Part I EXPLOITS OFF SOUTH AMERICA Part II THE BATTLE OF THE FALKLANDS TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE The format of time in the original text has been retained. For example, 10.30 A.M. or 7.3 P.M. Gun caliber in the original text is of the form 9.1" or sometimes 9·1". For consistency all calibers have been changed to the 9.1" (or 9.1-inch) form. Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. More detail can be found at the end of the book. THE BATTLE OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDSGlasgow Cornwall Leipzig THE BATTLE OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS, 8th DECEMBER, 1914 The "Cornwall" engaging the "Leipzig"
The Battle of the By With Coloured Frontispiece CASSELL AND COMPANY, LTD