233d Division.



1917 1918[39]
Brigade. Regiment. Brigade. Regiment.
Infantry. 243. 448. 243. 448.
449. 449.
450. 450.
Cavalry. 3 Sqn. 9 Drag. Rgt.
Artillery. 81 F. A. Rgt. 233 Art. Command:
?81 F. A. Rgt.
Engineers and Liaisons. (233) Pion. Btn.: 233 Pion. Btn.:
?357 Pion. Co. ?357 Pion. Co.
?358 Pion. Co. ?358 Pion. Co.
?420 T. M. Co. ?420 T. M. Co.
?233 Tel. Detch. ?233 Tel. Detch.
Medical and Veterinary. 245 Ambulance Co. 245 Ambulance Co.
187 Field Hospital. 187 Field Hospital.
188 Field Hospital. 188 Field Hospital.
Vet. Hospital. 268 Vet. Hospital.
Transport. 880 M. T. Col. 643 M. T. Col.

39.Composition at the time of dissolution, September, 1918.


(448th and 449th Infantry Regiments: 2d Corps District—Pomerania. 450th Infantry Regiment: 17th Corps District—West Prussia.)


The 233d Division, formed at the Hammerstein Camp in January, 1917, recruited its infantry (448th, 449th, 450th Regiments) from the 2d and 17th Corps Districts. It then contained 40 per cent of the 1918 class and 40 per cent returned wounded.

1. After six weeks in training at Hammerstein, the 233d Division was transferred to Beverloo, where it continued its training from the end of February to the beginning of April.

2. About April 10 it occupied a calm sector between La FÈre and Alaincourt.


3. On May 16 it left the Oise front and went to Flanders. Sent into line at Ypres, on both sides of the Ypres-Roulers road (May 19–20), the division had very heavy losses in this sector toward the end of July, during the artillery preparation which preceded the British attack of the 31st. “In the course of the nine weeks passed in Flanders the 450th Infantry Regiment lost 900 men, more than half of whom were killed.” (Letter of Aug. 6.)

4. Relieved on the eve of the attack, the 233d Division was brought back by railroad into the Guise area and sent to rest for two weeks.

5. From the middle of August until September 28 it occupied the sector of St. Quentin (Gauchy), after having pillaged the city the same as several other divisions.


6. On October 2 it entrained for Flanders and was sent by way of Origny, Le Cateau, Maubeuge, Mons, Ath, Ghent, Deynze. From October 5 to 12 it was engaged southeast of Sonnebeke and lost very heavily during the British attacks of October 6 and 9.


7. The division was withdrawn from the Ypres front on October 12, sent to rest for four days at Sottegem, then sent to Lorraine by way of Brussels, Namur, Hirson, Charleville, Sedan, Metz. Detraining at Sarreburg, it rested from the 20th to the 29th, then went into line south of Blamont.


The 233d Division was recruited from Pomerania and West Prussia, with a certain admixture from the neighboring Provinces (3d and 5th Corps Districts).


A German official document of June 12, 1917, gives the following appreciation of the troops of the 233d Division engaged at that moment in the Ypres sector: “These men are too young to be able to furnish prolonged resistance and to have great endurance in a critical situation. Nevertheless, their conduct is generally good. One cannot say that this organization is in a good condition; it is not suited for trench warfare.” (Report from the 2d Battalion of the 450th Regiment.)

It is to be noticed, however, that the 233d Division was left in line northeast of Ypres until July 29.

Since that time the division took part in numerous battles and improved.

It contained a certain number of Poles and some Alsatians.

From January 20 to February 24, 1918, it received special training for the warfare of movement, in the vicinity of Zabern-Haguenau.

It was a fairly good division.



1. The division was railed to Flanders in the middle of April and detrained at Zarren (southwest of Thourout). It marched toward the front south of Ypres through Ardoye, Tourcoing. It was engaged on April 25 at Mount Kemmel and took part in the heavy fighting there until May 3. Its losses were heavy in this engagement.

2. The division rested near Sottegem in Belgium until May 19. It was then transferred to Peronne. During June a regiment of the division came into line southwest of Morlancourt for a short period and reenforced the 54th Division. The rest of the division rested at Caudry, Bretigny, Morcourt until July 6.

Third Battle of the Somme.

3. It was engaged on that date north and south of Alvert, where it was still in line at the time of the British attack of August 22. It was thrown back on Fricourt, La Boisselle, Bazentin le Grand, Montauban, where it was relieved on August 30, after losing 1,422 prisoners.

4. Following the heavy losses in August the division was dissolved. The 448th Regiment was transferred to the 107th Division, replacing the 227th Reserve Regiment, dissolved. The 405th Regiment replaced the 22d Reserve Regiment, dissolved in the 117th Division; while the men of the 449th Regiment were allotted to the 448th and 450th Regiments.


The division was rated as third class.



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