresponding entry in the corrections table in the note at the end of the text. BOOKS FOR YOUNG MEN MERRIWELL SERIES Stories of Frank and Dick Merriwell PRICE, FIFTEEN CENTS Fascinating Stories of Athletics A half million enthusiastic followers of the Merriwell brothers will attest the unfailing interest and wholesomeness of these adventures of two lads of high ideals, who play fair with themselves, as well as with the rest of the world. These stories are rich in fun and thrills in all branches of sports and athletics. They are extremely high in moral tone, and cannot fail to be of immense benefit to every boy who reads them. They have the splendid quality of firing a boy’s ambition to become a good athlete, in order that he may develop into a strong, vigorous right-thinking man. ALL TITLES ALWAYS IN PRINT
In order that there may be no confusion, we desire to say that the books listed below will be issued during the respective months in New York City and vicinity. They may not reach the readers at a distance promptly, on account of delays in transportation. To Be Published in July, 1923.
Frank Merriwell’s False FriendOR, An Investment in Human Nature BY BURT L. STANDISH Author of the famous Merriwell Stories. STREET & SMITH CORPORATION PUBLISHERS 79-89 Seventh Avenue, New York Copyright, 1901 By STREET & SMITH Frank Merriwell’s False Friend (Printed in the United States of America) All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian. |