225th Division.



1916 1917 1918[37]
Brigade. Regiment. Brigade. Regiment. Brigade. Regiment.
Infantry. 5 Ers. 18 Res. 5 Ers. 18 Res. 5 Ers. 373.
217 Res. 217 Res. 18 Res.
373. 373. 217 Res.
Cavalry. 3 Sqn. 13 Uhlan Rgt. 3 Sqn. 13 Uhlan Rgt. 3 Sqn. 13 Uhlan Rgt.
Artillery. 225 Art. Command: 225 Art. Command:
?47 F. A. Rgt. ?47 F. A. Rgt.
Engineers and Liaisons. (225) Pion. Btn.: 259 Pion. Co.
?259 Pion. Co. 413 T. M. Co.
?344 Pion. Co. 225 Tel. Detch.
?413 T. M. Co.
?Tel. Detch.
Medical and Veterinary. 259 Ambulance Co. 240 Ambulance Co.
155 Field Hospital. 259 Ambulance Co.
172 Field Hospital. 155 Field Hospital.
265 Vet. Hospital. Vet. Hospital.
Transport. M. T. Col.

37.Composition at the time of the dissolution, September, 1918.


(18th Reserve: 18th Corps Division—East Prussia. 217th Reserve: 7th Corps District—Westphalia. 373d Infantry Regiment: 1st Corps District—East Prussia.)


The 225th Division, including the 18th Reserve Infantry Regiment (from the 1st Reserve Division), the 217th Reserve Infantry Regiment (from the 47th Reserve Division), and the 373d Infantry Regiment (from the 10th Landwehr Division), was formed on the Eastern Front in the vicinity of Wladimir-Volynski about September, 1916.


1. In November, 1916, the 225th Division was transferred to the Roumanian Carpathians. It was there in December in the valley of the Uz.



1. During the first half of 1917 the 225th Division occupied the calm sectors in the vicinity of Uz (Hills 1031 and 1640).

2. In July the 373d Infantry Regiment was transferred to the valley of the Putna to withstand the Russo-Roumanian offensive. The division took part in the Austro-German counterattack and established its positions near Ocna in September and October.


3. Relieved about November 11, it went to Bereczk, where it entrained on the 18th for the Western Front. (Itinerary: Kronstadt (Brasso)-Budapest-Vienna-Munich-Carlsruhe-Sarrebruecken.) It detrained on November 25 at Vallieres-Vantoux, near Metz, and from there was transferred to the vicinity of Vigneulles (Cote de Meuse).

Cotes de Meuse.

4. On December 4–5, it took over the sector of Chevalierswood, south of Vaux les Palameix-Seuzey.


Two regiments were drawn from East Prussia (18th Reserve and 372d Infantry Regiment), the 217th Reserve from Westphalia.


The 225th Division which comprised drafts from Baden, Alsace, Westphalia, East Prussia, and the Rhine was not homogeneous and was not considered as a fighting division.

The 18th Reserve Regiment had a bad reputation. On January 6, 1917, it refused to attack at Hill 1298 in Hungary. (Interrogation of prisoners Feb. 3 and Mar. 17, 1918.)

The division included a large number of Poles. However, men of the young classes gradually replaced the older men, who still made up a large part of the division in 1917; consequently, the combat value of the division may have improved.


1. The division held the Woevre sector until the beginning of May. It entrained at Jeandelize about May 15 and was railed by Sedan, Givet, Dmant, Namur, Charleroi, Mons, and Cambrai. It detrained near Peronne and marched toward the Avre front by Chaulnes, Rosieres en Santerre.

Battle of the Santerre.

2. It was engaged north of Moreuil (east of the Villers aux Erables-Thennes) on May 22. The Allied attack struck the division and threw it back on Beaufort, losing 2,358 prisoners. It was relieved on the 10th and rested 15 days. Reengaged on the 25th east of Albert (Contalmaison, Montauban) the division again lost heavily. It was withdrawn on the 30th.

3. After its withdrawal the division was dissolved to the profit of the 1st Reserve Division and 2d Division.


The division was rated as third class. In the August fighting in Picardy it did not make a strong resistance. In the two engagements in August the division lost 3,593 prisoners.



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