
These dishes are divided into three classes, and in England all belong to the second course, but in France they are very frequently served in the first with a dinner of four or six entrÉes, that is, one or two of them, and are very commendable in the summer months; for breakfasts, luncheons, or suppers, they are invaluable. The large pieces, such as pÂtÉs of game, galantine of turkey, poulardes, boars’ heads, &c., are in smaller dinners placed at the bottom of the table to face the roasts, but in a dinner of six or ten entrÉes they are served as flancs. All others, such as small galantine of game À la voliÈre, pÂtÉs, chaud froids, salads, mayonnaise, &c., by making them smaller may be served as savoury entremets, in a corner dish.


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