(For this Index the Author is indebted to F. HOWARD COLLINS, Esq., of Edgbaston, Birmingham.)
lass="pginternal">457. Cabs: - officialism, III, 250;
- in New York, III, 291;
- representative government, III, 302.
Cadence, defined, II, 422. Caird, Rev. Princ., reply to criticism, II, 219–21. Calculus: - implies absolute equality, II,38;
- classification of sciences, II, 84;
- evolution, II, 156.
Cambium, in plants, I, 450. Cambrian system, thickness, I, 231. Campbell, G., on style, II, 338–9. Canals: - first English, III, 257;
- officialism, III, 267.
Candles: - multiplication of effects, I, 37;
- morals of trade, III, 128;
- Price’s school, III, 256.
Cannibalism, in Fiji, III, 217–8. Cannon ball, disintegration, I, 436. Caoutchouc, effects of, I, 58. Capital: - direction of flow, III, 101–3, 264;
- amount of railway, III, 108;
- relative and absolute ethics, III, 155–7;
- State tamperings with, III, 326–35, 335–47.
Captains, certificated, of ships, III, 241. Caradoc sandstone, age, I, 201. Carat, a small bean, II, 44. Carboniferous system, origin, I, 237. Carlyle, Thomas: - on people, III, 293;
- the ballot, III, 300;
- the real rulers, III, 316–7;
- quotation from Heroes and Hero-worship, II, 357.
Carpenter, W. B., evolution and paleontology, I, 16. Carus, P., on Kantian ethics, III, 206–7. Castles: - use and beauty, II, 371;
- situation, II, 376.
Cat, muscular excitement, II, 400–1, 403. Catalepsy, belief in spirits, I, 311–2. Caterpillar, mistake by, I, 419. Causation: - establishment of belief, I, 109;
- ignorance of, III, 487–92.
Cause: - multiplication of effects, I, 37;
- consciousness of, II, 127;
- proportionality to effect, II, 300–1, 302–5, 305–7, 310–11, 318–20.
Cell, doctrine of, I, 442–3. Centralization, French, III, 268. Cerebrum, consciousness of, representative, I, 303. Ceremony: - increase of heterogeneity, I, 20–1;
- evolution, III, 11–6, 23, 50;
- obeisances, III, 17–22;
- primitive man, III, 24;
- Chinese, III, 25;
- evolution of governments, III, 27–8, 50.
Cerney springs, III, 387–92. Chaldeans, prediction of eclipses, II, 48–9. Chalk, complexity of, III, 195–6. Chancery: - rules, III, 232;
- maladministration, III, 247, 272;
- dread of, III, 396.
Change: - pleasure of, III, 454;
- universal, III, 458–60.
Charity, and government, III, 434. Charlotte, The, naval maladministration, III, 234. Cheek-bones, personal beauty, I, 390–2. Cheltenham, water supply, III, 387–92. Chemistry: - multiplication of effects, I, 43–5, 59;
- unstable equilibrium, I, 83;
- organic evolution, I, 83–4;
- complexity of elements, I, 155–9, 371–4;
- organic synthesis, I, 374;
- genesis, II, 51, 58, 60;
- galvanic electricity, II, 61;
- classification, II, 64;
- abstract concrete science, II, 85–8;
- terrestrial evolutio
to p. 30" class="pginternal">30;
- custom and reform, III, 30–6, 36–7;
- and extravagance, III, 36–7;
- and enjoyment, III, 40–6.
Drunkenness, and temperance, III, 446. Duck, weight of bones, I, 417–8. Duty: - Kant and pursuit of happiness, III, 207–9;
- and inclination, III, 209–13.
Dyeing, morals of trade, III, 125. Dymond, J., Principles of Morality, I, 346. Dynamics, Comte’s classification, II, 19. Ear, embryological development, I, 454. Earth: - increase in heterogeneity, I, 11–4, 35;
- rotatory movement, I, 135, 136;
- number of satellites, I, 139;
- density and heat, I, 144–8, 148–52;
- size, I, 145;
- paleontology and motion, I, 221–4;
- laws of motion, II, 272, 283–8;
- (see also Geology.)
Ease, and grace, II, 382. East Indies, effects of upheaval, I, 49–52. Echoes, belief in spirits, I, 310–3. Eclipse, prediction of, II, 48. Ectoderm: - development, I, 284;
- social and individual analogy, I, 298–9;
- differentiation, III, 405.
Education: - comparative psychology, I, 370;
- development of science, II, 72;
- Comte’s views, II, 133;
- and conservatism, III, 43;
- old and new, III, 277;
- representative government, III, 301;
- parliamentary reform, III, 375–9;
- and government, III, 435–6;
- development, III, 446, 459–60;
- American, III, 475–6.
Effect: - proportionality to cause, II, 300–1, 302–5, 305–7, 310–11, 318–20;
- relation to cause, III, 487–92.
Egg, evolution of mind, I, 377. Egyptians: - language and painting, I, 25–6;
- sculpture, I, 26–7, 29, 30;
- music, I, 32.
Electricity: - multiplication of effects, I, 59;
- genesis of galvanic, II, 61;
- Whewell on progress of theory, II, 62;
- abstract-concrete science, II, 88;
- mode of molecular motion, II, 126;
- what is? 168–72, 186–7;
- also thermo-, II, 172–6;
- statical and molecular motion, II, 180–3, 186–7;
- induction, II, 183;
- voltaic and molecular motion, II, 183–4, 186–7.
Elements, complexity of, I, 155–9, 162, 371–4. Ell, the measure, II, 44. Ellipse, relation to circle, I, 5. Embryo: - relation to adult, I, 6;
- early changes in, I, 445;
- development, I, 451–8.
Embryology: - increase in heterogeneity, I, 17–9;
- multiplication of effects, I, 48;
- organic correlation, I, 97;
- importance of, II, 8–9;
- von Baer’s formula, II, 137–8.
Emerson, R. W.: - Lectures on the Times, II, 354;
- use and ornament, II, 370;
- on conservatism, III, 35.
Emotion: - Bain’s definition, I, 258–60;
- defined, I, 262;
- of beauty, I, 335–6;
- relation to idea, I, 336;
- expression in children, I, 339–50;
- and intellect, I, 353, II, 465;
- sexual sentiment, I, 363–4;
- sociality, freedom, approbation, and acquisitiveness, I, 366–7;
- poetry and effect on language, II, 357–61;
- demonstration of, II, 401–3;
- nervous and muscular system, II, 453–8;
- physiology of laughter, II, 458–64;
- waste, repair, and language, II, 361–7;
- and health, III, 481.
Empiricism: - reasoning of, II, 201–5;
- test of truth, II, 214–7.
Endoderm: - development, I, 284;
- differentiation, III, 405.
Endymion, the myth, I, 326, 327. Energy, conservation and persistence of force, II, 295. Engel, Carl, on ancient music, II, 414. Engineers: - and railways, III, 68–72, 83, 88, 108;
- society, III, 362–3, 365;
- English and French, III, 427–8.
Engines, dissimilarity of similar, I, 99. England: - government in, I, 302–5;
- enterprise in, III, 278–80;
- representative government in, III, 305–9, 318–9;
- militancy and industrialism, III, 165, 167, 180, 181;
- political ethics, III, 225, 228;
- faulty administration, III, 232, 235;
- over-legislation, III, 272;
- and representative government, III, 317–23, 324, 380;
- duty of state, III, 334;
- and officialism, III, 395–400;
- needful to society, III, 469.
Kames, Lord, arrangement of sentences, II, 343. Kant, I.: - forms of thought, II, 77;
- space and time, II, 226–7, 229–32, III, 197–9;
- form and matter, II, 230–1, 232;
- and experientialism, II, 234–5;
- Max MÜller on Spencer and, II, 235–8;
- Spencer’s disagreement from, II, 238;
- ethics, III, 192–216;
- on lower races, III, 192–5;
- examples of unaided perception, III, 195–7;
- reasoning of, III, 199–203;
- space, III, 203, 207;
- on good will, III, 201–3, 207;
- and evolution, III, 203–6, 207;
- Carus on ethics, III, 206–7;
- pursuit of happiness, III, 207–9;
- duty and inclination, III, 209–13;
- ethical principles, III, 213–6.
Kent, W. S., on infusoria, I, 440. Kepler, J: - laws of, I, 36;
- belief in planetary spirits, I, 108;
- solar theory, I, 193.
Kid, laughter caused by, II, 461–2. Kirchhoff, solar spots, I, 187. Kissing, obeisance of, III, 18. Kneeling, obeisance of, III, 19. Knight, the title, III, 15, 28. Knowledge: - common and scientific, II, 1–8, 29;
- dependent on experience, II, 122;
- relativity, II, 122, 220–1;
- and word belief, II, 188–91;
- Quarterly Reviewer on, II, 260;
- and reasoning, III, 199, 201;
- and political ethics, III, 225.
Labour: - division of, I, 19–23, 283–91;
- right to, III, 466.
Lady, the title, III, 14. Lady of the Lake, quoted, II, 351. Laing, Mr., on railway construction, III, 105–6. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de M., organic evolution, I, 390–1, 397. Lancashire: - cotton industry, I, 266;
- effect of railway competition, III, 97, 106.
Landowners, railway policy, III, 63–7. Landscape, appreciation of, I, 335–6. Language: - increase in heterogeneity, I, 23–6, II, 366–7;
- belief in spirits, I, 311–2;
- poverty of Australian, I, 315;
- precedence of concrete nouns, I, 323;
- comparative psychology, I, 365–6;
- classification, II, 31–3, 34, 40;
- Saxon words, II, 336–8;
- under excitement, and poetry, II, 357–61;
- emotional waste and repair, II, 361–7;
- Latin, Greek, and old English, II, 367–9;
- duality and development, II, 421–3;
- sociology and knowledge, III, 302;
- of subordination, III, 312;
- evolution,
- general agreement with, II, 217;
- on the State and banks, III, 348, 357;
- on life, III, 485.
Miller, Hugh: - life and doctrines, I, 218–20;
- terrestrial life, I, 220.
Mimicry: - of savages, I, 364;
- evolution, I, 396.
Mineralogy, and classification, II, 64, 92, 108. Mind (see Psychology.) Missionaries, development, III, 458–9. Mivart, Prof. St. George, genesis of species, I, 332. Mole, pelvis in, I, 97. Molecules, mutual action and electricity, II, 178–84, 184–7. Molesworth, Sir W., on buildings acts, III, 240. Mollusca: - great age of, I, 217;
- circulation, I, 296.
Molluscoida, social analogy, I, 281. MonaclinÆ, cell membrane, I, 440. Monarchy, and representative government, III, 309–10, 310–7, 317–23. Money: - analogy to blood corpuscles, I, 293–4;
- trading with bad, III, 141;
- state tamperings with, III, 326–57;
- and joint-stock banks, III, 347–54;
- and free trade, III, 355–7; anomaly
- of interest, III, 401.
Monkeys, origin of music, II, 432. Monotremata, integration, I, 69–70. Monsieur, the title, III, 14, 15. Montesinos, Captain, prison discipline, III, 177–8. Month, measure of time, II, 45–9. Moon: - axial motion, I, 141;
- heat and contraction, I, 149;
- as name, I, 317, 327.
Moquin-Tandon, A., plant leaves, I, 433. Morality: - Quarterly Review criticism, II, 259–65;
- and law, III, 10–11, 23, 50;
- and awe of authority, III, 311;
- average social, III, 359, 360.
Morals: - and moral sentiments, I, 331–50;
- parentage of, I, 331–4, 334–50;
- the science of right conduct, I, 333;
- relation to expediency, I, 333;
- prospect, III, 30, 51;
- average of, and trade, III, 137–40.
Moray, Sir R., on Barnacle geese, II, 162. Mosses, cell membrane, I, 439. Motion: - of animals and plants, I, 75, 76;
- discovery of laws, II, 148;
- implies thing moving, II, 205–6, 207;
- inscrutable, II, 247;
- insensible forms, II, 266, 276;
- Tait on laws of, II, 271–5;
- Spencer on laws of, II, 297–320;
- axioms and laws of, II, 298–301, 315–20;
- relation to force, II, 310–4;
- and gracefulness, II, 381–6.
Mouat, Dr. F. J., on prisons, III, 189–91. Moulton, J. F., British Quarterly Review, II, 307. Mountains: - age and altitude, I, 13;
- formation, I, 40;
- as name, I, 318.
Mozart, J. C. W. T.: - heredity, I, 406;
- character, II, 417;
- Addio of, II, 447.
Mucous membrane, effect of surroundings, I, 449, 450. MÜller, F. Max: - misinterpretation of names, I, 315, 327;
- on abstract nouns, I, 323, 324;
- criticism, II, 235–8.
Multiplication, various forms, I, 65–7. Multiplication of effects: - general, I, 35–8;
- astronomy, I, 38–9;
- geology, I, 39–46;
- biology, I, 46–53;
- sociology, I, 53–8;
- science, literature and art, I, 59.
Munich, prison, III, 171–3 Murchison, Sir R.: - Silurian system, I, 199, 231;
- paleontological evidence, I, 206;
- azoic rocks, I, 228.
Murder, social co-operation, III, 217–20, 224. Muscle: - waste and repair, I, 362;
- evolution, I, 396;
- size of jaws, I, 398–400, 422;
- origin of music, II, 403–4;
- nervous system and action of, II, 453–8;
- laughter and action of, II, 458–64.
Music: - origin, I, 30–1;
- increase in heterogeneity, 31–4;
- comparative psychology, I, 366;
- development of faculty, I, 406–7;
- Kantian ideas of space, II, 227;
- contrast in, II, 373;
- origin and function, II, 400–51;
- originally vocal, II, 403–4;
- feelings and loudness of voice, II, 404, 410;
- and timbre, II, 405, 411;
- pitch, II, 406, 411;
- intervals, II, 406–9, 411;
- variability of pitch, II, 409, 411;
- tremolo, staccato, and slur, II, 412;
- time in, II, 412–3;
- slow divergence from speech, II, 414–8;
- indirect evidence of theory, II, 418–20;
- function, II, 420–4;
- relation to sympathy, II, 424–6;
- Darwin on origin, II, 426
to p. 478" class="pginternal">478.
Rainbow, beliefs about, II, 154. Ramsgate, harbour, III, 248. Realism, Sidgwick’s criticism, II, 242–50. Reason: - social analogy, I, 269–71;
- limited sphere, II, 221;
- judgment of common sense, II, 243–4.
Reasoning: - recognition of likeness, II, 33–4, 37, 40;
- of Kant, III, 199–203;
- of metaphysicians, II, 201–5, 208–11;
- a testing of conclusions, II, 208–11;
- (see also Logic.)
Recitative: - ancient and modern, II, 415–8;
- Gurney on, II, 439.
Reflection, belief in spirits, I, 310–3. Reflex action: - and emotion, I, 258;
- impulsiveness, I, 358;
- indication of feelings, II, 403;
- examples, III, 453.
Reform: - and costume, III, 1–5;
- and custom, III, 31.
Reform bill: - representative government, III, 294;
- fear of, III, 358;
- of Lord Russell, III, 380–6.
Reformation, change by, III, 49. Regulative system, social, III, 458–64. Relative, Martineau on the, II, 250–8. Religion: - increase of heterogeneity, I, 20–3;
- relation to early art, I, 27;
- and to science, I, 60–2;
- rudimentary form of all, I, 309;
- object of sentiment, II, 132;
- and science, Caird on, II, 219–21;
- Mansel’s criticism, II, 221–5;
- Grotz on, II, 225;
- manners and law, III, 4, 23;
- primitive ideas, III, 6–11;
- and state, III, 11;
- for primitive man, III, 24;
- representative government, III, 301;
- and government, III, 434.
Repair, and waste, II, 362–7. Representative government: - knowledge of representatives, III, 300–9;
- and despotism, III, 309–10;
- and monarchy, III, 310–7;
- superiority, III, 317–23, 323–5;
- value of, III, 380.
Reproductive system, and organic evolution, I, 409, 412, 422–5. Reptiles: - evolution and heterogeneity, I, 15–7;
- paleontological remains, I, 227, 237, 240.
Republicanism, American, III, 474–5, 478–9. Respiration, effect of emotion, II, 459. Reviewing, morals of trade, III, 139. Rhythm, in speech, II, 440. Ribbon, morals of trade, III, 127. Right (see Ethics.) Roads, distributing system, I, 296–8. Robbery: - social co-operation, III, 217–20;
- of Messrs. Walker, III, 439.
Roberts, I., photographs of, I, 180. Robinson, F., Icarian colony, III, 457. Rocking stone, origin, I, 437. Rocks, age of, I, 198–205. Rodentia, transverse integration, I, 69. Romilly, Sir S., on judicial system, III, 272. Rooks, cawing of, I, 337, 338. Roots, imbedded and exposed, I, 447. Rosse, Lord, nebular hypothesis, I, 110–1. Rossini, G. A., heredity, I, 406. Royal Institution, III, 436. Royal Society, published barnacle goose myth, II, 162. Ruskin, J., effects of art, I, 59. Russell, Lord John: - on minorities, III, 295;
- reform bill, III, 380–6.
Russia: - age of rocks in, I, 200–1, 206;
- paper currency, III, 345.
Sachs, J., on cell membranes, I, 438–9. Safety, in railways, III, 99–100. Satellites: - increase in heterogeneity, I, 11;
- origin, I, 39;
- arrangement and number, I, 137–8;
- distribution, I, 138;
- number and forces, I, 139–40;
- motion, I, 141–3, 153–4.
Saturn: - origin of rings, I, 39;
- rotatory movement, I, 135, 136;
- motion
83" class="pginternal">383.
- Strings, in musical instruments, II, 415.
- Structure:
- animal and vegetal, I, 73–7;
- relation to function, I, 249.
- Style:
- philosophy of, II, 333–69;
- forcibleness of Saxon, II, 336–7;
- and brevity, II, 337–8;
- specific expression, II, 338–9;
- sequence of words, II, 339–41;
- arrangement of sentences, II, 341–7;
- direct and indirect, II, 347–50;
- figures of speech, II, 350–5.
- Subject:
- consciousness of, II, 211–4;
- relation to object, II, 323–32;
- arrangement of sentences, II, 342–4.
- Substantive and adjective, II, 340–1.
- Sugar, morals of trade, III, 121–3, 125.
- Suicide, belief in another world, II, 223.
- Sun:
- origin, I, 39;
- distance from Sirius, I, 113, 114;
- density and heat, I, 144–8, 148–52;
- content of, I, 151;
- atmosphere, I, 151;
- temperature, I, 151;
- constitution, I, 153, 182–91;
- duration of heat, I, 101;
- willow-leaves and rice grains, I, 186, 188;
- faculÆ I, 186–7;
- Faye’s sun-spot theory, I, 183–4, 188–9;
- cyclonic theory, I, 187–91;
- as name, I, 317, 326, 327, 328.
- Survival of the fittest:
- Martineau on evolution, I, 379–81;
- a factor only of evolution, I, 397–400, 400–5, 405–8, 421–5;
- and heredity, I, 408–12, 412–5;
- the phrase, I, 429–30;
- and effect of medium, I, 444–5;
- and nervous system, I, 457–8;
- early action of, I, 460–2;
- Huxley on, I, 462–3;
- Duke of Argyll’s criticism, I, 467–78;
- three factors, I, 472.
- Swift, J., on manners, III, 44.
- Swiss, architecture, II, 379.
- Syllables, style and length, II, 337–8.
- Syllogism, Hodgson on, II, 231.
- Symbolization, infrequent, I, 322.
- Symmetry, in buildings and animals, II, 376–7.
- Sympathy:
- altruism, I, 346;
- comparative psychology, I, 368–9;
- and gracefulness, II, 386;
- music, II, 424–6;
- morals of trade, III, 142–3.
- Syncrypta, life in, I, 443.
- Synecdoche, effective, II, 350.
- Synthesis, chemical, I, 374.
- Synthetic philosophy, outline, II, 140–2.
- Tailor, morals of trade, III, 117.
- Tait, P. G.:
- on natural philosophy, II, 269, 315–20;
- axioms, II, 270, 298–301, 315–20;
- laws of motion, II, 271–5, 277–88, 299–320;
- ultimate scientific ideas, II, 289;
- central forces, II, 290–93;
- on synthetic philosophy, II, 294–6.
- Talent, relation to desire, I, 54.
- Tamberlik, E., ut de poitrine, II, 442.
- Tanner, Prof. E., use and disuse, I, 419.
- Tape, morals of trade, III, 118, 119.
- Taste, exhausted by exercise, II, 362.
- Taxes, and parliament, III, 371–5.
- Teeth:
- organic correlation, I, 96–101;
- size of jaw, I, 401.
- Telegrams, officialism, III, 396–7.
- Telegraphs:
- analogous to nerves, I, 306;
- private enterprise, III, 234.
- Telephone, in America, III, 472.
- Temperance society, III, 446.
- Temperature:
- of solar system, I, 11;
- animal and vegetal, I, 74, 76;
- vegetal density, I, 144–8, 148–52;
- solar, I, 151;
- chemical unions, I, 159;
- duration of solar, I, 161–3;
- evolution of, and nebular hypothesis, I, 159–63.
- Ten hours bill, III, 362, 365.
- Tenby, sea shore, I, 432.
- Tennyson, Lord, quoted, II, 356, III, 314.
- Thalassicolla, instability of homogeneous, I, 87.
- Thames:
- sewers commission, III, 238;
- water supply, III, 387–92.
- Theft, punishment, III, 233.
- Thermo-electricity, what is? II, 172–6.
- Thermology, genesis, II, 61.
- Thomson, Sir W., terrestrial density, I, 149.
- Thomson, Sir W., and Prof. Tait, on physical axioms, III, 220–1.
- Thorns, protection and growth of, I, 391.
- Ticket of leave, system, III, 244.
- Time:
- measures of, II, 45–9;
- classification of science, II, 77, 81–5;
- S. H. Hodgson on, II, 226–34;
- Kant, II, 226–7, 229–32, 236–8, III, 197–9, 207;
- Martineau’s criticism, II, 257;
- terrestrial motion, II, 272;
- Emerson on, II, 354.
- Titles, evolution of, III, 11–6, 23, 27–8.
- Todleben, Gen. F. E. von, III, 309–10.
- Totemism, I, 309–17.
- Town councils:
- representative government, III, 288;
- parliamentary reform, III,
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