CHAPTER I ON THE BANKS OF THE GREAT AMAZON CHAPTER II STRANGE ADVENTURES IN THE FOREST LOST! CHAPTER III BURNLEY HALL, OLD AND NEW CHAPTER IV AWAY DOWN THE RIVER CHAPTER V A DAY IN THE FOREST WILDS CHAPTER VI "NOT ONE SINGLE DROP OF BLOOD SHED" CHAPTER VII "A COLD HAND SEEMED TO CLUTCH HER HEART" CHAPTER VIII FIERCELY AND WILDLY BOTH SIDES FOUGHT CHAPTER IX THAT TREE IN THE FOREST GLADE CHAPTER X BENEE MAKES A STRANGE DISCOVERY CHAPTER XI ALL ALONE IN THE WILDERNESS CHAPTER XII BENEE ENTRENCHED SAVAGE REVELS IN THE FOREST CHAPTER XIII THE MARCH TO THE LOVELESS LAND CHAPTER XIV THE HOME OF THE CANNIBAL BENEE'S ROMANCE CHAPTER XV SHOOKS-GEE'S STORY A CANNIBAL QUEEN CHAPTER XVI ON THE BANKS OF A BEAUTIFUL RIVER CHAPTER XVII BILL AND HIS BOATS CHAPTER XVIII AS IF STRUCK BY A DUM-DUM BULLET CHAPTER XIX STRUGGLING ONWARDS UP-STREAM CHAPTER XX THE PAGAN PAYNEES WERE THIRSTING FOR BLOOD CHAPTER XXI THE FOREST IS SHEETED IN FLAMES CHAPTER XXII EVENINGS BY THE CAMP FIRE CHAPTER XXIII A MARVELLOUS LAKE IN A MARVELLOUS LAND LA PAZ CHAPTER XXIV BENEE'S STORY THE YOUNG CANNIBAL QUEEN CHAPTER XXV BENEE'S MOTHER TO THE FRONT CHAPTER XXVI THE PALE-FACE QUEEN HAS FLED CHAPTER XXVII THE FIGHT AT THE FORT CHAPTER XXVIII THE DREAM AND THE TERROR! CHAPTER XXIX EASTWARD HO! FOR MERRIE ENGLAND Produced by Al Haines. [image] Cover [image] "BRAWN ... DASHED ON TO THE RESCUE" In Far Bolivia A Story of a Strange Wild Land BY DR. GORDON STABLES, R.N. Author of "'Twixt School and College" "The Hermit Hunter of the Wilds" "The Naval Cadet" "Kidnapped by Cannibals" &c. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY J. FINNEMORE, R.I. BLACKIE AND SON LIMITED LONDON GLASGOW DUBLIN BOMBAY 1901 TO MARIE CONNOR LEIGHTON (NOVELIST AND CRITIC) THIS BOOK IS INSCRIBED EVERY KINDLY WISH BY THE AUTHOR PREFACE Every book should tell its own story without the aid of "preface" or "introduction". But as in this tale I have broken fresh ground, it is but right and just to my reader, as well as to myself, to mention prefatorially that, as far as descriptions go, both of the natives and the scenery of Bolivia and the mighty Amazon, my story is strictly accurate. I trust that Chapter XXIII, giving facts about social life in La Paz and Bolivia, with an account of that most marvellous of all sheets of fresh water in the known world, Lake Titicaca, will be found of general interest. But vast stretches of this strange wild land of Bolivia are a closed book to the world, for they have never yet been explored; nor do we know aught of the tribes of savages who dwell therein, as far removed from civilization and from the benign influence of Christianity as if they were inhabitants of another planet. I have ventured to send my heroes to this land of the great unknown, and have at the same time endeavoured to avoid everything that might border on sensationalism. In conclusion, my boys, if spared I hope to take you out with me again to Bolivia in another book, and together we may have stranger adventures than any I have yet told. THE AUTHOR. ———— |