HISTORY.(8th and 21st Corps Districts—Rhine Province and Lorraine.) 1917.The 237th Division was formed in January, 1917, at the Elsenborn Camp (one-half men of the 1918 class; the rest, returned sick and wounded and men taken from the front). Russia.1. Detraining in Russia in the vicinity of Baranovitchi in March, 1917, the 237th Division went into line south of Vichnev, on the Little Berezina, about the beginning of April. Galicia.2. Relieved on June 25, it was transferred to Galicia by way of Brest-Litowsk. On July 7 it was sent into line in the vicinity of Konioukhi. 3. It was engaged on July 21 northwest of Zbrow, and pursued the Russians by way of Trembowla (July 26) as far as Husiatin, where the front became stabilized. The division continued to occupy various sectors in this area until the end of 1917. It was identified south of Husiatin on December 12 (fraternization). RECRUITING.The 237th Division was recruited principally from the Rhine District. VALUE—1917 ESTIMATE.The 237th Division occupied the Russian front from its formation until the beginning of January, 1917. Its combat value was mediocre. 1918.1. On the 4th of January the division was relieved by Austrian troops and marched by easy stages to Buckas, in the direction of Lemberg. On March 4 it entrained between Brody and Lemberg and traveled via Lemberg-Brest-Litowsk-Warsaw-Kalisz-Goerlitz-Leipzig-Frankfort on the Main-Thionville-Sedan, detraining at St. Juvin on the 12th. It went into cantonments at St. Georges. Argonne.2. During the night of the 14th–15th it relieved the 80th Reserve Division west of Avocourt. While here it exchanged its Alsace-Lorrainers for more trustworthy men of the 9th Landwehr Division. It was withdrawn about the middle of May. Aisne.3. On the 26th and 27th the division entrained at Grandpre and St. Juvin, went through Sedan and Charleville and detrained at Bucy les Pierrepont (north of Sissonne) on the 27th and 28th. The division then marched via Sissonne—the Plateau de Californie-Fismes-Dravegny-Monthiers (northwest of ChÂteau Thierry). On the 1st of June it attacked in the Belleau wood, as a result of which it suffered heavy losses. It was withdrawn about the 22d. Argonne.4. The division entrained at Athies (east of Laon) and detrained near St. Juvin on the 30th. The division remained here a few days and then relieved the 240th Division in the Vauquois sector. While in line here the division received more than 2,000 replacements. It was withdrawn on August 14. Ailette.5. It entrained at St. Juvin and went to St. Quentin and Ham; then it went by truck to the Coucy wood, and then to St. Paul aux Bois (south of Chauny). On the 21st it reenforced the 1st Bavarian and the 222d Divisions near St. Aubin. It was withdrawn early in September, after having fallen back upon Coucy le ChÂteau. It rested then for a fortnight in the St. Gobain forest. Serre-Oise.6. On the 25th of September it relieved the 34th Division in the Servais sector (south of La FÈre). The division remained in line until the end of the war, falling back through Deuillet-Anguilcourt-La FertÉ—Chevresis-Villers le Sec to the La Capelle region, and suffering very heavy losses. VALUE—1918 ESTIMATE.The 237th was rated a fourth-class division. While it was in line in the Argonne in the spring the men (encouraged by their officers) fraternized with the French troops opposing them. Its morale was influenced to a most surprising extent by the measure of success of the German forces. The result was that while it was high in the spring it became low as soon as the tide turned. On August 22, while the division was in line on the Ailette, 80 men, armed and with ammunition, surrendered to 4 French soldiers. In this engagement (about 10 days) more than 900 prisoners were lost. While the division was in line the last time it lost over 1,000 prisoners. At the end of October the division had only about 800 rifles. |