- Page.
- Funerary Urn from a Zapotecan Tomb Frontispiece
- Map of Mexico and Central America showing the Principal Archaeological Sites with a Detail Insert of the Valley of Mexico Facing 45
- Diagram of American Chronology Facing 253
PLATES - I. a, Village Scene in Arid Mexico; b, In the Humid Lowlands 15
- II. a, Site of Pueblo Viejo, the First Capital of Guatemala; b, A Spanish Church at the Village of Camotan on the Road to Copan 23
- III. a, View of the Island Town of Flores in Lake Peten; b, The Sacred Cenote at Chichen Itza 28
- IV. a, A Guatemalan huipili; b, Pouches of the Valiente Indians 40
- V. a, Zapotecan Girl from the State of Oaxaca; b, Lacondone Man from Southern Mexico 42
- VI. a, Cuicuilco. A view showing cobblestone facing of mound and lava in contact with apron or causeway; b, Archaic Site under Lava Flow near Mexico City 50
- VII. Large Archaic Figures found in Graves and offering Evidence of Ancient Customs and Arts and also showing a Quality of Caricature or possibly Portraiture 54
- VIII. Two Stages in the Stone Sculptures of Costa Rica 60
- IX. a, Stone Sculptures of the Archaic Period; b, Typical Site of the Archaic Period 62
- X. Widely Distributed Female Figurines 65
- XI. Distribution of the Archaic Culture 69
- XII. Distribution of Agriculture in the New World 70
- XIII. A General View of the Ceremonial Center of Copan 72
- XIV. a, View of the Plaza at Copan from the Northwestern Corner; b, View Across the Artificial Acropolis at Copan 74
- XV. a, Model of the Temple of the Cross, Palenque, designed to show the Construction; b, Detail of Frieze on the Temple of the Cross 76
- XVI. A Temple of Hochob showing Elaborate Facade Decorations in Stucco 80
- XVII. A Sealed Portal Vault in the House of the Governor at Uxmal 82
- XVIII. a, Realistic Designs on Vases from ChamÁ, Guatemala; b, The Quetzal as represented on a Painted Cylindrical Vase from Copan 85
- XIX. Stela 13, Piedras Negras 96
- XX. a, Top of Stela 1 at Yaxchilan; b, Analogous Detail of Stela 4, Yaxchilan 102
- XXI. Development in Style of Carving at Copan 107
- XXII. Scheme of the Mayan Calendar as presented in the Codex Tro-Cortesianus 116
- XXIII. Typical Mayan Inscription 122
- XXIV. Page 24 Dresden Codex 130
- XXV. a, Detail of the Dresden Codex showing Tzolkin used in Divination; b, Analysis of the above Tzolkin, according to FÖrstemann 134
- XXVI. General View of Monte Alban from the North 152
- XXVII. Detail of Monte Alban showing Wall Foundations and Small Cell-like Rooms 155
- XXVIII. Zapotecan Art: Incense Burners, Funerary Vases of Portrait Type, Cruciform Tomb with Geometric Decoration 158
- XXIX. a, Sculpture of Stone of the Early Zapotecan Period; b, Jade Tablets pierced for Suspension 162
- XXX. Laughing Head of the Totonacs 166
- XXXI. a, An Elaborately Carved Stone Collar; b, A Palmate Stone from the State of Vera Cruz 168
- XXXII. The Temple of Xochicalco before Restoration 174
- XXXIII. Two Views of the Principal Pyramid in the Citadel at Teotihuacan 176
- XXXIV. a, Partial View of the Great Pyramid at Cholula; b, A View at La Quemada 181
- XXXV. Stone Slab from an Ancient Sepulcher in the State of Guerrero 186
- XXXVI. a, Finely Carved Ceremonial Slab found at Mercedes, Costa Rica; b, Stone Figure from Costa Rica; c, Cerem