- Access to shelves, 215-225
- Accuracy, rarity of, 254-257
- Adams (O. F.) Dictionary of American authors, 490
- Adams (W. H. D.) Dictionary of English literature, 499
- Administration, faculty of, 249
- Advertising, library, 353-356
- Aids to readers, 190-214
- Alexandrian library, 107, 289
- Allibone (S. A.) Critical dictionary of English literature, 494-495
- Alphabeting titles, 380, 388-389
- American book prices, current, 1895-99, 498
- American catalogue, 1876-1899, 481-484
- American Library Association
- catalogue of 5,000 books, 25, 371
- foundation of, 499
- list of novelists, 22
- on open shelves, 223
- on size-notation, 390
- Americana,
- Anderson (J. P.) book of British topography, 500
- Arabic figures, 81
- Art of reading, 171-189
- Art, lesson from, 24
- Assistants in libraries
- Astor library, N. Y., 35, 306
- Auction sales, 38-40, 45-47, 457
- Authorship, 271-2
- Bad books, 20-24, 281-2
- Bartlett (J. R.) catalogue of J. Carter Brown library, 493
- Bay Psalm book, 455
- Beckford library sale, 74, 457-8
- Beecher (H. W.) on books, 15
- Bibliography, 459-500
- accessibility o
- Gowans (William), 43
- Graesse, TrÉsor des livres rares et prÉcieux, 468
- Grangerising, 450
- Greece, libraries of, 288-289
- Griffin (A. P. C.) indexes of American local history, 491
- Grolier bindings, 73, 75
- Grolier club, N. Y., 85, 447
- Growoll (A.)
- Book trade bibliography in the U. S., 479
- Publishers' weekly, 483
- Hain (L.) Repertorium bibliographicum, 466
- Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.), privately printed books, 446
- Harris (W. T.) experience with memory, 239
- Harrisse (H.) Bibliotheca Americana, 491
- Harvard university library, 296
- Haven (S. F.) Catalogue of American publications, 1639-1775, 477
- Heat, an enemy of books, 104
- Heber library, 34
- Helps to readers, 191-214
- History, 7-8, 17
- Homer, 173, 184, 458
- Horace, perfection of his odes, 184
- Humboldt (Baron von), 449
- Humors of the library, 430-443
- Hurst (J. F.) on choice books, 15
- Illustrated books, 279, 450, 451, 453-454
- Immoral books, 20, 22, 453
- Index expurgatorius, 448, 470
- Indexes,
- Injuries to books, See Crowding, Cutting, Dogs-earing, Enemies, Ink, Margins, Mutilations, Soiling, Tracing, Torn leaves
- Ink,
- Inquiries, innumerable, 191-201
- International copyright, 412-416
- Iron construction, 106
- JÖcher (C. G.) Allgemeines gelehrten-lexikon, 466
- Juvenile books, 276, 278, 279
- 234-236
- Morocco binding, 56
- Morris (William) Kelmscott press, 447
- Mutilation of books, 111, 124-126
- penal laws for, 135-136
- posting offenders, 138
- New Hampshire library law, 314
- Newspapers, see Periodicals
- New York Mercantile Library, selections for, 32
- New York Public library, 307
- Notation
- Novels, see Fiction
- Nuremberg chronicle, 452
- Omar (Caliph) sentence imputed to, 107, 171, 289
- Omniscience, no human, 172
- Open shelves, 215-225
- American library association on, 223
- an open question, 222
- benefits of, 215-222, 224
- evils of, 216-224
- international library conference on, 220-221
- Opinions on books, 27
- Ostend manifesto, 196-197
- Pamphlets,
- literature of, 145-156
- binding of, 153-155
- British museum, wealth in, 149, 499
- classification of, 152, 155
- definitions of, 145
- dignity and power of, 148
- embarrassments of, 146
- great works printed as, 147
- how to acquire, 151
- La BedoyÈre collection of, 149
- Peter Force, collection of, 150
- swift disappearance of, 151
- Thomason collection of, 148
- Panzer (G. W.) Annales typographici, 466
- Parchment, 54
- Peignot (G.)
- Repertoire bibliographique universelle, 469
- Dictionnaire des livres condamnÉs, 448
- Periodicals,