- yuwe´dji·
- From this
- madja?be´g?sit`
- is the beginning
- Gluska?be´
- Gluskabe.
- nenawa´
- Then he
- debe´ldak
- “The Owner”47
- wa`wali·ba?de
- when he made
- ntami·sena?bal`
- first man
- ni·nawayu´
- then now
- ki·
- of earth
- peyana´k
- left over,
- gi·zi·ha?´t
- when he made
- yuli´l
- this
- sena?ba´l`
- man
- ni·wudji·´
- from that
- nitci·husi´n
- he created himself
- Gluska?be´
- Gluskabe
- yu·
- this
- ki·
- earth
- peyana?·zi´k
- left over
- ki·yu´
- this earth
- gi´zi·begi·hada?zu`
- which had been sprinkled,
- ni·wet·e´k
- that is why
- mliksana´o
- he was so strong
- ni·waida´
- so well
- Gluska?be´
- Gluskabe
- kizi·n´?gwi·tciw?li·hozu`
- was able to form himself;
- negani·´
- then
- uba´bma?dabi`n
- he moved about in a sitting position;
- ni·debelda´k`
- then “The Owner”
- umalhi·nawa´·n
- was astonished;
- ni·udi·la´n
- then he said,
- “tani·´
- “How
- w?da´t·e
- happened now
- yug?dayi´n”
- here you be?”
- ni·udi·´l?gun
- Then he said,
- “a´ida`
- “Well!
- ni·´w?dji·
- because
- nidji·hosi´n
- I formed myself from
- ki·´yu
- this earth
- peyan?ma´n
- left over from
- nta´mi·
- first
- se´na?be
- man
- gizi·h´at”
- that you made.”
- ni·udi·´l?gun
- Then he was told
- debe´ldamli·dji`l`
- his “Owner,”
- “gama´dj´i·
- “Very
- k?malhintato´`”
- you are wonderful.”
- udi·´l?gul
- He was told
- “n?malhi·´ntato`
- “I am wonderful
- e´ligizi·begihaliha`n.”
- because you sprinkled me.”
- nega´
- Then
- ni·udi·la?gu´n
- he was told
- “n?gadji·´
- “Accordingly
- kiuse´nena`
- we shall roam about
- nikwa?bi·´”
- now.”
- ni·we´dji·
- So
- mandji·hi·di´t
- they left
- ni·w?da´kwa?k·i·`na
- then they went up hill
- wadjuwa´l`
- a mountain,
- ni·gizi·
- then after
- uski·´dji·we`
- they reached the top
- wadjo´k
- of the mountain
- nebla´
- while
- ta?lawe·´
- so
- ubma´taw??·bina`
- they gazed about open eyed
- tani·´lanawage`
- so far
- owewi·waniwi·´
- round about
- ni·una´mi·tona`
- they could see
- n?b?s·a´l`
- lakes,
- si·bua´l`
- rivers,
- si·biwi·´
- and
- abazi·a´l`
- trees
- m?si·´wi
- all
- el`ka´mige`k
- how the land lay,
- ki·
- the earth.
- ni·d?be´lda`k
- Then “The Owner”
- udi·´lan
- said,
- “ki·nayu´
- “Behold here
- eli·malhi·´ntatowa?`
- how wonderful is my work,
- msi·´wi
- all
- ngi·zi·d?ha?´dam?n48
- I created by my wish of mind
- pe´mkamige`k
- the existing world,
- sobe´k`?.
- ocean,
- si·bua´l`
- rivers,
- si·bui·n?b?´s·a`l`”49
- river lakes.”
- ni·udi·´lan
- Then he said
- Gluska?ba´l`
- to Gluskabe,
- “ki·aba´
- “What might you
- n?g?dli·´b?gwatu´n?”
- have caused to be created?”
- ni·udli·ha?zi·tem?gu´n
- Then finally he replied
- yuli´l
- this
- Gluska·ba´l`
- Gluskabe,
- “nda´ba
- “Can not
- nindli·´b?gwa
- I cause anything
- tawu`n50
- to be created
- ni·nawa´
- yet
- ke´gwi·ba
- something perhaps
- gizi·uli·´tawu`n”
- I can make?”
- ni·udi·´lan
- Then he said,
- “a´ida
- “Well!
- ngizi·ha?ba´
- I can make him perhaps
- k?´s?lamsa`n.”
- the wind.”
- ni·debelda´k
- Then “The Owner”
- udi·´lan.
- said,
- “nega´
- “Then
- wuli·hya´
- make it
- taneg?dli·´b?gwatu`n
- what you can do
- si·biwi·´
- even
- ta´ni·g?dotsani·`n.”
- according to your power.”
- negela´
- Then surely
- ni·uli·ha´n
- then he made him
- g?s?lamsanu´l`
- the wind.
- madje´lamsa´n
- The wind rose
- ni·gwi·kwaskwaiwi·´
- then sufficiently
- al?mi·g?slamsa´n
- the wind coming up
- ni·askwa´
- and then
- el?mi·g?slamsa´k
- so hard it blew
- ni·abazi·a´k
- then the trees
- al?mi·a?b?´dj?gelke`
- torn out by the roots
- elamso´gena?`.
- blew over.
- ni·debe´ldak
- Then “The Owner”
- udi·´lan
- said
- Gluska?ba´l`
- to Gluskabe
- “teba´t`
- “Enough!
- gizi·nami·tu´n
- I have seen
- elsani·a´n
- how powerful you are
- tet·a´tci·
- and now
- eli·b?gwat?wa?´n.”
- what you can do.”
- ni·d?be´ldak
- Then “The Owner”
- udi·dam?´n
- said,
- “nega´ni·a
- “Now, I
- a?zi·daiwi·´
- in return
- noli·ha´n
- I will make him
- k?z?lamsa´n”
- the wind.”
- negela´
- Then surely
- ni·ma´djeg?slamsa`n
- the wind rose
- a?zi·daiwi·´
- in return
- ni·edudlamsa´k
- then it blew so
- alni·gelna´ kwi·hi·di·`t`
- (?)
- ni·ga
- then
- ni·edudlamsa´k
- it blew so
- ni·w?du´kska?d?belamsoge`n
- then it blew his hair all tangled up on his head
- wa
- that
- Gluska?be´
- Gluskabe
- ni·gadawi·´
- then he wanted to
- e´nawipta`?k`?
- smoothe it down
- w?d?pkwana´l`
- his head of hair
- nimzi·wi·´
- then all
- me´tlamsa`n
- it blew off,
- ni·nda´tama
- then not
- w?d?pkwana´l`
- his head of hair
- nimsi·´wi·
- all
- me´tlamsa`n
- it blew off
- ni·t·a´tci·
- and now
- ume´ta?beg?zi´n
- ends
- notlo´ka?ga`n.
- my story.
- Negawa´ida
- So well then
- pemi·zo·bek`?ke´t
- as he wandered by the ocean
- Gluska?be´
- Gluskabe
- ni·uni·´lan
- then he killed
- podeba´l`
- a whale;
- ni·ugizi·nla´n
- then when he had killed
- podeba´l`
- the whale
- ni·una?dji·´
- then he went
- wa´wandokewa`n
- to inform
- wusa´si·za`l`
- his uncle
- tol?ba´
- turtle,
- ni·udi·´lana
- then he told him
- “naba´tci·eli·`
- “Great fortune! killed
- podebe´”
- a whale.”
- ni·wusasi·za´l`
- Then his uncle
- udi·´l?gun
- he was told
- “negateci´
- “and now
- ga?djip`tonena?´
- we will go and get it
- podebaiya´.”
- whale meat.”
- negela´
- So then
- ni·una?dji·na´
- they went;
- ni·w?dlosena´
- then they came
- sobegu´k`
- to the ocean;
- ni·baya?ha?di·´t
- when they arrived
- wabodebe´ls·ik
- where the whale lay
- ni·w?dnamna´
- then they took
- kesi´tcweldamohodi·`t
- as much as they wished;
- ni·gizi·´wikwu`n?mohodi·`t
- then when they took it
- ni·bla´
- for a while
- pali·wi·´
- to one side
- obun?mona´
- they put it
- ni·wadol?ba´
- then that turtle
- edudji·´wehema?`t
- called them together
- si·psa`
- the birds
- ges·i·k·i·gi·´t
- various kinds
- msi·´wi·
- all
- wski·tkami´k`?
- in the world;
- negan·i·´
- then
- sa?khed?woldihi·di·´t
- they came flying
- ne´b?gwatci´
- then on account of it
- nan·e´mkami·gi·pode·`
- the ground shook
- si·bi·wi·´
- and
- w?da´s·ot·ekawa?wa`l`
- fairly covering up by flocking
- ki·sosa´l`
- the sun
- ni·ubedji·´d?wuldena?
- then they all came flying
- msi·wi·´
- all
- ni·umi·tsoldi´n
- they all ate
- taneba`
- since
- wik`?habala?k
- they were invited to the feast
- ni·wa´
- then that
- g?l·u´51
- eagle
- sa?g?ma´
- chief
- ni·yu´
- and here
- wawi·wuni·wi·´
- near around
- i·yu´
- here
- ebita´ida
- where he sat then
- tol?be·´
- turtle
- ni·´wa
- that
- tol?be·´
- turtle
- wikwu´n?m?n
- took
- un?s·ekwa´k`?
- his knife
- ni·w?t?mi·´ktci·es·a`n
- then cut off his rear
- k?l·uwa´l`
- the eagle
- yu´lil
- this
- sa?g?ma´l`.
- chief.
- ni·wa´
- Then
- sa?g?ma´
- chief
- ndawawama´ls·wi·`
- did not feel it
- gizi·t?mi·´k?tci·azama`k
- when his rear was cut off
- ni·yuli´l
- then this
- et·ak·a?gotci·´l`
- his second chief
- kepti´n52
- captain
- ni·udi·la´n
- then said
- sa?g?ma´l`
- to the chief,
- “ni·aweni´
- “And who
- eli·hogowa´n
- has done so to you
- k?mam?s·ani´
- belittling you
- p?na´lgeb?na`”
- we are all insulted.”
- ni·
- Then
- umoskwe´ldam?na?`
- they all became angry
- ni·ugi´z?lomana`
- then they planned what to do
- tol?ba´l`
- to turtle
- wedjinlaha?di·´t
- so as to kill him
- ni·giste·´
- and then
- ta? lawe·´
- accordingly
- unaskasi·na?´
- they attacked him
- negawa´
- and that
- tol?be·´
- turtle
- ni·wikwuna´n
- then he took
- yuhi·´
- these
- awi·p`hona´
- feathers
- ni·uda?ba´sahozi´n
- and fanned himself
- eb?gwa´tc
- on account of it
- i·da´k
- said
- “nal?gwa´
- “wing
- w?da?´bas·ehwana`l`,53
- his fan
- nal?gwa´
- wing
- w?da?´basehwa`nal'”
- his fan!”
- ni·yu´
- Then
- nal?gwa´
- (with) wing
- w?da?ba´s·ehwa´nak
- he fanned himself
- ni·wa´
- then that
- Gluska?be´
- Gluskabe
- udi·la´n
- said
- wuza´si·zal`
- to his uncle
- “k?ba´laloke·`
- “you have done wrongly
- eli·ta?lawei·´
- so doing
- a´ida
- well,
- t?mi´k·?tci·as·a´t
- cutting his rear off
- sa?g?ma´
- the chief
- nide´b?ne`
- and soon
- k?naska´?gen·ena?`”
- they will attack us.”
- ni·udi·´lan
- Then he said,
- “ni·dji·na´wa dani·`
- “On account of it what
- k?dlada´kanena`?”
- shall we do?”
- ni·udi·´lan
- Then he said
- pla wa´ses·enolitu`n
- “In the meantime I will build a nest
- yu abaz·i´k.”
- here in the tree.”
- ni·gela´
- Accordingly
- uw?li·tu´n
- he built
- waz?s·e´
- a nest.
- ni·udi·la´n
- Then he said
- yuli´l
- to this
- wuza´si·zal`
- his uncle
- “tcespi·gw??·dawe·´”
- “You shin up.”
- ni·gela´
- Forthwith
- tol?be·´
- turtle
- ogwa´gwedji·spi·gw??dawe·`
- tried to shin up
- ni·ndate´g?ne`
- and he was not
- ugizi·spi·gw??´dawa`n
- able to shin up,
- ni·udi·´dam?n
- then he said,
- “madji·le·´
- “Dull
- gwagwa´nhekasi·a`n´.”
- are my heel claws.”
- ni·wa´
- Then
- Gluaka?be´
- Gluskabe
- ni·w?ni·malwena´n
- took hold of him
- tol?ba´l`
- turtle
- ni·w?debake´n
- and tossed him
- wa´z?s·?´k
- into the nest
- ni·gi·zi·waz·?s·e´k
- and when he was in the nest
- ebi·hi·di´t
- they sat down,
- ni·ubedji·´da?lawe`i·
- then he felt like
- bagi·dam?´n
- to void
- n?bi·´
- water,
- ni·do´l?be
- that turtle
- udi·`dam?n
- he said,
- “a´ida!
- “Lo!
- eli·gadawi·´bagi·da`k
- how am I going to void
- n?bi·´?”
- water?”
- ni·udi·´l?gul`
- Then he was told
- Gluska?ba´l`
- Gluskabe
- “pa?´·zi·djik?tci·ewi·`
- “Lean your rear
- waz·?s·e´k.”
- from the nest.”
- ni·gela´
- Accordingly
- ali·mi·tc?wa´n
- he urinated
- n?bi·´
- water
- am?k·ai·wi.
- running down below.
- ni·we´w??la`n
- Then they discovered it
- yugi´k
- these
- nope`´sawe`n·owa`k
- warriors.
- ni·
- Then
- ke´ptin
- the captain
- ela?bi·´t
- looking
- sp?m?´k
- up
- ni·una´mi·ha`·n
- also saw
- tol?ba´l`
- the turtle
- waz?s·e´k
- in the nest,
- ni·wedji·´
- so then
- pi·´bmama`·k
- he shot an arrow
- ni·w?za´·?khel?dji·ni·la`n
- then he made him fall down and out.
- ni·yu´
- Then here
- udi·dam?´n
- he said,
- “madji·dj?·´s
- “Bad
- w?l?´·mk·i·`tc”
- stooping coward.”
- madjidj??´s
- Bad
- w?l?´mk·i·`tc"
- stooping coward.”
- ni·ye´n?ma
- Then there
- to´l?be
- turtle
- pa´g?s·i`k
- falling
- ki·k
- on the ground
- nit·e
- right away
- udeli·wa?ni·la´n
- disappeared.
- ni·gwi´·lawasoldi`n
- Then they all searched for him
- ni·nda
- but not
- mska??wi·´
- could find him.
- ni·wa´
- Then the
- gepti´n
- captain
- pabmi·gwi·lawas·i´t
- went about hunting him still
- ni·una´mi·tun
- and saw
- se´ski·dju´
- a bark basket
- we´lamkat·e`k
- upside down
- ni·uda´kskam?n
- and he kicked it over
- ni·um?skawana´
- and found
- tol?ba´l`
- turtle.
- ni·´ga
- Then
- t?p?loma´n
- he held a trial(over turtle)
- nit·a´tci·
- and at once
- el?mi·gi·zloma´n
- it was decided
- wedji·´
- that
- metci·ne´t`.
- he should die.
- ni·gepti´n
- Then the captain
- udi·dam?´n
- said,
- “tanedji·nawa´
- “How then
- kdli·ha?´nena?`?”
- shall we do with you?”
- ni·wa´
- Then
- eta´k·ozi·t
- second chief
- ni·udi·dam?´n
- said,
- “kz?gu´sktaha?`n·a?dji·`”
- “We will cut him to pieces.”
- ni·wa
- Then
- tol?be·´
- turtle
- w?di·dam?´n
- said,
- “nda´
- “Not
- ni·a
- me
- ni·l?gowa´n.”
- it will kill.”
- ni·udi·dam?na´
- Then they said
- “negatci·´
- “Then will
- k?me´t`kasesan·ena?`.”
- we burn him.”
- ni·udi·dam?´n
- Then he said
- mi·´na
- again
- tol?be·´
- turtle,
- “nda
- “Not
- ni·n
- me
- ni·l?gowa´n”
- it will kill.”
- ni·udi·dam?na´
- Then they said
- “n?gatci·´
- “Then will
- ba´sk?dji·bala`n”
- drown him.”
- ni·wa´
- Then that
- tol?be·´
- turtle
- udi·dam?´n
- said
- mi·´na
- again,
- “ni·n
- “Me
- ni·l?gu´n”
- will be killed.”
- nega´t·e
- Immediately
- we´dji·ni·mi`p`hama`k`
- they grabbed him
- ni·´l·anasi´n
- to kill him.
- aida´
- Well!
- n?b?´s·i·zak
- in a little lake
- ni·wedji·´
- that is why
- a?bodji·gelke·´t·ek
- it is torn and furrowed
- yuki·´
- this earth
- edudna´s·ima`k54
- where they dragged him
- wa
- that
- tol?be·´
- turtle
- mala´mit·e
- at last
- yu
- here
- n?b?s·?´k
- in the pond.
- ni·w?djau´paken·a?`
- Then they threw him into the water.
- ni·w?dali·mi·´
- Then he sank
- ele·dji·ni·g?dala´n
- back down and belly up.
- ni·yu´
- Then here
- on?s·e·be·n?m?´n
- he riled it up with his paws
- n?bi·´
- the water;
- ni·gizi·´
- then after
- pa?´gowi·az·?s·ko`
- it became real muddy
- ni·w?dji·´
- so
- noda?´d?bewi`n
- he poked his head out
- n?bi´k·
- of the water.
- ni·uga?´galowe`n
- Then he cried out
- “oho< >u·
- “Oho< >u
- ki·l?w??,wa´n
- you all
- k?da´k·i·wa?`
- your land
- k?ni·l?gona?´
- kills you
- ni·´ni·a`
- but I
- ndak·i·´
- my land
- ndan·i·l?gowa´n”
- does not kill me!”
- ni·si·´psak
- Then the ducks
- nnoda´wana?`
- heard him
- kedwi·tci·ba´g?tces·i·`t
- his noise of screeching
- tol?be´·
- turtle.
- nega´t·e
- Then at once
- ugwi·ldasoldi·na?´
- they rushed for him
- yu´gik
- these
- nope´usewi·`n·owak
- warriors
- ni&
- Then
- m?g?na´n
- they chose
- owa´
- that
- aweni·´
- one who
- net??wik??mogwi`t`
- was expert diver
- nimskawa´n
- they found.
- m?de´we?Ê`
- The loon
- ni·uga´mkolitaw?`n
- dove down for him
- yulil`
- this one
- ni·´s?da
- second time
- eli·gamogwi´t
- as he dove
- ns?de´waiy?·´
- the third time
- ni·um?skaw?´n
- then he found
- tol?ba´l`
- the turtle.
- ni·w?dji·´kpana`sehi·di`t
- Thereupon they threw him ashore
- malami·´
- at last
- ki·k
- upon the ground
- nega´
- then
- wa´
- that one
- s?gw?sk`taha´n
- they knocked him dead
- tol?b?´
- turtle.
- ni·ume´t??beg?s·i`n
- Then here ends
- ndatlo´k??ga`n.
- my story.
Given as “eagle” by Neptune, but, in Penobscot, Newell Lyon identified this with the extinct “auk.” C D GLUSKABE BECOMES ANGRY AT THE BIRCH TREE AND MARKS IT FOR LIFE
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