PART FIRST LITERARY CRITICISM IN ITALY PAGE - I. The Fundamental Problem of Renaissance Criticism3
- II. The General Theory of Poetry in the Italian Renaissance24
- III. The Theory of the Drama 60
- IV. The Theory of Epic Poetry107
- V. The Growth of the Classic Spirit in Italian Criticism125
- VI. Romantic Elements in Italian Criticism155
PART SECOND LITERARY CRITICISM IN FRANCE - I. The Character and Development of French Criticism in the Sixteenth Century171
- II. The Theory of Poetry in the French Renaissance190
- III. Classic and Romantic Elements in French Criticism
during the Sixteenth Century214 - IV. The Formation of the Classic Ideal in The Seventeenth Century232
PART THIRD LITERARY CRITICISM IN ENGLAND - I. The Evolution of English Criticism From Ascham to Milton253
- II. The General Theory of Poetry in the Elizabethan Age261
- III. The Theory of Dramatic and Heroic Poetry282
- IV. Classical Elements in Elizabethan Criticism 296