THE imploring letters which come to me constantly from all parts of the globe, written by young men and women who are almost hopelessly struggling to be freed from evils into which they have fallen through ignorance, prompt me to urge upon parents the great importance of safe-guarding their children from evils unspeakable by information which should always reach the child through the parent.

Many parents appreciate their duty to their children in this matter; the only thing that restrains them is that they do not know what to say and how to say it. They are in just the situation that I found myself with my own boy and girl before I had made a special study of this subject.

It was to assist parents in this trying situation that I wrote "What a Young Boy Ought to Know," and that Dr. Mary Wood-Allen wrote "What a Young Girl Ought to Know." These two books, together with "What a Young Man Ought to Know" and "What a Young Woman Ought to Know," have proven a benediction to thousands of parents, and have saved multitudes of boys and girls; of young men and young women from evils that come from blind blundering among dangers that are attended with consequences that often project themselves throughout the entire life, and frequently involve even future generations.

These books were written to make men and women—not money. The United States Government has had the books to men placed in the libraries of all the battleships, and those addressed to boys and girls and young men and young women placed in all the schools maintained by the Government for the education of the North American Indians.

Requests have been made for permission to translate these books into some forty different languages, and most of these requests have come from Christian missionaries and church missionary societies, who have desired the teachings which these books contain for use by their missionaries.

These books, in English, sell at One Dollar per copy, and a simple post card request addressed to the writer of the little book you now hold in your hands, will bring you descriptive printed matter by early post.



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