(For this Index the Author is indebted to F. HOWARD COLLINS, Esq., of Edgbaston, Birmingham.)
  • Cabs:
    • officialism, III, 250;
    • in New York, III, 291;
    • rep­re­sen­ta­tive government, III, 302.
  • Cadence, defined, II, 422.
  • Caird, Rev. Princ., reply to criticism, II, 219–21.
  • Calculus:
    • implies absolute equality, II,38;
    • classification of sciences, II, 84;
    • evolution, II, 156.
  • Cambium, in plants, I, 450.
  • Cambrian system, thickness, I, 231.
  • Campbell, G., on style, II, 338–9.
  • Canals:
    • first English, III, 257;
    • officialism, III, 267.
  • Candles:
    • multiplication of effects, I, 37;
    • morals of trade, III, 128;
    • Price’s school, III, 256.
  • Cannibalism, in Fiji, III, 217–8.
  • Cannon ball, disintegration, I, 436.
  • Caoutchouc, effects of, I, 58.
  • Capital:
    • direction of flow, III, 101–3, 264;
    • amount of railway, III, 108;
    • relative and absolute ethics, III, 155–7;
    • State tamperings with, III, 326–35, 335–47.
  • Captains, certificated, of ships, III, 241.
  • Caradoc sandstone, age, I, 201.
  • Carat, a small bean, II, 44.
  • Carboniferous system, origin, I, 237.
  • Carlyle, Thomas:
    • on people, III, 293;
    • the ballot, III, 300;
    • the real rulers, III, 316–7;
    • quotation from Heroes and Hero-worship, II, 357.
  • Carpenter, W. B., evolution and paleontology, I, 16.
  • Carus, P., on Kantian ethics, III, 206–7.
  • Castles:
    • use and beauty, II, 371;
    • situation, II, 376.
  • Cat, muscular excitement, II, 400–1, 403.
  • Catalepsy, belief in spirits, I, 311–2.
  • Caterpillar, mistake by, I, 419.
  • Causation:
    • establishment of belief, I, 109;
    • ignorance of, III, 487–92.
  • Cause:
    • multiplication of effects, I, 37;
    • consciousness of, II, 127;
    • proportionality to effect, II, 300–1, 302–5, 305–7, 310–11, 318–20.
  • Cell, doctrine of, I, 442–3.
  • Centralization, French, III, 268.
  • Cerebrum, consciousness of, rep­re­sen­ta­tive, I, 303.
  • Ceremony:
    • increase of heterogeneity, I, 20–1;
    • evolution, III, 11–6, 23, 50;
    • obeisances, III, 17–22;
    • primitive man, III, 24;
    • Chinese, III, 25;
    • evolution of governments, III, 27–8, 50.
  • Cerney springs, III, 387–92.
  • Chaldeans, prediction of eclipses, II, 48–9.
  • Chalk, complexity of, III, 195–6.
  • Chancery:
    • rules, III, 232;
    • malad­min­i­stra­tion, III, 247, 272;
    • dread of, III, 396.
  • Change:
    • pleasure of, III, 454;
    • universal, III, 458–60.
  • Charity, and government, III, 434.
  • Charlotte, The, naval malad­min­i­stra­tion, III, 234.
  • Cheek-bones, personal beauty, I, 390–2.
  • Cheltenham, water supply, III, 387–92.
  • Chemistry:
    • multiplication of effects, I, 43–5, 59;
    • unstable equilibrium, I, 83;
    • organic evolution, I, 83–4;
    • complexity of elements, I, 155–9, 371–4;
    • organic synthesis, I, 374;
    • genesis, II, 51, 58, 60;
    • galvanic electricity, II, 61;
    • classification, II, 64;
    • abstract concrete science, II, 85–8;
    • terrestrial evolutio to p. 30" class="pginternal">30;
    • custom and reform, III, 30–6, 36–7;
    • and extravagance, III, 36–7;
    • and enjoyment, III, 40–6.
  • Drunkenness, and temperance, III, 446.
  • Duck, weight of bones, I, 417–8.
  • Duty:
    • Kant and pursuit of happiness, III, 207–9;
    • and inclination, III, 209–13.
  • Dyeing, morals of trade, III, 125.
  • Dymond, J., Principles of Morality, I, 346.
  • Dynamics, Comte’s classification, II, 19.
  • Ear, embryological development, I, 454.
  • Earth:
    • increase in heterogeneity, I, 11–4, 35;
    • rotatory movement, I, 135, 136;
    • number of satellites, I, 139;
    • density and heat, I, 144–8, 148–52;
    • size, I, 145;
    • paleontology and motion, I, 221–4;
    • laws of motion, II, 272, 283–8;
    • (see also Geology.)
  • Ease, and grace, II, 382.
  • East Indies, effects of upheaval, I, 49–52.
  • Echoes, belief in spirits, I, 310–3.
  • Eclipse, prediction of, II, 48.
  • Ectoderm:
    • development, I, 284;
    • social and individual analogy, I, 298–9;
    • dif­fer­en­tia­tion, III, 405.
  • Education:
    • comparative psychology, I, 370;
    • development of science, II, 72;
    • Comte’s views, II, 133;
    • and conservatism, III, 43;
    • old and new, III, 277;
    • rep­re­sen­ta­tive government, III, 301;
    • parliamentary reform, III, 375–9;
    • and government, III, 435–6;
    • development, III, 446, 459–60;
    • American, III, 475–6.
  • Effect:
    • proportionality to cause, II, 300–1, 302–5, 305–7, 310–11, 318–20;
    • relation to cause, III, 487–92.
  • Egg, evolution of mind, I, 377.
  • Egyptians:
    • language and painting, I, 25–6;
    • sculpture, I, 26–7, 29, 30;
    • music, I, 32.
  • Electricity:
    • multiplication of effects, I, 59;
    • genesis of galvanic, II, 61;
    • Whewell on progress of theory, II, 62;
    • abstract-concrete science, II, 88;
    • mode of molecular motion, II, 126;
    • what is? 168–72, 186–7;
    • also thermo-, II, 172–6;
    • statical and molecular motion, II, 180–3, 186–7;
    • induction, II, 183;
    • voltaic and molecular motion, II, 183–4, 186–7.
  • Elements, complexity of, I, 155–9, 162, 371–4.
  • Ell, the measure, II, 44.
  • Ellipse, relation to circle, I, 5.
  • Embryo:
    • relation to adult, I, 6;
    • early changes in, I, 445;
    • development, I, 451–8.
  • Embryology:
    • increase in heterogeneity, I, 17–9;
    • multiplication of effects, I, 48;
    • organic correlation, I, 97;
    • importance of, II, 8–9;
    • von Baer’s formula, II, 137–8.
  • Emerson, R. W.:
    • Lectures on the Times, II, 354;
    • use and ornament, II, 370;
    • on conservatism, III, 35.
  • Emotion:
    • Bain’s definition, I, 258–60;
    • defined, I, 262;
    • of beauty, I, 335–6;
    • relation to idea, I, 336;
    • expression in children, I, 339–50;
    • and intellect, I, 353, II, 465;
    • sexual sentiment, I, 363–4;
    • sociality, freedom, approbation, and acquisitiveness, I, 366–7;
    • poetry and effect on language, II, 357–61;
    • demonstration of, II, 401–3;
    • nervous and muscular system, II, 453–8;
    • physiology of laughter, II, 458–64;
    • waste, repair, and language, II, 361–7;
    • and health, III, 481.
  • Empiricism:
    • reasoning of, II, 201–5;
    • test of truth, II, 214–7.
  • Endoderm:
    • development, I, 284;
    • dif­fer­en­tia­tion, III, 405.
  • Endymion, the myth, I, 326, 327.
  • Energy, conservation and persistence of force, II, 295.
  • Engel, Carl, on ancient music, II, 414.
  • Engineers:
    • and railways, III, 68–72, 83, 88, 108;
    • society, III, 362–3, 365;
    • English and French, III, 427–8.
  • Engines, dissimilarity of similar, I, 99.
  • England:
    • government in, I, 302–5;
    • enterprise in, III, 278–80;
    • rep­re­sen­ta­tive government in, III, 305–9, 318–9;
    • militancy and industrialism, III, 165, 167, 180, 181;
    • political ethics, III, 225, 228;
    • faulty ad­min­i­stra­tion, III, 232, 235;
    • over-legislation, III, 272;
    • and rep­re­sen­ta­tive government, III, 317–23, 324, 380;
    • duty of state, III, 334;
    • and officialism, III, 395–400;
    • needful to society, III, 469.
  • Kames, Lord, arrangement of sentences, II, 343.
  • Kant, I.:
    • forms of thought, II, 77;
    • space and time, II, 226–7, 229–32, III, 197–9;
    • form and matter, II, 230–1, 232;
    • and experientialism, II, 234–5;
    • Max MÜller on Spencer and, II, 235–8;
    • Spencer’s disagreement from, II, 238;
    • ethics, III, 192–216;
    • on lower races, III, 192–5;
    • examples of unaided perception, III, 195–7;
    • reasoning of, III, 199–203;
    • space, III, 203, 207;
    • on good will, III, 201–3, 207;
    • and evolution, III, 203–6, 207;
    • Carus on ethics, III, 206–7;
    • pursuit of happiness, III, 207–9;
    • duty and inclination, III, 209–13;
    • ethical principles, III, 213–6.
  • Kent, W. S., on infusoria, I, 440.
  • Kepler, J:
    • laws of, I, 36;
    • belief in planetary spirits, I, 108;
    • solar theory, I, 193.
  • Kid, laughter caused by, II, 461–2.
  • Kirchhoff, solar spots, I, 187.
  • Kissing, obeisance of, III, 18.
  • Kneeling, obeisance of, III, 19.
  • Knight, the title, III, 15, 28.
  • Knowledge:
    • common and scientific, II, 1–8, 29;
    • dependent on experience, II, 122;
    • relativity, II, 122, 220–1;
    • and word belief, II, 188–91;
    • Quarterly Reviewer on, II, 260;
    • and reasoning, III, 199, 201;
    • and political ethics, III, 225.
  • Labour:
    • division of, I, 19–23, 283–91;
    • right to, III, 466.
  • Lady, the title, III, 14.
  • Lady of the Lake, quoted, II, 351.
  • Laing, Mr., on railway construction, III, 105–6.
  • Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de M., organic evolution, I, 390–1, 397.
  • Lancashire:
    • cotton industry, I, 266;
    • effect of railway competition, III, 97, 106.
  • Landowners, railway policy, III, 63–7.
  • Landscape, appreciation of, I, 335–6.
  • Language:
    • increase in heterogeneity, I, 23–6, II, 366–7;
    • belief in spirits, I, 311–2;
    • poverty of Australian, I, 315;
    • precedence of concrete nouns, I, 323;
    • comparative psychology, I, 365–6;
    • classification, II, 31–3, 34, 40;
    • Saxon words, II, 336–8;
    • under excitement, and poetry, II, 357–61;
    • emotional waste and repair, II, 361–7;
    • Latin, Greek, and old English, II, 367–9;
    • duality and development, II, 421–3;
    • sociology and knowledge, III, 302;
    • of subordination, III, 312;
    • evolution, >
    • general agreement with, II, 217;
    • on the State and banks, III, 348, 357;
    • on life, III, 485.
  • Miller, Hugh:
    • life and doctrines, I, 218–20;
    • terrestrial life, I, 220.
  • Mimicry:
    • of savages, I, 364;
    • evolution, I, 396.
  • Mineralogy, and classification, II, 64, 92, 108.
  • Mind (see Psychology.)
  • Missionaries, development, III, 458–9.
  • Mivart, Prof. St. George, genesis of species, I, 332.
  • Mole, pelvis in, I, 97.
  • Molecules, mutual action and electricity, II, 178–84, 184–7.
  • Molesworth, Sir W., on buildings acts, III, 240.
  • Mollusca:
    • great age of, I, 217;
    • circulation, I, 296.
  • Molluscoida, social analogy, I, 281.
  • MonaclinÆ, cell membrane, I, 440.
  • Monarchy, and rep­re­sen­ta­tive government, III, 309–10, 310–7, 317–23.
  • Money:
    • analogy to blood corpuscles, I, 293–4;
    • trading with bad, III, 141;
    • state tamperings with, III, 326–57;
    • and joint-stock banks, III, 347–54;
    • and free trade, III, 355–7; anomaly
    • of interest, III, 401.
  • Monkeys, origin of music, II, 432.
  • Monotremata, integration, I, 69–70.
  • Monsieur, the title, III, 14, 15.
  • Montesinos, Captain, prison discipline, III, 177–8.
  • Month, measure of time, II, 45–9.
  • Moon:
    • axial motion, I, 141;
    • heat and contraction, I, 149;
    • as name, I, 317, 327.
  • Moquin-Tandon, A., plant leaves, I, 433.
  • Morality:
    • Quarterly Review criticism, II, 259–65;
    • and law, III, 10–11, 23, 50;
    • and awe of authority, III, 311;
    • average social, III, 359, 360.
  • Morals:
    • and moral sentiments, I, 331–50;
    • parentage of, I, 331–4, 334–50;
    • the science of right conduct, I, 333;
    • relation to expediency, I, 333;
    • prospect, III, 30, 51;
    • average of, and trade, III, 137–40.
  • Moray, Sir R., on Barnacle geese, II, 162.
  • Mosses, cell membrane, I, 439.
  • Motion:
    • of animals and plants, I, 75, 76;
    • discovery of laws, II, 148;
    • implies thing moving, II, 205–6, 207;
    • inscrutable, II, 247;
    • insensible forms, II, 266, 276;
    • Tait on laws of, II, 271–5;
    • Spencer on laws of, II, 297–320;
    • axioms and laws of, II, 298–301, 315–20;
    • relation to force, II, 310–4;
    • and gracefulness, II, 381–6.
  • Mouat, Dr. F. J., on prisons, III, 189–91.
  • Moulton, J. F., British Quarterly Review, II, 307.
  • Mountains:
    • age and altitude, I, 13;
    • formation, I, 40;
    • as name, I, 318.
  • Mozart, J. C. W. T.:
    • heredity, I, 406;
    • character, II, 417;
    • Addio of, II, 447.
  • Mucous membrane, effect of surroundings, I, 449, 450.
  • MÜller, F. Max:
    • mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tion of names, I, 315, 327;
    • on abstract nouns, I, 323, 324;
    • criticism, II, 235–8.
  • Multiplication, various forms, I, 65–7.
  • Multiplication of effects:
    • general, I, 35–8;
    • astronomy, I, 38–9;
    • geology, I, 39–46;
    • biology, I, 46–53;
    • sociology, I, 53–8;
    • science, literature and art, I, 59.
  • Munich, prison, III, 171–3
  • Murchison, Sir R.:
    • Silurian system, I, 199, 231;
    • paleontological evidence, I, 206;
    • azoic rocks, I, 228.
  • Murder, social co-operation, III, 217–20, 224.
  • Muscle:
    • waste and repair, I, 362;
    • evolution, I, 396;
    • size of jaws, I, 398–400, 422;
    • origin of music, II, 403–4;
    • nervous system and action of, II, 453–8;
    • laughter and action of, II, 458–64.
  • Music:
    • origin, I, 30–1;
    • increase in heterogeneity, 31–4;
    • comparative psychology, I, 366;
    • development of faculty, I, 406–7;
    • Kantian ideas of space, II, 227;
    • contrast in, II, 373;
    • origin and function, II, 400–51;
    • originally vocal, II, 403–4;
    • feelings and loudness of voice, II, 404, 410;
    • and timbre, II, 405, 411;
    • pitch, II, 406, 411;
    • intervals, II, 406–9, 411;
    • variability of pitch, II, 409, 411;
    • tremolo, staccato, and slur, II, 412;
    • time in, II, 412–3;
    • slow divergence from speech, II, 414–8;
    • indirect evidence of theory, II, 418–20;
    • function, II, 420–4;
    • relation to sympathy, II, 424–6;
    • Darwin on origin, II, 426 to p. 478" class="pginternal">478.
  • Rainbow, beliefs about, II, 154.
  • Ramsgate, harbour, III, 248.
  • Realism, Sidgwick’s criticism, II, 242–50.
  • Reason:
    • social analogy, I, 269–71;
    • limited sphere, II, 221;
    • judgment of common sense, II, 243–4.
  • Reasoning:
    • recognition of likeness, II, 33–4, 37, 40;
    • of Kant, III, 199–203;
    • of metaphysicians, II, 201–5, 208–11;
    • a testing of conclusions, II, 208–11;
    • (see also Logic.)
  • Recitative:
    • ancient and modern, II, 415–8;
    • Gurney on, II, 439.
  • Reflection, belief in spirits, I, 310–3.
  • Reflex action:
    • and emotion, I, 258;
    • impulsiveness, I, 358;
    • indication of feelings, II, 403;
    • examples, III, 453.
  • Reform:
    • and costume, III, 1–5;
    • and custom, III, 31.
  • Reform bill:
    • rep­re­sen­ta­tive government, III, 294;
    • fear of, III, 358;
    • of Lord Russell, III, 380–6.
  • Reformation, change by, III, 49.
  • Regulative system, social, III, 458–64.
  • Relative, Martineau on the, II, 250–8.
  • Religion:
    • increase of heterogeneity, I, 20–3;
    • relation to early art, I, 27;
    • and to science, I, 60–2;
    • rudimentary form of all, I, 309;
    • object of sentiment, II, 132;
    • and science, Caird on, II, 219–21;
    • Mansel’s criticism, II, 221–5;
    • Grotz on, II, 225;
    • manners and law, III, 4, 23;
    • primitive ideas, III, 6–11;
    • and state, III, 11;
    • for primitive man, III, 24;
    • rep­re­sen­ta­tive government, III, 301;
    • and government, III, 434.
  • Repair, and waste, II, 362–7.
  • Representative government:
    • knowledge of rep­re­sen­ta­tives, III, 300–9;
    • and despotism, III, 309–10;
    • and monarchy, III, 310–7;
    • superiority, III, 317–23, 323–5;
    • value of, III, 380.
  • Reproductive system, and organic evolution, I, 409, 412, 422–5.
  • Reptiles:
    • evolution and heterogeneity, I, 15–7;
    • paleontological remains, I, 227, 237, 240.
  • Republicanism, American, III, 474–5, 478–9.
  • Respiration, effect of emotion, II, 459.
  • Reviewing, morals of trade, III, 139.
  • Rhythm, in speech, II, 440.
  • Ribbon, morals of trade, III, 127.
  • Right (see Ethics.)
  • Roads, distributing system, I, 296–8.
  • Robbery:
    • social co-operation, III, 217–20;
    • of Messrs. Walker, III, 439.
  • Roberts, I., photographs of, I, 180.
  • Robinson, F., Icarian colony, III, 457.
  • Rocking stone, origin, I, 437.
  • Rocks, age of, I, 198–205.
  • Rodentia, transverse integration, I, 69.
  • Romilly, Sir S., on judicial system, III, 272.
  • Rooks, cawing of, I, 337, 338.
  • Roots, imbedded and exposed, I, 447.
  • Rosse, Lord, nebular hypothesis, I, 110–1.
  • Rossini, G. A., heredity, I, 406.
  • Royal Institution, III, 436.
  • Royal Society, published barnacle goose myth, II, 162.
  • Ruskin, J., effects of art, I, 59.
  • Russell, Lord John:
    • on minorities, III, 295;
    • reform bill, III, 380–6.
  • Russia:
    • age of rocks in, I, 200–1, 206;
    • paper currency, III, 345.
  • Sachs, J., on cell membranes, I, 438–9.
  • Safety, in railways, III, 99–100.
  • Satellites:
    • increase in heterogeneity, I, 11;
    • origin, I, 39;
    • arrangement and number, I, 137–8;
    • distribution, I, 138;
    • number and forces, I, 139–40;
    • motion, I, 141–3, 153–4.
  • Saturn:
    • origin of rings, I, 39;
    • rotatory movement, I, 135, 136;
    • motion 83" class="pginternal">383.
    • Strings, in musical instruments, II, 415.
    • Structure:
      • animal and vegetal, I, 73–7;
      • relation to function, I, 249.
    • Style:
      • philosophy of, II, 333–69;
      • forcibleness of Saxon, II, 336–7;
      • and brevity, II, 337–8;
      • specific expression, II, 338–9;
      • sequence of words, II, 339–41;
      • arrangement of sentences, II, 341–7;
      • direct and indirect, II, 347–50;
      • figures of speech, II, 350–5.
    • Subject:
      • consciousness of, II, 211–4;
      • relation to object, II, 323–32;
      • arrangement of sentences, II, 342–4.
    • Substantive and adjective, II, 340–1.
    • Sugar, morals of trade, III, 121–3, 125.
    • Suicide, belief in another world, II, 223.
    • Sun:
      • origin, I, 39;
      • distance from Sirius, I, 113, 114;
      • density and heat, I, 144–8, 148–52;
      • content of, I, 151;
      • atmosphere, I, 151;
      • temperature, I, 151;
      • constitution, I, 153, 182–91;
      • duration of heat, I, 101;
      • willow-leaves and rice grains, I, 186, 188;
      • faculÆ I, 186–7;
      • Faye’s sun-spot theory, I, 183–4, 188–9;
      • cyclonic theory, I, 187–91;
      • as name, I, 317, 326, 327, 328.
    • Survival of the fittest:
      • Martineau on evolution, I, 379–81;
      • a factor only of evolution, I, 397–400, 400–5, 405–8, 421–5;
      • and heredity, I, 408–12, 412–5;
      • the phrase, I, 429–30;
      • and effect of medium, I, 444–5;
      • and nervous system, I, 457–8;
      • early action of, I, 460–2;
      • Huxley on, I, 462–3;
      • Duke of Argyll’s criticism, I, 467–78;
      • three factors, I, 472.
    • Swift, J., on manners, III, 44.
    • Swiss, architecture, II, 379.
    • Syllables, style and length, II, 337–8.
    • Syllogism, Hodgson on, II, 231.
    • Symbolization, infrequent, I, 322.
    • Symmetry, in buildings and animals, II, 376–7.
    • Sympathy:
      • altruism, I, 346;
      • comparative psychology, I, 368–9;
      • and gracefulness, II, 386;
      • music, II, 424–6;
      • morals of trade, III, 142–3.
    • Syncrypta, life in, I, 443.
    • Synecdoche, effective, II, 350.
    • Synthesis, chemical, I, 374.
    • Synthetic philosophy, outline, II, 140–2.
    • Tailor, morals of trade, III, 117.
    • Tait, P. G.:
      • on natural philosophy, II, 269, 315–20;
      • axioms, II, 270, 298–301, 315–20;
      • laws of motion, II, 271–5, 277–88, 299–320;
      • ultimate scientific ideas, II, 289;
      • central forces, II, 290–93;
      • on synthetic philosophy, II, 294–6.
    • Talent, relation to desire, I, 54.
    • Tamberlik, E., ut de poitrine, II, 442.
    • Tanner, Prof. E., use and disuse, I, 419.
    • Tape, morals of trade, III, 118, 119.
    • Taste, exhausted by exercise, II, 362.
    • Taxes, and parliament, III, 371–5.
    • Teeth:
      • organic correlation, I, 96–101;
      • size of jaw, I, 401.
    • Telegrams, officialism, III, 396–7.
    • Telegraphs:
      • analogous to nerves, I, 306;
      • private enterprise, III, 234.
    • Telephone, in America, III, 472.
    • Temperance society, III, 446.
    • Temperature:
      • of solar system, I, 11;
      • animal and vegetal, I, 74, 76;
      • vegetal density, I, 144–8, 148–52;
      • solar, I, 151;
      • chemical unions, I, 159;
      • duration of solar, I, 161–3;
      • evolution of, and nebular hypothesis, I, 159–63.
    • Ten hours bill, III, 362, 365.
    • Tenby, sea shore, I, 432.
    • Tennyson, Lord, quoted, II, 356, III, 314.
    • Thalassicolla, instability of homogeneous, I, 87.
    • Thames:
      • sewers commission, III, 238;
      • water supply, III, 387–92.
    • Theft, punishment, III, 233.
    • Thermo-electricity, what is? II, 172–6.
    • Thermology, genesis, II, 61.
    • Thomson, Sir W., terrestrial density, I, 149.
    • Thomson, Sir W., and Prof. Tait, on physical axioms, III, 220–1.
    • Thorns, protection and growth of, I, 391.
    • Ticket of leave, system, III, 244.
    • Time:
      • measures of, II, 45–9;
      • classification of science, II, 77, 81–5;
      • S. H. Hodgson on, II, 226–34;
      • Kant, II, 226–7, 229–32, 236–8, III, 197–9, 207;
      • Martineau’s criticism, II, 257;
      • terrestrial motion, II, 272;
      • Emerson on, II, 354.
    • Titles, evolution of, III, 11–6, 23, 27–8.
    • Todleben, Gen. F. E. von, III, 309–10.
    • Totemism, I, 309–17.
    • Town councils:

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