34.The below comprises only the elements under 308th Postal Sector (Nov. 13, 1918). The 62d Infantry Brigade, and elements of the 5th Landwehr Regiment were in the 310th Postal Sector and are carried as attached to other divisions. HISTORY.(204th Infantry Regiment: Guard. 256th Reserve Infantry Regiment: 7th Corps District—Westphalia. 5th Landwehr Regiment: 17th Corps District—West Prussia.) 1916.The division was formed on the Eastern Front about September, 1916. Galicia.1. Concentrated, beginning of October, in the Brest-Litovsk area, the 218th Division was transferred to Galicia, in the Brody, sector in the middle of October. Roumania.2. Beginning of December the 218th Division was sent to the Roumanian front. It was then composed of the 204th Infantry Regiment, taken from the 43d Reserve Division; the 256th Reserve Infantry Regiment, from the Mitau Group; and of the 5th Landwehr Regiment, taken from the 11th Landwehr Division. It occupied the sector of Oitoz (December). 1917.Roumania.1. The 218th Division remained in line between the valleys of the Trotus and of the Putna (south of Ocna, northwest of Panciu) until July, 1917. 2. At the end of July it was engaged in its sector in front of Kezdi-Vasarhely and retired to the south bank of the Putna on July 29. 3. In August and until the end of the year 1917 the 218th Division remained in line in the vicinity of Soveja. RECRUITING.The 204th Reserve Infantry Regiment was recruited from the whole of Russia; the 256th Reserve Infantry Regiment from Westphalia and the Rhine Districts; the 5th Landwehr Regiment from West Prussia. VALUE—1917 ESTIMATE.The 218th Division had been on the Roumanian front since December, 1916, and was mediocre. 1918.Roumania.In June the division was still in Roumania. Men under 35 years of age were sent to the Western Front, which gave rise to the report of the division’s presence in the Lille-ArmentiÈres region early in June. The 256th Reserve Regiment was identified in Macedonia early in July, but the remainder of the division was still in Roumania the middle of October. VALUE—1918 ESTIMATE.The division was rated as fourth class. |