240th Division.



1917 1918
Brigade. Regiment. Brigade. Regiment.
Infantry. 240. 469. 240. 469.
470. 470.
471. 471.
Cavalry. 8 Sqn. 13 Drag. Rgt. 3 Sqn. 13 Drag. Rgt.
Artillery. Art. Command: 240 Art. Command:
?271 F. A. Rgt. ?271 F. A. Rgt.
?3 Abt. 6 Res. Ft. A. Rgt.
?1092 Light Am. Col.
?1336 Light Am. Col.
?1342 Light Am. Col.
Engineers and Liaisons. (240) Pion Btn.: 240 Pion Btn.:
?371 Pion Co. ?371 Pion. Co.
?372 Pion Co. ?372 Pion Co.
?440 T. M. Co. ?440 T. M. Co.
?240 Tel. Detch. ?203 Searchlight Section.
240 Signal Command:
?240 Tel. Detch.
?127 Wireless Detch.
Medical and Veterinary. 252 Ambulance Co. 252 Ambulance Co.
204 Field Hospital. 204 Field Hospital.
205 Field Hospital. 205 Field Hospital.
Vet. Hospital. 240 Vet. Hospital.
Transport. 1092 M. T. Col. 650 M. T. Col.


(469th and 470th Infantry Regiments: 14th Corps District—Grand Duchy of Baden. 471st Infantry Regiment: 15th Corps District—Alsace.)


The 240th Division was recruited in the depots of the 14th Corps District (Baden). Like all the divisions of this series, the 240th Division received a large contingent from the 1918 class at the time of its formation.


1. After a period of intensive training (Feb. 4 to Mar. 28) in the training camps of Oberhofen and of Heuberg, the 240th Division was sent to Mulhousen about the end of March and went into line between the Rhone-Rhine Canal and Hirzbach (south of Altkirch) until August 20.


2. About August 25 it was sent to the Woevre in the sector of Calonne trench, in September.


3. Entraining at Conflans (Oct. 5–6) it appeared in Flanders on the 9th. It went into action between the Ypres-Staden railroad and Poelcappelle and suffered heavy losses in the course of the British attacks of October 9 and 12.


4. Relieved during the night of October 13–14, it was sent to Artois. On October 23 it took over the sector of Bullecourt (southeast of Arras). On November 20, it lost heavily from the British attack launched north of Bullecourt at the same time as on the Cambrai front (700 prisoners).

5. About the middle of December it was withdrawn from the front and sent to rest in the vicinity of Douai.


The 240th Division was recruited principally from Baden, some elements from the Rhine Districts.


The 240th Division appeared to be of mediocre combat value.



1. The division was in line in the sector Fresnoy-Oppy at the beginning of the Somme offensive. It took no part in the attack on Vimy Ridge of March 28, but remained in support. It was relieved in this sector on April 8.

Battle of the Lys.

2. It moved northward and was engaged north of Bethune (Hinges-Robecq on April 14.) In two weeks’ fighting in this sector the division lost very heavily including many prisoners.


3. Withdrawn on April 27, the division rested at Lille a week. It entrained about May 8 for the Argonne and detrained at St. Juvin. Engaged at Boureuilles-Vauqunois on May 13 the division held that quiet sector until July 10.


4. The division was taken to Semide and held in reserve during the offensive of the 15th to be used as an exploiting division. When the attack failed the division was directed west of Reims via Machault, Warmeriville, Brimont. It camped at Jonchery from July 21 to 23.


5. On the 23d the division was engaged in the Bois de Reims. After the 27th it retreated on the Montagnes de Bligny, and later toward Aubilly-Bouleuse. On August 5 it passed into second line, and was relieved 10 days later. It rested 5 days west of Chateau Porcien and returned to line in the Prunay sector on August 13. There it held firm until October 10.

6. After its relief it waited near Rethel until the 14th, when it was railed to Stenay via Sedan. On October 17 it was engaged north of St. Juvin, Champigneulle, east of the Argonne forest. It continued in line until the end, retreating toward Mouzon.


The division was rated as third class. Its effectives were greatly reduced and its morale low in October.



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