
A Leviathan, ch. xv.

B I can count up more than a dozen such cases among those personally well known to me.

C Constitutional Code, chap. xvi, Supreme Legislative—Section vi. Omnicompetence.

D Republic, Bk. ix.

E Nicomachean Ethics, Bk. i, chap 8.

F Bk. x, chap. 7.

G This universal requirement it was which I had in view when choosing for my first work, published in 1850, the title Social Statics.

H On Idiocy and Imbecility, by William W. Ireland, M.D., p. 255–6.

I For instances see Fortnightly Review, Vol. XXIV (New Series), p. 712.

J See Essay on "The Origin and Function of Music."

K I do not find this passage in the second edition; but the omission of it appears to have arisen not from any change of view, but because it did not naturally come into the recast form of the argument which the section contains.

L Most of these quotations I make from Dr. Bain's Mental and Moral Science.


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