A - Adams, Dr. Nehemiah, 29
- Adams, Sarah F., quoted, 35
- ambulance, 37, 38
- annihilation threatened, 23
- apothecary doctor, 108, 109
- Appendix, court record, 153-156
- apple-jack, 39
- Army of West Va., 4, 5, 6
- artillery, trained on us, 51, 58
- at in "Where is he at?" 73, 75
- attempt to break out, 113, 118
- autographs, officers', 136
B - Barnes, J. K., Surgeon-Gen., 146
- battle, pomp of, 8, 134
- battle-field, Winchester, 3 +
- beans, soup of, ration, 44, 94, 102
- Beecher, Henry Ward, quoted, 30
- Beecher, married by, 52
- Berryville, 3
- Berryville pike, 3, 4, 7
- Birge, Gen. H. W., 7, 9
- blanket for several, 105
- blankets "confiscated," 46
- blankets, not to be shaken, 87
- Blinn, Col. C. D., ill, 7
- Blue Ridge, 1, 35, 36
- Braxton's Confed. artillery, 9
- bread, corn-cob-meal, 44, 93, 100
- breakfast at Staunton, 32, 33
- breakfast at Tom's Brook, 21
- Breckenridge, Confed. Gen., 5
- Brinton, Col., escape of, 26, 27
- brooms in prison, 100, 102
- Brown, John, defended, 28
- Brownell, H. H., quoted, 137
- Browning, Mrs., quoted, 36, 83, 91
- buckets for water, 98, 110, 116
- Buckingham, Gov. of Conn., 7, 129
- "Bucktail Regiment," 64, 130
- burning $400, 138
- Burrage, Major H. S., 117, 120, 142
- Bush, Lieut. W. W., 93, 96
- "Butler's dandy regiment," 7 (note)
- Byron, Lord, quoted, 28
- Byron, Major John W., 87
- Byrne, Major John, 64, 66, 141
C - cards, playing, 102, 106, 141
- Carle, Col. James, 64, 66, 80
- carving in prison, 49, 83, 101, 141
- cavalry, 4, 5, 6, 13, 25, 34, 40, 45
- chaplain, prisoner, 57, 58, 80
- charge, Gordon's brilliant, 10, 12
- Chautauqua, Mountain Lake, 121
- checkers, 92, 102, 141
- Cheever, Dr. Geo. B., 29
- chess, 92, 102, 141
- choosing death, 124, 125, 133, 134, 136, 143, 153
- Clarke, Adjt. James A., 22, 96, 101, 117, 143, 153
- clergymen's visits, 121, 122
- Clover, in it at night, 47
- coal, poor and scanty, 79
- coal dust, very fine! 48
- cold, severe and fatal, 79, 132, 142
- communication, finger signs, 65, 70
- communication, secret, 43, 70
- Confederate currency, 27, 32, 33, 34, 94, 121, 140
- Cook, Capt. William, 58, 85, 96, 103, 105, 143
- cooking, how and where, 21, 95
- Constitution, U. S., 29, 39, 47
- Corcoran, Gen. Michael, 53
- corn-cob-meal bread, 44, 93, 100, 107
- corn-cob-meal soup, 94, 102
- court martial in prison, 88; and Appendix, 153
- Crew, John, a kind enemy, 28
- Crook, Gen. George, 4
D - daily routine, Danville, 97-105, 140, 141
- Dame, Rev., preaches to us, 121
- Dan river, 79, 98
- Danville, arrival at, 47, 48;
- Danville death record, 129, 132, 142, 144
- Danville prisons, 98, 129
- Davies's Legendre, 140 (note)
- Davis, Jefferson, 150
- Davis, Lieut., death of, 57, 58, 68
- dead lines, Salisbury, 54
- deaf-and-dumb alphabet, 65, 70
- deaths at Salisbury, 55, 130, 134, 136, 145
- deaths of Confederates in northern prisons, 146
- deaths at Danville, 129, 132, 136, 145
- Declaration of Independence, 47
- defile, Berryville, 3, 4, 7
- devastation by Sheridan, 2, 3
- diary kept, 22, 28, 44
- Dickerman, Capt. G. M., 32
- discussion with Lieut. Howard, 28, 29, 30
- discussions in prison, 47, 90, 91, 102, 110, 141
- distribution of rations, 54, 100
- Dolan, pitied by Confederate ladies, 37
- DuffiÉ, Gen. O. N., 113-117
- Dwight, Gen. William, 12, 13
E - Early, Gen. Jubal A., 5, 9, 14, 17
- Edenburg village, 26
- education in prison, 69, 70, 91, 92, 140
- Eighth Corps, W. Va. Army, 4, 5, 6
- Election votes in prison, 90
- Emerson, Rev., prison chaplain, 58, 80
- enlist or die, choice to, 133, 134
- Epaminondas, strategy at Leuctra, 10
- "escape on the brain," 67
- escapes attempted, 26, 50, 110
- Estabrooks, Lieut. H. L., 72, 74, 142, 143 (note)
- exchange of prisoners, 83, 89, 102, 131
- exchange blocked, 89, 90, 106, 107, 124, 131, 147-151
F - Ficklin, J. F., his kindness, 125-129, 131
- Fisher, First Sea Lord, quoted, 57
- Fisher's Hill, battle, 25
- Fisher's Hill reached, 20
- "flag-of-truce fever," 106, 107, 108
- fleas, wicked, 27
- flour ration, how cooked, 21
- Fontleroy, Dr., his hospitality, 32, 33
- freemasonry, very useful, 38, 40, 42, 46
- French, oral lessons in, 69, 70
- Fry, Major W. H., 85
- fugitive slave law, 29, 30
- fun, critical and sarcastic, 104, 105
- fun, sanitary, 79, 80
- furnace way of escape, 110
- Furness, Horace Howard, 129
G - Gardner, Adjt. W. C., 69, 70, 71, 74, 85, 107, 108, 109, 142, 143
- Gee, Confed. Major, 52, 53, 56, 74
- German, oral lessons in, 92
- Ghost in Hamlet, 85, 86
- "God's Country," 137
- God's fugitive slave law, 29
- "going through" prisoners, 22
- Gordon, Confed. Gen. J. B., 5, 10, 17
- Gordon's brilliant charge, 10, 13
- gorge of Berryville pike, 3, 4, 10
- gorilla or guerrilla, which? 39, 40
- grain cars at Danville, 48
- Grant's merciless orders, 2
- Greek Testament, kept, 42;
- greenbacks burned, 138
- greenbacks, relative value of, 23, 24, 41, 140
- Greensboro, N. Carolina, 48
- Gregg, Lieut.-Col. Theodore, 64, 85
- Grover, Gen. Cuvier, 5, 6, 8, 12
- guerrilla, "I'm a guerrilla," 59
- guerrilla, Morgan's, a kind gentleman, 34
- gun cotton, cushion suspected, 45, 46
H - hake, issued in rations, 94
- Hall, Rev. Charles K., kind, 122
- Hamlet, rehearsal, 85, 86
- Handy, Lieut., aide to Molineux, 11
- Hartshorne, Col. W. Ross, 64, 66, 67, 68, 115, 130
- Haslett, Capt., Provost Marshal, 26, 37, 38
- Haurand, Major August, 22, 66
- Hayes, Gen. Joseph, 53, 61, 65, 67, 92, 141
- Hayes, Gen., on court martial, Appendix, 156
- health, surely failing, 123
- Henry, Patrick, cited, 30
- "Hide your greenbacks," 41
- hole in the brick wall, 43
- Holland, J. H., imaginary, 128
- Homer, quoted, 80;
- Hooper, Lieut.-Col. C. H., 41, 54, 100, 115
- horse lost in battle, 10, 11, 19
- hospital in Danville, 106, 132
- hostage, Lt. Manning held as, 60
- Howard, Confed. Lieut., 28, 29, 30
- Howe, Capt. Wesley C., 22, 50, 72, 109, 110, 141
I - Imboden, J. D., Confed. Gen., 25
- Indiana soldiers, acrobats, 24
- innocent deliberately slain, 152
- international war, 152
- Irish Bend, La., battle, wounded in, 89
J - James river, 46, 137
- Jefferson, Thomas, quoted, 31
- Jersey lightning, apple-jack? 39
- Johnson's Island prison, 126
- Jonah, disgorged like, 49
- Jordan, H. T., 126, 127
K - Keifer, Gen. J. W., 9
- Kerrstown, 20
L - Ladies, Confed., kind and handsome, 37
- Lee, Gen. Fitzhugh, 5;
- Legendre, Davies's, 113, 140 (note)
- letters from outside, 88, 89, 96, 132
- Libby prison, 40-44, 112, 144
- lice in prison, 102, 103, 132
- lice of Egypt, not "in it," 80
- Lincoln, Abraham, quoted, 47, 48
- Lincoln on exchange of prisoners, 89, 90, 125
- Lincoln on right of revolution, 47, 48
- Lloyd, J. J., returns from desertion, 133
- Lockwood, Capt., killed, 77
- log houses for officers, 52, 53
- Longfellow, quoted, 136
- Lovelace, poet, quoted, 89
M - Manning, Lieut. W. C., tunnel, 60, 61, 65
- Mark Tapley's "jolly" example, 38
- Marmion, Scott's, quoted, 37
- martyrs in reality, 133, 134, 136
- Mason, Capt. Frank H., 92, 143
- Masonic Hall, Winchester, 18
- McIntosh's cavalry, 4
- Meacham's Station, 38, 40
- meat ration, 44, 93, 94
- Mercutio's wound, 118, 119
- Middletown in Shenandoah Valley, 20
- Molineux, Col. E. L., 7, 9, 14
- money concealed, 42, 119, 138
- money, Confederate, 23, 32, 33, 34, 113, 140
- Morgan's guerrillas, 34
- Mortality in prison. See under "deaths"
- "Muggers," 51
N - Napoleon, his strategy, 10;
- nationality, northern, 149, 150
- nationality, southern, 39, 150, 151
- necessity, military, defies every law, 151
- negroes, loyal and kind, 111
- negroes, prisoners of war, 78, 129
- New Market, Va., 26, 27, 28
- Newtown, V., 20
- Nineteenth Corps, 4, 5, 6, 10, 66, 67
O - occupations, 83, 84, 85, 91, 92; 97-105
- O'Neil, Col., Yale classmate, killed, 64, 130
- Opequon battle, 3-15
- Opequon Creek, 3, 7
- order to retreat, 11
- Ould, R., Confed. Agt. for exchange, 151
- ovens for baking, 110
- overcoat saved, 19, 20, 42, 46, 105, 108, 109
P - "painfully sober," 85
- parole given, 53, 129
- parole rejected, 53
- pediculidÆ vestimenti, non capitis, 99, 100
- Petersburg shelled, 45
- Pharaoh's epidermis and obstinacy, 80
- Pickett's charge at Gettysburg, 10
- plots to break out, 61-75; 113-119
- policing prison, 87, 100
- prayer of chaplain Emerson, 58, 80
- prey and pray, 121
- Prey, Col. Gilbert G., 54, 115, 130
- prison number 3, officers', 78, +
- prison 6, the worst of all, 131, 132
- prison rules adopted, 87, 88
- profanity of soldiers, 14, 15, 39, 87
- Putnam, Adjt. G. Haven, 91, 92, 101, 110, 121, 140, 142
Q R - Ralston, Col., killed, 61, 64, 66, 114, 118
- Ramseur, S. D., Confed. Gen., 13, 15
- rations, 44, 49, 56, 93, 94, 100, 102, 107, 124, 139
- recapture of escaped officers, 112
- recount made futile by trick, 111, 112
- Redwood of Mobile, Yale classmate, 38
- Reed, "shot into inch pieces," 24, 25, 26, 31
- retaliation threatened, 60;
- rheumatism, 123, 142
- Richardson, Albert D., of Tribune, 52
- Richmond, arrival at, 40, 136
- Richmond, watching exploding shells, 45
- Ricketts' Division, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12
- riddle, fatal to the old poet, 99
- riots in July, 1863, 133, 149
- robbery of captives, 15, 22, 46
- Rodes, Confed. General, 5;
- roll-call nullified, 111, 112
- roll-call sergt., queer, 99-103, 111, 112
- rope ladder, twisted rags, 111, 112
- rules adopted in prison, 87, 88, 141, 153
- Russell, Sergt. Alfred, 89
- Russell, Gen. D. A., killed, 13
- Russell, Martha, 89
- Russell, Gen. W. H., 128
S - Sadler, Major David, 66
- Salisbury prison, 50-55; 61, 130, 133, 134, 136
- sandwiches, G. W. Swepson's, 49
- sanitary measures, 79, 80, 103, 141, 142
- Sargent, Lieut, of 14th N. H., 23
- Scott, Sir Walter, quoted, 8, 37, 134, 135
- scurvy prevalent, 123, 142
- searching of prisoners, 41, 42, 119
- seceded states, a real nation? 150, 151
- sentries' sing-song call, 44
- sermons in prison, 57, 58, 121, 122
- "Set the table for dinner," 96
- Shakespeare, quoted, 36, 118, 119
- Shakespeare's Hamlet, 85, 140
- shelter, lack of at Salisbury, 53, 55, 136
- Shenandoah river and valley, 1, 2
- Sheridan's devastation, 1, 2, 3
- Sherman, Gen. W. T., quoted, 1
- "shot twice into inch pieces," 24
- Simpson, Lieut. J. B.; his sly trick, 77
- singing at evening at Danville, 104, 141
- Sixth Corps, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13
- "skirmishing" a misnomer, 102, 103
- slavery doomed in any event, 149
- "Slim Jim," 101
- Small, Major Adner A., 142
- Smith, Robert C., Confed. commandant, 81, 82
- Smith, Col. Robert C., Yale man, kind, 82, +
- Smith, Sergt. W. F., clerk, 129
- "snack?" or snake? 49
- sorghum syrup issued, 94
- soup, so called (or broth), 44, 94, 102
- spittoon mystery, solved? 78
- spoon, carving of, 83, 141 (note)
- "spoon fashion," lying in, 105
- "Spoon"! significance of, 105
- Sprague, Bvt. Col. H. B., passim, and 143 (note)
- stampede, Yankee, 11, 12;
- Stanton, E. M., War Secretary, 147, 148
- State, allegiance to, 39
- Staunton, Va., march to, 2, 28
- Staunton, arrival and breakfast at, 32, 33
- Staunton, Morgan's guerrilla kind at, 33, 34
- stealing rations from guards, haversacks, 77
- Stephens, Hon. Alexander H., 146, 147
- "Storming Column" at Port Hudson, 7
- "Stove Brigade," at Danville, 79
- stoves in prison at Danville, 79, 95
- Strasburg, Va., 20
- Strickland, undertaker, 129
- Stuart, Dr. Moses, on slavery, 29
- subjugation policy, Lincoln's, 151
- sunrise on the Blue Ridge, 36
- sutler, Confederate, 84
- swearing, copious, of two kinds, 14, 15, 39
- sweeping the floors, 87, 100
- Swepson, George W., very kind, 49, 50
T - table-knife saw, Lieut. Titus's, 97, 111
- Tarbell, Capt. Doctor, assistant commissary, 54, 100
- Taylor, Bayard, quoted, 80
- tertium quid, solution of mystery, 78
- theatrical collapse at Danville, 85, 86
- Thirteenth Conn. Regt., very patriotic, 7
- Tiemann, Capt. W. F., 14, 15, 85, 109, 143
- Titus, Lieut. L. B., invents useful saw, 97, 111
- tobacco and the spittoon mystery, 78
- tobacco given us by kind clergyman, 122
- Tom's Brook, 20, 22, 23
- tooth-brush, second-hand, $300 offered, 140
- Torbert, Gen. Alfred T., 3, 4, 5, 6, 17
- trading with Confed. sentinels, 54, 120
- tunnel through the Blue Ridge, 35, 36
- tunneling at Salisbury, 60, 61;
- Turner, Nathaniel, inspector, Libby, 41
- Turner, Richard, commandant at Libby, 41, 45
U - unguentum, two pounds called for, 81
- university students in prison at Danville, 140
V - Vander Weyde, Lieut. Henry, artist, 101, 117
- vermin at Danville, 80, 81, 87, 131, 132
- view-point, all-important, 57
- votes in prison for President, Nov. 8, 90
W - war, Admiral Fisher on its essence, 57
- war, Lieut. Gen. S. B. M. Young, quoted on, 57
- war, Gen. Wm. T. Sherman's "War is hell," 1
- Washington, George, Commander-in-chief, 73, 148
- Washington, Lieutenant, a Confederate, 83
- Washington, President, a Mason at Winchester, 18
- Washington wished slavery somehow ended, 30
- water parties under guard, 98, 110
- water scarce en route, 20;
- Watts, Isaac, quoted, 45
- Waynesboro, Va., 34, 35
- Webster, Daniel, 29
- Wesley, John, quoted, 152
- West Virginia, Army of, 4, 5
- "Where is he at?" 73
- Whittier, John G., quoted, 152
- Wilson, Cav. Gen. J. H., 4
- Winchester, Va., battle of, 3-15
- Winder, Confed. Gen. J. H., Supt. Prisons, 112
- wood, split without edge-tools, 97, 107
- Woolsey, T. D., President of Yale, 128
Y - Yadkin river crossing, 72, 75
- Yale College men, 38, 49, 64, 69, 82
- Yankee ingenuity and skill, 83, 84, 97
- Y. M. C. A., of Richmond, 121
- Young, Lieut.-Gen. S. B. M., on war, 57
Transcriber's Note: Dialect and archaic spellings have been retained. Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note, whilst more significant amendments have been corrected as follows: Portrait Caption, "Gardiner" to Gardner. Page 102 & 160, "peculidÆ" to pediculidÆ, could be amended to pediculus however the former seems more in keeping with the original intent. Spelling errors occurring solely in the Index have been corrected to match the main text. |