

Acropolis, artificial, 72, 74, 77.
Adobe, 63;
houses, Mexican, 15.
Agriculture, connection with archaic art, 249;
distribution of, 68, 70, 71;
distribution in the New World, 67, 68, 70;
influence on Mayan culture, 73;
invention of, 45, 51-53, 67, 251;
spread and development of, 63, 70, 250.
Ah Puch, Lord of Death, 101.
Alphabet, of Landa, 125.
Altars, Mayan, 84;
Quirigua, 108.
Amulets, archaic figurines as, 61;
gold, 198.
Animals, domestication of, 20, 59, 253.
Annals of Quauhtitlan, 171, 172.
Arch, in Mayan architecture, 79.
Archaic, art, 45-46, 53-57, 58, 75, 244;
art, on borders of Mayan area, 75;
art, local developments of, 63-68;
culture, 187, 249;
culture, distribution of, 63-66, 69;
culture, figures, 60, 61, 62;
figurines, 53-57;
horizon, 45-71;
horizon, extensions of, 63-68;
pottery, 46, 59-61;
sites, 50;
stone sculptures, 61-63.
Architecture, early period of the Mayas, 146;
great period of the Mayas, 147;
historical sequence determined by, 108-109;
Mayan, 77-83;
Mitla, 157, 163-164;
Monte Alban, 159;
period of the League of Mayapan, 149;
transition period, Mayan, 148;
types of, La Quemada, 182-183;
Zapotecan, 159.
Art, archaic, 45-46, 53-57, 75, 244;
archaic, characterization of, 53;
archaic, Colombia, and Venezuela, 66-67;
archaic, local developments of, 63-68;
bat, represented in, 20;
Chorotegan, 190-195;
decorative, Isthmian region, 64, 66;
high development of Mayan, 73;
massive sculptural, 83-84;
Mayan, 89, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150;
Mayan, human figure in, 93-94;
Mayan, sequences in, 106-109;
Mayan, serpent in, 89-93;
motives, Huichol, 37-38;
Santa Lucia Cozumalhualpa, 188;
Tarascan, 244-245;
Toltecan, influenced by Mayan, 169, 170;
Totonacan, close correspondence to Mayan, 165, 166, 167;
Zapotecan, influenced by Mayan, 159.
Arts, minor, Aztecan, 242-244;
Mayan, 87-89.
Astronomical, base line, Copan, 138;
checks, on correlation with Christian chronology, 136-137;
observatories, Mayan, 137-139.
Astronomy, Mayan knowledge of, 73, 111, 133.
Atlatl, 58, 244.
Atzcapotzalco, 203, 204, 209;
stratification at, 47-48, 169.
Aztecan history, 204-209.
Aztecs, 34, 201-249;
and Mayas, compared to Greeks and Romans, 201-203.
Baktun, defined, 120.
Bar and dot numerals, 119, 120, 128, 154, 157, 159.
Basketry, Mayan, 88.
Bats, represented in ancient art, 20.
Bells, Aztecan, 241-242;
copper, 187;
copper and gold, 198.
Ben, Mayan day sign, 87.
Birds, Mexico and Central America, 20-21.
Blankets, Mexican, 39, 243.
Brilliant period, Mayan civilizations, 75, 77, 147-148.
Buildings, Mayan, 78;
Mitla, 164.
Caban, Mayan day sign, 88.
Cakchiquels, 151, 211.
Calendar, annual, Mayan, 110, 111;
Central American, 163;
ceremonial, Aztecan, 229;
lunar, Mayan, 140-142;
lunar-solar, Mayan, 112;
Mayan, scheme as presented in Codex Tro-Cortesianus, 116;
religious, Aztecan, 235-236;
system, Zapotecan, 156;
Venus, Mayan, 143-145.
Calendar round, Mayan, 117-118.
Calendar Stone, 214, 215-219, 233.
Calpolli, Aztecan, 211, 213.
Cannibalism, 43.
Captives, as represented in Mayan art, 93.
Caribs, characterization of culture, 43.
Caricature, in archaic figurines, 54, 58.
Carving, development in style at Copan, 107;
on Mayan monuments, 108;
stone, at Xochicalco, 179.
Celts, copper, Tarascan, 244;
stone, 63.
Cemetery, at Copilco, 49-51.
Cempoalan, 25, 169, 195.
Cenote, 18;
sacred, at Chichen Itza, 28, 154.
Cephalic index, Mexico and Central America, 44.
Ceremonial, bar, Mayan, 93, 98, 99, 108;
regalia, depicted in Mayan art, 94.
Ceremonies, Aztecan, 234-239;
Mexican, 41.
Chacmool, 170, 194-195, 244.
Chalchuihtlicue, Aztecan Goddess of Water, 232.
Chapultepec, 207.
Chiapanecan languages, 35-36.
Chichen Itza, 28, 110, 139, 149, 150, 170, 173, 179, 188, 244.
Chichimecas, 203-204.
Chicomoztoc, 182, 204.
Chiefs, Aztecan, 210, 213;
Texcoco, 204;
Toltecan, 171;
war, Aztecan, 208-209;
Zapotecan, 161.
Chilam, Balam, Books of, 109-111, 234.
Chimayo blankets, 39.
Cholula, 25, 180-182, 203.
Chorotegan culture, 157, 189-195.
Chronology, archaic horizon, 45-46;
Aztecan, 205;
bases of Mayan, 103-106;
diagram of New World, opposite 253;
Mayan, 250;
Mayan, correlation with Ch ristian, 75, 110-111, 135-136;
Mayan, established by dated monuments and style of sculpture, 104, 106, 107;
Peruvian, 252;
Southwestern, 251;
Toltecan, 173.
Cities, Mayan, 75.
Civilization, Mayan, 73-151, 250.
Civilizations, middle, in Mexico and Central America, 153-198.
Clans, kinship, 210-211.
Climate, Mexico and Central America, 13-14.
CloisonnÉ pottery, 178, 183-184;
San Juan Teotihuacan, 178.
Coatlicue, 215, 221-223.
Codex, Aubin, 205, 206, 208;
Borbonicus, 228;
Magliabecchiano, 230, 236;
Nuttall, 246, 247;
Telleriano-Remensis, 202;
Tro-Cortesianus, 116;
Xolotl, 204.
Codices, Mayan, 128-135, 248;
Mayan gods in, 99, 100, 103;
Mexican, 223;
southern Mexico, 163, 246-247.
Colhuacan, 203, 207;
stratification at, 48-49.
Collectors, specimens in Mexican Hall, 6.
Colonization, Central America, by Spaniards, 22;
Mexico, 29.
Columns, sculptured, at Tula, 179.
Comalcalco, 153.
Commerce, Aztecan objects of, 227.
Composition in design, Mayan, 94-97.
Conquest, history of Spanish, 22-32;
of Mexico, 22-31;
symbol for, 247, 248.
Construction of walls, La Quemada, 182-183;
Mayan, 78, 79, 81, 83;
Mitla, 157-158, 164.
Copan, 19, 72, 74, 77, 83, 85, 64, 65;
archaic, Nicaragua, 64;
archaic, Salvador, 56, 64;
clay, transition period, 75;
female, Basket-Maker III, 63-64;
female, distribution of, 59, 63-64;
female, Island of Marajo, 67;
pottery, Aztecan, 242;
pottery, San Juan Teotihuacan, 177-178.
Filigree, modern Mexican work, 243.
First Empire, Mayan, 111, 123, 142, 148, 195, 251.
Flageolets, Aztecan, 241.
Flora, Mexico and Central America, 21.
Flores, 28.
Flying faÇade, Mayan buildings, 83.
Food plants, cultivated by American Indians, 253;
most widely distributed in the New World, 52.
Frescoes, Mitla, 163-164.
Frontier cities, of the northwest, 183-187.
Fruits, native, 21.
Funerary urns, Zapotecan, 159, 160; also frontispiece.
Games, ceremonial Toltecan, 170;
sacred, Olmeca, 154.
Genealogical table, Mexican, 230.
Genealogies, Aztecan, 210.
Geography, Mexico and Central America, 13-21.
Geology, Mexico and Central America, 19-20.
Gladiator stones, 219.
Glaze, on modern Mexican pottery, 39.
Glyphs, introducing, 122, 123;
period, Mayan, 121, 123, 126;
supplementary series, 123, 141, 142.
God houses, Huichol, 38.
God of War, Mayan, 103.
God’s eyes, Huichol, 38.
Gods, Aztecan, 225, 229, 231;
beast, Mayan representation of, 99;
in Dresden Codex, 101;
Mayan, 89, 98-103, 135;
Mexican, 58, 229, 230-232;
represented in pottery from San Juan Teotihuacan, 178.
Gold work, ancient, Isthmian region, 66;
Aztecan, 242-243;
in cruciform tombs, 164;
Isthmian, 160.
Pouches, Valiente Indians, 40.
Pre-Archaic Horizon, 68.
Priests, in Mayan art, 93;
Zapotecan, 161.
Protohistoric Period, Mayan history, 145-146.
Pueblo Viejo, 23.
Pulque, 38, 170.
Pyramid, Cholula, 180-181;
Mayan, 78-79;
Monte Alban, 157;
San Juan Teotihuacan, 175-176;
Toltecan, 169, 170.
Quetzalcoatl, 25, 149, 171, 205, 232;
and the Toltec era, 171-175.
QuichÉs, 151.
Quinatzin, map, 203.
Quirigua, 15, 75, 108, 141.
Rank, among the Aztecs, 209-210.
Rattles, Aztecan, 241.
Religion, Aztecan, 229-232;
as evidenced by archaic art, 58;
Isthmian region, 198;
Lacandone Indians, 41;
Mayan, 99-103, 146, 201;
Toltecan, 170;
Zapotecan, 146.
River systems, Mexico and Central America, 17-18.
Roman-nosed God, Mayan, 98, 99, 100.
Roof comb, on Mayan buildings, 76, 83, 109.
Roofs, Mayan buildings, 81.
Rooms, Mayan buildings, 79, 81, 109.
Rubber, uses of, 154.
Ruins, Usumacinta Valley, 18.
Rulers, Toltec, 171.
Sacrifices, Aztecan, to the gods, 201;
human, 215, 219, 229;
human, archaic horizon, 59;
human, Aztecan, 229, 234, 235;
human, in sacred cenote, 28;
human, shown on sculptures, 188;
human, Toltecan, 179;
human, Zapotecan, 161.
Sacrificial yokes, Totonacan, 167, 34, 44, 209.
Tlotzin, map of, 203.
Toltec, era, and Quetzalcoatl, 171-175.
Toltecs, 110, 149, 154, 156, 169-171, 203, 232.
Tomb, cruciform, near Mitla, 158, 164.
Tonalamatl, Aztecan, 113, 228, 238-239.
Tonatiuh, the Sun god, 217, 221, 231.
Topography, Mexico and Central America, 14-19.
Totonacan, culture, 165-169;
stock, 35.
Totonacs, 187.
Toxcatl, Aztecan month, 235.
Traditions, Colombia and Peru, 250;
Mayan, 104.
Transition Period, Mayan history, 148-149.
Trees, Mexico and Central America, 21.
Tribes, Indian, Mexico and Central America, 33, 34, 35, 36.
Tribute, lists, Aztecan, 243;
roll, 200, 245;
taken by Toltecs, 171.
Tripod vessels, archaic period, 59.
Tro-Cortesianus Codex, 128.
Tropical year, 139.
Tula, 169, 173, 179.
Tulum, 150, 151.
Tun, defined, 139.
Tuxtla Statuette, 146, 153.
Turquoise, Aztec work in, 243.
Two-Headed Dragon, 93, 100, 101, 102, 105, 108.
Tzendals, 44.
Tzintzuntzan, Tarascan capital, 244.
Tzolkin, defined, 113, 115, 117, 118;
in Dresden Codex, 133-135;
origin of, 113;
permutation table, 114.
Uayeb period, Mayan, 115.
Uaxactun, 139, 146,

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