
Original Sources of Information for "The Story of Bacon's Rebellion."

Most of the official records and other contemporary manuscript documents—including private letters—which supply material for a history of Bacon's Rebellion have been printed and copies of them may be found in collections of Virginiana owned by historical societies and libraries.

No one of these documents, however, sheds more than an imperfect side-light upon this interesting subject. To understand the man Bacon, and the merits of the rebellion led by him, familiarity with all contemporary evidences, and a painstaking sifting of them, is necessary.

From the aforesaid evidences the author of this modest work has made a sincere attempt to draw the real facts, bit by bit, and to patch them together into a true story.

The items of the list which here follows have not been arranged in chronological order—indeed, a number of the most important papers bear no date. The collections where the original manuscripts may be or once could have been found are indicated by italics. In some instances it has been impossible to locate the original.

The British Public Record Office is referred to as P. R. O. and Colonial Papers and Colonial Entry Books mentioned are classes of records in that great depository.

The list does not include the abstracts in the English Calendar of State Papers, and the acts in Hening's Statutes at Large of Virginia. All the papers referred to are full copies.


The Beginning, Progress and Conclusion of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia in the year 1675 and 1676. Known as "T. M's" account—printed in the Richmond (Va.) Enquirer, Sept., 1804, from the original, formerly in the Harleian Collection, subsequently included in Force's Tracts.

An account of our late troubles in Virginia written in 1676 by Mrs. An. Cotton of Q. Creeke. Published from the original manuscript in the Richmond Enquirer, Sept. 1804, and afterward in Force's Tracts.

A Narrative of the Indian and Civil Wars in Virginia in the year 1675 and 1676. A manuscript found among the papers of Captain Nathaniel Burwell of King William County, Virginia, first printed in Vol. 1, 2nd Series, Massachusetts Historical Society Collection.

A List of those that have been Executed for the Late Rebellion in Virginia by Sir William Berkeley, Governor of that Colony. Printed in Force's Tracts from the original manuscript in the British Museum (Harleian Collection, Codex 6845, page 54) copied by Robert Greenhow, Esq., of Virginia.

Strange Newse from Virginia, &c. (Printed) London, 1677.

Nathaniel Bacon's acknowledgement of offences, and request for pardon, June 9, 1676. General Court "Deeds and Wills, 1670-1677." Hening's Statutes at Large of Virginia, II, 543.

A True Narrative of the Rise, Progress and Cessation of the Late Rebellion in Virginia. * * * By His Majesty's Commissioners. P. R. O. Col. Papers, XLI, 79. Va. Mag. Hist. & Biog., IV., 117-154.

Defence of Colonel Edward Hill. P. R. O. Va. Mag. Hist. & Biog., III, 239-252, 341-349; IV, 1-15.

Charles City County Grievances, May 10, 1677. P. R. O. Va. Mag. Hist. & Biog., III, 132-160.

William Byrd's Relation of Bacon's Rebellion. Century Magazine (Edward Eggleston), Va. Mag. Hist. & Biog., V, 220.

Council and General Court Records. Robinson Notes. Va. Mag., VIII, 411, 412; IX, 47, 306.

Bacon's Rebellion in Surry, County Court proceedings, July 4, 1677. Surry Records. Wm. & Mary Quarterly, 125-126.

Bacon's Rebellion in Westmoreland County, depositions, &c., in regard to, Oct. 21, Nov. 25, 1676, &c. Westmoreland Records. Wm. & Mary Quarterly, II, 43-49.

Extracts from the records of Lower Norfolk County in regard to Capt. William Carver, June 15, 1675, Jan. 15, 1676. Lower Norfolk Records. Wm. & Mary Quarterly, III, 163-164.

Bacon's Rebellion in Isle of Wight County, entries in county records relating to, May 22, and July 14, 1677. Isle of Wight Records. Wm. & Mary Quarterly, IV, 111-115.

Indian War, Orders of Northumberland County Court in regard to, July 4th and 19th, and Sept. 20, 1676. Northumberland Records. Wm. & Mary Quarterly, VIII, 24-27.

Grievances of Cittenborne Parish, Rappahannock County, March, 1677. P. R. O. Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX, Nos. 62-63, also Col. Entry Book, LXXXI, pp. 300-302. Va. Mag., III, 35-42.

Isle of Wight County Grievances, March, 1677. P. R. O. Col. Papers, Vol. XXIX, Nos. 82-83, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXI, pp. 316-319. Va. Mag., II, 390-392.

Gloucester County Grievances, March, 1677. P. R. O. Col. Pap., Vol. XXIX, No. 94, and Col. Entry Bk. No. 81, pp. 325-327. Va. Mag. II, 166-169.

Lower Norfolk County Grievances, March, 1677. P. R. O. Col. Pap., Vol. XXIX, No. 95, and Col. Entry Bk. No. 81, pp. 327-328. Va. Mag., II, 169-170.

Surry County Grievances, March, 1677. P. R. O. Col. Pap., Vol. XXIX, Nos. 69-70, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 81, pp. 304-307. Va. Mag., II, 170-173.

Northampton County Grievances, March, 1677. P. R. O. Col. Pap., Vol. XXIX, No. 74, 75, and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 81, pp. 309-312. Va. Mag. 289-292.

A Description of the fight between the English and the Indians in May, 1676. Egerton MSS., 2395. Wm. & Mary Quarterly, IX, 1-4.

Letter, Philip Ludwell, Va., June 28, 1676, to Sir Joseph Williamson. P. R. O. Col. Pap., Vol. XXXVII, No. 16. Va. Mag. I, 174-186.

Letters, William Sherwood, James City, June 1 and 28, 1676, to Sir Joseph Williamson. P. R. O. Col. Papers, Vol. XXXVII, No. 1 and No. 17. Va. Mag. I, 167-174.

Letter, Virginia, June 29, 1676, from the wife of Nathaniel Bacon to her sister. Egerton MSS., 2325. Va. Mag., V, 219-220. Wm. & Mary Quarterly, IX, 4-5.

Mr. Bacon's Account of the Troubles in Virginia, June 18, 1676. Egerton MSS., 2395. Wm & Mary Quarterly, IX, 6-10.

Charter of Virginia, dated Oct. 10, 1676 (but never granted). Bland MSS., Library of Congress and contemporary copy, Va. Historical Society. Hening II, 532, 533; Burk's Virginia, II, lxii.

Proclamation by Charles II, Westminster, Oct. 10, 1676, granting pardon to the Governor and Assembly and other subjects in Virginia. Pat. Roll, 28 Car. II, No. 11. Hening II, 423-424.

Letter, Governor Berkeley, Nov. 29, 1676, to Major Robert Beverley, Beverley MSS. Hening III, 568.

General Court Proceedings, Sept. 28, 1677 (in regard to the Rebellion). General Court Records. Hening II, 557.

General Court Proceedings, Oct. 26, 1677. General Court Records. Hening II, 557-558.

Bacon's Rebellion, Depositions, Nov. 15, 1677, in regard to Col. Thomas Swann's Conduct in. Surry Records. Wm. & Mary Quarterly, XI, 80-81.

Mrs. Bird's Relation, who lived Nigh Mr. Bacon in Virginia * * * Egerton MSS., 2395. Wm. & Mary Quarterly, IX, 10.

Proposals of Thos. Ludwell and Robert Smith, to the king, for reducing the rebels in Virginia [1676]. P. R. O. Va. Mag. I, 432-435.

Petition of Thomas Bacon (father of Nathaniel) to the King, June (?) 1676. P. R. O. Col. Pap., Vol. XXXVII, No. 15. Va. Mag., I, 430-431.

Proceedings of Court Martial on board ship in York River, Jan. 11, 1676-77. General Court Records. Hening II, 545-546.

Proceedings of Court Martial on board ship in York River, Jan. 12, 1676-77. General Court Records. Hening II, 546.

Proceedings of Court Martial at Green Spring, Jan. 24, 1676-77. General Court Records. Hening II, 547-548.

Proceedings of Court Martial at Bray's House, Jan. 20, 1676-77. General Court Records. Hening II, 546-547.

A True and faithful account in what condition we found your Majesty's Colony of Virginia, of our transactions, &c., signed by the Commissioners Berry and Moryson. P. R. O. Col. Pap., Vol. XXXVII, No. 51. 427. Burk's Virginia II, 253-259.

Proceedings of Court Martial at Green Spring, Jan. 24, 1676-77. General Court Records. Hening II, 547-548.

Proceedings of General Court at Green Spring, March 1, 1676-77. General Court Records. Hening II, 548.

Proceedings of General Court at Green Spring, March 8, 1676-77. General Court Records. Hening II, 549-550.

Proceedings of General Court at Green Spring, March 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 1676-77. General Court Records. Hening II, 550-556.

Nathaniel Bacon's Manifesto Concerning the present troubles in Virginia (n. d.) P. R. O. Col. Pap., Vol. XXXVII, No. 51. Va. Mag. I, 55-58.

The Declaration of the People, By Bacon. Aug. 3, 1676. P. R. O., Vol. XXXVII, No. 41. Va. Mag., I, 59-61. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, 4th Series, Vol. IX, 184-186.

Bacon's Appeal to the People of Accomac (n. d.). P. R. O. Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 81, pp. 254-263. Va. Mag., I, 61-63.

Orders of the General Assembly at Session begun Feb. 26, 1676-77. Northumberland Co. MS. Hening II, 401-406.

Additional instructions from the King to Governor Berkeley, Whitehall, Nov. 13, 1676. P. R. O. Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 80, pp. 111-114. (In the English Cal. Col. State Papers, these instructions are dated Oct. 13; in Hening, Nov. 13.) Hening II, 424-426.

Surry County, submission of Bacon's followers in, Feb. 6, 1677. Surry Records. Wm. & Mary Quarterly, XI, 79-80.

Testimony of Governor Berkeley in regard to Robert Beverley's services during the Rebellion, Northampton Co., Nov. 13, 1676. Beverley MS. Hening III, 567.

Letter, Governor Berkeley, Jan. 18, 1676 (7), to Robert Beverley. Beverley MS. Hening III, 569.

Letter, Governor Berkeley, Jan. 21, 1676-77, to Robert Beverley. Beverley MS. Hening III, 569.

The Petition of the County of Gloucester, July, 1676, to Sir William Berkeley, and his answer. Chalmers (Aspinwall) Papers. Mass. Hist. Col., 4th Series, Vol. IX, 181-184.

The Declaration and Remonstrance of Sir William Berkeley, May 29, 1676. Chalmers (Aspinwall) Papers. Mass. Hist. Col., 4th Series, Vol. IX, 178-181.

The Opinion of Council of Virginia Concerning Mr. Bacon's Proceedings, May 29, 1676. Chalmers (Aspinwall) Papers. Mass. Hist. Col., 4th Series, Vol. IX, pp. 177-178.

Virginia's Deploured Condition. Or an Impartial Narrative of the Murders Committed by the Indians there, and the sufferings * * * under the Rebellious outrages of Mr. Nath. Bacon, Jr. * * * to the tenth day of August, 1676. Chalmers (Aspinwall) Papers. Mass. Hist. Col., 4th Series, Vol. IX, 162-176.

A dialogue between the Rebel Bacon and one Goode as it was presented to * * * Sir William Berkeley, Governor of Virginia. P. R. O. Col. Entry Bk., lxxi. pp. 232-240. Goode's "Our Virginia Cousins."

A Review, Breviarie and Conclusion, being a Summarie account of the late rebellion in Virginia. P. R. O. Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 81, pp. 411-419. Burk's Virginia, II, 250-253.

Letter, Giles Bland, James Town, April 20, 1676, to Charles Berne (England). Burk's Virginia II, 245-249.

Letter, Francis Moryson, London, Nov. 28, 1677, to Thomas Ludwell. Burk's Virginia II, 265-270.

Letter, Charles II, Oct. 22, 1677, to Governor Jeffreys. Burk's Virginia II, 264-265.

Vindications of Sir William Berkeley (1676). Randolph MS., Va. Hist. Soc. Va. Mag. VI, 139-144. Burk's Virginia, II, 259-264.

List of persons who suffered in Bacon's Rebellion, report by the Commissioners, Oct. 15, 1677. P. R. O. Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 81, pp. 353-357. Va. Mag. Hist. & Biog. V, 64-70.


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