A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Acropolis, artificial, 72, 74, 77.
- Adobe, 63;
- houses, Mexican, 15.
- Agriculture, connection with archaic art, 249;
- distribution of, 68, 70, 71;
- distribution in the New World, 67, 68, 70;
- influence on Mayan culture, 73;
- invention of, 45, 51-53, 67, 251;
- spread and development of, 63, 70, 250.
- Ah Puch, Lord of Death, 101.
- Alphabet, of Landa, 125.
- Altars, Mayan, 84;
- Quirigua, 108.
- Amulets, archaic figurines as, 61;
- gold, 198.
- Animals, domestication of, 20, 59, 253.
- Annals of Quauhtitlan, 171, 172.
- Arch, in Mayan architecture, 79.
- Archaic, art, 45-46, 53-57, 58, 75, 244;
- art, on borders of Mayan area, 75;
- art, local developments of, 63-68;
- culture, 187, 249;
- culture, distribution of, 63-66, 69;
- culture, figures, 60, 61, 62;
- figurines, 53-57;
- horizon, 45-71;
- horizon, extensions of, 63-68;
- pottery, 46, 59-61;
- sites, 50;
- stone sculptures, 61-63.
- Architecture, early period of the Mayas, 146;
- great period of the Mayas, 147;
- historical sequence determined by, 108-109;
- Mayan, 77-83;
- Mitla, 157, 163-164;
- Monte Alban, 159;
- period of the League of Mayapan, 149;
- transition period, Mayan, 148;
- types of, La Quemada, 182-183;
- Zapotecan, 159.
- Art, archaic, 45-46, 53-57, 75, 244;
- archaic, characterization of, 53;
- archaic, Colombia, and Venezuela, 66-67;
- archaic, local developments of, 63-68;
- bat, represented in, 20;
- Chorotegan, 190-195;
- decorative, Isthmian region, 64, 66;
- high development of Mayan, 73;
- massive sculptural, 83-84;
- Mayan, 89, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150;
- Mayan, human figure in, 93-94;
- Mayan, sequences in, 106-109;
- Mayan, serpent in, 89-93;
- motives, Huichol, 37-38;
- Santa Lucia Cozumalhualpa, 188;
- Tarascan, 244-245;
- Toltecan, influenced by Mayan, 169, 170;
- Totonacan, close correspondence to Mayan, 165, 166, 167;
- Zapotecan, influenced by Mayan, 159.
- Arts, minor, Aztecan, 242-244;
- Mayan, 87-89.
- Astronomical, base line, Copan, 138;
- checks, on correlation with Christian chronology, 136-137;
- observatories, Mayan, 137-139.
- Astronomy, Mayan knowledge of, 73, 111, 133.
- Atlatl, 58, 244.
- Atzcapotzalco, 203, 204, 209;
- stratification at, 47-48, 169.
- Aztecan history, 204-209.
- Aztecs, 34, 201-249;
- and Mayas, compared to Greeks and Romans, 201-203.
- B
- Baktun, defined, 120.
- Bar and dot numerals, 119, 120, 128, 154, 157, 159.
- Basketry, Mayan, 88.
- Bats, represented in ancient art, 20.
- Bells, Aztecan, 241-242;
- copper, 187;
- copper and gold, 198.
- Ben, Mayan day sign, 87.
- Birds, Mexico and Central America, 20-21.
- Blankets, Mexican, 39, 243.
- Brilliant period, Mayan civilizations, 75, 77, 147-148.
- Buildings, Mayan, 78;
- Mitla, 164.
- C
- Caban, Mayan day sign, 88.
- Cakchiquels, 151, 211.
- Calendar, annual, Mayan, 110, 111;
- Central American, 163;
- ceremonial, Aztecan, 229;
- lunar, Mayan, 140-142;
- lunar-solar, Mayan, 112;
- Mayan, scheme as presented in Codex Tro-Cortesianus, 116;
- religious, Aztecan, 235-236;
- system, Zapotecan, 156;
- Venus, Mayan, 143-145.
- Calendar round, Mayan, 117-118.
- Calendar Stone, 214, 215-219, 233.
- Calpolli, Aztecan, 211, 213.
- Cannibalism, 43.
- Captives, as represented in Mayan art, 93.
- Caribs, characterization of culture, 43.
- Caricature, in archaic figurines, 54, 58.
- Carving, development in style at Copan, 107;
- on Mayan monuments, 108;
- stone, at Xochicalco, 179.
- Celts, copper, Tarascan, 244;
- stone, 63.
- Cemetery, at Copilco, 49-51.
- Cempoalan, 25, 169, 195.
- Cenote, 18;
- sacred, at Chichen Itza, 28, 154.
- Cephalic index, Mexico and Central America, 44.
- Ceremonial, bar, Mayan, 93, 98, 99, 108;
- regalia, depicted in Mayan art, 94.
- Ceremonies, Aztecan, 234-239;
- Mexican, 41.
- Chacmool, 170, 194-195, 244.
- Chalchuihtlicue, Aztecan Goddess of Water, 232.
- Chapultepec, 207.
- Chiapanecan languages, 35-36.
- Chichen Itza, 28, 110, 139, 149, 150, 170, 173, 179, 188, 244.
- Chichimecas, 203-204.
- Chicomoztoc, 182, 204.
- Chiefs, Aztecan, 210, 213;
- Texcoco, 204;
- Toltecan, 171;
- war, Aztecan, 208-209;
- Zapotecan, 161.
- Chilam, Balam, Books of, 109-111, 234.
- Chimayo blankets, 39.
- Cholula, 25, 180-182, 203.
- Chorotegan culture, 157, 189-195.
- Chronology, archaic horizon, 45-46;
- Aztecan, 205;
- bases of Mayan, 103-106;
- diagram of New World, opposite 253;
- Mayan, 250;
- Mayan, correlation with Ch
ristian, 75, 110-111, 135-136;
- Mayan, established by dated monuments and style of sculpture, 104, 106, 107;
- Peruvian, 252;
- Southwestern, 251;
- Toltecan, 173.
- Cities, Mayan, 75.
- Civilization, Mayan, 73-151, 250.
- Civilizations, middle, in Mexico and Central America, 153-198.
- Clans, kinship, 210-211.
- Climate, Mexico and Central America, 13-14.
- CloisonnÉ pottery, 178, 183-184;
- San Juan Teotihuacan, 178.
- Coatlicue, 215, 221-223.
- Codex, Aubin, 205, 206, 208;
- Borbonicus, 228;
- Magliabecchiano, 230, 236;
- Nuttall, 246, 247;
- Telleriano-Remensis, 202;
- Tro-Cortesianus, 116;
- Xolotl, 204.
- Codices, Mayan, 128-135, 248;
- Mayan gods in, 99, 100, 103;
- Mexican, 223;
- southern Mexico, 163, 246-247.
- Colhuacan, 203, 207;
- stratification at, 48-49.
- Collectors, specimens in Mexican Hall, 6.
- Colonization, Central America, by Spaniards, 22;
- Mexico, 29.
- Columns, sculptured, at Tula, 179.
- Comalcalco, 153.
- Commerce, Aztecan objects of, 227.
- Composition in design, Mayan, 94-97.
- Conquest, history of Spanish, 22-32;
- of Mexico, 22-31;
- symbol for, 247, 248.
- Construction of walls, La Quemada, 182-183;
- Mayan, 78, 79, 81, 83;
- Mitla, 157-158, 164.
- Copan, 19, 72, 74, 77, 83, 85, 64, 65;
- archaic, Nicaragua, 64;
- archaic, Salvador, 56, 64;
- clay, transition period, 75;
- female, Basket-Maker III, 63-64;
- female, distribution of, 59, 63-64;
- female, Island of Marajo, 67;
- pottery, Aztecan, 242;
- pottery, San Juan Teotihuacan, 177-178.
- Filigree, modern Mexican work, 243.
- First Empire, Mayan, 111, 123, 142, 148, 195, 251.
- Flageolets, Aztecan, 241.
- Flora, Mexico and Central America, 21.
- Flores, 28.
- Flying faÇade, Mayan buildings, 83.
- Food plants, cultivated by American Indians, 253;
- most widely distributed in the New World, 52.
- Frescoes, Mitla, 163-164.
- Frontier cities, of the northwest, 183-187.
- Fruits, native, 21.
- Funerary urns, Zapotecan, 159, 160; also frontispiece.
- G
- Games, ceremonial Toltecan, 170;
- sacred, Olmeca, 154.
- Genealogical table, Mexican, 230.
- Genealogies, Aztecan, 210.
- Geography, Mexico and Central America, 13-21.
- Geology, Mexico and Central America, 19-20.
- Gladiator stones, 219.
- Glaze, on modern Mexican pottery, 39.
- Glyphs, introducing, 122, 123;
- period, Mayan, 121, 123, 126;
- supplementary series, 123, 141, 142.
- God houses, Huichol, 38.
- God of War, Mayan, 103.
- God’s eyes, Huichol, 38.
- Gods, Aztecan, 225, 229, 231;
- beast, Mayan representation of, 99;
- in Dresden Codex, 101;
- Mayan, 89, 98-103, 135;
- Mexican, 58, 229, 230-232;
- represented in pottery from San Juan Teotihuacan, 178.
- Gold work, ancient, Isthmian region, 66;
- Aztecan, 242-243;
- in cruciform tombs, 164;
- Isthmian, 160.
- Pouches, Valiente Indians, 40.
- Pre-Archaic Horizon, 68.
- Priests, in Mayan art, 93;
- Zapotecan, 161.
- Protohistoric Period, Mayan history, 145-146.
- Pueblo Viejo, 23.
- Pulque, 38, 170.
- Pyramid, Cholula, 180-181;
- Mayan, 78-79;
- Monte Alban, 157;
- San Juan Teotihuacan, 175-176;
- Toltecan, 169, 170.
- Q
- Quetzalcoatl, 25, 149, 171, 205, 232;
- and the Toltec era, 171-175.
- QuichÉs, 151.
- Quinatzin, map, 203.
- Quirigua, 15, 75, 108, 141.
- R
- Rank, among the Aztecs, 209-210.
- Rattles, Aztecan, 241.
- Religion, Aztecan, 229-232;
- as evidenced by archaic art, 58;
- Isthmian region, 198;
- Lacandone Indians, 41;
- Mayan, 99-103, 146, 201;
- Toltecan, 170;
- Zapotecan, 146.
- River systems, Mexico and Central America, 17-18.
- Roman-nosed God, Mayan, 98, 99, 100.
- Roof comb, on Mayan buildings, 76, 83, 109.
- Roofs, Mayan buildings, 81.
- Rooms, Mayan buildings, 79, 81, 109.
- Rubber, uses of, 154.
- Ruins, Usumacinta Valley, 18.
- Rulers, Toltec, 171.
- S
- Sacrifices, Aztecan, to the gods, 201;
- human, 215, 219, 229;
- human, archaic horizon, 59;
- human, Aztecan, 229, 234, 235;
- human, in sacred cenote, 28;
- human, shown on sculptures, 188;
- human, Toltecan, 179;
- human, Zapotecan, 161.
- Sacrificial yokes, Totonacan, 167, 34, 44, 209.
- Tlotzin, map of, 203.
- Toltec, era, and Quetzalcoatl, 171-175.
- Toltecs, 110, 149, 154, 156, 169-171, 203, 232.
- Tomb, cruciform, near Mitla, 158, 164.
- Tonalamatl, Aztecan, 113, 228, 238-239.
- Tonatiuh, the Sun god, 217, 221, 231.
- Topography, Mexico and Central America, 14-19.
- Totonacan, culture, 165-169;
- stock, 35.
- Totonacs, 187.
- Toxcatl, Aztecan month, 235.
- Traditions, Colombia and Peru, 250;
- Mayan, 104.
- Transition Period, Mayan history, 148-149.
- Trees, Mexico and Central America, 21.
- Tribes, Indian, Mexico and Central America, 33, 34, 35, 36.
- Tribute, lists, Aztecan, 243;
- roll, 200, 245;
- taken by Toltecs, 171.
- Tripod vessels, archaic period, 59.
- Tro-Cortesianus Codex, 128.
- Tropical year, 139.
- Tula, 169, 173, 179.
- Tulum, 150, 151.
- Tun, defined, 139.
- Tuxtla Statuette, 146, 153.
- Turquoise, Aztec work in, 243.
- Two-Headed Dragon, 93, 100, 101, 102, 105, 108.
- Tzendals, 44.
- Tzintzuntzan, Tarascan capital, 244.
- Tzolkin, defined, 113, 115, 117, 118;
- in Dresden Codex, 133-135;
- origin of, 113;
- permutation table, 114.
- U
- Uayeb period, Mayan, 115.
- Uaxactun, 139, 146,